new blogs

ck; also,

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ho ho hoho, Jews are soooooooooo sorry they're about to lose that "liberal" Western civilization they've done soooo much, trying their best, to destroy, ho o ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Cook And Unz Merely Need To Look Inwards--At Their Devilish Jewwy Narcissism, Subjectivism, And Psychosis
(Apollonian, 31 Jan 19)

Jonathan Cook, a Jew--like Ron Unz--laments the passing of his lovely little play-ground of Western Civilization which was built by Christians and Christianity--which these hate-ridden, psychotic, narcissistic, and hedonist Jews don't want to admit or to mentioning.

Unz refuses to "go there" (explicitly and honestly acknowledging Christian civilization) because, he says, and lies, it's mere "religion"--when the fact is the core of Christianity is PERFECTLY philosophic value--TRUTH = Christ (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Observe Cook never mentions, not even once, Christianity or the Christian people who built everything the little, lower-level, piss-ant Jews, like Cook and Unz, want to preserve and fear soooo desperately is passing away. And they, Cook and Unz, know it (Western civilization) will be gone forever, because they, being the hate-ridden Jews they really are, refuse to grasp and acknowledge the greatness which is the Christian cultural achievement--REASON AND RATIONALITY and their products, science and law.

And it's interesting Cook blames liberalism and individualism--really the typical and thematic Jewwy NARCISSISM--for the demise of that civilization he finds soooo precious, slipping now through his proverbial "fingers," the poor, stupid kike, ho ho ho ho.

So what we really see is the Jews, Cook and Unz (see Unz's "Open Ltr to Alt. Right"), lament they've done such good anti-Christ job, now the Christian civilization seems to be passing them by, and they're really sorry about it all--even though it doesn't cause them to question their filthy, Jewwy satanism (extreme subjectivism), by which they and other Jews like them have done their best to destroy Christianity, hence civilization.

And actually, we see Jonathan Cook is really pretty thoroughly SCHIZOID, in fact, for all his quite affected criticisms of liberalism and individualism, when the real problem is the passing of reason and rationality--even if indeed, it is upon pretext of "liberalism" and "individualism"--"identity politics"? For what Cook observes is merely "liberalism" and "individualism" taken out of their proper (Christian/Western) rational contexts.

So one merely needs de-code and de-cipher the typical Jewwy schizoid, Cook, who merely describes symptoms, NOT the real cause of the problems. For obviously what has been sorely attacked is CHRISTIANITY, hence OBJECTIVITY, and these satanistic Jews have always done this attacking by means of out-of-context pushing of "liberalism" and "individualism," aside fm other satanic/irrationalist things they typically do.

For the essence of the "West" is Christian, and essence of Christianity and Christian civilization is reason and objective reality, necessary basis of TRUTH (= Christ) and what now prevails is extreme subjectivism/satanism, and thus the out-of-context "liberalism" and "individualism"--really just irrationality and psychotic narcissism as we always get fm Jews, like Cook and Unz.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Stupid scum need to grasp: Christian New Test. is LITERATURE, no less than Homer's "Illiad" and "Oddysey"....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by Unz, the kike, at comments,

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Christian New Test. Is LITERATURE First And Most, Don't Forget, No Less Than Homeric "Illiad" And "Oddysey"
(Apollonian, 29 Jan 19)

Stan: don't forget New Test. and the Gospels are LITERATURE--no less than Homer's "Illiad" and "Oddysey"--IT'S GODDAM LITERATURE, thou poor fool--get a clue, for goodness sakes.

Note the Christians following the original Judean (not "Jews" who follow Pharisees/Talmud, by definition) Christians were surely HEAVILY Greek/rationalist-oriented who reacted against the Jew mysticism/subjectivism/Satanism. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Thus the LITERATURE tells a goddam story--get it? Thus God the son (Christ) defended the original Torah (first five Old Test. books) law AGAINST the hereticalist Pharisees who wanted to apply their filthy, satanic "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" (interpretation). Thus Christ = TRUTH itself, according to the story, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6, against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Hence, thou see, philosophically, Christ (truth) defends, implicitly, the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis, premise for such truth--AGAINST Jew subjectivism/Satanism ("midrash"). So thou see, it's actually a PHILOSOPHIC dialectic and argument, all Christian ethics then following fm the metaphysical base of objective, DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will) reality.

Regarding "faith," it only properly means LOYALTY, not "beeeleeeeeeevin'"--beeeleeeeevin' doesn't make anything to be true, just because it's "beeeeleeeeeeeeeved."

It's true Gosp. JOHN (in the translations we have nowadays) advocated "believing," using the word nearly a hundred times in the Gosp., but a better word is surely "practicing" the philosophy, in place of "believing."

Thou needs to start thinking about the Christian-Judaic dialectic and what they all are really talking about. Even without Christianity, it's clear Judaism is simply Satanism, making themselves God, advocating war against humanity. Christianity then attacks and analyzes this Satanism of the Pharisees, Christ accusing the Pharisees of heresy against the Torah (see Gosp. MATT, entire chapt. 23).

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 101, Stan d Mute says:
January 29, 2019 at 4:17 pm GMT

Nothing is funnier than two of you JewGod worshippers arguing even when one of you is on my ignore list and I can’t see what drivel he’s spewing. Don’t stop now! I won’t read it, but surely I’m not the only one amused..

Friday, January 25, 2019

Awwwww geeee, but this little essay/comment of mine got me banned fm kike, Unz's site, ho ho ho ho hoho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, and what got me BANNED, by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz's "Open Letter" More Truly Revealing Than The Dumb Jew Realizes, Surely, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

"Bike...," Ask thyself, What Are Unz's Motives For This Ridiculous Site Of His? For in fact, Unz is simply the typical, lying Jew snake, actively, intensively, most carefully CENSORING these comment pages, Unz, typical Jew, absolutely TERRIFIED of simplest analysis and application of Christian philosophy, Unz, the Jew liar, pretending it's mere "religion," hence according to the Jew liar, "off-topic," ho ho ho ho.

Given thy above quotation fm the lying Jew, Unz, as he writes about "the things . . . are saying are absolutely 100% contrary...," notice the typical Jew liar, Unz, doesn't note what any of those things are which are "100% contrary," ho hoho oho--did thou notice that?--TYPICAL, moronic presumption and question-begging, eh?

Unz the brainless, condescending Jew liar then says, "people" (ho ho ho--like Unz, eh?--ho ho ho) "quickly conclude that you’re just as crazy...."

Doesn't it occur to thou there's the OBVIOUS problem of presumption and question-begging by this typical Jew liar, Unz?--all throughout his particular piece, "Open Letter" (see ) for how does this lying Jew know so easily what people think and "quickly conclude"?

Then this Jew snake says, "...they immediately dismiss all of your other claims and ideas.” Again--(a) how does this moronic Jew know that? And (b) another OBVIOUS question arises, namely, WHY this Jew snake even cares about "people" "dismissing" the "other claims and ideas."

Without any doubt, Unz's moronic "Open Letter..." is a prodigy of lies, contempt, condescension, and the typical Jew gloating of a Jew lying snake, indubitably--and it's a small token of the typical Jew "chutzpah" that the stupid Jew, Unz, allows such an amazing, revealing text to remain exhibited for all the world to see, ho ho ho ho. And Unz's other writings here on his site aren't really much different, truth be told, brainlessly presumptuous and condescending, to say the least.

Surely, lots of the gentiles who've visited this cheap little psy-ops of a site by Unz are well aware of the Jew's endeavors (pretending Jews are "white")--but the Jew so much wants to pretend he's hip to the gentiles, he likes to see what they say, ho ho ho hoho, pretending, moreover, he can inflect upon the dialectic, though he's absolutely terrified of the real, actual Christian philosophy--which we all see, at least eventually, which philosophy is absolutely anti-semitic, hoo ho ho ho.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 83, bike-anarkist says:
January 25, 2019 at 10:37 pm GMT • 100 Words

Wally, your work on exposing the Jews, the Holohoax, etc. is extremely valuble.

When you brandish quotes from Maggie, its like the critcisms that Ron Unz has of the alt-right;

“So the problem is that when people notice that many of the things your organizations are saying are absolutely 100% contrary to what they actually see in their ordinary lives, they quickly conclude that you’re just as crazy as your critics in the MSM always say you are, and they immediately dismiss all of your other claims and ideas.”

Observe the treatment by "deep state," Mueller their agent, of Stone, and thus Trump--are these most pathetic cucks and patsies, or what?--and what does it say about American people?....

Is Trump Most Absurd, Cuck President?--WHAT Have They Really Got On Him?
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Well folks, we see today, 25 Jan 19, FBI arrested Roger Stone, charged w. lying to Congress and some other things, I guess, so was that all reason why 29 agents pounded on his door, before dawn, to take him away in hand-cuffs to be indicted, then to bond-out on $250,000?

But the real pt. is why/how does that pathetic cuck, Trump, allow this, such arrest?--Folks, it's because "they" (the Jews, undoubtedly) HAVE SOMETHING ON HIM. For HOW otherwise does the stupid cuck allow his people to be treated like this?

I was watching Hannity on FOX News, and he, to his credit, put it in perspective observing how the Democrats did WORSE things than Stone is indicted for, Clinton, Comey, Clapper, and many others, BUT they're not similarly treated and not even arrested, like Stone.

