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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hoffman, satanistic GOLEM, liar, heretic, traitor, enemy of humanity in all his psychotic self-righteousness....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...x-judaism.html

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Hoffman: Liar, Heretic, Traitor, Enemy Of Humanity
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 17)

Lord have mercy, but here, yet once AGAIN, we have Hoffman (see below-copied), the Jews' buddy and defender, bleating about gentile mis-treatment of the dear "chosen people" who are, as always, waging war against humanity. Hoffman, the Pelagian hereticalist and traitor to humanity, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," says he wants "...liberation of all human beings, including Judaic persons, from every tyranny," and that "[s]ome of those tyrannies include Nazism...."

But Hoffman, of course, AGAIN, lies, for Nazism wasn't tyranny at all, Hoffman just repeating Jewwy agit-prop., for German national socialism was rather the heroic effort of self-defense by the German people against Judaism, Jew criminals who ran and dominated the West, including USA, as they continue to doing today, and the Jew Bolsheviks in the pay and under direction of those Western Jew masterminds, who had mass-murdered literally millions of Armenians, white Russians, and Ukrainians, not to mention hundreds of thousands of others, up to that time--and which Jew-directed mass-murderers would go on to mass-murdering millions more, to this very day (in present guise of Israeli terror-state, "neo-cons," and "big-Pharma," etc.), as we speak here.

For Jews hate humanity no less than they hate God, truth (= Christ), reason, and well, all reality that doesn't comport to their comfort and self-glorification, hence reality considered as something existing in the objective sense. And as Jews are at war and conduct war, one way or another, and always in concert w. fellow Jews, to one degree or another, Hoffman can't stand gentiles who fight back to defending themselves.

For HOFFMAN IS A TRAITOR AND AN ENEMY, folks--it's what u need to realize about Hoffman and the many Pelagians and heretics like him, suckers and flunkies for the Jews, who so much identify w. Jew monsters and murderers against humanity.

Hoffman idiotically says: "[i]f you don’t grant them [Jews] their full and complete humanity you are doing what Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis do to the goyim." Yeah, right Hoffman, NOOO EXCREMENT, Sherlock--that's what u do when u're at war w. monsters who are at war w. u, stupid--and u do this as a collective effort, treating the enemy in collectivist manner, for the sake of defending ur very life and existence, fool. For one is at war, and one must do what one must in the effort of self-defense.

And what's this?--Hoffman says "we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us." Well, that's pretty stupid, eh?--after all, if u love ur enemy too much, then it might be bad for u, and it requires a little thinking about what the "Gospel" actually means--which thinking Hoffman hasn't done, and doesn't expect anyone else will do, either, evidently--yet we're all supposed to do and think as Hoffman says and thinks.

For Hoffman is NOT our friend or the friend of humanity, folks--he rather wants to pretend he's the "friend" of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews who are busy murdering and mass-murdering--this is what Hoffman wants to defend and justify.

Hoffman can't figure-out that New Test. is mere LITERATURE, and everything written and expressed is done for artistic and psychologic purposes. Hoffman mentions the "holy name of Jesus Christ," but after all, Christ is simply and basically a characterization for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity is mere religious, stylistic vehicle for philosophy of TRUTH, truth the greatest, foremost, and supreme value

Thus Hoffman the hereticalist and mystic, works to hide the truth (= Christ), not demonstrate it or up-hold it for the great value, the highest value it really and truly is. Hoffman rather wants to pretend he's "good" and "virtuous," Hoffman just another stinking virtue-signaler. Who and what is Hoffman?--he's precisely what he characterizes of others: a faker, "...exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred." For in this case Hoffman hates truth (= Christ) upholding rather his own pretended virtue and (non-existent) "good"--a cheap, filthy Pelagian heretic, and traitor to humanity in favor of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews.

-----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Hoffman-----------------------------

Michael Hoffman said...

Dear Mr Pickle

Do you think that dehumanizing Judaic people by referring to them in the lower case (“j’ews”) will help your cause?

