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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Poor Hoffman: just can't unnastan' why people can't accept his lies and psycho delusions....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...issenting.html

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Hoffman Continues To Bleat
(Apollonian, 27 Feb 20)

Hoffman, in all his psychotic Passive-Aggression and self-pity just continues to bleat, complain and cry-out. But Hoffman, don't u insist on Pelagian heresy, idea of "good-evil," hence the perfectly "free" human will which will carry us to heaven, regardless God's grace and mercy?

For if "good" were something actually objective and real, then how would God possibly have any grounds for denying one his rightful place in heaven?

So Hoffman tell us, if there really is "good-evil," then what is the criterion, standard, and premise for it by which we can tell definitively the diff? Like the psychotic u really are, u constantly insist there's "good-evil," but NEVER tell us the criterion--NEVER.

U insist u're treated unfairly, and u say Suvorov (real name, Rezun) is wrong about the pre-emptive attack against USSR, but u refuse to say what are the real facts. So how many divisions did Stalin really have on his western borders?--u won't tell us, and who's fault is that?

Hoffman says Hitler should rather have relied upon mere counter-attacking any Russian invasions, Hitler operating upon what Hoffman calls "interior lines," but Hoffman doesn't tell us what his military and strategic qualifications are--did he graduate in the top half of his class at West Point?--what military training did Hoffman ever have and go through?

Hoffman insists Hitler was such a horrible person, not really Christian, but Hoffman as Pelagian heretic, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," we can only suspect Hoffman's own qualifications to be judge of Christianity. And we KNOW the German people thought rather more highly of unc' Adolf than know-it-all Hoffman, the military genius and paragon of moralism, hubris, and sanctimony.

And of course there's Hoffman's previous work on "Usury in Christendom...," in which we see Hoffman inveighs against "usury," not even capable of accurately defining and describing it, Hoffman knowing nothing about money and banking, not even understanding diff. btwn real money and mere "currency" (see for proper economic expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms).

So we see, once again, Hoffman is NOT a "historian" at all, whatever he may say and protest--he's not even really a Christian, in all truth, merely the subjectivistic, hubris-filled moralistic and heretic, spouting "good-evil" delusions, pretending he's competent judge of things he plainly knows little-to-nothing about (military and economic), and he's been so terribly injured and treated by people who resent his hereticalism and self-righteousness, not to mention gross ignorance and presumption. Poor Hoffman.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Jew liars are everywhere--quite telling the way they lie....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but then CENSORED, deleted by kike Unz, at comments,

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Who's Kidding Who?
(Apollonian 24 Feb 20)

"Realtalk": u're "psych-case," sucker, and u fool no one. Rabbis follow Talmud which is satanic war plan against all gentiles and humanity, and Hoffman does good enough job for his exposition thereof. See his and, also then and

U're typical Jew liar when u allege "utter schizobabble," which readers can judge for themselves. Further, many, if not all rabbis follow the "Cabala" mysticism of Zohar which explicitly equates God w. satan.

U Jews are subjectivists who follow "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition," and u create ur own little reality, Jews dominating because of their collectivistic subjectivism, Jews most organized, cohesive, and best-led among the masses of gentile subjectivists who yet are not as well organized, more "individualist," thus dominated by Jews.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------

8. Realtalk says:
February 24, 2020 at 7:02 pm GMT

Don’t get taken in by Hoffman, friends. Guy seems like he’s making sense for a few sentences then veers into utter schizobabble about the grand schemes of the Satan-worshipping rabbis. Psychiatric case.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Buddist boys do good (enough) job on subject of Truth...

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Excellent discussion w. Brian & Pannobhasa, Though Didn't Discuss Determinism
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 20)

What is truth?--well, it is God = Christ = truth--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. Christianity then is worship of truth, the highest value, summum bonum--the only way to God the Father. Note also, that very question, "What is truth?" is asked by Pontius Pilate to Christ at Gosp. JOHN 18:37. Christ replies nothing, allowing Pilate to move on to his next thought, the idea then (of the Gospel-writer) being that it is the very problem, but which Christ rather wants to leave for Pilate to figure-out for himself.

Thus truth is what is reflected by the objective, hence God-given, reality--as we confirm by observation and science, all science, logic, and reason dependent upon that objective reality and premise thereto--also known as "correspondence theory," as noted by Pannobhasa. "Coherence" then would be mere elaboration which couldn't work without "correspondence" or objective reality already implicit.

