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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Judaization of Christianity--how it happens, circumstances....

Judaization Of Christianity, West, And USA--"For Fear Of The Jews"
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 14)

A.  Christianity Corrupted And Judaized: How It Works For Present Reign Of Satanism

USA (the Jew S A) is now nothing but a gross, horrific, satanic empire--the empire of death, killing wholesale, by overt and covert methods, both by (a) immediate means of bombing, etc., and by (b) slow-kill means of poison fluoride in the water-supplies, horribly poisoned food and additives, toxic vaccines, not to mention the radiation poisoning of Fukushima.

So how did things come to this satanic pass, satanism being blatantly sold as in hip-hop and rap music?  USA used to be Christian country, and there's still lots of Christians.  But something happened as Christianity is on desperate defense fm Jews, pagans, homosexuals, and satanism, Christians demoralized, intimidated, and dis-united.  Of course establishment "Christianity" has plainly become Pharisaistic, tool of satanists and Jews.  And establishment "Christianity" is now mere appendage-attachment to regnant satanism, political-correctness, and especially, fear-of-the-Jews

How did it all happen?--this Judaization and satanification of Christianity in the reign of lies and Pharisaism, within Spenglerian "Decline of the West"?  First one must grasp Christianity and what it's supposed to be all about.  Thus Christianity proceeds fm the New Test. literature (a), the story being that Christ came along, and he preached to people about the word of God, esp. (b) expounding, clarifying, and restating, though not changing, the original Mosaic Law.

(c) Further, Christ opposed the Pharisees and Sadducees, these being pillars of Judean establishment of the time, collaborating w. Roman imperialists.  Most interesting thing then is we see now a thematic Hegelian-style thesis-antithesis opposition set-up btwn Christ and the Pharisees, esp. in most philosophic of all the Gospels, JOHN, whence Christ emphasizes TRUTH above all, truth the ONLY way to Godly happiness (JOHN 14:6).  Pharisees were sons of satan, satan father of lies (8:44)--note the sublime simplicity of this philosophic conflict and anti-thesis, (a) truth vs. lies; (b) objective reality vs. Pharisaic subjectivism.

For the Pharisees had brought-in and intruded the "midrash" and "oral-law tradition" by which the word of God fm Torah now means only what Pharisees "interpret" ("midrash") it to mean, Pharisees later writing up the Babylonian Talmud (500 A.D.), the Talmud now definitive for Jews, "Jews" understood to meaning followers of Pharisees (and now Talmud)--NOT the Judean people as a whole, descendents of "Israelites," who probably became mostly Christian.

But the pt. is that Christianity opposed Pharisaist subjectivism, Christianity upholding an objective standard for TRUTH, the highest Christian virtue, only way to happiness (God).  For HOW otherwise could any real "truth" exist without the objective reality under-lying, serving as premise/criterion?--opposed to Jew (Pharisaic) subjectivism founded upon "midrash," "oral-law" tradition, and Talmud "interpretation."


B.  "Faith": Different For Christians And Jews

And note then how this subjectivism and subversion of Christianity works by means of equivocation fallacy and different understandings of the word, "faith."  For "faith" as ideal is different for Christian and Jew--which is too little understood by Christians.  For Christian "faith" properly only means LOYALTY, whereas for Jews it means "believing"--as if "believing" in whatever proposition then makes it true.

For remember: Jews seriously believe reality is subjective or "relative"--thus "faith" of "believing" is quite significant and substantial for them, whereas for Christians it isn't.

However, note that most people aren't philosophers and have difficulty w. strict philosophy and logic, hence this distinction of Christian LOYALTY, regarding "faith," versus Jew "believing" is too easily lost upon such folk--to them, "believing" is quite legitimate, merely following leadership, as they "trust" their leaders, thus they're liable to fall for the Jew understanding and propaganda, missing the necessary distinction.  Observe then the equivocation and confusion for "trust," believing, and loyalty as they tend to blend-in to one another for so many people.

For note proper Christianity understands "faith" CANNOT make anything true apart fm the objective reality--Christians understanding humans are not God, humans incapable of creating basic reality--and "believing" does not and cannot make something become true apart fm the objective reality.


C.  "Good-Evil" Non-Existent For Christians, Strictly Understood

Further, there's problem for "good-evil" as proper Christian understands one can never be "good," one being sinner and only grace of God allowing for heavenly salvation.