If you don’t grant them their full and complete humanity you are doing what Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis do to the goyim. Serving as a mirror image of the dehumanization perpetrated by rabbis is not of Jesus Christ.

Where do you credit at your website righteous Judaic persons such as Norman Finkelstein, Henry Herskovitz, Noam Chomsky and many others? I don’t see such credit being extended as it should be.

It is tiresome to read repetitive diatribes about “masonic ‘Jews” and Judeo-Masons put forth in a stereotypical and rote recital. If there is recent news or scholarship along those lines then report it. Otherwise leave out the incessant invective — what good do you think it will do and what sort of person do you think you will attract by parroting the tropes of 1930s anti-Semitism?

I want no part of it. I work for the liberation of all human beings, including Judaic persons, from every tyranny over the mind of men and women. Some of those tyrannies include Nazism and occult Jee hate masquerading as conservative Christianity.

The Gospel explicitly states that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us. Otherwise we are fakers exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred.
6:53 PM

Friday, December 15, 2017

Book Review of Atzmon's "Being in Time"--he's a Jew, but a dissident, and it's interesting, informative to see his view-pt....

Book Review: Atzmon's "Being In Time"
A Jew Dissident's View--Interesting, But Still--Never Trust A Jew
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 17)

Gilad Atzmon, author of "Being in Time, A Post-Political Manifesto," Skyscraper Publications; Bloxham, Ox (UK, evidently); 2017; ix, 212 pp. text, is a somewhat famous Jew dissenter--he takes a dim view of Israel and its horrific mis-treatment of the people of Palestine (and others too). So it's interesting what he says about this dissent of his, and note it's unusual, this sort of dissent among Jews, who are notoriously collectivistic, hence sympathetic towards one another. We additionally find Atzmon has quite a strange understanding of Judaism, to extent he understands it at all, which not understanding (fully) actually is necessary to upholding and excusing it, such monstrous Judaism, but fact remains he is still quite a Jew for the overall grasp of things in general, as for "world-view." So it's an interesting pt. of view we get fm Atzmon, we observing upon this Jew's observations and analysis. Atzmon actually makes a valiant effort, and we get a genuinely interesting, even somewhat informative product. And we note fm Atzmon Jews will always be Jews, at least in significant ways.

Thus Atzmon begins for reference w. Francis Fukuyama's "End of History..." (see, famous CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) interpreter of history who/which pretends to be definitive--at least for Atzmon--history and human-kind debouching so cheerfully to (genocidal) world gov. Immediately however, we find Atzmon's grasp of "capitalism" as economic system is as muddled and lacking as Fukuyama's, evidently, but it's supposedly diff. fm socialism, though it isn't clear exactly how--typical confusion for lack of clear definitions--and Atzmon thus shows he's same sort of victim to such muddledness and lack of clarity.

It's interesting Atzmon faults Fukuyama for his own lack of clarity, while Atzmon fails to see he's equally and similarly lacking. Yet Atzmon accurately says people of West have been reduced to mere "consumers," rather zombie-like, rather than real "players" who have rights which are respected by governments. But Atzmon (and Fukuyama) doesn't grasp it's far worse than reduction to "consumers": we the people are actually being exterminated--mass-murdered--though by slow-kill methods, per Alex Jones (, as by poison vaccines, poison GMO foods, poison "chem-trails," etc., all in accord w. Agenda 21 and 2030.

Thus Atzmon observes the rise of practical fascism which was what "liberalism" and "democracy" gradually morphed into as we saw post WWI and the 20s and 30s--even though the corrupt, "liberal" West (France, UK, and USA) thought they were better than outright fascist Germany, Italy, and Spain--who actually were desperately defending against outright bolshevism as of upstart Russia which was subsidized by West, esp. USA under globalist, socialist FDR (Roosevelt). Atzmon goes into some detail rather lampooning the homosexual degeneration of the West, in guise of idiot, pretended "liberalism." Atzmon doesn't realize he's simply describing the submergence of Western culture into SATANISM (gross, evermore extreme subjectivism), fueled by gross hubris.