So truly, that moronic cuck, Trump, ought to IMMEDIATELY just throw Mueller out, and arrest him for abuse of process and false prosecution--BUT HE DOESN'T--why?--because "they" have something on him, un-questionably--and he, Trump, really looks like such a scummy, brainless fool, allowing his people to be treated in this fashion.

And the bottom-line pt. to be made for people is HOW this all happens--here the "deep-state" and "globalists" making such a fool out of Trump, and the scum just sits there and takes it. And again, the real pt. is how it's really the American people are being made to be such idiot cucks and fools, no less than Trump.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Understanding Jews and large circumstances, history, puts holohoax in proper perspective....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted, by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jews And Suck-Alongs: KNOWN, Proven Liars, Murderers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Do thou understand English? (see below-copied)--there's no evidence for holohoax--get it?--NO EVIDENCE--ck a dictionary (a). (b) All the real evidence shows is that holohoax is gross lies by Jew liars. (c) And the only genocides were done against gentiles by Jews (and their lick-spittle gentile cohorts and suck-alongs)--against Germans, Ukrainians, Armenians, and many others too.

There was actually a TRIAL in Canada of one Ernst Zundel, in 1988, Zundel one of the very greatest revisionists, w. numerous works and even vids (though Jew-tube has probably taken-down a lot of them), whence state of Canada, using tax-payers' funding, was enabled to go and get whatever EVIDENCE there might have been--THERE WAS/IS NO EVIDENCE--aside fm usual Jew liars pretending to be "witnesses," these yet exposed during the trial. Thus Zundel struggled through this trial w. the Jew-friendly trial judge grossly prejudiced against him, Zundel convicted, but the verdict later over-turned on appeal.

A book of the Zundel trial transcripts was compiled (about 600 pages), titled, "Did Six Million Really Die?" edited by Barbara Kulaszka, one of Zundel's lawyers. The only evidence actually un-covered was that the Jew liars pushing holohoax are gross, moronic liars, manufacturing false evidence, for which they're NEVER prosecuted, these Jew liars HEAVILY funded by fellow Jews so that their lies and lying are broadcast and trumpeted over all the main Jew vehicles, newspapers, magazines, books, TV stations, both local and national, etc., any dissenting material ALWAYS censored and suppressed.

The holohoax lies regarding "6 million" figure were pushed even before WWII, during and after WWI--see Don Heddesheimer, "The First Holocaust."

Don't forget Jews, by definition, are followers of Talmud, the Talmud being the definitive foundation of Jew religion, the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah Law, by means of "Oral Law Tradition," featuring WAR AGAINST GENTILES and humanity, including by means of lying--gentiles are mere "cattle," according to Jews and Talmud. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

The general circumstances of Germany and German history do not indicate any real possibility of any mass-murders, the Germans having ALWAYS, since WWI, been on defensive, esp. after WWI when Germany was dis-armed, its military forces heavily reduced.

Note soon as Operation Barbarossa began, the Russkies began receiving HEAVY "Lend-Lease" supplies fm USA, including esp. food supplies, badly needed, which soon enough became decisive, at first through Britain (UK), then directly fm USA, UK already HEAVILY supplied by USA, as was done in WWI--GERMANS KNEW THEY WERE ALWAYS ON DEFENSE against the Jew-world-order.

Further, during the war, the hard-pressed Germans were short on labor and needed the man-power fm every possible available source, including the Jews.

So ALL EVIDENCE and all logic demonstrates there was no policy, nor any activity, of German atrocities against Jews or any gentiles--AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, as I've noted and demonstrated--as all the real evidence demonstrates.

On the contrary, the known and proven mass-murderers were and are the allied powers, including the Jews, both Jew masterminds at the top, and including Jews working at lower-levels too. In fact, the Jews BRAG and boast about how they exacted "vengeance" by means of mass-murder, over and over, the German people deliberately starved up till the early yrs of 1950, according to James Bacque (see "Other Losses" and "Crimes and Mercies").

And just as Jews hate and murder truth itself by means of their satanic, Talmudic religion, as put into practice throughout history, Jews continue murdering gentiles, not only in Palestine, but by means of their corporations here in the West, "Big (Jew) Pharma" mass-murdering millions of gentiles already and daily, as we speak, by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines--this, as the Jew-controlled food corporations poison the food supplies, as by means of GMO (genetically-modified).

Other Jew controlled Corp.s like MonSatan (Monsanto) produce the known poison and carcinogen, glyphosate. Jew controlled "big-tech" (Google and Jew-tube) monopolize the internet, after getting massive gov. funding fm tax-payers, pretending they're "privately-owned."

Are Jews then the FIRST-CAUSE for all the present and recent mass-murders?--well, we understand that Western civilization has become evermore satanic and degenerate (see "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler) beginning shortly after the French Revolution by means of deliberately irrationalist (subjectivist) philosophy, as of J.J. Rousseau and Immanuel Kant, leading then to Karl Marx. Did Jews CAUSE this degeneracy?--surely not, but they helped much as they could, and being Satanists/Talmudists, they have just as certainly taken over the steady, programmatic corruption through the yrs and decades, Jews controlling the central-banking criminial enterprise--literally legalized counterfeiting of the "currency" (not real MONEY).

And thou, "commentator Mike"?--thou are obviously a liar who lies, deliberately and with conscious intention--WHO does this sort of deliberate, systematic kind of lying?--not gentiles, sucker, as it's against their native culture and psyche--unlike Jews.

And yes, Jews KNOW they should and deserve to be TOTALLY EXTERMINATED for their religious mass-murder and Satanism which satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, the philosophy by which reality is held to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. Jews then simply follow a COLLECTIVISTIC -type of subjectivism, a most effective and successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED, thus making them natural leaders of far more numerous gentile subjectivists/Satanists.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 173, Commentator Mike says:
January 24, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT • 100 Words

Yes I’m questioning the details of both the official narrative and the revisionists. Like they could have used some more potent gases than Zyclon B. This highly emotive topic is loaded with wartime propaganda on both sides, so my comments were more speculative. But what we’re being told by many who claim the truth seems to me also speculative.

And read about the Nazi Zionist Haavara Agreement to resettle Jews in Palestine. I suppose that isn’t often mentioned. You could say that was Plan A. But when war broke out they reverted to a Plan B.

Monday, January 21, 2019

What's the greatest cultural "monster"?--SATANISM--so what is it?--HOW did it arise?--what are effects?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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The MONSTERS: What Are They?--How Do They Arise?
(Apollonian, 21 Jan 19)

Andrew Joyce asks, rhetorically, though it really is to most excellent pt.:
"How does one fight today’s monsters, and who is fighting them?"

Thus, regarding these "monsters," there are two basic aspects to consider: (a) the realm of abstract and "theory," and (b) the practical, existential, more subject to simple sense-perception--we'll take the second first, here, for analysis, as it's easier.

(b) And that practical, down-to-earth, existential "monster" is the criminal-enterprise of central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting, a monopoly constantly pumping-out more and evermore "currency"--NOT real MONEY, which real money must be commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Don't thou get it, suckers?--w. INFINITE "currency" these satanic Jew bankers now own everything and everybody w. only FEW exceptions--like Ron Paul--and they can hire assassins to kill anyone, then use their bought and paid-for judges and lawyers, not to mention Jews-media to cover it all up--and this is what's been happening, fools--if thou only would open thine eyes, dumbasses. What happened to JFK assassination investigation?--EVERYONE knows it was conspiracy, not "lone-gunman." And what happened to 9/11 investigation?--everyone knows it was Jews--see and Bollyn's "Solving 9/11."

Okay, and actually lots of people already know lots about the central-bank; most important to understand is central-bank is the very TOPMOST monopoly upon the large monopolistic system, including now, "big-Pharma," presently poisoning and mass-murdering millions, by "slow-kill" method, "big-tech," and the Jews-media complex, lying to everyone w. constant censorship and dis-info. And of course, the defense industry and monopolies, the "military-industrial complex," enough said. The entire world is steadily being monopolized, suckers, now presided over by socialist world dictatorship, explicitly pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in-thy-face.

(a) But now the BIG MONSTER in the abstract, psychologic realm, which fewer grasp, which ENABLES and determines the practical, existential monster-complex of monopolies, is the GENERAL SATANISM and satanic establishment, over-seeing, ruling, directing, guiding the more practical, day-to-day realm of afore-mentioned monopolies.

Note then the SIMPLE sublimity of this satanic MONSTER--it's not even MYSTIC, quite subject to simplest philosophic analysis--WHAT is it, exactly?--it's just extreme SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that reality is produced by mentality/consciousness, thus making the subject to be GOD, the creator--Satanism, by definition.

And it's this SATANISM then, simple and sublime, which constitutes the great over-riding, BUT ABSTRACT, MONSTER of a culture/society in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the people over-come, seduced, and utterly DELUDED in nearly complete HUBRIS (a genuine, nearly palpable kind of madness, truly), this Satanism/subjectivism--but which is now strategically manipulated by the topmost master-minds--HOW do they work?