But "good-evil" is all too powerful psychologic force for children (and dogs) regarding obedience to parents/master.  But for the Jew "good" is possible as one earns one's way to reward, such "good-works" mere heresy for Christianity--Pelagianism, as defined and analyzed by St. Augustine, further exposited by Martin Luther.

Thus "good-evil" is only possible in the subjectivist reality of Judaism wherein one exercises a wholly "free" human will, co-equal w. God's for such freedom.


D.  Conclusion

Thus, to sum-up for this crucial problem of the real Christianity vs. Pharisaism-satanism, we see the problem for "faith" of loyalty vs. "faith" of "beleeeeeeevin'."  For "believing" is cheap and only too easily leads to Pharisaism, Judaization of the real Christianity.  For truth doesn't need "belief"--it's KNOWN.  Loyalty must be to truth and KNOWLEDGE (not mere "belief"), hence for practical purposes, for leadership towards such truth.

Note Christianity doesn't want to reject people just because they're mystically-inclined due to parental up-bringing, for example, or can't yet understand mere "belief" is too cheap for real, genuine truth.  Hence then Christianity gives leadership for these people in need.

Thus Jew subjectivism so easily intrudes upon Christian reason, honesty, and integrity for the lies of criminals running, for example, the criminal enterprise of "central-banking," the legalized COUNTERFEITING by which Jews and satanists quickly and inexorably own and control everything and practically everyone within the affected, degenerate culture, the culture always susceptible to corruption and HUBRIS, the people inveigled to thinking they're "good" and capable of doing such fallacious, delusionary, hereticalist "good," for example the supposed, pretended benevolent, compassionate (the "great"), "socialistic" society, pretext for evermore overt dictatorship, fascism, and tyranny.

And thus Jews and Satanists, in the CYCLIC historical course of things, soon enough come to own and control all established Christian churches, the people now inveigled to supporting and working for murderous, psychopathic, satanists and Jews, like modern terror-state of Israel, as we see, on the one hand regarding the "rightist"-styled "neo-cons," and on the other hand, the "leftist"-styled United Nations world dictatorship, this upon pretext of lies like "climate-change."

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Transformation Of Organized Christianity, Servant Now Of Jew/satanic Lies--HOW Did It Happen?--Fallacy Of Equivocation Upon Word, Concept, "Faith"
(Apollonian, 4 Jul 17)

What has happened to Christianity, worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), at least the organized, established "Christianity" (which is now barely any kind of real Christianity at all)?--it's become TOTALLY transformed into something totally different, now serving lies, esp. Jew and satanic lies (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--HOW did this take place?

And observe how now, Israel literally tells USA, now become the Jew S A, what to do, having bought and compromised nearly all the politicians and judges, as Jews control the central-bank mechanism (see for expo on central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting, a gross criminal enterprise). Observe how Donald Trump, the new President, lies and tells people he's for "America first," when the obvious fact/truth is he's for Israel first, and proves it, lying, covering for false-flags, illegally conducting war, as against Syria, illegally having invaded Syria--all at behest of Israel.

It veritably seems that Trump wants to proceed w. the BIG-LIE to effect that even as he practices Israel-first, committing all sorts of criminal acts and treason against humanity, truth, and proper justice (including US Constitution), he imagines (so far, quite accurately) that it will all be construed as "America first," especially for the masses and hordes of over-populated, brainless, moronic goons of USA and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, who want to pretend they're "Christian," or at least compatible therewith in manner of rationality.

For an incredible, un-imaginable, nothing less than amazing transformation has taken place, sociologically and psychologically for Christian philosophy and culture, specifically this having to do w. the simple, subtle, and sublime meaning of the word, "FAITH."

For note the original, basic Christianity holds to the worship of truth (= Christ), such truth founded in the OBJECTIVE, God-given reality--for otherwise any other, non-objective "truth" is meaningless, without foundation. Never forget the immortal question put by the Roman, Pontius Pilate (Gosp. JOHN 18:38), who asked Christ, "what is truth"?--Pilate obviously wasn't sure and didn't know, and Christ rather contemptuously let the moment pass in silence, leaving it all for the people and readers of the Gosp. to ponder for themselves. For HOW is there any real "truth" unless there's a reality upon which it must be based and founded?