It's interesting atheists and Jews can't take seriously the idea of satanism, seeming to think satanism is "religious" when it isn't--satanism is sublimely PHILOSOPHIC, extreme subjectivism, the idea reality is mere creation of one's own consciousness/mentality, making oneself God, the creator. And the usual pretext to this satanism/subjectivism is the insistence/obsession w. non-existent "good-evil," always beginning in childhood for the people.

So after Atzmon's somewhat tedious litany of observations, all of them questionable, at best, even if interesting in their way, like about the varying styles of cinematography of film directors, like Spielberg vs. Tarantino, the Jew historian, Yuri Slezkine is brought up, Atzmon holding Slezkine is definitive for the Judaization of degenerate Western culture--which really makes a lot of sense. Atzmon further notes this Judaization is not a good thing, why?--because Judaic culture itself is questionable, citing work of historian, Shlomo Sands, who pt.s out problems of Jew historical narrative and how it's so made-up and actually fictional.

Thus the problem and defect for establishment political dialectic of the present Judaized age of the West, according to Atzmon, is it's totally Jew-oriented and -controlled btwn the "leftists" on one hand, Jews, G. Soros and Noam Chomsky, and on the other, the Jew "capitalists," led by A. Greenspan and Goldman Sachs--all Jew, all the time. At the end of his book, Atzmon recommends the best course is to heed to the notion of Jew sociologist, Leo Strauss, who, more plausibly for Atzmon, cites the dialectic btwn Godly Jerusalem and rationalist Athens.

So personally, I find Atzmon's analysis to be note-worthy, even if somewhat tedious, and actually informative and even rewarding. For Atzmon is absolutely right about some important things like the Judaization of the general culture, including establishment political dialectic. We the people, esp. gentiles, do indeed need the spirit of Athens, but especially Aristotle and that dear, original Christianity (Christ = truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), esp. for it's distinct anti-Semitism (lies, JOHN 8:44).

Note Atzmon so much fails for basic observations and definitions, beginning w. Judaism--it's Talmudism (see and, and SUBJECTIVISM of extreme sort--SATANISM--by which one makes oneself God the creator, consciousness the creator of reality. Jews rule over the satanic, degenerate West because Jews are most collectivistic for their subjectivism, Jews most organized and cohesive political entity (a). (b) Beyond this basic abstract philosophy, note Jews control the central-banking system, legalized counterfeiting, the imposition of CURRENCY fraud in place of a real, genuine MONEY system, real money being commodity-based, the best being gold/silver (see for expo on money-banking).

(c) Finally, Atzmon largely fails for the best cultural-historic analytical frame-work, the CYCLIC theory of history, as Spengler's "Decline of the West," by which a culture first arises due to the "Athenian" objective orientation, reaches a peak, and then "declines" in subjectivism, hubris, moralism, and satanism, as we see, the worst enemy of truth (= Christ) being the non-existent, Pharisaic, Pelagian heresy of "good-evil."

So in analysis of Atzmon and his problematic, but still useful work, one can credit him for an honest and genuinely informative effort: he makes enough observations with enough accuracy to be able to compare it for the most part against the best theory, as of Spengler's CYCLIC theory. What we really need is a Christian-inspired resurrection and resuscitation of culture, as of St. Constantine the Great, for that Greek/Aristotelian objectivity and rationalist rule-of-law--against the present degeneration and satanism led, dominated, and organized by Jews.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Get ready for huge "terror events" w. traitor Trump, suck-along, flunky for Israel, moving embassy to Jerusalem....

Trump's Treason: Moving Embassy To Jerusalem, Start Of Huge War, Terrorism, Hit On Iran
(Apollonian, 6 Dec 17)

It never, ever was really "America first"--it is all Israel, all for Israel--that's what's behind Trump and the announced move of American Embassy now to Jerusalem, just a ratification of the inexorable Jew take-over of Palestine, the purpose being WAR, especially a big hit against Iran. But there's more.

