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Friday, May 29, 2020

Unc' Adolf must be seen in the large hist. perspective--anti-semitic leader....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Unc' Adolf In Historic Perspective
(Apollonian, 29 May 20)

The "real" unc' Adolf? (see below-copied)--just keep it in general terms: (a) unc' Adolf NAMED the kike, said a good deal as to what they were/are all about--Satanic (though he didn't name it this way and didn't too much give a complete exposition of Satanism) criminality. Perhaps that's his greatest claim to fame--THE COURAGE TO EXPLICITLY NAME THE KIKE as fundamental to the large cultural problem.

(b) Then unc' Adolf associated, quite accurately, the Jew w. the Bolsheviks, esp. as it was then in Soviet Union, Russia.

(c) Most of all, unc' Adolf worked to re-constitute Germany, and worked to arm her in face of the Bolshevik problem which problem we're facing in this very day. Thus the Western plutocrats thereupon attacked Germany fm the rear, so to speak, w. their war of 1939, declared by UK and France.

(d) The HUGE "big-lie" that the world still doesn't entirely grasp is that it was Germany and Hitler who started the war--this against all logic and plain facts, which facts are yet understood by many nonetheless. A great exposition on this big-lie against Germany is David Hoggan's "The Forced War."

(e) Note also the way history is twisted and distorted: for WWII goes back, NECESSARILY, to WWI--and this is the absolute greatest problem for historians--SO FEW PEOPLE GRASP THE FACTS ABOUT THE FIRST WW, whence Germany was deliberately attacked by the "Entente" alliance powers, France, UK, and Czarist Russia, the Russians taking active part in Serbian conspiracy to murder the Austrian Archduke, Germany then blamed for starting the war in the grossly fraudulent T. of Versailles. See esp., https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.w...uke-ferdinand/ .

(f) Thus Germany was crushed by Entente powers which erected the "League of Nations" travesty, fore-runner of present communist agency of United Nations (UN), Germany dis-armed, impoverished, and threatened by outright bolshevism fm the east, over-run w. Jew Bolsheviks in their civilian life and gov., etc. HITLER RESCUED GERMANY, AND POTENTIALLY THE WORLD FM THESE HORRIFIC CONDITIONS.

Regardless unc' Adolf led a glorious rebellion against such Jew/Satanic conditions, and it's going to happen again, suckers, but this time, hopefully, led by proper Christian leadership. Amen.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

sundaymorning • 2 days ago

I don't try to understand the real Hitler because I don't read German and so I have to depend on some Jews and their allies translator. I read old material from the era if I can find it. The main points of the story are the same then and now and still don't make any sense. The Jewish side of the story has changed a lot.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jews: never-ending lies, never-ending chutzpah (effrontery, presumption)....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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"Johnny Rico"--Foremost Lying Satanist In Unz Stable Of Liars
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"Johnny," we gotta hand it to u, buddy: u are surely the topmost, foremost liar here in all of Unz's stable of Satanists. "Johnny Rico," eh?--as if u're Italian or something?--ho hoo hoho. U say,
"The tone on this thread, of course, is that all of this [WW2] is Britain’s fault."
WHAT?--are u kidding?--now u're lying to urself, eh?

For we fans and "worshippers" of unc' Adolf have ALWAYS held to unc' Adolf, haven't we?--it wasn't UK at fore-front at all, but rather u Satanists, and it began definitively w. FDR (Roosevelt) in 1937 w. his "quarantine" agitation.

Ur lying liars' strategy is obviously simply to try taking the gentiles into the "weeds," so to speak, carping on details as u try doing, ur lies and lying now getting tiresome, buddy. U say,
"I just think you need to draw the line somewhere if you want to be taken seriously."
"Taken seriously"?--by u satanistic, lying monsters?--u expect us gentiles to take u seriously?--who're u kidding, sucker? Gosh, but if u’re not careful, ur own chutzpah may smother u, eh?

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

759. Johnny Rico says:

April 27, 2020 at 3:20 am GMT • 200 Words
@John Wear

How is the military coup on March 27th a valid reason for Germany to invade and smash Yugoslavia?

Germany had no territorial issues as with Czechoslovakia or Poland?

The fact of the matter as is described in all histories of this event is that Hitler had made a deal to not move troops through Yugoslavia on the 25th for Yugoslav joining the TriPartite thing and the Serbian coup threw a serious wrench into plans for Barbarossa which was planned 3 months later. He needed to cleanup this southern flank with ‘Operation Marita’ quickly.

Painting this as anything but naked aggression and warmongering is a bit much.

The tone on this thread, of course, is that all of this is Britain’s fault. World War II was caused by Britain daring to resist German expansion.

I just think you need to draw the line somewhere if you want to be taken seriously.

Twice, Hitler was master of Europe – after Munich and after France. Yet he kept gambling. Because he wanted everything not because Britain forced him to. To mourn him as a victim is ludicrous.

HE betrayed his alliance with Stalin to attack the Soviet Union. HE declared war on the United States. Those are facts.

Of course he rationalized these things. Who wouldn’t? That doesn’t mean you have to buy it. That’s on you.

What's pt. arguing w. satanists?....

Below-copied by ap was submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike Unz, at comments,

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Talmudic War Btwn Satanists, Gentiles
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

Jews are Satanists (extreme subjectivists) and enemies of all humanity, according to their Talmud--"the best of the gentiles, kill him." And Christianity (worship of truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is war against Satan and Jews, "sons of satan, the father of lies" (JOHN 8:44).

Real question is what is Unz trying to accomplish, anyway?--as Jews are subjectivists and Satanists, while Christianity endorses the objective, hence deterministic reality. There isn't and couldn't be ANY common-ground btwn the two sides and philosophies--why u Satanists can't understand gentile love for heroic unc' Adolf.

Socio-biologically, Jews/satanists are that deterministic mechanism by which the excess over-population of gentiles, weaklings and inferiors (like "liberals" and "progressives"), is killed-off--as we see presently in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."