It's very simple (again)--these satanic master-minds work by means of a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism/Satanism, they colluding and co-operating by means of most sublime, effective, successful "group-think," most committed, dedicated, and ORGANIZED. And of course it's "secret"--always denied, always ridiculed when noted and identified, any discussion of it most often successfully side-lined and side-tracked, because the mass of people and goyim shudder and cringe to actually considering this monstrous Satanism.

Thus this Satanism arises as component and parallel w. the large, over-riding HUBRIS of a once successful, victorious, and prosperous, but now IMPERIALIST culture/society--like the Roman and American instances. The original FOUNDERS were genuine heroes, HONEST and brave, successful, victorious, and prosperous--but note the DIFFERENCE and distinction--THEY WERE FAR MORE OBJECTIVISTIC in mentality, more determinist (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), far less moralistic w. the putrid virtue-signaling as we see now in this stinking Satanist empire.

And that's how Satanism grows and arises--along w. the subjectivism of moralism, esp. in way of (non-existent) "good-evil," and pretended "free" will, encouraging the fools to pretending they "CREATE" reality ("moral virtue")--like God. Thus HUBRIS and subjectivism provides the grounds and basis for ever-growing Satanism, the great MONSTER we're now contending with, comrades--this is the problem in "post-modern" (read SUBJECTIVIST) society--the pretext is moralism, the indulgence of fools, suckers, inferiors, and goons who now over-populate the corrupt imperialist society.

-------------Got following, below-copied note fm the kike censor---------------

# 37, apollonian says: • Website
January 21, 2019 at 7:25 pm GMT • 700 Words

You have been repeatedly warned to write in good, standard English if you want your endless rantings to have any chance of publication.]

---------------------------------below-copied by ap was what I first thought for response, but decided to leave it for Unz's note to speaking for itself, ho ho ho ho----------------

What?--Unz the presumptuous Jew pretends to admonish the native Christian patriot about "publication"?--ho ho ho hoo. The presumptuous Jew babbles about "good standard English"?--ho ho ho oho. "Endless rantings"?--says the Jewwy little snake?--ho o ho oh ho ho

Jew: these, above, mumblings by thou are mere excuses and more Jew lies, eh?--obviously, sucker. And guess what, moron?--my work get "published" anyway, fool--ho ho ho oho. And don't doubt evermore people KNOW and SEE what a Jewwy liar thou art for all thy censorship, thou scummy, little snake, ho ho ho ho ho.

-------------------So this, below-copied, is what I finally sent him---------------

Unz: I always KNOW I wrote and exposited well when CENSORED--thou are NOT interested in "freedom of speech and expression"--why don't thou admit it?--is it because thou lies even to oneself?--such is the self-deception of Pharisaism, as even Christ warned thy Pharisaic forbears, hoh o ho ho. Do thou think thou are the only place of publication?--ho ho ho ho ho ho

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Unz's (Jew) purpose is (a) gate-keeper, (b) spy, (c) Censor....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments, and amazingly, not censored by the kike, Unz:

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MacDonald Is Mere "Pied-Piper"; Unz The Typical Jew Snake
(Apollonian, 20 Jan 19)

Grace: So what, about MacDonald?--he's nothing but an accommodationist for Jews, begging them to support his pretended half-baked "nationalism."

JEWS ARE THE VERY PROBLEM--specifically, in the largest sense, it is SATANISM (extreme subjectivism and the psychologic HUBRIS), in general, that element dragging-down the West in Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," and then Jews specifically, the leading satanists, the directors, master-minds, and leaders par-excellence, at the top of the satanist hierarchy. And MacDonald wants to accommodate these infernal Jews, sucking-up to them so brainlessly and pathetically.

MacDonald wants to strike deals w. Jews, begging them to support white nationalism or the cause of Euro-Americanism, etc., in exchange for his own support for them, Jews and Israel, for pathetic example, ho ho ho ho ho. Jews are Satanists, and don't see anything in any other ultimate terms but for satanic imperialism, control, and rulership, and they're already well-along in their endeavors to enslave and exterminate humanity in accord w. their Talmudic and Zohar (Cabalist) mysticism.

Let me emphasize that: Jews have no interest in anything but satanism, for that's what they are, and Unz, for specific example, is NOT interested in first amendment "freedom of speech or expression"--HE'S CENSORING my entries and postings here on this site, furiously and intensively. Unz is NOTHING but (a) gate-keeper, and (b) data-miner for information, keeping an eye on the gentiles, reporting on what gentiles are discussing, (c) censoring and deleting any genuine information being put forward, like the general satanist problem and Jews place within.

Who do u think (a) controls and directs policy and activity for the top monopoly, the central-banking system?--it's Jews and no other; the few gentiles involved just suck-along, taking orders and saluting obediently.

(b) Who then controls and directs activity for the lethal corporate monopolies, carrying out GENOCIDE policy of Agenda-21 and -2030, featuring "big-Pharma," presently poisoning everyone, the Jews-media, lying to everyone, not to mention the "defense" and arms & weapons manufacturing monopolies?--it's all Jews in control w. only a few gentiles as "window-dressing" and "tokens." MacDonald merely WANTS TO BE ONE OF THOSE "TOKENS" and suck-alongs.

I'm rather amazed thou imagines MacDonald is of any serious, genuine significance in human-kind's present great struggle against satanism (hence Jews, the leaders and cadre)--that befuddled, antiquated, academia-blinded fool, MacDonald, really hasn't got the foggiest notion of what's going-on, merely sniping in bitterness and petty jealousy of Jews, MacDonald TOTALLY overlooking the larger, more immediate satanic problem which is killing masses of gentiles everyday, by means of poison drugs and vaccines, poison GMO foods and additives, toxic particulates in the atmosphere, toxic electro-magnetic radiation, etc., even more than the numerous Palestinians and other casualties of outright, active warfare throughout the world, Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc. There are NO "good" Jews, Grace, and Unz is a snake, MacDonald most pathetic dupe--they go together.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 510, Grace Poole says:Next New Comment
January 20, 2019 at 10:31 pm GMT

Unz has had Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique in the Featured Book spotlight for the past week or so.

MacDonald may not write Christian polemics, but his mental framework is certainly not Jewish, and his analysis is not pro-Jewish.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Globalism is dead, BUT what's still to rise?--states' rights, nullification, secession....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Proverbial "Cat" Is "Out Of Bag": Globalism Is Dead Man Walking
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Here's the article's tell-tale, most palpable lie, and there are surely others too, but this is most un-forgivable:

The Deep State is often portrayed as a conspiracy. In fact, it is better thought of as a blind sociological event. There is no group of conscious conspirators, simply people being groomed to have the same opinions or at least saying they do.

For the "deep-state" is built around and behind the fundamental existential criminal enterprise, the central-bank of issue which is literally LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING--which gives the conspirators nearly INFINITE funding by which to out-spend everyone else--why/how they OWN nearly every politician and judge--owning practically EVERYTHING and everybody.

Thus, as the central-bank is a MONOPOLY, it funds and controls an entire complex of monopolies, including now "big-tech," "big-Pharma," presently now poisoning everyone, the Jews-media, and others too.

Tragedy is simple seeming thing as MONEY is actually abstract, and the over-populated goons, morons, scum, inferiors, and weaklings, that have grown-up can't, don't, and won't figure it out. So we're doomed--doomed to inevitable economic collapse, currency collapse, and those wishing to survive must PLAN carefully.

Real money is not same as CURRENCY, currency being nearly infinite, having no "intrinsic"-value, like the best real money, gold/silver. See; use their site search-engine.

So one sees present society/economy is built upon criminal-enterprise, monopoly, FRAUD--a SATANIC institution chugging along upon explicit Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--what could be MORE satanic?

Note then, "Satanism" is not really, at root, "religious" or even mystic--it's simple, straight-forward PHILOSOPHY, extreme subjectivism, subject holding reality is product of mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--Satanism by definition. Beyond this basic philosophy and definitional nature, Satanism can indeed get quite "religious" and mystic (esp. in form of simple numerology, for example), but basically, at root, it's simple--why it gets by so many stupid puke who insist everything is soooo goddam complex.

So who then rules and dominates among Satanists?--the most COLLECTIVISTIC, colluding most closely, most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED--co-operating in most sublime and effective "group-think," thus controlling and leading all the other goyim, more isolated, "individualist" Satanists/subjectivists who vastly outnumber these collectivistic Satanists.

So observe what MUST HAPPEN: there are sooooo many over-populated goons who REFUSE to think, that some horror and catastrophe MUST happen which will kill-off and "cull," so to speak, evermore stupid scum--UNTIL a survivable REMNANT decides to organize to doing something useful and practical to save themselves, families, and civilization.

Further, the satanic masterminds at the top must also begin to falling-out, as "there's no honor among thieves," the masterminds becoming evermore un-comfortable as they see the untermensch dying-off, the masterminds suspecting they might be next to be double-crossed and placed on "chopping-block."

Observe this "falling-out" seems to be what's happened to the "globalist" leftists-"atheists" who are presently shrieking so hysterically about Trump and "nationalist" "neo-cons" who betrayed them--either that or it's a great ACT they're putting-on, eh?