For Christianity, "faith" can ONLY be Loyalty. But what has happened through history and the corruption of the gradual passing of time, etc., is that Christian "faith" of loyalty has now become the Judaic "beleeeeeeeeeving," such "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeving" now understood as the CREATION OF TRUTH AND REALITY. Thus the corrupt Judaic "faith," foundation of all their lies and lying, pretending that beleeeeeeeeving creates truth and reality, has made itself Christian, and the establishment Christians have allowed themselves to become Judaized by means of this corruption, this equivocation, for meaning of "faith."

For note the Judaic reality is SUBJECTIVE (see and, and truth and reality are mere matters of "beleeeeeeeeeving" it to be whatever one wants it to be--there's no objective reality of substantial significance--everything for Jews is matter of "MIDRASH" (see and

Thus the Pharisees had such hatred and contempt for Christ (= truth), whom they murdered, who held to the objective reality and absolute nature of truth which only depended upon such objectivity, God-given--NOT SUBJECT TO "MIDRASH," or wishful thinking, or "beleeeeeeeeeving." Thus truth always RESURRECTS, as celebrated on Easter. For the true Christian, "beleeeeeeeeeeeeving" is not loyalty or proper "faith," and doesn't create or make truth or truthful any proposition, idea, thought, wish, hope, notion or ANYTHING. For the Christian, truth is objective, verified only by the God-given, objective reality, which is essentially un-affected by any "beleeeeeef" or beleeeeeeeeeeeving. One can beleeeeeeeeeeev all one pleases; it still doesn't create truth.

For note that if beleeeeeeeeeeeeeving really made anything to be true, then it would mean that the beleeeeeeeever was God the creator. Such is the fundamental difference btwn Christian and Jew, and the Christian and Jew concept of "faith."

And thus it is that Christianity, the real thing, worship of truth (= Christ), has now been lost for so many establishment-following "Christians," they having now been made slaves, suckers, and dupes for the Jews and their suck-alongs and cohorts, who now lead these poor, stupid Christians about by the nose, as we see, so pathetically, these "Christian" fools actually fighting and dying for their Jew-affected masters and leaders. Note further how the officials of the "Vatican" who pretend to leading the Church have so grossly and horrifically betrayed the Christian people, making excuses for the Jews, depriving the Christian people knowledge of the true facts about Jews, namely that Jews follow the satanic Talmud, not the Torah.


Practical, Actual satanism/Subjectivism, Done By The Morons ("The People"), Even If Un-Wittingly
(Apollonian, 25 Apr 18)

Remember: basically, satanism is simply subjectivism pushed to extreme, reality then become product of consciousness/mentality. So then observe how such moronic subjectivism is actually practiced and expressed as by the scummy puke among "the people"--even by avowed "Christians"--as in guise of pretended virtue of "beleeeeeeeeevin'.

(a) Thus these stupid puke ("the people") imagine it's virtue to beleeeeeeeeeeev crap is true, that beleeeeeeeeevin' then actually making it really true. Thus the "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" making, in effect, one to be God. To be sure, most of the morons probably don't seriously think they're God--they don't have the intelligence or honesty to admit it. BUT they DO pretend it's true, whatever it is they "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," the stupid puke. So u see how these dumb scum, even if they don't realize it, actually practice satanism, pretending their "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" creates reality and/or truth/facts.

Note the word, "believe," is prominent and featured as specific virtue in Gosp. JOHN, mentioned about a hundred times in that Gosp. But observe in the sense used and meant in that Gosp., it really means PRACTICED--as in practitioner of what one genuinely KNOWS and understands fm Christ and the Gospel. So if one accepts Christian philosophy, truth (= Christ, JOHN 14:6) necessarily founded in objective reality, all proper ethics follow, and a true and proper "believer" so understands, practices, and observes, all in LOYALTY ("faith," properly understood) to the proper, basic ideal.

(b) The other actual form and version of relatively wide-spread satanism/subjectivism pushed within this stinking, filthy satanic culture is anti-racism, "racism" then properly understood as LOYALTY and pride. "Pride" then, is relatively minor, but necessary virtue within larger circumstances of warfare among humans, but the real virtue of LOYALTY to one's people is no less than the 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)."

And all honest, realistic people understand racism is virtue, and the pushing of anti-racism is simply moronic expression of a false, actually suicidal morality. Thus we always observe Jews, for foremost example, always denigrating "racism" to the gentiles, but ALWAYS practicing it in obvious loyalty to fellow Jew monsters, ALWAYS--the standing joke of all time.

