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Cyclic Historical Process

[This page will cover the CYCLIC historical process, how it works, etc.]

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Patriot Success Requires PLAN--Which Requires Analytic
(Apollonian, 24 Jun 10)

Kaminski is right regarding no money for truth--for there's some, though not too much, certainly. See But Kaminski should not give up for the fight against lies--we only need right analytic, remembering history is CYCLIC, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--and now we just have to heed to this CYCLIC process for chances we'll be given, moves we can make.

Thus in CYCLIC upsurge, "success," and "prosperity," massive humankind is generated, leading to inevitable over-population and horrific HUBRIS of volk in moralism-Pharisaism, founded upon fallacy of perfectly "free" human will and "good-evil."

Thus CRIMINAL overlords arise, based on lies and fraud, most sublime and powerful being COUNTERFEITING, like US Fed--see and for expo/ref. Thus Criminals THRIVE in ZOG-Mammon emp.-of-lies and accompanying "Tower-of-Babel" confusion among goyim and gentile masses.

But this phony COUNTERFEIT money system must inevitably bust/collapse (as w. impending US Dollar collapse), causing horrific turmoil (like impending war w. Iran), and therein lies chances of heroic opposition, patriots, et al., who will, as they're successful, begin the new CYCLE, itself then ending eventually in similar catastrophe.

Thus Philosophers observe Life sucks (Greek Tragedy)--but we work for CYCLIC interludes of relative peace--like Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great who produced first, wide-scale, most successful Jew-Expulsion of all history.

For parasites will thrive at first, as hist. CYCLE peaks, the host-victim dying-out, parasites then turning upon one another, necessarily, there being "no honor among thieves."

Thus we see this parasite activity and in-fighting already, first, among topmost oligarchal conspiratorial factions, (a) Israel on the "right"/"conservative" allied w. "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists, (b) "leftists"/"liberals" behind communist United Nations (UN).
Note there's yet another faction consisting of lower-level Jews (not so much oligarchalist) and gentile allies who back Alex Jones ( and Ron Paul (

Meantime, real patriots must coalesce based upon a rationalist Christianity heeding to truth founded upon Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY, necessary foundation/criterion for Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Such objectivity then entails necessary determinism over-ruling perfectly "free" will--these are operative premises affecting fruit of "tree of knowledge" of "good-evil" fallacy/delusion/heresy by which Judeo-oligarchs manipulate stupid goyim to enforcing ZOG-Mammon for such oligarchs.

CONCLUSION: Thus we see successful patriotism requires patience and strong stomach as "forest fire" of hubris within over-populated goyim cannot easily be changed or directly affected by patriots or their fatuous preaching but, rather, must simply burn itself out, lucky patriot survivors then taking due advantage as they're able. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian


Jews: CYCLIC Anti-Thesis To Western Christianity, Reason, Art, Etc.
(Apollonian, 26 Apr 10)

I say Darkmoon does great job for her excellent expo upon subject of art--esp. when u consider Jews for what they really are for culture, simply a parasite disease-of-opportunity who, in the CYCLIC process of things, according to Spengler's "Decline of the West," take advantage of stupid, over-populated, hubristic gentiles now taken and fixated w. idiotic ABSTRACTIONS dis-connected fm CONCRETE reality, esp. regarding moralism-Pharisaism, as of Immanuel Kant, so they can't (and won't) even see the criminal enterprise of present US Fed COUNTERFEIT scam (see and for expo/ref.) at head of everything else of criminality and its conspiracy. See, "Kevin MacDonald...," 23 Apr 10.

Thus we find ourselves within chaotic cultural circumstances reminiscent of TOWER-OF-BABEL syndrome described in Bible. Thus the poor people look for guidance.

So now comrades, as Fed fraud is rapidly running-out of steam, US Dollar getting ready to collapse, Jew masterminds are preparing a "Gotterdamerung" catastrophe so they can safely escape. That's why Jews want "Christians" and Musselmen to be fighting--also white and non-white.

And within this horrific Judeo-conspiracy, place of "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo/ref.) is extremely KEY--as they intimidate everyone else among the nominal Christian volk. Never doubt Jew masterminds, by means of their COUNTERFEIT scam, "own" and control every single establishment "Christian" church, Protestant and Catholic, without exception.

For note it's HUGE mistake to think ONLY whites are being victimized--all humanity is. And Jews want to get "whites" fighting the non-whites, etc.

Another "angle" Jews work is within and among whites; they want to split them according to Christian and non-Christian--this then is where "useful idiots" like "Captain chaos" and Alex Linder
( come in, Linder un-doubtedly funded by Jews, even if Linder is too stupid to understand it. Linder looks like a Jew anyway, if u notice.

What these idiot anti-Christs do is to mis-represent real Christianity, saying it's mere variety/version of preceding Judaism (Pharisaism, Talmudism). Note then how these anti-Christs actually second and support JCs who say the same thing regarding similarity of Christianity and Judaism--only differing that it's good, WNs saying it's bad.

And of course, there's yet another group of "WN"-styled scum working for Jews: those are the MORALISTS, as of and, but these are least significant of all the hereticalists, relatively easy to spot and detect. "Fred Scrooby" is a great moralistic upholding these aforementioned sites; another is "Tanstaafl" with his Jew-overseen blog.

So note the "white nationalist" (WN) angle is mis-guided IF it works like the utterly FAILED BNP in Britain (or UK) placing Jews at top, using white punks to enforce Jews upon whites, ISOLATING whites against everyone else. Nick Griffin even spouts holohoax lies.

Christian way is BEST, ISOLATING Jews. We need Jew-Expulsion, and observe only Christianity has ever done this successfully. Only trick then is to watch for the obligatory Jew attempt to sponsor predictable hereticalism, like aforementioned JCs.