Anyway, the "globalist" conspiracy is absolutely now out-of-the-bag, and EVERYONE (for practical purposes) KNOWS IT. Just goes to show the old CONFEDERATE states of America idea was absolutely correct--John C. Calhoun was magnificent prophet--they were just a little before their time, evidently. And note there are still SIMPLE things real patriots can still do quite easily--like NULLIFICATION, secession, etc.--see

Judaism naturally dominates in society filled w. hubris, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Judaism Necessarily DOMINATES In Corruption Of Spenglerian "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 18, Jan 19)

Indeed: (a) Islam simply insists whatever Mohammed said was true, ipso facto, and Islam requires submission, hence mindless obedience, PERIOD--and if one doesn't obey, then one gets one's head chopped.

(b) Christianity upholds TRUTH, above all, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies, JOHN 8:44. Thus Christianity upholds the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis/premise for any meaningful "truth." Thus all Christian ethics follows fm truth, objectivity, presenting an intellectual argument, especially against the Pharisees/Jews.

(c) And Judaism is precisely the ANTI-THESIS of Christianity, Judaism being "midrash" (interpretation) according to "Oral Law Tradition," reality being merely what rabbis say, all for "good" of Jews--extreme subjectivism and Satanism, extreme subjectivism being idea that reality is what is produced by mind/consciousness of subject, making oneself God, the creator--Satanism by definition. See,, and for expo.

Jews, Judaism, Talmud then features a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, colluding in most effective "group-think," Jews being most dedicated, committed, organized subjectivists, thus dominating and leading the more isolated, "individualist" subjectivists/Satanists among goyim--why Jews always dominate, especially in corrupt, hubristic conditions of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, for example.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 13, Johnny Rottenborough says: • Website
January 18, 2019 at 11:32 pm GMT • 100 Words

oak—Like Judaism, Islam rejects Christianity’s soppy universalism. See Qur’an 48:29, ‘Mohammed is Allah’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.’

In Separation and Its Discontents [PDF, 224], Kevin MacDonald quotes S D Goitein: ‘Modern Western civilization, like the ancient civilization of the Greeks, is essentially at variance with the religious culture of the Jewish people. Islam, however, is from the very flesh and bone of Judaism.’

---------------below-copied by "Druid" in response to mine, above, top-------

# 21, Druid says:
January 19, 2019 at 3:16 am GMT

Get your head chopped off? My goodness, your ignorance is brainless!
• Disagree: apollonian

------------------below-copied by ap in response to above by "Druid"-----------

Thou makes no sense: what "ignorance," fool?--tell us all about it.

That reality is objective, hence determined, is not popular--"free" will is all the rage and rampant....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Subjectivism, Hubris Is Rampant In Spenglerian "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 19 Jan 19)

James: the dichotomy is at the very metaphysical root of things, regarding whether reality is objective (Aristotle) or not, and then if not objective, is it just subjective, a product of mind/consciousness? Note this issue (objective vs. subjective) is matter of assumption as it cannot be proven.

Thus if reality is objective, logic requires it is DETERMINED in accord w. strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will. So now thou see "elite..." is subjectivist, reality being whatever he wants it to be, spouting his usual platitudes and lies as he does.

"Elite..." is also typical yankee who says southern states had no right to secede, that they voluntarily gave-up sovereignty when they signed-on to the "supremacy" of Constitution which made a nation lording it over the enslaved, provincial states. The liar says S. Carolina made war against Union, etc., all the stock lies of establishment scum.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

# 151, James Forrestal says:
January 19, 2019 at 1:35 pm GMT • 200 Words

African and it’s many civilizations is in reference to a culture. The fact that said reference to culture and skin color tied to the hip is exactly what Mr. king explicated. I agree if you take a child of any color and raise them in a particular environment they will assimilate, adopt, be formed b y, that culture. A black raised in the US has n o real link to Africa by way of practice. The US is is not uniquely white. In other words, skin color cannot prevent one from being in every way a US citizen. It’s a benign trait. That we have made skin color linked to culture – to repeat – is an error and demonstrated a million times over incorrect.

Oy vey.

Yet another ignorant, hate-filled race denialist making a failed attempt to promote the long discredited “Race is just skin color!” canard.

Plus the worn-out Blank Slate and Magic Dirt tropes, of course.

Do you have any actual evidence to support your patently-ludicrous claim that all known human behavioral traits are 100% environmentally determined, and do not differ in their distribution between groups? Or are your beliefs based solely on blind, unquestioning acceptance of the progressive establishment narrative?

Surely, if you believe that it has been “demonstrated a million times over” that human behavior has absolutely zero genetic component, then you are capable of citing one of those “million times?”

Stupid, kike troll, caught red-handed....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Fatima Plays "The Girl" Too Much
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Fatima: don't thou remember, thou asked, above, # 291,
“P.S: How many Jews are there in the world?
Why do you insist all the time, through all the forum out there, in them being so powerful?”

And we, myself and several others here, went to all the trouble, as thou see we did, to explain it all out to thou?--and NOW thou tells us,
"Sorry, but to me that topic is not interesting at all, I have already a lot of books and information to read, really, Talmud is not my main priority."

Do thou see now what a total phony and fake thou art exposed as, BY THINE OWN ADMISSION?--why should anyone take thou seriously? Why should anyone waste further time explaining the ways of the world to such as thou, playing the "girl" as thou does? Thou art disgusting, the TYPICAL female air-brain, eh?--what a joke thou art. I'm extremely disappointed in thou, I must say.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 342, Fatima Manoubia says:
January 17, 2019 at 11:53 pm GMT • 500 Words

Sorry, but to me that topic is not interesting at all, I have already a lot of books and information to read, really, Talmud is not my main priority.

Mafiosi, thugs and criminals there are in every so called race, country, continent, neighborhood, and even, sometimes, amongst the same family….I do not think we can extend any pejorative characteristic to a whole race, country or people, perhaps some traits, and, of course, the common culture, traditions, beliefs, but also fears and even irrational concepts….I agree this all pass from generation to generation…But, then there are always individuals, or groups of, who go out, explore and try other things, even consider other points of view….This is how humanity progress and evolve….

As far as I am concerned, we all human beings who have come into this Earth have the right to live in peace and with a minimun of dignity ( this is why I am a communist…), there are riches on the surface of , or inside Earth, for us all to live this way.

I do not find any utility in trying to exterminate any people, since that is an inhumane activity which always brings in consequences, sometimes unintended, especially to those perpetrating the extermination. Human history is full of examples….

You can not exterminate the Taliban from their own land without unleashing a wave of rancor, which this, yes, pass from one generation to another…As well, you can not exterminate communists from the surface of Earth because this is a human condition, amongst others, and people are free to think so, because they are born free….If you try to get that out from them, they will fight you to the last man…

The Jews exist and there is no other thing to do than to accept that fact, they have to live somewhere. That it was an error creating a country for them, the more in the middle of the Arabs, based on whatever scriptures?, well, that could well be right, but, in any case, they, and the rest of the world would have to reach an agreement which considers the rights of everybody.

At the same time, we all people in the world, have also the right to live in peace, and for that we should reach agreements, including on what to do with people who do not respect this fact and cause turmoil all the time. This people causing turmoil are not only Israelis, but are many in your own country, Jews, or not…

This is our responsability and our duty, to bring them, and you, to some terms, whatever your views… So far, since I am watching, only the Russians have taken over in this activity…

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jew author/philosopher, Ayn Rand, useful, instructive for both good, bad....

Below-copied first submitted at comments,

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Ayn Rand: Excellent Student, Expositor Of Philosophy, Aristotle, And Kant
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

I read "Atlas Shrugged," by Rand, a Jew fm Russia--I thought it was a good book, esp. for Rand's purpose of expounding a philosophy, but also to dramatize it as in a story, that philosophy being basically Aristotelian. Rand is known as a good, competent Aristotelian, and I thought I learned a lot about philosophy and good old Aristotle.

Rand's one anomaly is while she endorses Aristotle's OBJECTIVITY as basic metaphysical premise, yet, typical Jew, she wants to deny DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will. Typical Jew, Rand wants to preserve "free" will, hence preserving the typical Jew pretense to "good-evil."

Rand also does excellent job, I thought, analyzing one of the foremost philosophers of this modern age, Immanuel Kant, who ALSO wanted to preserve the pretension to "good-evil" in way of DUTY being the foundation of ethics. Rand hated Kant--even though both of them pretended to the same sort of moralism involving "good-evil." I guess Rand thought of Kant as a rival.

Another excellent thing about Rand is she expounded the free-market political philosophy, showing how politics follows fm ethics in proper logic and applies then to economics. So that's why her works are so long, esp. "Atlas...," she wanting to both (a) expound the philosophy, (b) and also to dramatizing it in a real-life depiction. I thought she did reasonably good job in accomplishing her tasks, and I'm sure lots of others appreciated it too.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 170, follyofwar says:
January 16, 2019 at 6:02 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Achmed E. Newman

If you think “The Fountainhead” was bad (I actually liked it), try Rand’s 1200 page tome “Atlas Shrugged.” Part way thru, I couldn’t take it anymore, as her pedantic philosophical passages droned on and on for endless pages. I’ve read that it comes in second in number of sales next to the Bible. I guess there’s no accounting for taste.