Perhaps most of all, it (the war and Jerusalem gambit) will allow martial-law and the removal of the free internet as more than anything else, the free I-net and truthful information is fatal to Jews and Israel.

So now w. the American move to Jerusalem, the "terror incidents" that will ensue will be all done by Israel, Saudi, and US, and will be blamed on Iran, and the turmoil even here in USA, now the Jew S A, will lead to martial-law and removal of the worst enemy of Jews and Israel, the free I-net. Such is the obvious plan now made clear by Trump's announcement on the embassy move.

So we see it took a year to set-up, the move to Jerusalem, just like it took Bush administration about nine months to set-up for 9/11, but here we go--also just in time to preclude and accompany the huge economic disaster that's on-going, the decisive down-turn and crash of American "prosperity" imminent.

And now we know what Trump meant when he talked about the "calm before the storm"--it was all planned, all the way, for yrs and yrs now. And isn't it telling Trump is such good buddies w. Giuliani, the Mayor of NY during 9/11?--they're all in on it--including that fat-head, yankee hill-billy, Ajax Jewns of, just another shill, as we see.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

"Good"?--it doesn't exist, snow-flake, and it's NEVER been proven or demonstrated, never will be....

"Good": Non-Existent, And Worst Enemy Of TRUTH
(Apollonian, 3 Dec 17)

Human beings are such stupid, scummy, stinking, filthy puke, so given to HUBRIS (the idea humans can create reality, as by means of perfectly "free" will), it's a wonder they can survive, and they'll NEVER be happy, though it does seem possible to be fairly satisfied. Wisdom is surely the one thing humans never learn except by means of the "hard-way."

So what's a neat way to rule humans, taking advantage of their stupidity?--teach them HUBRIS, that it's "good" or advantageous to be hubristic and then try to take advantage of that--even though this also is doomed to failure and likely disappointment.

To a significant extent, this hubris is partially taught to many people when they're young, in way of "good" and "bad" (or "evil"), and it's often effective as the young accept it so easily. Thus "good" becomes the false-God so many are persuaded to pursue, and the problem is there is no such thing (simply try to prove a criterion for such "good"--it's impossible), but most people never can figure it out, and they incessantly and obsessively continue to pursuing it, time after time, failure after failure.

And as stupid humanity continues to pursue this false God (of "good"), they're persuaded the reason they never can attain and achieve this "good" and the "good society" is various excuses, but they're always synonymous with "bad" and "evil," and since these don't exist they simply take evermore different forms which always mystifies and fascinates the masses of stupid people.

So however it is people continue to be confused, through it all, the one thing the satanists (extreme subjectivists) pursue is that instrument of power by which they maintain their mastery, rulership and hold upon political power, and that's the CENTRAL-BANK instrument/mechanism (legalized counterfeiting--see for expo) by which they own and control everything, especially such as the mass-media and "education" by which they push their lies and lying. Thus the central-bank is always held to be that indispensable instrument which achieves "good" for the stupid people--or would if it weren't for "evil" people who are always "gumming-up the works," according to the propaganda.

Thus humanity is always struggling in the mystic pursuit of non-existent "good," and they're deliberately led in this fruitless pursuit of the non-existent, mythical "good" by the satanists who are always sure and dedicated to the mystification and confusion of the people, the satanists always lying, but doing so in clever and sufficient manner for keeping the stupid people mystified and confused, never informed.

The analysis of this lie regarding non-existent "good-evil" could go further, but it's best to keeping things simple. But the "good-evil" delusion is founded upon a further delusion regarding human "free" will, which human will is not perfectly "free," humans being sinners, slaves of their will, hence self-interest. Regardless, it's enough to note and conclude at this pt. to the horrific consequences of human delusion and esp. the delusions regarding non-existent "free" will and "good," worst enemies of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-ashes-on.html

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Hoffman Is Clueless One, Regarding Dear Unc' Adolf, satanism, Central-Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 18)

Hoffman tells us in his article, here, "Hitler was almost always outfoxed...." But the real question is WHAT does our Pelagian heretic, Hoffman, pretending to being Christian, Christianity being worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), know about "foxiness"?--or anything?