For basic, proper Christian principles remember: (a) Christianity is absolutely ANTI-SEMITIC, first, last, and always. Anti-semitism is very purpose of Christianity, and if it isn't anti-semitic, it isn't and COULDN'T be real thing, real Christianity.

(b) Christianity stands for TRUTH above all else--everything else about Christianity, as in New Testament (NT), being mere AESTHETICALIST ALLEGORY, that's all. Thus Christianity upholds Aristotle and objectivity, necessary criterion to such truth, obviously.

CONCLUSION: Hence then comrades, u can now more easily see once u REMOVE JCs u've essentially taken away Jews' foremost allies and accomplices who've, more than anyone else, made way for Jews. But don't forget the other heresies, including then esp. Pelagianism, as of Immanuel Kant's rationalistic-styled sort, and general subjectivism by which "anything goes"--esp. as it's for "good" of Jews. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian


Jew Vs. Gentile Is CYCLIC Struggle Of Objective Vs. Subjective, Truth Vs. Lies
(Apollonian, 24 Apr 10)

"Someday," it's u who needs to get hip: there's no "evil" in a determined reality of absolute cause-effect. See below-copied fm, Kevin MacDonald...," 23 Apr 10, comments. Jews are simply a parasite disease-of-opportunity, fatal for gentile humanity whom Jews cannibalize--but it doesn't mean Jew cannibals are "evil." Neither is typhus, nor leprosy, nor small-pox "evil"--they're just inimical to hosts upon which they must live.

Jews are Talmudists by definition--see and believe God is their slave, and that Jews have right to murder and defraud gentiles--it doesn't mean they're "evil." Observe Jew Holy-days, Purim, Passover, and Hannuka all celebrate bloody mass-murder and genocide.

In strict philosophic terms, Jews are ultimate subjectivists and collectivists, and Western culture upholds Christian TRUTH founded necessarily upon Aristotelian objective reality, only possible criterion thereto.

CONCLUSION: So for Western whites and gentiles to survive, they must exterminate Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity, ipso facto. Jews then strive to persuade stupid gentiles this removal of Jew disease is "immoral" and hence, "evil." It's all really then just a question of who's kidding who? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

----------------above by Ap in response to below-copied---------------

Someday says:
April 24, 2010 at 10:20 AM

Jews would be fools to believe any movement that includes those who imply Jews are inherently evil is not “exterminationist anti-Semitic” or likely to become so at the drop of a hat.

Some writers on TOQ need to make it clear what they do not mean.


CYCLIC Historic Process Requires Weak Falling By Proverbial "Way-Side"
(Apollonian, 22 Apr 10)

Yes indeed, "...Conservative," just as u say. See below-copied fm, "Kevin MacDonald...," 21 Apr 10, comments. BUT, what I'd add is this (what u so well describe) is just regular separation of "wheat fm chaff," given ripeness of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. The weak will "fall by wayside."

Thus successful generation proceeding fm original white conquerors, truly heroic people in so many ways, simply bred up a lot of disgusting, corrupt, weak, lazy scum (hey, takes one to know one), now given to perversion and esp. that HUBRIS of moralism-Pharisaism (Pelagianism), pretending to a perfectly "Free" human will, etc. And now Jew master-minds have taken due advantage, etc., as u describe.

But as history and socio-biology are CYCLIC, Jew and associated parasites themselves have become over-populated in their turn, and their Fed COUNTERFEITING (see and for expo/ref.) scam has gotten old, having to "pay-off" evermore accomplices, US Dollar now about to collapse, as I note.

CONCLUSION: So we patriots must simply continue to rally the volk, white and non-white, in proper, true Christian (hence anti-semitic [anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13]) style, emphasizing TRUTH of Gosp. JOHN, thus Aristotelian objectivity, rule-of-law, etc., in order to live happily ever after--well, at least in the CYCLIC process of things. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

--------------above by Ap in response to below-copied-------------

Not a Responsible Conservative says:
April 22, 2010 at 8:12 AM

me said: “normally marketers , politicians and the media would be gaga excited about a new, emergering easy to target demographic..not so with this one!”

What’s interesting about this is that in fact, Jewish media researchers have targeted our demographic for a long time, just not exactly in the way you posit. Years ago, in the late 90s, a WN commentator named Yggdrasil wrote about something called “Little Annie and the Radio Project.” It was a chiiling article outlining how researchers were investigating, back in the 1930s, the then-emerging technology of radio and advertising so as to control the attitudes of its listeners, without the listeners being aware of being influenced or controlled.

I think the Jewish concentration in all areas of the media has been fatal to our people, and that our overlords have ruthlessly exploited their positions of control to inculcate the White masses with poisonous guilt and self-hatred. So actually they have targeted our demographic for a long time. But what they sell is not only junk goods, but more importantly, junk ideas.


Jews: Fulfilling Cyclic, Historic, Socio-Biologic Necessity
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 10)

I'd rather say Jews capitalize upon gentile hubris and stupidity--stupid gentiles, over-populated scum, so beguiled w. idiot abstractions and esp. moralism-Pharisaism, they now refuse to see Jew criminal COUNTERFEITING right before their very brainless little faces as Jews proceed to exterminating those very same moronic gentiles in all their hubris and moralism. See below-copied fm, "Kevin MacDonald: Edmund...," 18 Apr 10, comments.

CONCLUSION: Oh well, that's how over-population of gentiles is alleviated--Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity--it's a CYCLIC socio-biologic and historic phenomenon. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

-------------above by Ap in response to below-copied-------------

Geiseric says:
April 19, 2010 at 1:41 PM

“… we’re up against an entire ideological system: liberal democratic capitalism.”

Capitalism is our own creation. We’re not “up against” capitalism. The Jews have proved the potential of a symbiosis between ethnocentrism and capitalism.