Actually “Atlas” was so long that they made into a trilogy, in which the actors were changed each time. That ruined it for me. (It’s interesting that none of them wanted to come back again). The first one wasn’t bad and the actress playing Rand’s main character, Dagny Taggart, was quite pretty. The second one was awful and the actress playing Dagny was, to be kind, well past her prime. I lost all interest in seeing the third one.

WWI and II were truly mere parts 1 and 2 for conspiracy, war for communist world gov. dictatorship....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Indeed: WWI and II Were Just Parts I And II For Communist World Gov.
(Apollonian, 17 Jan 19)

Indeed: there's good books out on WWI by Gerald Docherty and James Macgregor, "Hidden History...," and "Prolonging the Agony...." WWI was deliberately started by conspirators, UK, France, and Russia--Russia especially, colluding w. Serbia to kill the heir-apparent, the Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand.

And when Austria objected to this murder, Russia promptly attacked, mobilizing its forces--which was all planned and agreed by the three conspirators afore-mentioned, yrs before. Germany did everything it could to prevent this war, but were blamed nonetheless at the Versailles Treaty conf. and had much land taken away, etc.

But soon enough, in the early 20s the facts came out (in books by Harry Elmer Barnes and Prof. Sidney B. Fay, among several others) about the Russian-Serb conspiracy to murder the Archduke--and this is why the Germans were soooo bitter, knowing more of the truth, finally electing good old unc' Adolf. Further, knowledge of this conspiracy was why the UK found it so difficult to seriously object to the consistent German revisionist moves to regaining some of the lands in eastern Europe.

The plan, first by UK and France, to attack Germany, was in place by 1904 ("Entente Cordiale"); Russia was brought firmly into it by 1907, the straits of Dardanelles and Bosphorus, as well as city of Constantinople being promised to Russkies. And this deal w. Russians was just after UK had made treaty w. Japan in 1902 against Russkies, the Japs sinking nearly the entire Russian fleet in 1905 w. modern warships made in UK, ho ho ho ho--goes to show just what a brainless cuck the Czar really was, passive-aggressive moron--who lost his empire along w. entire family as his reward for treachery against Germany.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 313, NoseytheDuke says:
January 17, 2019 at 11:52 am GMT • 100 Words

It’s rarely helpful to view historical incidents in isolation. The harsh treatment and forfeiture of territory (largely populated by Germans) that Germany received at Versailles was intended to provoke a future conflict.

French Field Marshall Foch was in attendance at Versailles and he stated immediately afterwards that, “Nothing is settled. War will break out again within 20 years” and he was off by a mere 3 months. WWI and WWII were simply two separate chapters of the same conflict, designed to make money for banksters and to rearrange the pieces on the geopolitical chessboard, The Great Game.

Israeli terror-state is ONLY one who COULD have done 9/11, and Chris Bollyn gives best accounting....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jews: As Far As Eye Could See
(Apollonian, 16 Jan 19)

Ck Chris Bollyn’s work at, aside fm his books, “Solving 9/11.” Bollyn pt.s-out the MASSIVE inductive evidence, the Jews ALL OVER the case, fm the non-investigation by DOJ (Justice), headed by Chertoff, to the litigation, headed by Jews–who were also conflicted for interest, including the cover-up by the Jews-media, including the massive dis-info that went along, including on the I-net.

EVERYTHING about 9/11 was covered at all pt.s by the Jews–and I mean Jews, too–they didn’t leave it to sympathetic gentiles. The victims families were steadily ground-down and refused trials and then paid-off, this operation headed by Jews too.

Cui Bono?–it served Jew interests, no one else, not only Israeli-Zionist (on the “neo-con” “right”), but also the “leftist” Jew world order (JWO), world-gov. side too–a total win-win for the Jew factions.

To be sure, the utterly corrupt, thoroughly masochistic USA was begging to be struck, things perfectly set-up by the “Judeo-Christian” (JC–see and for expo) hereticalists and collaborators, both Catholic and Protestant, colluding w. Jews.

Thus USA was and is exposed as thoroughly domesticated cattle, willing to be murdered and consumed by their keepers, the Jews–USA the perfect slaves, glorying in their slavery and servitude–but the coming economic recession/depression and currency collapse will be horrific, the Jews not allowing their slaves to recovering and striking-back at them.

So HOW now can we see the Jews?–they’re like most cruel pimp towards their whore(s), Jews giving beating after beating, and the whore thanking their masters for it all–and it’s only the beginning for the execution that’s bound to come, setting-up now for a civil-war, insuring no retribution will be directed towards Israel and little towards Jews themselves still in USA.

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# 148, Druid says:
January 17, 2019 at 12:05 am GMT • 100 Words

911 was a zio-Mossad job.

There were 4000 Jews working in the Twin Towers before 9-11. Only 4 Israelis died. Why were all the New York Jews not there and therefore killed. I always wondered and was suspicious. Turns out a memo was sent to Jews to stay away from the towers. Al Frankenstein, Minnesota senator, Jew, had an office in the towers, and gave a speech in which he says, “I’ll be honest, I got that message”.

Need I say more. Along with all the others evidence, the dancing IsrElis, the Israelis waiting with cameras, telling cops they were waiting to film the event, etc., etc., is there any question who did it!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

"McJesus" is legitimate, substantial ART, making genuine pt.--when one sees it fm certain perspective....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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"McJesus" Makes Legitimate Point, Hence Really Is Excellent Art
(Apollonian, 16, Jan 19)

But note, nonetheless, there IS a distinct sense in which this mocking of the crucifixion is certainly true in way of the cheap "tele-evangelists," the masonic Christians, like Billy Graham, et al.--especially for the gross, putrid MYSTIFICATION, as by original Romish church, followed by all the stinking emotionalism, as of the "revivals" of 18th and 19th centuries, then the Mormon adaptation, incorporating nearly explicit masonry, and other adaptations, like masonic "Jehovah's Witnesses," etc.

And don't forget Ajax Jewns ( and other "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who pretend "Christ was Jew" and that Judaism and Christianity are mere variations/versions of one another.

For note: the first and correct iteration is Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), but which was confused, even in the original New Test. by "God is Love" (1 JOHN 4:8); then we have the most putrid, filthy MYSTIFICATION of Christianity by means of "faith" of "beeeeleeeeeeeeeevin'," as if mere "beeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" then makes it all true--which was done by Romish Vatican.

So I think the McDonalds' -style ("McJesus") Christ is quite well-taken and genuine, notable, and legitimate ART, without a doubt--the Judaic hatred and mockery is already understood--goes without saying if one really knows anything about Western history. There is a genuine pt. being made, in "McJesus," quite apart fm mere Jews, just one aspect of the larger travesty being assailed.

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# 81, renfro says:
January 15, 2019 at 6:40 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Reuben Kaspate

The crucified McJesus was a deliberate act by the Jews. It was borrowed from a Finnish Gallery to display in Israel.

The Israelis also display in their museum a crucified Ken Barbie Doll as Jesus and a Barbie Doll Virgin Mary.

This is how Jews vent their hatred of gentiles and Christians. …their venom overflows into everything they do…truly sick, always looking for ways to defile others….pure evil.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Here's good analysis of Unz, psycho-kike heavily into censorship....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at, but deleted/censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Heros: Don't Under-Estimate Psycho-Jew Unz, His Corrupt And Perverted Lies And Actions
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 19)

"As far as the wall and hispanic crime goes, I say state once again that Ron Unz seems unable to see the forest for the trees. Just as he fails to connect the dots in all the other aspects of our lives where jews have turned our own European institutions and culture against us, so does Ron Unz once more miss the entire migration picture.

"Is it possible that Ron Unz has never heard Barbara Spectre? Does he not know of the Kalergi plan?"

Heros, thou needs to face reality--Unz ADMITS he's Jew, hence the necessary implications should arise within thy mind--Unz plainly relates w. Jews--what are Jews, by definition?--figure that out. Unz is not, and neither are Jews, "white," not in the slightest--they're anti-white, indeed, anti-human, like all Jews, of necessity and in accord w. their nature. For don't forget, again, Unz self-identifies as Jew--why and how is this?--have thou ever thought about it? Perhaps, like typical Jew, addicted to lying, Unz lies to himself, pretending he's a kike who can "pass" as white, even psychologically, but I have news for Unz, ho ho ho.

This site of Unz's is just another Jew psy-op, never doubt, and I can assure thou that Unz deliberately censors and subverts, affects, and tries to color and manipulate particular dialectics which go on among the commenters in the comments section. Contrary to his psychotic lying, Unz intensively practices censorship and deletes most of my comments, for example.

Interestingly, Unz will often allow a certain dialectic, for a couple of exchanges of notes btwn people, but then will suddenly truncate that exchange of comments, as I've observed first-hand, one of the commenters left hanging, not realizing the other interlocutor having been deleted by the psycho "editor," Unz, Ronnie-boy, the kike.

In one of the dialectic exchanges, recently, Unz deleted my comment, but the other guy yet posted again seeking clarification, not realizing Unz had struck w. his censorship--so why did Unz bother to publish the other guy's continuing when Unz had already deleted/censored my previous post? And when I went ahead and answered (or tried to), Unz deleted that too--such is the Jewwy perversion of this psychotic Jew, Unz--he seems to take a twisted pleasure in censorship, never doubt--Unz the TYPICAL Jew, corrupt, fraudulent, and psychotic, never doubt.