For Hoffman certainly knows nothing about economics, or capitalism, or money and banking--which subjects he babbles about, as in his travesty of a book, "Usury in Christendom...," which "usury" Hoffman gives no definition or exposition for exact original meaning, failing to note "usury" actually has no definitive or specific understanding fm the ancient sources.

For Germany was essentially attacked by the Jew-led central-banking power (see for expo), Britain having made an offensive alliance w. Poland, Poland having threatened war w. Germany over German re-uniting w. German city of Danzig. It was Britain and France who first declared war upon Germany, never forget, beginning the second world war.

For Germany had lost WWI, never forget, only 21 yrs earlier, Germany then dis-armed for heavy weapons, the armed forces reduced to 100,000, the nation looted by the Allied criminals, the people literally starved by the Brit. blockade into signing the Versailles Treaty and enslavement. For the Western plutocratic satanists led by Jews and "bankers" had to continue to protect, cultivate, and subsidize their latest Bolshevik monster they'd created in Russia, having mass-murdered millions of Christians, Soviet Russia the proto-type and enforcer for world gov. dictatorship they were busily constructing.

And yes, Hoffman, life is very much war, humans being sinners, and regardless of "Neanderthals," it's well-known method of war to threaten retaliation in kind for whatever one may complain of one's enemies, like bombing of civilians.

So what's Hoffman's real object for this latest article of his?--just more of his usual moralistic virtue-signaling and one-upsmanship, pretending, like the Pelagian hereticalist he is, to knowing all about moralistic "virtue," lecturing others--like he evidently does for his own, poor, victimized children.

For it's Hoffman and hubris-filled Pelagianists like him who are the real problem of our present society consumed in satanism and satanic, extreme subjectivism, pretending to what doesn't exist, like child's "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" God-like will. Hitler was actually a great hero bravely fighting this horrific and ever-expanding satanism, and he was magnificent for naming and confronting the Jew.

But Hitler only failed for the larger cultural issue of satanism in general, founded in subjectivism, hubris, and moralism, for which Jews are the natural leaders, but themselves don't originate, only taking advantage and manipulating it, due to their natural and thematic superior collectivist cohesion and organization, for their own purposes--as we see in this day, having become masters by specific means of that amazing criminal enterprise of fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting) and central-banking--which subject-matters Hoffman hasn't the slightest grasp or understanding.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-parkland.html

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Hoffman: The Mad Moralist, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 18)

Hoffman writes, "In the long term it will require a moral revolution...." What?--"moral revolution"?--so what's "moral," Hoffman?--can u tell us?--is it just "good" = to "moral"? So then, what's "good"?--what's the definition?--what's the criterion that makes "good" what it is, distinct fm not-"good" or anything else?

And of course, Hoffman can't say what's "good" aside, no doubt, fm absurd circularities like "opposite of evil" (for what then is "evil"?)--he can't isolate any essence (for there is none). It's a lot like Hoffman is un-able to give a definitive source fm ancient texts for meaning of "usury," and he's too dis-honest to admit it.

For Hoffman won't admit simple truth: he cannot say what is "good"--for there is no such thing. And it's not coincidence that no one through entire hist. of philosophy has ever been able to definitively say what's "good" that applies in all instances.

For humans are necessarily creatures of will, though not perfectly "free," only God, by definition, having a perfectly free will. Thus humans can only do as they will, always following their will, and hence humans are necessarily self-interested, always have been, and always will be--necessarily--for such is their nature, creatures of will.

So what's "moral" if reality is determined, humans required by nature to follow their will--necessarily? How can humans be "moral," Hoffman, if anything they do is what they necessarily MUST do--as in the necessary following of will.

So "moral" only has real meaning as it is logical and rational, means always consistent w. ends, necessarily--though ends might be anything chosen by the subject.

For humans don't have to live if they don't want to, and if they want to live, they must heed to facts and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). So the greatest ethical virtue is consistency, logic, and reason, as those are only thing(s) compatible w. truth (= Christ) and capable of achieving end(s), the object of will.