Determinism Is Irrefutable Observation, Punishing Hubris Of Perfectly "Free" Will
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 10)

"Geiseric": actually, I'd say determinism does indeed explain quite a lot, I submit. See below-copied fm, "Kevin MacDonald...," 15 Apr 10, comments (140). For things must follow in accord w. cause-effect which is irrefutable. Humans are sinners, always have been and always will be.

And reality is CYCLIC, in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Jews dominating over-populated hubristic gentiles, but then receding when gentiles recede, Jew parasites left to kill one another, allowing gentiles then to resurge, building civilization anew, etc.

It's idea of hubristic perfectly "FREE" human will which explains how humans then work to screw things up, adopting now Pelagianist "good-evil," etc., by which, led by Pharisaist-moralist paragons, Jews, over-populated humans work to exterminate one another, as we see now in Iraq and Afgan.

CONCLUSION: So I observe, things are un-questionably determined--we just don't know exactly how things will turn out at any given time. At same time we do have will, though it's not perfectly "FREE." Thus we have choice for emotions as we observe reality--working with it if we're wise, against it if we're not so wise. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

-----------above by Ap in response to below-copied------------

Geiseric says:
April 19, 2010 at 1:35 PM

“Hindsight is a wonderful thing.”

Determinism is a wonderful thing, too. Explains it all, doesn’t it?


Western Civilization Must Simply Revive For Truth, Reason, Anti-Semitism
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 10)

"Someday," everything about u stinks: "great powers" rise and fall in CYCLIC manner according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, pure and simple. See below-copied dialectic fm, "Kevin MacDonald...," 15 Apr 10, comments, (132-7) Impetus behind British and present USA is EXACTLY THE SAME--the Jew banking money power, as I've noted and documented.

Thus Jew banking powers were force behind all the militarism and economies of Britain, USA, France, Germany, and Russia, including esp. the bolsheviks, and their purpose fm 19th cent. was WORLD EMPIRE and government.

For Western civilization was, fm French Revolution, in decisive "decline," the middle class now enmired and under sway of mystic, subjectivistic moralism-Pharisaism as of J.J. Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, and Eng. Utilitarianism--not to mention all the various, escalating statisms and degrees of socialism. USA mass murdered Southern Americans in 1860s, the Constitutional republic now destroyed, but still hanging on economically.

CONCLUSION: So now proper purpose and goal presently is JEW-EXPULSION, as of magnificent Roman revolutionary example which revived the empire, at least briefly in 4th cent., led by St. Constantine the Great. Thus Christianity must be RESURRECTED for its necessary and thematic anti-semitism (anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13) and its upholding of TRUTH and reason against Jew subjectivism, mysticism, and hence present putrid Pelagianism. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

------------above by Ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Someday says:
April 19, 2010 at 7:15 AM

Hobbes said it best.

"so that in the first place I put for a generall inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of Power after power, that ceaseath only in Death. And the cause of this, is not alwayes that a man hopes for a more intensive delight, than he has already attained to; or that he cannot be content with a moderate power; but because he cannot assure the power and means to live well, which he hath present, without the acquisition of more."

While it’s true Britain would have gained in absolute terms by an alliance with Germany it would have been a big loser in terms of relative power because Germany would be more powerful than Britain; no assessment of Britain’s national interest could mandate acquiescence in German hegemony in 1939/41 any more than in 1914 . Take Churchill out of the equation things would have been no different.

“The multicultural dystopia evolving after WW2 would have been a very unlikely scenario, though, for a “racist” nation in its imperial zenith. ”

The only ‘“racist” nation in its imperial zenith ‘ could have been Germany. The main reason that the Germans did so well in 1941 was that Soviet forces were deployed for attacking while Britain still held out. So a British deal would have meant the Soviets would not be taken by suprise.

The loss making British Empire was at its nadir . After being thrashed by the Germans in 1940 it’s most unlikely the British could have held onto their overstretched Empire as everybody realized it was militarily a bluff. Maybe if Britain had brought the Nazis in to run their Empire

I am not aware of a single example of any great power ever having actied in the self sacrificing way it’s claimed Britain obviously ought to have.


Geiseric says:
April 19, 2010 at 7:48 AM

“While it’s true Britain would have gained in absolute terms by an alliance with Germany it would have been a big loser in terms of relative power because Germany would be more powerful than Britain”

The point is that this was never a zero sum game situation. B is Britain, G is Germany.

1) B destroys G => reciprocal destruction

2) G destroys B => reciprocal destruction

3) B and G smoke the peace pipe => mutual benefit

“The main reason that the Germans did so well in 1941 was that Soviet forces were deployed for attacking while Britain still held out. So a British deal would have meant the Soviets would not be taken by suprise.”

The Soviets didn’t expect a quick victory for Germany in 1940 – 41, and was not 100% ready for war. Without the second front, Germany would have had a better chance to terminate the USSR.

“The loss making British Empire was at its nadir . After being thrashed by the Germans in 1940 it’s most unlikely the British could have held onto their overstretched Empire as everybody realized it was militarily a bluff.”

So, what you’re saying is that this was a lose-lose situation for Britain. Why destroy a European country if Britain would lose anyway? Only non-European Russia gained from intra-European fratricidal warfare.

“I am not aware of a single example of any great power ever having actied in the self sacrificing way it’s claimed Britain obviously ought to have.”

You’ve just described how Britain sacrificed itself to destroy Germany/Europe in order to “save” democracy.

apollonian says:
April 19, 2010 at 8:37 AM

Britain Really Did Serve Self-Sacrificing, Self-Destructive purpose
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 10)

Ha ha, “Geiseric”–u make most excellent pt.s, truly. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian


Someday says:
April 19, 2010 at 9:57 AM

‘Britain sacrificed itself to destroy Germany/Europe in order to “save” democracy’

Nation states are entities for getting and keeping power; if they don’t do that they disapear. The rhetorical justification given for fighting the Nazis – to save democracy – was just BS. Britain had done almost exactly the same thing in WW1 when Germany was a democracy, sort of. It was all about power politics.