And of course, as racism, racial loyalty, is AXIOMATIC--cannot not be practiced or expressed, one way or the other--loyalty either for one's own race or for the mixed-race, even if only for practical purposes, even if the moronic puke doesn't realize it.

CONCLUSION: so we see how actual subjectivism/satanism is practiced and fomented within the society as an everyday occurance--it's product of HUBRIS and stupidity, most dangerous when society is over-loaded and over-populated w. stupid scum, esp. "liberals" and "homosexuals," et al., scummy puke pushing their filthy, cheap, putrid "moralism"--all in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.


The Problem With "Beleeeeeeeeeevin'" (Like A Moron)--How Establishment Christianity Became satanic
(Apollonian, 28 Jul 18)

Establishment Christianity is thoroughly, totally SATANIC, and that's probably the biggest cultural and psychologic problem, certainly among them. Formerly, Christianity was established as a protection AGAINST satanism (extreme subjectivism). And satanism dominates like it does ESPECIALLY when it dominates established Christianity as it does. The very worst, most organized child-molesters, aside fm Jews, no doubt, are now fm the "Vatican." And Protestants are surely as intense about child-molestation as Catholics.

And HOW do u KNOW satanism dominates established Christianity?--when u see this putrid establishment defending and sympathizing w. Jews and Israel--as u see the "Vatican" doing. So how did and does this satanism come about and arise?

Well first, note HUBRIS and the degenerate, decadent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is always a problem, always the potential problem; humans are sinners--they have a tendency to imagine they "create." Thus the satanic stage of hist. and culture is simply the culmination of the CYCLIC historic process--it will happen sooner or later. Life sucks.

But HOW then does this satanism now occur in Christianity, under specific Christian auspices?--it does this by means of the easy, hubristic action and notion of "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'," which so many morons, scum, and half-baked goons imagine is the core and essence of Christianity. This emphasis on "beleeeeeeeevin'" comes esp. fm Gosp. JOHN, don't forget, wherein the word is used nearly a hundred times. It isn't clear what the original Greek word really means, but it seems to come out in English as "beleeeeeeeeeevin'," evidently.

But if one only remembers that Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), one knows it isn't "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," but rather KNOWLEDGE (of truth and Christ) which is the proper virtue. "Beleeeeeeeeevin'" then is inferior to knowledge, more akin to PRETENDING. And "pretending" is reduction to absurd for this "beleeeeeeeeevin'" balderdash. For to say and insist, as the scum do, that "one must beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," is like saying, "one must PRETEND."

For in Gosp. JOHN, the real virtue of Christianity is surely in the PRACTICING, not mere "beleeeeeeeeevin'." And that genuine practicing and application of the real thing, the real Christianity, is surely what the Gospel most wants to emphasize and convey--knowledge ABOVE mere idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the satanist, pretending to Christianity is brought to think or imagine, by the false "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," that merely and simply by this "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," well gee, the Christian religion and philosophy becomes REAL. But mere "beleeeeeeevin'" doesn't create truth, doesn't make any proposition suddenly true. One can "beleeeeeeeeeev" all one pleases--it still doesn't make a proposition to be true.

But unfortunately for the half-baked scum, they're encouraged to think "beleeeeeeeeevin'" is a virtue, and that it produces worthwhile effects, etc.--I know, as I was one of those fools, though I've since thought better about it all. It wasn't Christainity's fault, merely my own for so pretending and "thinking" in such half-baked manner.

Further, note also, this sort of pretending, called "beleeeeeeeeevin'," is also applied to other things too, not only Christianity--and it's equally defective, for the very same reason. And one soon enough comes to see idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" as just another version and application of SUBJECTIVISM.

Thus it's easy to see now how and why establishment Christianity, and so many "Christians" has and have become satanic, subject to satanists and satanism.


  1. Incredible good exposition of "believing" theme in Gosp. JOHN at

  2. Why/How satanists (Led By Jews) Win, Continue Dominance--Christianity Is Made Mystic
    (Apollonian, 22 Mar 18)

    With so many Christians and those who pretend to Christianity, one might think Christians enjoy a certain advantage, even in present times, in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--and this is surely true to an extent. But note the dis-advantages.