And we see Hoffman makes "morality" into a kind of mysticism, not knowing or capable otherwise of saying what "morality" is--it's his IDOL (false God) which he pathetically pursues so pitiably, compulsively, mindlessly, always talking about it but never able to say what it is.

And it's this mystic, mindless obsession of Hoffman's regarding "morality" that makes him soooo satanically inclined w. hatred for humanity and sympathy for his Jew masters for whom he has such sympathetic connection, whom he serves so pathetically, always wordlessly begging them to acknowledge Hoffman's "moral" dedication--as if those Jew monsters of narcissist and obsessionate satanism and psychopathology would care about or acknowledge.

But that's ok, Hoffman, as u're PERFECT example of how NOT to be and precisely what to avoid, eh? Keep up ur great work, buddy, ho ho ho ho.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Judaism Is Simply Inevitable CYCLIC Sociologic Function For Reduction Of Over-Population
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 18)

This analysis/exposition by Karlin is beside the pt. as Jews simply have a determinist socio-biologic purpose/function, that being to opposing the original rationalist, hence determinist, objective view, understanding, and grasp of reality (Aristotle) which created the original culture by gentiles, as Jews are, by definition, foremost SUBJECTIVISTS (Platonists, also Kantian) who hold and push the "midrash" (interpretation) of the Torah, thus the Talmudist/Pharisaic--see and

Gentile pretext for subjectivism is moralism and hubris, the presumption one can be "good" or "evil," all this by means of (non-existent) "free" will--which opposes the Christian principle of "original sin" and sinfulness--self-interest founded in willfulness, pretending to hubristic, God-like "free" will.

Note then extreme subjectivism is idea that reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, thus making oneself God, the creator, thus satanism. Of course, many more gentiles are subjectivists and satanists, but Jews are most and best organized, most cohesive, collectivistic, best led for effectiveness of their group-think, Jews co-operating best, most practically, upon the subjectivistic project--ESPECIALLY and ultimately in way of central-banking fiat-currency--legalized counterfeiting. See for expo on central-banking.

Note then Jews don't originate the subjectivist (satanic) stage of a mature, degenerate society--which is done by corrupt and hubristic gentiles themselves, as in Rome and present USA--but Jews are enabled thereupon to organize, lead, and dominate the corrupt and relatively chaotic, dis-organized, and individualistic subjectivists among gentiles who yet out-number Jews (like Christian-Zionists, for example).

Thus organized by Judaic satanism (a redundancy, actually) the large satanic sub-culture soon dominates the whole rotten, corrupt culture/society in general in the great CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Note CYCLIC hist. follows the determinist, objective nature of reality.

So of course all gentiles and Aristotelians are non-"semitic," hence anti-semitic--for Jews are like a disease for their sociologic effect, like typhus, leprosy, and plague, that works necessarily to exterminating and eliminating corrupt, weak, inferior gentiles who've become subjectivist and satanic, mostly on pretext of anti-rational moralism, known in Christian theology as Pelagian heresy.


 Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-on-purim.html

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Jews: Merely Ultimate Liquidators Of Corrupt Culture
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 18)

Mike S., at 5:47pm, above, says, "[w]hat a disgusting "religion"." BUT when u think about it, it actually serves PERFECTLY a distinct socio-biologic purpose for liquidation of excess, over-populated goyim who no longer think they have to pay attn. to anything (of reality, anyway), who want only "bread and circuses"--which, if u observe, they've been steadily served quite brilliantly, Jews masters of the entertainment industry, among all the other strategic necessities, like flack commentary for political-cultural analysis in the mass corp. media, Jews masters of the top criminal enterprise at the economic apex, the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam (see for expo)--the real "usury" first mentioned many centuries ago--having NOTHING to do w. charging of "interest," which Hoffman can't figure-out as he knows NOTHING about economics.