Nazi rhetoric called for ‘hard clarity’ about the realities of life, yet they were surprised when Britain acted the same way in WW2 as in WW1.

There never has been, and never could have been, a leader who would act as Buchanan thinks Chamberlain or Churchill should have.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Geiseric says:
April 19, 2010 at 11:51 AM

“Nation states are entities for getting and keeping power; if they don’t do that they disapear.”

Did Denmark disappear from the map after WW2? I don’t think so. Nations and ethnic groups have a far more ancient history than states have. States exist in order to defend the interests of their respective populations. The British elites – primarily Churchill & co – acted in a way contrary to its own population’s longterm interests.

“Nazi rhetoric called for ‘hard clarity’ about the realities of life, yet they were surprised when Britain acted the same way in WW2 as in WW1.”

Can’t say I blame them for being surprised by the total lack of rationality and enlightened self-interest.


Culture Of Deception Is Doomed In CYCLIC Course Of History, Socio-Biology, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 13 Apr 10)

"People who should know better"--may not be so much deceived--as they're simply PAID OFF by means of that crucial, fundamental, INVINCIBLE COUNTERFEIT scam known as the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)--see and for expo/ref.--first Chairman of which was Jew, Paul Warburg who resigned shortly after being appointed, during WWI, due to slight fact his bro., Felix, was German Kaiser's chief of Secret Service. See, Kevin MacDonald: Robert...," 13 Apr 10.

Being PAID OFF is why Congress just passed the evermore wildly un-popular, utterly insane, un-Constitutional, recent health-care bill which literally forces people to buy insurance to subsidize Pharmaceutical companies which are literally poisoning and killing the people.

And being PAID OFF is why Congress tries to pass incredibly un-popular "amnesty" for illegal alien invaders--up to 80% of the people opposed.

Being PAID OFF is why Congress betrayed and enslaved American people w. "Patriot Act," Military Commissions Act, etc.

Thus the Fed is very engine of ZOG-Mammon empire-of-lies now running Orwellian "perpetual war for perp. peace" as in Iraq/Afgan, soon quite possibly in Iran, etc.

And if u don't go along and let urself be bribed, thus extorted for the future, then u'll simply be assassinated, pure and simple. Imagine ur power if u could legally COUNTERFEIT money--which Fed has been doing now for nearly a hundred yrs.

Thus note Jews can finance ANYTHING, for practical purposes, surely anything anyone else can. For anyone else must get their money in legitimate fashion--Jew masterminds can simply COUNTERFEIT it up, LEGALLY!

People wonder where/how Jews get their power--well, for goodness sakes, how would ANYONE not be most powerful in practical GOD-like fashion if THEY ALSO could legally COUNTEFEIT the money?

So now people wonder how Jews own and control US Congress, the mass-corporate "Jews"-media (see, the judiciary, bureaucracy, education, both public and private--PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING--even the establishment "Christian" churches, for goodness sakes.

And how and why are soooooooooo many stupid gentiles un-aware of simplest fact about Fed COUNTERFEIT fraud?--I submit they're distracted and diverted, but above all, their leadership is BOUGHT-OFF by Jews, and the people left with foggy notion Fed is this COMPLEX, difficult-to-understand sort of "institution" which is soooooooo mysterious.

Explanations about Fed are thus ALWAYS in terms of intellectualist-type ABSTRACTIONS, "big-words," and fancy-sounding phrases, and folks aren't informed of simplest CONCRETE fact--IT'S JUST COUNTERFEITING scam, stupid. Fed is crass, blatant, gross, putrid CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, poor fools.

And all the poor goyim rack their brains trying to figure out why/how Jews ALWAYS WIN--always--they always get their way--everyone always ends up going along w. these Jews--and people can NEVER figure why/how--because their poor, stupid minds are CAPTURED in mystery and fog, and most of all, ABSTRACTIONS, not able to see the simple criminal CONCRETE right before their very eyes.

So note then when ur ultimate, INVINCIBLE weapon at the bottom of everything is basically, essentially a gross, putrid, stinking FRAUD, most crass nearly blatant CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE--EVERYTHING else about the culture must reflect that basic essence and must work and act to prop-up that basic fraud--ZOG-Mammon empire-of-lies--what else?--how else?--what did u think?--what do u expect?

For once u start lying and deceiving, u must keep lying to cover those previous lies--and u can NEVER STOP. Meantime u must work to dis-arm ur victims so they can't do anything to u if/when they do find out--and u must arm ur allies, like a certain foreign state notorious for its murderous aggressions, terror-tactics, and spying activities--like say, Israel.

Thus u can never STOP the inexorable process--"perpetual war...." Eventually u must adopt a plan of deliberate DE-POPULATION to keep the "perpetual war..." in motion.

But eventually, the plan must hit a snag of some kind sooner or later--why?--BECAUSE THE PARASITES eventually become "over-populated" themselves relative to the lessening stock of victims-slaves and goyim who are inexorably killed off and expended.

CONCLUSION: Then parasites must come to terms against themselves in their sublime plan and process of deceit and TREACHERY. Thus it is the CYCLIC theory of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is vindicated, demonstrated, and proven. So this historic CULMINATION must arrive and happen sooner or later--only question is if there will be anything left for survivors to salvage. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...mir-putin.html

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"JMoore" Needs To Getting Clue, Face Reality
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 18)

"JMoore" imagines, like Hoffman himself, things are soooo mystical and "miraculous," but it isn't at all a "US empire" or even "Anglo-Zio."