But it's all "good," as the saying goes, as I copy and record all this psychotic, fraudulent censorship activity of Unz at website where people can see what I really posted despite all Unz's censorship and lying he does. Ho ho ho ho.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 31, Heros says:Next New Comment
January 14, 2019 at 11:08 am GMT • 500 Words

“Despite having been totally “deplatformed” from all normal Internet services, the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer still apparently gets more traffic than all the other Alt-Right websites in the world combined, and its editor, Andrew Anglin, is an ardent Trump supporter.”

Anglin is a pacifist and repeatedly states that he is against all forms of violence. Anglin is no “Nazi”, neo or otherwise. I am certain Hitler would have sent him to a labor camp for not being willing to fight along, along with the jews who were already famous in Germany for the Dolchstoss. So can we please just finally admit that jews get a dopamine hit every time they write or utter “Nazi”?

I sincerely doubt that Anglin is an ardent Trump supporter. He certainly loves to trigger jews and lefties, so he calls Trump “Der Führer” in a humorous and sarcastic manner that makes his site so popular. But even Dailystormer has to hold its punches when dealing with jews. Anglin is basically in exile in Nigeria because of jewish power, Mossad and satanic organizations like Cube.

As far as the wall and hispanic crime goes, I say state once again that Ron Unz seems unable to see the forest for the trees. Just as he fails to connect the dots in all the other aspects of our lives where jews have turned our own European institutions and culture against us, so does Ron Unz once more miss the entire migration picture.

Is it possible that Ron Unz has never heard Barbara Spectre? Does he not know of the Kalergi plan?

Any intelligent person, especially someone who has an IQ as high as Ron Unz supposedly has, must be able to recognize the pattern of turd world invasion being forced on every enclave of European people on the planet. If all of continental Europe and all of the old commonwealth are being simultaneously overwhelmed by waves of PoC invaders, shouldn’t an intelligent guy like Ron Unz be able to see that statistically this is impossible that all these peoples simultaneously decided to commit cultural suicide?

Next look at the fierce globalist NGO assault on Hungary, Poland and especially Russia when they refuse to submit to the will of judaism. Then look to the jews in Israel, who insist that the west must accept all refugees from their wars for Greater Israel while they expel all undesirables and turn Israel into civilization’s greatest racial supremacist citadel.

Stephan Molyneux also cannot see the forest for the trees. Here he goes into detail ridiculing the Ireland 2040 plan to bring in 1m PoC migrants. But he blames this population replacement on the boomers and their need for high real estate prices to support their unfunded retirements.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Observe the corrupt perversion of the commenter I respond to--BUT also the corrupt devilish sublety of Unz the kike censor who works so hard to manipulating the dialectic....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but censored and deleted by that devilish little kike, Unz, at comments,

[Ask urself WHY would the kike delete my (below) post?--answer: he's really devilish little bastard striving so mightily to color and manipulate the dialectic. And it truly goes to show how CAREFULLY he considers censoring any and every little note for his Jew purpose of so coloring and manipulating any dialectic, esp. this one. And I wasn't surprised the little kike would delete my comment which allows the other commenter to having his own comment stand without my full analysis and repudiation of his entire endeavor involved in his putrid, corrupt little note. Goes to show just what devilish puke kikes like Unz really are.]

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Psycho Should Cut His Temporizing Balderdash
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 19)

Sorry, buddy, but I don't go along w. thy psychotic explanation asserting collective guilt--thou simply need thy head examined. And I hold to my analysis given above at # 155, the heck w. thy serpentine babbling and stupidity. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, sucker; making oneself to be God, PERIOD. Each and every Jew is responsible on his individual choice to be loyal to Talmud, his fellow Jews, and Judaism. In fact, we see thou (and thy "deacon" buddy) are the one who adopts the Jews' methods, like collective guilt--thou art the one who most resembles Anton La Vey. Get a clue, for Pete's sake, thou pathetic creature.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 201, Truth says:
January 14, 2019 at 2:17 am GMT • 200 Words

There is truth to what you say but I will share with you a little story. A Deacon once told me something that sat with me.

We were discussing satanism, and he he said, “you know ‘Truth’, when people think of satanism, they think of guys in black robes with pitchforks doing human sacrifices and stuff. And while that is true it is not what satanism is; satanism is anything that disconnects you with your personal relationship with God. ”

So the bottom line is that the reason that the Qaballah Cabal has been able to take over the country in a short amount of time is that other people (white people particularly because at one time, they had all of the power) allowed themselves to be conned away from God by their distractions and pleasures: In other words, the fault is yours. The Khazars are flawed humans just as you and I. It was your choice to turn your eyes from God, yours, and your daddy’s and granddaddy’s, eventually a whole lot of individual choices add up to the choice of the whole.

So why deflect blame, Anton LaVey?

 • Disagree: apollonian

• Replies: @Truth

Don't patronize kikes, u stupid, brainless puke--exactly what they want u to do, dumbasses....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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It's FATAL Mistake To Patronize Jews, Suckers--They're DEADLY Serious, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 19)

Comrade, thou art totally wrong--and thou needeth to think better--DON'T BE PATRONIZING towards these monsters. Jews are Talmudists, by definition, and those genetically related, and they're all NECESSARILY loyal--to the Talmudic program, war against humanity, for benefit of Jews and their rule over the goyim--no less than Unz is, here, who ruthlessly, INTENSIVELY censors my postings, all for the benefit of his Jews--Unz is loyal to Jews, does things for Jews.

There may be "little" Jews, as thou indicate, but it's no less than privates, corporals, captains, and generals within the large army. Additionally, Jews have their allies, "useful idiots," and dupes, among the stupid goyim too, like the masons, etc.--all in the large satanic (subjectivistic) complex.

Unz's page/site here is mere psy-ops, typical Jew, imagining he can deflect the hated goyim. Just read again his "Open ltr to Alt-right," fairly dripping as it obviously is w. the typical, obligatory Jew contempt, lies, and condescension, which no one w. half a brain could fail to see. But enough of the gentiles here KNOW what's up w. Unz, no doubt.

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# 181, Truth says:Next New Comment
January 13, 2019 at 6:04 pm GMT

Judaism is, at its heart, a Satanist cult. This is fairly obvious when you look into it. That does not mean that every jew (small “J” intentional, “ish” means “like”) is a Satanist.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Get a clue, comrades, but Jews are amazingly stupid, when u seriously analyze....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but deleted/censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jew Should Take His Own Advice--Grow Up
(Apollonian, 12 Jan 19)

Dumbass: just ck a dictionary, sucker--racism is VIRTUE of LOYALTY and pride in people, ancestors, and culture. And aren't thou Jews the very foremost racists of all time, among all people?--so it's (racism and loyalty) ok for thou, but somehow not ok for anyone else?--why is that?--is it because such idiot double-think is way thou Jews pretend to "moralism" trying to induce it among gentiles to destroy cohesion and resistance against thou Jews and thy satanist dupes and fellow travelers among stupid gentiles?--of course it is.

Israelis, Jews, and Zionists are OBVIOUSLY all the same in that they follow the Talmud, OR if there are any who don't, they nonetheless remain loyal to them, always making excuses for them, always working consistently for Jew purposes--why otherwise call oneself "Jew"?

For after all, Talmud is actually just a war-plan and -strategy against all the rest of humanity, right? And Jews can be "religious" or not, yet still following this war-plan and -strategy--which we see them all doing, consistently, NEVER really denouncing the Talmud--which is un-thinkable to anyone calling himself "Jew."

And get a clue, sucker: EVERYONE is necessarily "racist"--because it's AXIOMATIC and cannot be denied in reason--one is loyal (hence racist) to some race of some kind, mixed, or non-mixed, white or non-white, etc. If thou pretends thou art soooooo "smart," why art thou soooo desperately dumb for thy pathetic lying as we observe?

Thou saith, "[n]oone likes your pathetic racism"--but HOW doeth thou know this, sucker?--isn't this just wishful thinking on part of thou?--and this IS what thou WOULD want people to think, right?--for such cognitive dissonance and non-racialist treason is what serves thou Jews' purposes, right?

"Grow T F Up!"--thou saith?--but shouldn't thou follow thine own advice? Ho ho ho ho--I thought Jews were supposed to be "smart"?

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 34, WTF says:
January 12, 2019 at 7:46 pm GMT

You are either very ignorant, stupid or both of those things. Or maybe just a troll?

Israelis, Jews, Zionists are not all the same. You obviously havent stopped wearing a nappy.

Noone likes your pathetic racism.

Grow T F Up!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Goon can't, won't figure-out what sovereignty is, that states are sovereign, union only having "delegated powers" not sovereignty....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Obsessed "Elite..." Struggles To Grasp What He Refuses To Accept
(Apollonian 11 Jan 19)

I would be curious to know exactly what this “lawful” process was.

I would be interested to know the process they used to overcome the supremacy clause.

The simple answer regards SOVEREIGNTY--which the state has and always had, having seceded fm G. Britain and the Articles Confederation--and which sovereignty is inalienable--which "elite..." can't seem to grasp. The union was/is mere AGENT of the states, w. only "DELEGATED POWERS"--which were duly un-delegated by the only sovereign entity, the state.

There's no magic ritual the state had to perform. Essentially, all that was/is needed is an announcement which is sufficiently backed by the people and/or their legislature or convention.