What makes Jews SOOOO POWERFUL?--they're most organized, most cohesive, tight-knit and cooperative criminals for their criminal religion, all within the criminal culture, dominated by this crooked central-banking--which such criminal "banking" scam was first begun for serious operations by the corrupt gentiles, like Bank of England in 1694, Bank Of US (BUS) by Alex Hamilton in 1791, opposed by Jefferson, re-instituted then, the second BUS of 1816, finally killed by A. Jackson in 1832, re-instituted again by Lincoln and Republicans during 1860s war, which war of mass-murder needed financing, don't forget.

So one merely sees Jews provide that organization and cohesion for the ALREADY corrupt culture of over-populated gentiles, all this for the running operation of this top fraud of central banking--USURY, properly understood--the means of "financing" for control/manipulation of all politicians, judges and everything and everybody else--they just print-up and digitalize whatever "funding" they need.

So one see Jews are simply that pen-ultimate disease, like typhus, leprosy, and bubonic plague, which strikes the corrupt culture at the end of its life-span--in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people, formerly Christian and virtuous, worshipping truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence based upon the objective reality (Aristotle), which first built the culture, but now utterly corrupt and worshipping satanic lies, lying, and liars, lies built upon Jew and satanic SUBJECTIVISM ("midrash") by which there's no truth (= Christ) as there's no objective basis/criterion for any such truth, subjectivism the necessary basis for non-existent "good-evil" Pelagianism, which Hoffman worships, for example.

Thus the corrupt and stupid, over-populated goyim are tragically caught-up in the HUBRIS and subjectivism, pretending to all the various lies, lying, and liars which naturally and typically accompany and complement the obsessive, pretended "moralist virtue" of basic Pelagianist delusion and hereticalism within the utterly corrupt culture, the Jews and satanists (extreme subjectivists, making themselves God the creator of their phony "reality" within their demented mind(s))--Jews being the natural leaders of satanism, due to their superior "group-think," collectivism, cohesion, dedication, and organization for lies, lying, fraud, and liars.

So it might indeed be "disgusting religion," for all this Talmudism, etc., but yet it's simply natural and even logical, given the basic premises and conditions of sinful humanity. Jews are the leading satanists (extreme subjectivists) who liquidate things cultural, and including for the over-population of fools--like Hoffman, foremost Pelagian and hereticalist, pretending to "moral virtue."

Perfectly "Free Will" Mere Pretext For Subjectivism, Satanism, Don't Forget
(Apollonian 4 Mar 18)

Ken: I watched ur latest show, titled, "You Create Our Own Reality so Create Freedom & Truth," so I thought I'd go over some of the reasons, including the most basic ones, why reality MUST be determined, why we don't and can't create our own reality. I also comment a bit on some of the pt.s made in the vid, including the "Book of Revelations."

(a) Note then cause-effect is one of the most basic laws we understand fm induction, and it has to apply to humanity no less than anything else. So the default is necessarily that of determinism. "Free will" is simply mere wishful-thinking and question-begging, which cannot be proven. All u've ever done is to simply assert there's free will and u additionally cite Buddha whom u say says so--but this doesn't make it true. If Buddha really said that, it's no wonder Buddhism is so much subject to being "owned" by Jews, foremost subjectivists (satanists).

Note also in the entire hist. of philosophy and ethics, there's NEVER been any satisfactory criterion for such childish "good-evil" that works in all cases. Ethics and morality is simply LOGIC btwn ends and means, the means chosen so as to best serve and accomplish ends, the ends which could conceivably be anything, depending only upon the person.

The serious question remains WHY it is u insist upon this hubristic, perfect, God-like freedom of will?--this is the basic premise of the Jews, don't forget, by which they found all their pretensions (and lies and lying)--it seems u fall for it all, playing their game for them. Note a perfectly "free" will is mere back-door means to accepting their extreme subjectivism and satanism.

(b) And reality can only be one way--it can't be both objective and subjective at same time, a violation of law-of-identity and non-contradiction.

(c) Note also, in accord w. truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as understood in Christian theology, we're creatures of will, hence self-interest, the basis of "sin," such as it is, and we can't not be "sinners," as verified by St. Paul.