Rather, one should simply observe the empire is SATANIC, pure and simple, all in CYCLIC accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," by which things cultural arise in simplicity and honesty as in the Roman and American instances, but then inevitably, degenerate in HUBRIS and specifically in subjectivism, evermore extreme as the "decline" gets worse.

For note extreme subjectivism--SATANISM--is idea the world is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, against the Christian ideal of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which is necessarily founded on objective ("God-given") reality.

So what happens historically and sociologically?--inexorably HUBRIS sets in, esp. for the following generations of an evermore corrupt empire (e.g. Roman, American) by which these over-populated goons, fools, and suckers, living off the original conquests, prosperity, and wealth of the founding generations, pretend to "moral virtue" and hereticalist, non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy)--as we see in Hoffman's case.

Eventually the corrupt, satanic empire falls as the top powers fall-out as we see lately w. "leftist-globalist" faction having been double-crossed in election of Trump by the Israel-first, "neo-cons" of pretended "right" who, as u will remember, were so completely dominated as back in 1956 when Eisenhower rebuffed the Israeli-Brit.-French capture of Suez Canal. "Never again," vowed the Israel-first Jews who became the "neo-cons" pretending to the "right" w. their hordes of "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalist supporters.

And ultimate power of all these Jews, satanists, and "deep-state" is, aside fm general hubris of over-populated scum, the fiat-currency system of the central-bank ("fed"--see for expo) which features nearly, practically INFINITE funds, having superseded real (commodity-based) money by means of dictatorship, "legal-tender" laws, and resultant MONOPOLY of criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting) dominating the entire economy, society, and culture now fatally in horrific "decline."

So it's this fiat-currency system which is the real "usury" which was first vaguely and indefinitely mentioned and referenced fm the ancient sources--NOT NOT NOT mere charging-of-interest according to lies and diversions of such as Hoffman, Pelagian heretic, who knows NOTHING about economics, "capitalism," or money and banking.

Thus "deep state" of fiat-currency and central-bank is still FIRMLY in power, though their system seems to teeter and totter--there are still HORDES of stupid goons, morons, scum, and fools who believe in child's "good-evil" (like JC supporters of terror-state of Israel) who are easily manipulated, who are still over-populated and liable to an indicated kill-off/die-off by various means, overt and covert.

So "JMoore," u ought to consider things are not so "miraculous" or "mysterious" as u imagine, but rather perfectly in accord w. determinist cause-effect of CYCLIC history and Spenglerian "Decline of the West." There are still some horrendous things which will have to ensue fm present situation, unfortunately as it is.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...neo-nazis.html

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Reality Is Objective, Determined, And CYCLIC--What Did U Think?
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 17)

What?--"Hank," above (see below-copied), says he's "astounded" at "parallels" btwn eras and times? But hasn't "Hank" ever hrd of CYCLIC history?

Thus a civilization/culture rises, as in case of Romans and Americans, the people at first HONEST (unlike Mike Hoffman, ho ho ho ho, who pretends to "good," ho ho ho ho) and genuinely productive, but then, w. success, "prosperity," and "victory," the culture inevitably corrupts, as humans are basically sinners, creatures of will, though not a perfectly "free" God-like will, as Hoffman pretends.

What happens?--well, the evermore corrupt people of an evermore corrupt society, now filled to over-flowing w. over-populated scum and corrupted offspring of the original, founder generation(s), imagine they have a perfectly "free" God-like will--that they've become "good"--like Hoffman. And the originally HONEST people thus become corrupt and HUBRISTIC--just like Mike Hoffman who's always soooooo desperate to pretending to "good," Hoffman w. the typical inferiority-complex which doesn't quit.

And that's where we are now, today, in Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the over-populated, corrupt people of USA, now the Jew S A, fatally stricken, like Hoffman, in this HUBRIS, heresy (Pelagianism), and madness, pretending they're "good."

Thus USA was originally founded at near the peak of its ideologic greatness, upon principle of freedom and reason, but which is now fascist dictatorship working for population-reduction (genocide) of Agenda-21, for the "good" of the earth, etc., Jew S A now consumed in anti-Christ satanism, this satanism founded upon subjectivist premise of "good"--which doesn't exist in an objective, hence determinist reality, people being fundamentally SINNERS, not capable of "good," which "good" doesn't and can't exist.

Thus Pres. Andrew Jackson threatened war against heroic state of S. Carolina in 1832 for it's upholding state sovereignty and right to secede and nullify anti-Constitutional laws, and then there was the historic, horrific 1860s war which definitively destroyed USA and led to rise of Jew-oriented and -serving imperialism, US war against Spain in 1898 for their colonies, WWI and II for world empire and dictatorship as we have today w. communist United Nations (UN).

So get a clue, "Hank": there's no perfectly "free" human will; reality is OBJECTIVE, basis of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), humans being sinners, always working to serve self-interest, and hist. is CYCLIC, never doubt. Of course there will always be parallels in history for eras and times, and the reasons and circumstances thereto are always similar if not identical.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Hank"--------------------------

Hank said...

I am astounded by the increasing parallels between the pre-WWII era and our times. With the rise of social trends that indicate national decline in the West, including joblessness, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, mass immigration, low birth rates, increased abortion rates, gun control, mass shootings, secular education, rise of fascism, low church attendance records, euthanasia, etc. I'm sure as Mark Twain noted, "History doesn't repeat, but it sure rhymes" and so we'll be seeing a new European beast power arise on the scene soon to take the charge and as God's Word prophesies chasten the Anglo-American nations that are failing dismally in their divine commission to be as John Winthrop put it: "A city upon a hill," to which other nations could look to for guidance, leadership and a model to follow. However, leading the world in so much lawlessness and immorality today foreign nations are no longer looking at the US or UK except by way of a bad example to avoid and inevitably as a horrible warning.
7:31 PM


Brian's Analysis Misses At Least One Huge Element To His Analysis
(Apollonian, 11 Mar 18)

Brian: I just now saw and listened to ur 4 1/2 min vid, "How We are Losing to the Int'l Jews - 2 - Parliamentary Democracy" ( and again, I'm sorry to see u TOTALLY leave out the subjectivist (satanic) premise at the core of Jews' philosophy, mentality, and movement, including the "people" they lead, dominate, intimidate, and manipulate.