    For in present circumstances of "victory" and "prosperity," the "people" have become over-populated, so many of these infected w. the disease of HUBRIS, by which they imagine they're possessed of Godly powers, capable of creating what didn't already exist, etc. Especially, these over-populated scum imagine they've achieved "good" and "moral virtue." Thus satanism rules and dominates, built upon HUBRIS, "prosperity," and "victory"--the natural, CYCLIC, determinist, "Decline of the West."

    So what is, was, and always has been the great attraction for dear Christianity?--it was ETHICS, the understanding and practical application--what people so urgently seek to know most, ethics. Such practical demonstration and simple commentary upon ethics was, and still is, the great glory of Christian New Test. literature, and it's hero, Christ--St. Paul and others thereupon commenting further.

    Thus Christianity and it's ethics is RATIONALISTIC, understandable, and most easily applied as practically possible to the human condition--Christian ethics is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT about (a) non-existent "good," or (b) guilt--in fact, it was for purpose of removing such guilt. And it (Christian ethics) was NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT about (c) self-sacrifice or (d) pacifism.

    Christian ethics thus was not only rationalist, hence understandable, but it was effective and practical--the great thing about Christ was he so well demonstrated--such was (and still is) the great service and achievement of New Test. literature.

    ---------------[END OF PART ONE; SEE BELOW FOR PART 2]---------------

    1. -------------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]--------------------------

      But what happened, throughout hist.?--Christianity was turned into mysticism and mystified, effected by satanists, Jews and their lies, and esp. then by their satanic instrument of central-banking and fiat-currency by which ALL present establishment Churches have been bought, captured, and controlled by Jews, satanists, and the fiat-currency systems. See,, and for expo on Talmudic subjectivism by which "Torah" only means what rabbis say it means--subjectivism, their greatest ideal and instrument--their (satanic) God.

      Thus the people must now merely be informed of the real "good news" that Christianity is SUPPOSED and DESIGNED to be rational, rationalistic, and founded in reason and hence within the objective reality. For it has been forgotten by tooooo many of these fools, morons, scum, and presently over-populated goons that CHRIST = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and the Holy Spirit is mostly reason, reason integrated throughout the spirit, conscious and sub-conscious, along w. HONESTY--necessary means by which to apprehend such truth (= Christ).

      Thus the significance of Christ = truth is that such "truth" cannot exist without the OBJECTIVE, God-given, reality which is opposed to satanic subjectivism in which extreme subjectivism one makes oneself God, the creator of reality, further bolstered by the COLLECTIVE subjectivism of organized, strategically-led satanism--which satanic (extreme) subjectivism is nearly always led by and dominated by most sublime subjectivists and satanists, the Jews. Gentile subjectivists are typically not nearly as organized or collectivistic as Jews.

      So the practical, political problem is the broad people and citizenry are mis-led, traduced, and subverted by the satanist-affected churches and related organizations, un-aware Christianity is supposed and designed to be RATIONALIST, not mystic, and that such rationalist ethics is not supposed or designed for "good," guilt, self-sacrifice, or pacifism

      And thus as Christianity is about TRUTH (= Christ), above all, it is anti-satanist and hence, anti-semitic, Jews being foremost satanists/subjectivists (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

  3. Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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    Anti-Christ Liars Expose Themselves As Jew Morons
    (Apollonian, 23 Mar 18)

    Don't u moronic fools (see above link) realize people can see through ur idiotic ad hominem lies and mis-representations of the real Christianity?--which anyone can easily see, research, and verify? How stupid can u get?--u're obviously just a bunch of Jew lying scum--I thought u kikes were supposed to be "smart"?

    After ur idiot ad hominem lies about St. Paul in first para., u say in second para., "The Gospel narratives are Jewish legends based on Jewish ideas...." But note "Jew" is not same as JUDEAN; "Jew" refers exclusively to descendents of Pharisees and their (largely middle-class) followers, Pharisees leading only about 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ..

