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Eric The Platonist Reduced To Absurd
(Apollonian, 5 July 14)
Eric: The Fed is a criminal enterprise, literally mere legalized COUNTERFEITING--can't u grasp this?--it just prints-up (and digitalizes) fiat-money--why is it they can do this, but we can't?--doesn't that tell u anything?
Imagine if u or I could just print-up all the "money" we pleased while no one else could, we having a monopoly in that. How would we not end-up owning and controlling everything?
Eric, u poor fool: can't u figure-out u have no idea what money properly is and must be?--it must be commodity, finite in quantity w. its own "intrinsic value"--which then serves as medium-of-exchange, store-of-value, and unit-of-account.
Christ was Gallilean, Gallilee a province which was conquered in the 3rd to 2nd cent. BC by earlier Judeans (not "Jews"), but yes, Christ was reputedly descended fm Jude and David, so u can say he had "semitic" heritage, "semite" referring to a language group, but the phrase, "anti-Semitic" having, esp. lately, been arrogated by Jews, meaning anti-Jew--which is how I use it when I note Christ was foremost anti-Semite (anti-Jew). St. Paul was another magnificent anti-Semite.
Eric, try to think, buddy--use that peanut lodged up there within ur little head--what do u think Christianity was made for, in Hegelian style as anti-thesis?--it was deliberately designed as anti-Pharisaic which Pharisees had allied w. the upper-class Sadducees and dominated the people of Judea, Christ, clarifying the original Mosaic law, explicitly (according to Gosp. JOHN, as I noted) up-holding TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH as foremost ideal--AGAINST lies, esp. the lies of the Pharisees (JOHN 8:44), the Jews foremost liars, criminals, and mass-murderers, as history demonstrates.
Eric: doesn't it strike u u're guilty of question-begging fallacy?--there is no "creativity" by humans, who can only discover the laws of reality and work according to. Note if the world were objective, it would also include the sort of subjectivity as we humans understand--it's either-or: MONISM, world is either totally objective, even though it includes human consciousness which struggles w. subjectivity, or it isn't (objective), in which case anything goes, and there would be no discernible order.
And lay-off the "quantum physics" crap which u know NOTHING about.
Cause-effect was "dis-proven"?--ho ho ho--too bad u know nothing about such "proof." Eric, don't u feel like a perfect fool, babbling like a child that cause-effect was disproven, yet knowing nothing about it?--just repeating stupid crap like the dumbest little child?
U have 2 choices for beginning premises/assumptions in metaphysics: (a) Aristotelian objectivity ("Immanence") or Platonist ("transcendence") subjectivism. Objectivity gives us order, making sense, but subjectivism makes us all hubristic, false "Gods"--like u, filled w. fatuity, smarm, and smug Pharisaism, lying to urself, like a Jew. Subjectivism means anything goes, everything is both true and false at same time--no wonder u love it, pretending u're "good." Ho ho ho ho ho
--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------
Originally Posted by Eric the Green
Originally Posted by Eric the Green
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