Jews are simply the most sublime satanists (extreme subjectivists), most sublimely collectivist, organized, and well-led in accordance therewith such extreme subjectivism.

Thus the world, now OVER-populated w. huge masses of scum, filth, goons, puke, suckers and such-like monstrosities (the other factoid u leave-out), is NATURALLY ruled and dominated by Jews who manipulate these over-populated scum, filth, et al.--done by practical means of fiat-currency, central-banking, and then the monopolized Jews-media, bought-and-paid-for politicians, judges, et al.

So u see, when u have condition(s) of these over-populated puke and masses of filth, called "people," u will have Jews taking advantage, Jews simply the sort of disease, like leprosy, typhus, or plague, that thrives under such corrupt and un-fortunate sociologic conditions.

So u overlook that if there were no Jews, someone else (probably less efficient) would simply take-up the job Jews now fulfill, leading the satanists and that satanic-themed movement, it all founded upon extreme subjectivism, the pretext for most of these suckers being moralism and non-existent "good-evil," and pretended "free" will--HUBRIS.

Note also, it's simply a deterministic process of CYCLIC history ("Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler) we're observing, including the satanic sociology, dominated and manipulated by Jews--the original satanic impulses innate to everyone as sinners. And note historically, the central-banking, etc., was all begun by gentiles, but now things have become so intensified in satanistic mode that Jews simply and naturally take over as they're most organized, inspired, etc.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html

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Pharisaism Like "Al Ellis's" Is Root Problem--HUBRIS
(Apollonian, 22 Apr 18)

Hey "Al Ellis" (see below-copied): didja' know there's no such thing as "evil"?--or "good"?--it's only ignorant little children who are taught this moronic crap and lower intelligence fools, like urself, we see, filled w. Pharisaic self-righteousness, continue to believe, ho ho ho ho. For EVERYTHING of nature necessarily follows the will of God in accord w. absolute cause-effect. But the world becomes and is filled w. unctuous, sanctimonious people like urself (and Mike Hoffman)--AND THAT'S THE WHOLE PROBLEM--HUBRIS, first grasped by the Greeks and carried on in Christian philosophy contained in New Test. literature.

Thus CYCLIC history, in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is the story of civilizations arising w. honest farmers who disdain moronic "good-evil" and Pharisaic self-righteousness, and who become, mostly by luck and grace of God, like the Romans, for classic example, successful and victorious in war, and eventually "prosperous" in economics, dealing in real money, like gold-silver.

But in CYCLIC fashion following generations become evermore corrupt and self-righteous like urself and Mike Hoffman--and OVER-POPULATED--there are just too many fools, suckers, goons, dupes, and scum, and now these need to be . . . removed, somehow--but always, in the end, by means of warfare.

How ignorant are u, "Al Ellis"?--well, simply observe that in entire history of the world, philosophy, and ethics, there's NEVER been any solid, substantial criterion for "good-evil" that has ever worked or been proven--it's TOTALLY subjective product of childish, inferior mentalities, just like urs and Hoffman's.

Thus the satanists, who preach a perfectly "free" God-like will ("do what thou wilt"), who teach that consciousness/mentality CREATES reality--extreme SUBJECTIVISM--grow evermore numerous and organized, the Jews, preaching "midrash" (interpretation--see,, and, being the all-time, classic, and notorious leaders of such satanism combined w. collectivism, inexorably take control by means of warfare and in-fighting among the people as we see fm history in general and especially recent history.

And the satanists accomplish all this, ultimately, by the practical means of CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo, use their search-engine) which is actually just legalized counterfeiting, LITERALLY--like we have now w. intrinsically worthless Fed. Reserve Notes.

Such then is the sad and TRAGIC human condition of sin, hubris, and self-righteousness, as urs and Mike Hoffman's sort, and even if we in this cursed generation can effect another Christian revolution as St. Constantine the Great, the CYCLIC hist. and nature will continue, the satanists and subjectivists always the problem which lurks and waits, then arises to dominance, beginning and ending in "end-times" as described for us in "Book of Revelations."

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Al Ellis said...

MY FEAR last weekend was not that World War III would break out, but that the LEGAL Syrian government and Russian servicemembers who are aiding Syria LEGALLY, would be annihilated. Thankfully, for now at least, the Russian presence has provided enough deterrent to give pause to the CRIMINAL Amurderclown assault, which "only" was a "limited" state-terror bombing, which if it happened to Amurderca or Isra-hell, would be cause for a no holds barred counter-attack and/or life imprisonment for the perp. MY HOPE is that the dollar and stock market crash*, and that the political warfare between pro and anti-Trump factions in the ruling class and the state breaks out into armed civil war. This would be a good thing for much of the rest of the world, for if Amurderca self-annihilates, it will not be destroying nations and killing innocent people overseas.

* A dollar collapse could be initiated by China. The Chinese government is perhaps the most evil government on earth. As Mike has pointed out,
the Old Testament in several passages documents where nations more evil than ancient Israel had brought Israel to grief.
6:49 AM


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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CYCLIC History And Inexorable satanic Corruption
(Apollonian, 7 May 18)

What's this?--Ajax Jewns ( says it ain't the kikes?--hoh o ho ho ho ho. But just ask urself--HOW could Ajax be sooo "successful" and rich if he wasn't suck-up and flack for Jews?