    Christ OPPOSED Pharisees, hence Jews--entire New Test. LITERATURE is the dramatization of the dialectic btwn Christ and Christian truth vs. Jew lies, lying, liars, morons--it's why Jews decided to murder Christ, like they work to murder truth and the idea of an objective reality serving as criterion for TRUTH (= Christ--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

    So what Christianity actually represents is the HELLENIZATION of the descendents of the Israelites, and only Christians are the true "Israel," of the Bible, and as St. Paul expounds for us, as in his Epistle to Romans. Thus Christianity is "anti-semitic," as the Jews define "anti-semitism, Christ = truth, explicitly opposing Jew/satanic lies, lying, liars, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 8:44. For further ref., see and

  4. Practical, Actual satanism/Subjectivism, Done By The Morons ("The People"), Even If Un-Wittingly
    (Apollonian, 25 Apr 18)

    Remember: basically, satanism is simply subjectivism pushed to extreme, reality then become product of consciousness/mentality. So then observe how such moronic subjectivism is actually practiced and expressed as by the scummy puke among "the people"--even by avowed "Christians"--as in guise of pretended virtue of "beleeeeeeeeevin'.

    (a) Thus these stupid puke ("the people") imagine it's virtue to beleeeeeeeeeeev crap is true, that beleeeeeeeeevin' then actually making it really true. Thus the "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" making, in effect, one to be God. To be sure, most of the morons probably don't seriously think they're God--they don't have the intelligence or honesty to admit it. BUT they DO pretend it's true, whatever it is they "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," the stupid puke. So u see how these dumb scum, even if they don't realize it, actually practice satanism, pretending their "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" creates reality and/or truth/facts.

    Note the word, "believe," is prominent and featured as specific virtue in Gosp. JOHN, mentioned about a hundred times in that Gosp. But observe in the sense used and meant in that Gosp., it really means PRACTICED--as in practitioner of what one genuinely KNOWS and understands fm Christ and the Gospel. So if one accepts Christian philosophy, truth (= Christ, JOHN 14:6) necessarily founded in objective reality, all proper ethics follow, and a true and proper "believer" so understands, practices, and observes, all in LOYALTY ("faith," properly understood) to the proper, basic ideal.

    (b) The other actual form and version of relatively wide-spread satanism/subjectivism pushed within this stinking, filthy satanic culture is anti-racism, "racism" then properly understood as LOYALTY and pride. "Pride" then, is relatively minor, but necessary virtue within larger circumstances of warfare among humans, but the real virtue of LOYALTY to one's people is no less than the 5th of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)."

    And all honest, realistic people understand racism is virtue, and the pushing of anti-racism is simply moronic expression of a false, actually suicidal morality. Thus we always observe Jews, for foremost example, always denigrating "racism" to the gentiles, but ALWAYS practicing it in obvious loyalty to fellow Jew monsters, ALWAYS--the standing joke of all time.

    And of course, as racism, racial loyalty, is AXIOMATIC--cannot not be practiced or expressed, one way or the other--loyalty either for one's own race or for the mixed-race, even if only for practical purposes, even if the moronic puke doesn't realize it.

    CONCLUSION: so we see how actual subjectivism/satanism is practiced and fomented within the society as an everyday occurance--it's product of HUBRIS and stupidity, most dangerous when society is over-loaded and over-populated w. stupid scum, esp. "liberals" and "homosexuals," et al., scummy puke pushing their filthy, cheap, putrid "moralism"--all in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

  5. Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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    Darkmoon (And Fetzer) Substitute "Moral" Outrage For Clear Analysis
    (Apollonian, 17 May 18)

    Well our dear "Darkmoon," once again, and as sooooo often, commits the very error of "understatement" she imagines she denounces. For the Talmudic program and "religion" is literally a war (-program) against humanity, reason, logic, etc., so the latest shootings and murders are simply the latest stages of same old war policy and prosecution. See Hoffman's definitive expo at

    So u gotta hand it to Jews and Israelis for consistency as they merely continue to pushing their satanic program of death and mass-murder in very face of the paralyzed West and all humanity. And note Jews have STRONG allies and supporters in "neo-con" Pres. Trump and "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--see and for expo) supporters among nominal "Christians." For observe satanism has so profoundly subverted establishment "Christian" culture, including ALL the establishment churches, Protestant and Catholic.

    How is this?--how and why does this satanic subversion and corruption get-by so easily? Well note and never forget satanism is essentially (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, the idea mentality/consciousness is creator of reality--thus making the subject to be God, the creator. Note further, this satanism is neither mysterious or even "religious."

    The only next step for establishment satanism is COLLECTIVIZATION, most successful and effective "group-think," the collusion of the satanists, not only Jews, upon common goals and ends--as for example, and especially the central-bank, US Federal Reserve, literally legalized counterfeiting (see; use their search-engine), which now dominates the totally corrupted, former "Western" culture--which has been de-Westernized, in all truth, the real Christianity utterly over-thrown, corrupted, and traduced.