It only goes to show the basic thick-headed incompetence of ignorant fools who just can't--and won't--figure it all out regarding "exactly what this 'lawful' process was."

"Over-coming supremacy"?--was mere creation and agreement made by states w. one another (a), and (b) such "supremacy" exists only as whatever law or action was/is in accord w. Constitution, a creation of the states--and NOT to be decided by an agency of the agent union, like the Sup. ct. which is naturally biased, as pt'd out by Jefferson in Kentucky Resolution of 1798-9.

Thus the union can NEVER tell any sovereign entity, like the sovereign states, what to do--states are NOT slaves--the union can only say what's appropriate for itself, hence any party which is voluntary part of that union. An "IN-voluntary part" is SLAVERY by definition, and totally impossible and inconceivable--the very purpose of the agent union to PREVENT.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

# 237, EliteCommInc. says:
January 11, 2019 at 1:04 pm GMT

I would be curious to know exactly what this “lawful” process was.

I would be interested to know the process they used to overcome the supremacy clause.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Jews: detest, hate, resent, despise TRUTH (= Christ)--confront kike w. truth and watch him squirm....

Below-copied items by ap were submitted, but deleted and censored by Unz, the kike, at comments,

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Does Baboon Need "Leg" To Standing Upon?
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

Ho ho ho--talk about "presumption." So what?--a baboon says I'm "...fringe, maligned, low self-esteem, low intelligence sub-group of loser whites...?" Well, baboon, I suggest thou baboons better hope there's not toooo many of us, eh?--ho ho ho ho

And isn't it just a bit "presumptuous" to pretend to knowing anything about "fringe," "self-esteem," "intelligence," etc.? Is there a "leg" needed here for the baboon to be "standing upon"?--ho ho ho ho

And what real diff. does it make, long as we white patriots are HONEST?--isn't that all we really need to defeat baboons?

Finally, baboon: note I don't pretend to speaking for all whites--just those of us who count, who will survive in this Darwinian existence--which survival we've done enough of so far to get us this far. We just need enough HONESTY, I'd say, to be able to see far enough to getting past baboons as we've done before.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 238, Okechukwu says:
January 10, 2019 at 6:33 pm GMT • 100 Words

Get a clue, sucker–we’re never going to accept blacks–EVER. And that’s why USA is doomed, aside fm all the other reasons–we whites are going to SECEDE w. our own states, as it is our right, and we’re not going to have blacks–or anyone else–watch and see, scum.

Here’s yet another member of the fringe, maligned, low self-esteem, low intelligence sub-group of loser whites presuming to speak for all whites.


Truly: Who Is Kidding Who?
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

All one needs do is to ck-ing a dictionary for definition of VIRTUE of racism which is LOYALTY and pride in people, ancestors, culture.

And note reality is (a) objective, hence (b) determined according to strict cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" will. Hence as race is significant circumstance, as for culture, etc., then it deserves attn. and respect for its usefulness, doesn't it?

And what diff. does it make if race/racism is the "last card," sucker?--for if it's true, real, and useful, then it's surely good enough tool, and an excellent choice--it's what baboons are sooooo terrified of, isn't it?

Poor baboon doesn't seem to grasp racial loyalty is AXIOMATIC--one is necessarily loyal, as loyalty is virtue (a), and (b) that loyalty MUST go to some race of some kind, either mixed or non-mixed, right? For the baboon is himself loyal to the race of baboons, right?--or that race of morons who pretends race is "non-scientific," etc.--and then pretends to psychologically intimidating others to accepting the baboon's theories and opinions about race. Does it occur to the baboon that we've hrd all the baboon's idiot "liberal," "progressive" lies and propaganda before?

Baboon needs to ask himself WHO he thinks he's kidding, ho hoo ho ho ho

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 241, Okechukwu says:
January 10, 2019 at 7:16 pm GMT • 100 Words

If the issue was to insignificance the writers here would not spend so much time and effort riling up the issue

Actually, it’s the insignificance of this junk that causes them to spend their lives promoting it. Because anything real would be self-evident, not requiring tireless and increasingly apoplectic campaigns to try to keep it afloat. They know that trying to dress up racism as “science” is a losing battle outside of the dankest corners of the Internet. But they persist because it’s likely the last card they have.


Ben: We Know Who/What Thou Art, What Thou Art About, Sucker, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 11 Jan 19)

Ben: we know what religion/race thou art, sucker--that race which is justly hated by all mankind, kicked-out of practically every land, over and over again, throughout hist--the race which worships lies, regardless whether they're "religious" or not.

Actually lying is their religion as they hold to a subjective reality governed by "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash" interpretation. There's no reality but what the rabbis say, ho ho ho ho ho--Torah means what rabbis say, and that's why they hated Christ and killed him.

I had a couple of neat little responses to thy buddy, "Okechukwu," but Unz deleted them. Don't doubt people evermore understand this about Unz--he's the TYPICAL Jew, hater of truth and free expression.

JEWS CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT CENSORSHIP, their typical, habitual efforts to thwart the truth and to create their own little reality which they want to impose upon gentiles by means of such censorship for just one instrument. Jews HATE truth--and that's why they killed Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which they admit, but truth cannot be killed as reality is objective, and that's why Christ (= truth) resurrected--as it always does and always will.

Unz lives the typical Jewwy lie, pretending in his recent "open ltr to 'alt-right'" that he's trying to preserve first amendment, ho ho ho ho ho ho. Unz is such a joke--which he is slowly learning, I suggest.

Gentiles may be cursed to being poor, but Jews are doomed to being absolutely psychotic, conflicted, hypocritical, and endlessly envious of gentiles who are HONEST--which Jews NEVER can be, the pathetic scum.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

# 244, Ben Sampson says:
January 10, 2019 at 9:51 pm GMT

sound comment man! I could not have said it better myself

Monday, January 7, 2019

By golly, but kikes and suck-alongs LOVE to babbling about "IQ," eh?--ho ho ho ho ho--just brainless idiocy and lies....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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"IQ" Is Patent Non-Sense, Suckers--Get Off It, Pleeeeeeez
(Apollonian, 7 Jan 19)

Observe all this truly moronic, utterly brainless nonsense about "IQ": it's founded upon the FALLACY of a perfectly "free" will, by which "choices" are made, etc., ho ho ho ho.

But fact is reality is OBJECTIVE, in accord w. the mighty Aristotle, "master of those who know."

Hence reality is necessarily DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no idiot "good-evil," which is for children and dogs. Everyone is a sinner, according to basic Christian principles, St. Augustine, and St. Paul. We all act NECESSARILY in accord w. self-interest, foundation of the science of economics ("Human Action")--see for expo.

Thus "free will" stupidity and lies are founded in satanic extreme subjectivism by which philosophy reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to being God, the creator of reality--satanism, by definition.

And this putrid (extreme) subjectivism is the very basic thesis of Talmud/Judaism (featuring "midrash" interpretation--see,, and for best expo) and the "philosophic" -styled charlatans, like especially Immanuel Kant, the great grand-daddy of philosophic frauds and jokesters.

"Good-evil" and "IQ" idiocy are just satanic lies by which puke pretend they're "human" or more "human" than others, etc. Give it up, morons, u fatuous, scummy, lying filth, ho ho hooo ho.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 211, Bourjoi says: • Website
January 7, 2019 at 2:42 pm GMT • 100 Words

As for IQ. Could we try some other reasoning? 1- the human brain is an hominidae brain that evolved naturally in a natural surrounding to accomplish natural objectives. 2- it is an organ to live as much as the liver, the lungs or the heart and so on (Read, The Body has a Brain from Gustav Eckstein). 3- when we think it thinks it thinks about ways to live. 4- the hominidae brain is a social brain that for thousands of genetic generations evolved in small groups of 80. (Look at Robin Dunbar number) 5- if the brain think it has to learn to read and write in a dominating social environnement, it will learn to read and write. It will even learn to play the forte piano. 6- when you measure IQ, you measure the brain compliance.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Unz is just another typical Jew, liar, etc.--Unz, the satanist, in guise of "non-religious"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but censored and deleted by Unz, the little kike, at comments,

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MoralMidget Needs Getting Clue: Unz Is TYPICAL Jew--"Wonderful" For Jews, Satanism, Maybe
(Apollonian, 4 Jan 19)

"And yes, many jews doing wonderful things also. Unz comes to mind, and there have been many many more."

There are no "good" Jews anymore than there are "good" psychopaths or "good" child-molesters. And no decent person calls himself "Jew"--"moralmidget" needs to getting a clue and thinking things out.

Note "Jews" are by definition Talmudists, hence satanists, and those co-racialists of such Talmudists, claiming to NOT to being "religious" or following Talmud, who yet call themselves Jews, like Unz, loyal to their fellow Jews, never hesitate to making excuses for Talmudists and hence Satanists and satanism--so they're integral part of the problem, that problem being the large cultural satanism pushed by Jews, Jews foremost satanists.

And remember satanism is its own philosophy--quite APART fm any "religion"--satanism being simply extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--satanism, by definition. Such "non-religious" satanism is Unz, plainly, clearly, without a doubt--typical Jewwy lying liar to his core.