So who/what is "destroying the world"? Just ck Oswald Spengler and his "Decline of the West," in which he notes the CYCLIC nature of hist. which follows the DETERMINIST (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will) reality.

Thus hist. is CYCLIC as many great historians, including Spengler, have noted. At first the culture/civilization arises due to excellent ancestors and original generations who grasp and follow the OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) nature of reality. Thus this/these founding, original generation(s) are honest, simple, productive people, brave and successful (at least lucky) in warfare.

But by and by, after the initial civilization and traditions have been successful, a corrupting HUBRIS sets in, and these following generations become evermore SUBJECTIVE, especially in way of putrid moralism/Pharisaism, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," "good" the worst enemy of truth and honesty.

Ultimately the most extreme form of this subjectivism arrives, called SATANISM, insisting reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself (the subject) to being God or Godly, the creator. Note nothing of this satanism is either mystic or even particularly religious--actually quite practical, understandable, and easily verified--following the indulgence in moralism/Pharisaism.

But this satanism becomes most powerful, along w. the continuing corruption of the culture/society when such satanism becomes COLLECTIVIZED, collectivistic, and ORGANIZED--which is where and how our dear Jews come in--they're most activist, committed, and esp. ORGANIZED for their criminality and satanism, subjectivism being the foundation of lies, lying, and fraud--esp. in way of the ultimate criminal conspiracy, the CENTRAL-BANK, literally legalized counterfeiting--see for best expo.

And all this about Jews and satanism is easily verified, the Talmud (see for just one good source) being monument to this satanic criminality and warfare against all humanity, reason, law, justice, etc.

Thus Jews are natural leaders of satanism and the satanists who work so actively for power for power's sake over all humanity, this corrupted humanity encouraged to warfare, esp. for the sake of moralism/Pharisaism, as we see, esp. in way of "climate change," etc.

Thus the satanists, hence Jews, the leaders, are like a disease, like leprosy, or plague, or typhus, which sets in among the corrupt, hubristic humanity and culture to extermination and removal of the corrupted inferiors and weaklings--all this in CYCLIC manner, as we see verified in history.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Homosexuality?--Mere Manifestation Of General satanism, Hubris, Subjectivism, Spenglerian "Decline"
(Apollonian, 20 Jun 18)

What?--the "homosexualization" of our culture?--WHAT "culture"? We're up against absolute satanification--what's "satanism," anyway?--it's making oneself God the creator. How does this satanification work?--well, it begins w. the (philosophic) idea and premise that human consciousness/mentality is what creates reality--SUBJECTIVISM.

But Christ rejected subjectivism, like he rejected the "midrash" (interpretation) of Jew Talmud--see, also Thus Christ defended Torah law of Moses against Jew interpretation by the "Oral law" and "Tradition of the Elders" (see Gosp. MARK 7:13).

For Christ upheld and posed the existence of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, ABOVE ALL--not "love" or "faith," or "peace," or non-existent "good." Christ = TRUTH. In fact Christ is truth--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6. Thus the great Biblic and Christian anti-thesis is Christian TRUTH vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44).

For "truth" cannot exist without first the OBJECTIVE, God-given reality serving as basis/criterion for such truth. All Christian ethics then follows fm such truth, objective reality, and human reason, the Holy Spirit.

So what now is it that promotes and encourages this horrific satanism sweeping the world? First, it's subjectivism, idea that consciousness creates reality, making oneself God the creator, which gives the basic premise to satanism. But then how does this satanic, subjectivist premise begin?--through the idea taught to so many stupid morons who imagine they're "Christians" that "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" makes it all true--which is totally false and satanic.

And "faith" properly means only LOYALTY--NOT NOT NOT idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the way Jews, few as they are compared to the masses of stupid Christians and gentiles, rule is their satanic subjectivism is sublimely organized and collectivized for a most profound, persuasive, and effective "group-think" sort of satanic program which now dominates the satanic and corrupt culture--even though Jews are so much out-numbered by stupid gentiles who are relatively un-organized and isolated.

And HOW does this subjectivist premise take such firm hold, aside fm idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'"? Well, the over-populated scum among gentiles and nominal "Christians" yearn to pretend like children they're "good" (Pelagian heresy), so brilliantly programmed w. inferiority-complex as they are fm the time they're small children--they never learn self-respect. For there is no "good-evil"--it doesn't exist.

Humans are sinners, true, but they're not "evil" just as they're not capable of (non-existent) "good." Far toooo many of these stupid, over-populated scum indulge in "guilt," pretending to suck-up to God, begging for forgiveness for simply being what they were created to be, self-interested as they're creatures of will, subject then to mistakes in the use of will and considering the alternative courses of action they must take.

Surburg writes, "[u]nfortunately, we live at a time when an incredible shift is taking place in our culture." But what's happening is the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. The former culture fm Greeks, Romans, and Renaissance was so productive and created so much an excess of over-population now of human filth, garbage, scum, suckers, and goons, that we see them taking on this putrid satanism and subjectivism, homosexuality being only a manifestation.

Thus the culture and society begins in a grim sort of obligatory honesty and objectivity, but soon enough peaks and then descends and degenerates to subjectivism and hubris of pretended "good" vs. "evil" as we now see in this stinking satanic and homosexual indulgence.


 Below essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Q-Anon" Obviously False Solution, Fatal Diversion
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 18)

Ho hoh o ho--notice the usual, typical overlooking, ignoring the 8,000 lb. gorilla sitting in middle of the room for Q-anon--Jews, Israel, and their scummy satanist allies among the gentiles--esp. those anti-Christ scum who call themselves "Christian" who back terror-state of Israel, like the "evangelicals," and indeed, all the establishment churches, Cath. and Prot.

Who won WWII?--communists, United Nations (Jew world order), and Israel. And now Jews of Israel "control America, and the Americans know it," allegedly according to the late Israeli PM, Ariel Sharon, as he spoke to fellow kike, Shimon Peres, back in 2001.