    And what then is the "real Christianity"?--Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, above moronic "love," or "faith," or peace, or (non-existent) "good."

    ------------------[END OF PART 1; SEE BELOW FOR PART 2]-------------

    1. --------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]-------------------------

      For note TRUTH requires necessarily an OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality as the obligatory criterion; otherwise anything and nothing is "truth" and everything is lies.

      Jews, Talmudists, and satanists hold there is no "truth" but for what the rabbis ("midrash," according to Talmud) say--SUBJECTIVISM. And that's the basic cultural conflict presently which Darkmoon, as well as Fetzer himself, overlook and fail to address, conflict btwn subjectivism (hence satanism) vs. objective reality.

      So HOW specifically does this satanic subjectivism and culture of death obtain and succeed?--it takes advantage of the HUBRIS of the Western people and leaders thereof--and this means due to default of such as Darkmoon and Fetzer, who FAIL to analyze and uphold the objective nature, foundation of truth (= Christ). Talmudists couldn't perpetrate this horrific cultural subversion and overthrow by themselves; their gentile satanist allies far out-number them and clear the way for Talmudists, who merely provide a leadership cadre.

      Thus the hubristic culture, society, and mis-guided, mis-informed people strive to achieve non-existent "good" against non-existent "evil"--which are totally SUBJECTIVE--this is the amazing, simple PRETEXT for satanism and the satanic cultural overthrow against truth (= Christ) and objective reality. And it's this basic overthrow which Darkmoon and Fetzer fail to observe and analyze.

      So far, Fetzer and Darkmoon merely pt.-out mere items and details, and stopping there, and overlook the necessary conclusions (like the conflict btwn objective vs. subjective) for cultural/political/psychologic analysis--and the people and society perish, as we see. Amen.

  6. Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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    Dan Begins Well For Necessary Analysis, But Then Fails For Conclusions
    (Apollonian, 26 May 18)

    Well Dan, I think u're right to pt.-out the lack of clarity for St. Germain people. After all, we (true) Christians, working fm basic text of New Test., say Christ = TRUTH, first and above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Thus all Christian ethics follow fm this basic metaphysical precept, truth being only possible w. the objective (Aristotelian) reality as criterion/premise. "Treat others as one would be treated." Gosp. JOHN then makes satanism quite clear for what it stands for--LIES, at JOHN 8:44.

    And the basic dialectic btwn Christ and Pharisees is regarding subjectivism of Pharisees, specifically their "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah which is essence of their Talmud, their definitive statement. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

    Further, u should be advised that all present-day establishment "Christian" churches, Prot. and Catholic, are totally co-opted by the criminal central-bank establishment, including esp. the present US Federal Reserve bank (the "fed"), and essentially controlled by terror-state of Israel. Essentially, these various churches are oriented upon MYSTICISM (not truth, hence reason) which is used as cover for gross subjectivism and hence, satanism.

    And they (these churches) refuse to admit Christ is truth and that Christianity is worship of truth above all. These mystic/satanic-oriented churches rather emphasize such things as "love," "faith," peace, and non-existent "good" (vs. the non-existent "evil"). Having been born and raised Catholic, I can attest the present-day "Vatican" is totally satanic gang of child-molesters, led by present satanic pope Francis, working for globalist world gov. and alien invasion, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of European countries, etc.

    -----------------[END OF PART ONE; SEE BELOW FOR PART 2]-------------

    1. -------------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]---------------------

      Another problem w. establishment "Christians," including "vatican" is their false understanding of "faith" which only properly means LOYALTY. These present-day mystics and satanists of establishment "Christianity" ("churchianity") tend to pushing "faith" as beleeeeeeeeeeeeving--as if "beleeeeeeeeeeeving" makes it all true--which is just idiotic, mystic, and satanic.

      This unfortunate problem w. simple word, "faith," comes fm Gosp. JOHN and its emphasis upon "believing," which word ("believing") is used in that gospel no less than 99 times--so the weak-minded morons among nominal "Christians" seem to imagine that "beleeeeeeeeeving" something is a virtue and, evidently, what God and Christ want. But the word and "believing" as given in Gosp. JOHN really has to do w. actual PRACTICE of Christianity, worship of truth. Thus the true (practicing) Christian is thus referred to as a genuine "believer."