Don't doubt Unz INTENSIVELY censors and attempts to "manage" and inflect the debate and discussion here on his pages, and he does this for his cause which he pretends is the virtuous "non-religion," which "non-religion" is his typical Jewwy excuse for his HEAVY and intensive censorship, never doubt. How could anyone fail to note the putrid Jewwy condescension and gloating Unz displays in his "Open Ltr to "Alt-Right""? Get a brain.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

MoralMidget says:Next New Comment
January 3, 2019 at 7:10 am GMT • 500 Words

Israel is bad for America? I would go further and ask whether jews are bad for America.

Jews are like gypsies or muslims: had problems and bad reputation in every single country they ended up in, because many of their respective tribe members’ behaviour. Yes #NotAll and yada yada. It has to be said ad nauseam, of course.

Both refuse to completely integrate and drop their past cultures, and basically form nations within the nations they live in. The rubbish about jews being more civilised and not being overrepresented in prisons it is a fallacy. Still their behaviour, most probably unconscious, is harming the host societies of the countries they find themselves in.

And yes, most jews are being simply played like violins. The jewish power elite knows exactly which are the strings that make the jewish activist and fund raising machine start working. In the same way Christian Zionists are being played by the same jewish elites, in the same way as the aristocracy used the Church for centuries to play the masses. They also know hostility against jews, wrongly called antisemitism, is the life blood of zionism and what has kept jews united as a distinct people for millenia

Most jews support Israel and also the Israel lobby *no matter what*

Jews invented multiculturalism as we know it and hate today.

Jews invented identity politics.

Jews created porn and the society decay it brought with it.

Jews created radical feminism.

Jews played a very important role in the open borders movement.

An army of disproportionately Jewish lawyers and organisations, funded mostly with jewish money, and also jewish judges are fighting to obstruct the modest immigration restrictionist policies Trump tried to put in place. Just check the following article and its shocking numbers

Jews are pushing for legislation to curtail freedom of speech, and an army of jewish activists is behind the taking down and flagging of youtube videos.

Jews created the Fed and a Great Depression and Recession were mostly Jewish speculation and money lending out of control. Because Wall Street jews know how to lobby and bought politicians to get rid of the necessary regulations.

The jewish lobby, euphemistically called Israel lobby, completely dominates Washington and US media, and decides US foreign policy and which country is the US going to invade or threaten or sanction next.

Jewish donors *own* US policy makers. Including the POTUS.

And yes, many jews doing wonderful things also. Unz comes to mind, and there have been many many more. But as the doctor about to decide whether to continue with the prescription of a certain medicine to one of his patients based on net benefit, are jews, after such a list of bad *secondary effects* bad for America? I would say so.

Just hear what this important Israeli rabbi has to say about the origins of antisemitism in Nazi Germany. It is certainly shocking, and confirms my claim that jewish behaviour creates anti-Semitism.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Christian rationalist msg, in context w. original Torah, compared w. Hindus, etc....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, then CENSORED by the Jew, Unz, at comments,

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Christ Merely Re-Stated, Simplified For Understanding, Against Hereticalist Pharisees
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

"Spirituality"?--sucker, Christ preaches serious, basic philosophy, he defending the original Mosaic law against hereticalist Pharisees and others, but mainly Pharisees who worked to "make the law of God of non-effect" (Gosp. MARK, 7:1-13).

For the Pharisees preached rather the "Oral Law Tradition," featuring "midrash" (interpretation) by which Torah could be made to mean whatever anyone wanted it to mean--Pharisees were and are SUBJECTIVISTS, holding themselves as co-equal w. God, God merely their servant/slave/assassin (who killed the Egyptian Children at Passover) who did menial work of creating them (Pharisees) in first place. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Thus Christ is literally TRUTH itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which necessarily requires OBJECTIVE reality as basis/premise/criterion, which Pharisees (extreme subjectivists who hold reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness, making them God, the creator (or co-equal therewith)--satanism) reject.

So we can see there's absolute anti-theses and essential opposition btwn the two sides. Pharisees, as subjectivists determined thereupon to prove their case by means of murdering TRUTH, thus dis-proving the objective reality--is that "spiritual" enough? But truth cannot be killed, as reality cannot be killed, is OBJECTIVE (Aristotle), and necessarily RESURRECTS--is that "spiritual" enough?

It doesn't get any heavier or more "spiritual," does it?--sticking-up for TRUTH vs. satanism, the opposed ideals (objective vs. subjective)--as we see such satanism, anti-reason, and mysticism prevailing throughout the world, presently--Agendas -21 and -2030 openly preaching GENOCIDE (pop.-reduction), AND practicing it by means of poison drugs, vaccines, poison food, toxic radiation, including the new "5G" micro-wave frying, not to mention the "chem-trails" seeding of poisonous aluminum and barium particles and old-standby nukes.

Regarding the Trinity, it seems difficult to understand, perhaps, but it does well enough for human understanding that (a) truth (= Christ) is necessary for humans, of greatest importance to know about the (b) objective reality, created by the Father (which is the idiom by which people structured their thought in those days, don't forget), understood then by the people by means of (c) Holy Spirit of REASON, but reason tempered w. HONESTY and Integrity, spiritual values to complement the conscious intellect--and which honesty, Jews never hrd of as they're so desperate to pretend they're co-equal w. God, don't forget.

Thus Christ spoke to the people of Judea in the idiom/mentality they were familiar w., the Old Testament and Torah, hence the famous Trinity, merely a new wrinkle. Thus Christ re-stated Torah law and simplified it for grasp of the people who were otherwise not necessarily too literate regarding Greek philosophy and scientific -style logic.

Of course, Hindu-ism was of a much earlier understanding for a diff., foreign people and sociology of castes, it emphasizing an ethic, but not nearly as intellectual and rationalist as the new Christianity which vigorously defended the original Mosaic Torah, against the mystic, subjectivist, satanist "Oral Law Tradition" of murderous, criminal Pharisees who indulged in lies, lying, and liars, as Christ noted. Get a clue.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

anonymous[278] • Disclaimer says:Next New Comment
January 2, 2019 at 4:58 am GMT • 100 Words

Christians tend to be more rational than most

That is simply hilarious when one considers your entire spiritual edifice rests on the following bat**** pagan polytheist nonsense;

The Trinity is the teaching that the one God of all existence, consists of three divine persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In matters of spirituality, Christians are about as “rational” as the Hindooos.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Jews always lie--the ONLY thing they can do in face of truth (= Christ, JOHN 14:6) which they hate, making use of equivocation in this case....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, #196

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Jews NOT Same As Judeans; Jews Foremost Subjectivists; Judaism Anti-Thesis To Christianity
(Apollonian, 1 Jan 19)

Ho ho ho, EVERYTHING is "wrong" w. that idiot syllogism, both for truth and validity. (a) First off, major and minor premises are mixed-up, fool. "Jews are bad for America" is obvious (general) major premise.

(b) Christ was NOT "Jew," Jew defined as follower of Pharisees/Talmud. "Jews" were only about 5% (the middle-class party) of Judea/Palestine at time of Christ.

Christ was Galilean, descended fm JUDEANS (on mother's side), NOT "Jews." Christ explicitly repudiated Jews/Judaism/Pharisaism, as at Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Gosp. MARK ch. 7, and Gosp. MATT entire ch. 23, all 39 verses.

See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

I also forgot to add, in my original comment, that though Jews are OBVIOUSLY bad for America and all humanity, yet they fulfill a (socio-) biological function in that, like typhus and the black plague, they help to counter-act the CYCLIC over-population of humanity–Jews are literally a disease inflicted upon sinful humanity.

Pretending/insisting/lying to effect "Christ was Jew" is common Jew lie (founded upon fallacy of equivocation, confusing words and meanings, "Jew" and "Judean"--they're not same), this lie swallowed by too many moronic "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics who seem to imagine that Judaism and Christianity are compatible, or versions/variations of one another, when they're ABSOLUTE opposites and anti-theses. The only "subterfuges and deflections" are by the lying Jew commenter, above.

Don't forget, Christianity worships TRUTH above all/any ideals (including "love," or "faith," or "peace") hence the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary foundation of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Jews follow "Oral Law Tradition," founded upon "Midrash" (interpretation), as of Torah, and indeed everything, Jews being foremost SUBJECTIVISTS, Jews practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive subjectivists, above and contrasting w. more "individualistic," isolated gentile subjectivists (who far out-number Jews), Jews thus leading, dominating, ruling all other subjectivistics, even though out-numbered by them.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 182, Anonyomous says:
January 1, 2019 at 10:01 pm GMT • 100 Words

Major Premise: Jesus was a Jew.
Minor Premise: Jews are bad for America.
Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus is bad for America.

Is there anything incorrect with that deduction?

P.S. Anybody disagreeing with the first premise is waging a War on Christmas, or at least clumsily stepping on your own dick. It is truly funny watching JQ-aware Christians studiously avoid the fact that Jesus himself was indeed a Jewish Rabbi, with their various subterfuges and deflections proffered in unz comment sections.

---------above by "anon" in response to original, below-copied, post by ap----

# 162, apollonian says:
January 1, 2019 at 8:42 pm GMT

Indeed: and just follow the obvious, simple logic–not only Israel, but Jews are bad for America–and bad for all humanity.