So the problem is really reducible to the either-or btwn objective and subjective--it's only one way.

Note Jews want to have it both ways w. idea (a) that they're so virtuous and "intelligent" as they're so virtuous for their "choices," etc., but it's ALWAYS this pretext for (non-existent) "good-evil" and the prior perfectly "free" will by which they want to induce the false premise of subjectivism and (eventually) satanism. (b) Note at same time along w. this subjectivism and "free" will, they ALSO insist deterministically they're "chosen" by God, etc.--they work it both ways ("double-think," in classic Orwellian style).

Note also that even if Jews can't get folks to accept outright satanism (EXTREME subjectivism), they at least want to plant the seed of doubt regarding subjectivism, which may not seem so "extreme," and the subjectivist nature which makes people subject to more subtle manipulation by this satanism as it is practiced and imposed by others, including the Jews and associated satanic masterminds.

Thus Jews work to manipulate and intimidate the people, including even their own people (soooo ruthless they are) upon INFERIORITY-complex and GUILT-complex which are induced upon people sooo successfully, esp. at an early age, fm which only few are ever able to dis-entangle themselves. For if one seriously believes in free will then one is always necessarily worried one made a mistake for choices, thus guilt and inferiority -complexes which always follow fm (perfectly) "free" will delusion and fallacy.

U also mentioned the "Book of Revelations," but again, u should remember New Test. is LITERATURE which carries a philosophic lesson. In case of "Revelations," it describes "end-times" which is a part of the CYCLIC theory and nature of history, and as there have been numerous cyclic turnings throughout history, there are always disastrous "end-times" phases and stages of such CYCLIC hist. which is how the determinist nature manifests in history--in CYCLES, including the end-phase(s).

I suspect ur Buddhism may be causing serious conflict for u philosophically and psychologically--reality is necessarily objective, given the reduction-ad-absurdum of subjectivism in which anything goes, anything and everything being both "truth" and lies, even at the same time, humans being their own Gods unto themselves, Jews the collectivistic, ultra-organized, most cohesive masters of it all for this subjectivist psychosis. And if reality is objective, as I've always noted for u, it must be determined according to absolute cause-effect.

Finally, note we exercise will as we're not sure how reality will actually take place at particular given times, 5 seconds fm now, or 5 mins fm now, or 5 hrs fm now--even though we know in overall wisdom that if all the factors were known for sure, it might otherwise be predicted successfully. THUS, for practical purposes, we exercise will--as when we guide the steering of the car we might be driving, for example.

Anyway, it's still good to see u discuss and entertain these basic ideas and principles and get others to discussing them in serious way as u do. Keep up ur good work. A.


How And Why Human Will Isn't, Cannot Be Perfectly "Free"
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 18)

Ken: I wanted to just follow-up a bit about the SERIOUS problem w. Buddhism as it tries to be both objective and subjective at same time, endorsing and pretending to a perfectly "free" human will.

For note the ABSOLUTE NECESSITY of human will for self-preservation which can NEVER be forgotten--human will is thus NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT "free" to be absolved of this absolute necessity of self-preservation. One can commit suicide, but that's the ONLY alternative: self-preservation OR DEATH. And again, note humanity can NEVER be free of this fearsome alternative and necessity of human will.

Thus human will must ALWAYS be sufficiently, minimally aware and attentive to this necessity of self-preservation, hence self-interest, which "self-interest" thus Christianity recognizes as the basis of "sin," never forget.

So I suspect this necessity of self-preservation and hence self-interest is what u're over-looking, imagining u can be "free" of this absolute necessity, overlooking the penalty of death which is sure and always the consequence of any such "freedom" of necessary, obligatory awareness. One, including Buddhists, cannot totally ignore this necessity for self-preservation and -interest.

Such is the necessary and OBVIOUS lack of "freedom" for humanity--to forgetting this absolute necessity for consciousness for self-preservation, hence self-interest. Thanks again for ur attn. and all ur outstanding efforts for preservation of humanity, including our dear white race. Take good care. A.