      "Love" all by itself is not necessarily virtue, and note then the absurdity of Christianity as "religion of love"--as if "love" is what is worshipped. This confusion much seems to come fm the works of St. Paul and such as (Epistle) 1JOHN 4:8, where it says, "God is love." But this by JOHN is mere metaphor meant to contrast w. the Judaic/Talmudic war against humanity.

      Christianity further does not advocate (political) "peace" at any price; it only brings an inner peace to the true Christian--and it doesn't advocate pacifism.

      So u see, Dan, u're quite right to bring-up and examining basic definitions regarding Christianity, religion in general, and philosophy. The problem I see w. ur method is u only scratch the surface, and u reach no genuine substantial conclusions, u being satisfied in only and merely bringing-up topics and issues, but then just leaving them un-finished for proper analysis, pretending then u've done the job.

  7. I sent below-copied msg to Ken after he got on his show and told how he feels pressure fm the satanists.

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    Note From Ap To Victim Of Satanists
    (Apollonian, 9 Jun 18)

    Hello Ken: I just now hrd ur latest show. Yes Ken, u're hated by Satanists as u expose them so well, esp. in way of analyzing and explaining how their currency scam works, taking away real money. After all, money must be limited and finite, whereas currency is infinite (potentially), thus the continuing issuances of such currency amounts to a TAX, devaluing the currency already in circulation--Satanists hate u for messing-up their little scam they've got going. Central-banking is main, basic instrument of Satanists/satanism.

    I've done lots of research into Satanism, and I think I already sent u a note that at bottom it's very simple--simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM by which the Satanist insists reality is merely what they want it to be, a product of consciousness/mentality, making themselves God, the creator--and this was actually the explicit philosophy of such as Immanuel Kant who said all that by way of rationalizing a "morality" of "duty." This subjectivism/satanism is covered by modern buzz-words like "post-modernism," "post-structuralism," and "deconstructionism"

    Basic purpose of subjectivism is to provide a premise/basis for an otherwise non-existent "morality" of "good-evil" which "good-evil" has NEVER been justified for a solid premise which works in all cases. People are most easily intimidated by this "good-evil" fallacy which is first programmed into them when they're children--most NEVER recover.

    So u see Ken, Satanism is actually quite practical and easily understood, not mystical or even "religious"--it's just a scam by which the canny and clever intimidate the weak--remember most people are really quite weak psychologically--we all are when/if we don't take care.

    -----------------[END OF PART ONE; SEE BELOW FOR PART 2]--------------

    1. --------------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]-------------------

      The problem is philosophical, having to do w. the basis of knowledge. And one must simply remember that basic premises (called "metaphysics") are necessarily assumptions, which cannot be proven, and first one must reduce these possible basic premises/assumptions down to few as possible. And the basic dichotomy then is whether there is an OBJECTIVE reality--or is everything simply subjective? Greatest philosopher who advocated objectivity was Aristotle, still the greatest, called by St. Thomas Aquinas, "the" philosopher, "master of those who know."

      And Christ assures us there's truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which couldn't exist without the objective assumption--against the Satanists whose father is the devil "who was a liar fm the beginning (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)"

      For consider what is a lie?--it's a statement of a (false) reality which however is represented as being the real (objective) reality.

      Note further, the real POWER of Satanism is in the COLLUSION of a common or collective subjectivism, agreed-upon by a number of people who co-operate--as in the institution of central-banking. These practical, collectivistic subjectivists/Satanists only need cohesion and adequate leadership who can take advantage over the otherwise un-organized common people who fail to grasp and unite against these criminals and conspirators.

      Satanists have made greatest inroads upon all the present establishment Christian churches, Prot. and Catholic--did u hear about the pope sending a representative to latest Bilderberg meeting, going on right now, as we speak? Satanists thus control establishment Christians esp. by means of idea that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" can make something be true, thus pretending to be God, the creator--though the fools don't realize it--they then call this idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" "faith," which properly only means LOYALTY, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

      Take good care, bro. Ken, as u do such excellent work, informing the people. My only advice is to take note how really SIMPLE this Satanism is, how then it is so easily used against the stupid people--and we have huge masses of stupid goons, suckers, and morons who are only interested in "bread and circuses." U still are appreciated much by those of us who try to stay above the "bread and circuses," who refuse to watching TV. A.