So it comes down to objectivity--or not--and nothing else works. Only problem w. this excellent discussion btwn Brian and Pannobhasa is it didn't get into the "free" will vs. determinist issue.

Note also the Greeks discussed this problem of the fundamentals of reality and philosophy, called "metaphysics," and observe that if there were no objectivity, then NOTHING works, as subjectivism falls to reduction ad absurdum--if reality is subjective, then ANYTHING goes, and there's no limit--one can both be and not be, etc.

Further, observe that this basic premise is itself obviously un-provable, as it is the most basic, nothing coming before it as premise--an ASSUMPTION (necessarily). Anything not objective then falls to reduction-ad-absurdum.

So u see, it's not provable, that basic premise for things, so it's really matter of choice, and we see that SUBJECTIVISM is extremely useful for Satanists (extreme subjectivists--idea that reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--satanism) as it (subjectivism) is basic premise for non-existent delusion of "good-evil" which thus allows Satanists great power over the inferiors and weaklings of the world (not that they're "bad")--who are by far the most numerous and prevalent in numbers, hence politically powerful--weaklings and inferiors sooo subject to INFERIORITY-COMPLEX and "guilt," and thus "good-evil" delusion, known to Catholics as Pelagian heresy--the idea that human "free" will can choose "good," and thus the subject can WILL his way to virtue and DEMAND of God a place in Heaven.

Note then, most powerful (politically, sociologically, and psychologically) Satanists are the COLLECTIVIST subjectivists who are most organized, cohesive and best led, who collude in most effective, successful "group-think," and who have always been Jews (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44). For best expo on Judaism see,,, and

Thus Christianity hold humans are poor sinners, always have been, always will be, by virtue of the human will, which isn't perfectly "free" as God's is, but which makes the human necessarily "egoistic," thus following one's will and/or "interest"--the human necessarily self-interested and incapable of anything else, hence a "sinner."

So one sees the choice btwn objective and subjective (similar to Aristotle vs. Plato who upheld "good" along w. truth and beauty as his kind of foremost "trinity"), and as perfect "free" will is impossible but for God, the world is DETERMINIST, according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will.

Thus one sees the perfection of Christian philosophy embedded within the "religion" and myth, which philosophy is understood by only a few, most "Christians" occupied and rather fascinated by that ethical discussion and teachings found in Gospels which so much seem to dominate the interest of the volk, ethics over metaphysics.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Real Christian philosophy hidden, mis-represented--WHY?

Here, below, is the sales ad placed on outside back-cover for Apollonian new booklet, "Discover Real Christianity, History and Philosophy, NOT Mere Religion, Myth," coming soon, for sale

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Satanists Want To Hide Real Christianity--Why?
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 20)

Have u ever noticed Christianity is hated?--but hated by who?--well, Christianity is hated by Satanists to name one group among any others, so why and how is this? For Christianity must be and have a philosophy opposed to the Satanists, right?

And Satanists have a philosophy too--so what would that be, exactly?--isn't it important to know?--especially as satanists really seem to be succeeding. Shouldn't people be alarmed at this satanic success? For this growing Satanism is all around us, evermore in our proverbial faces and actually all over and upon us. People need to wake up.

So what actually is Christianity?--isn't it more than just mumbo-jumbo, chanting, and "feel-good" platitudes?--is there an actual philosophic CORE to it?

So aside fm the "religious" exterior and the mythic story to it, there has to be a genuine CORE to Christianity which is valuable for philosophy. For the ethics practiced and preached by Christ told in New Test. story is what people have always loved and admired, un-questionably--even the Satanists cannot deny, and isn't this admiration and respect for Christian ethics a main thing Satanists detest and hate?

So Christian PHILOSOPHY then is what's MOST important to be understood--why it was (and still is) so successful--why it's nowadays so horribly covered-up and deliberately hidden by its so-called defenders and "leaders." For establishment Christianity is hardly Christian at all, in all truth--it's been infiltrated by anti-Christs, heretics, and Satanists. No wonder people have so little respect for the establishment "Christian" brand.

Real Christianity then, deserves a fair and serious, even if brief examination--for it isn't and couldn't be "rocket-science," and it's got to be more than mere mumbo-jumbo and humbug. So let's find-out what the Satanists, who now rule, don't want us to know and try to hide about dear Christianity and Christian philosophy.