But the most relevant overall theory, sociologic and historic, is Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," in general. Thus an initially, originally great culture becomes empire and naturally "declines" out of the inevitable HUBRIS which arises--as humans are sinners in first place ("self-interested," endowed w. "will," though not completely "free").

Thus this now thoroughly corrupt empire is filled w. over-populated scum, filth, puke, goons, suckers, and morons, ruled now by criminals and psychopaths, the large general culture/society/economy absolutely dominated by a criminal enterprise known as "central-banking"--see for expo, use their search engine.

This central banking is literally legalized counterfeiting and features INFINITE currency instead of limited, FINITE real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver being best. Thus economic "depressions" and recessions are manipulated by means of "inflation," the issuing of evermore currency, done over and over and over--nearly infinitely, though it always, inevitably must eventually fail. But the ignorant, now over-populated scum, filth, goons, and suckers go for it, taught to hate "gold," "selfishness" (hence human-nature and humanity), and "capitalism," buzz-words which the scum, puke, and filth are easily encouraged to ritualistically hate--as Orwell described--"four feet good, two feet bad."

So this central-banking scam is the practical, "existential" ENGINE behind, and at bottom of everything else for the criminals and satanists ruling this thoroughly corrupt culture/society, Jews dominating, naturally, as they're most collectivist, organized, thus practical and effective for rulership--they've always got a plan, ho ho ho ho--Israel-first Trump is their latest.

So naturally, near the end of things, in Spenglerian CYCLIC history, as the central-bank scam nears end of its line for success and fooling the masses of morons, goons, and suckers, it is indeed quite possible, even likely, the top masterminds might begin to falling-out w. one-another, as in form of "good Jews," led by Trump (and "neo-cons"), totally owned by Jews, as is obvious, who blames equally obvious satanic scum, the "bad Jews," the "leftist," "liberals" of the CFR (council on foreign relations) and Tri-lateralists, the powers behind the central-bank, though central-bank itself isn't mentioned--neo-cons intend to just starting a new one, ho ho ho oho.

So we need real money, gold/silver, removal of the criminal, satanic central-bank (a), and (b) we need return of states-rights, national sovereignty, NULLIFICATION, in accord w. Jefferson, Madison, et al., etc.

But under-lying everything cultural, don't forget, we need that basic, original ANTI-SEMITIC (anti-satanic) good old Christianity featuring the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, basis for TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which most opposes satanism (JOHN 8:44) which satanism is founded upon extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality--which subjectivism is what's needed (according to Immanuel Kant, for example) for the non-existent "good-evil" which is original pretext for subjectivism and satanism.

So u easily see Q-anon is just ANOTHER Jew-inspired diversion and utterly false "solution" which DOES NOT NOT NOT address the real problem, the satanism and subjectivism which enthralls the suckers, morons, scum, and over-populated goons being manipulated by top satanists, Jews (see and for expo).


Below essay by ap submitted at comments,

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Currency, Economic -Collapse All Part Of Spengler's Western "Decline," Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 2 Jul 18)

WTF?--for goodness sakes, can't u ever figure-out the top, absolute existential (practical) power, not only for the world, but for Jew S A, is the central-bank criminal enterprise, tolerated (as they're sooooo incredibly stupid) by the mass of over-populated morons, called "people"?

Central bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring INFINITE "currency"--NOT NOT NOT real money which must be commodity-based (like gold/silver), hence FINITE in amount. See for expo on central-banking, use their search engine.

And Jew S A--used to be USA--has long been utterly corrupt, satanic empire, the top satanists ruling, behind the central-bank. So it's just matter of the usual charade of "good-Jews" ("neo-cons" on the "right") vs. "bad-Jews" (of "left," "liberals"). And Trump is totally owned by Israel/"neo-cons"--observe his bosom-buddy, Giuliani, one of the top 9/11 principals, for goodness sakes.

Obola has LONGGGG been exposed as ineligible, not "natural-born" citizen, good gravy.

See: as reality is objective, it's necessarily determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and history is CYCLIC, and like Roman empire of yore. Jew S A has over-produced tooooo many, over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, suckers, and fools, all filled w. HUBRIS, esp. idea they're "good" (which doesn't exist in determined reality) as the Pharisees and corrupt, hereticalist Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo) so piously teach.

So naturally, in such corrupt conditions the Pharisaics and satanists (extreme subjectivists, who make themselves God) thrive and dominate in the continuing "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--this is what's going on--"END-TIMES," as predicted in New Test. "Book of Revelations."

So we need drastic, revolutionary change, but which won't happen without first disaster and catastrophe to removing some of the dead-weight of over-population, and motivating the rest of the survivors.

We need REAL MONEY--which by itself dis-empowers the satanists (a)--and (b) reversion to original sovereignty of the states, removal of present Jew S A centralized dictatorship, to include removal of United Nations too, naturally. Unfortunately, none of this will happen without first turmoil, disaster, and economic collapse, I'm afraid--esp. currency-collapse.

And perhaps most of all, we need real cultural change, thus return of the REAL, hence anti-semitic Christianity, founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality, only basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanist lies (JOHN 8:44). Israel-first Trump, and Obola before him, are just parts of the large satanic charade, that's all. Get a clue, fools.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Cultural Corruption, satanism, All Part Of Necessary, CYCLIC "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 14 Jul 18)

Gotta remember (see below-copied) it's actually predictable part of CYCLIC history in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Late sociologist, Pitirim Sorokin, also has/had similar (cyclic) theory.

Thus an originally strong, vital, and healthy culture/civilization/society, like Romans, eventually becomes "mature" and then past "mature" and even decadent as the society ages and proceeds, breeding-up following generations fm original founders, but which followers are now enmired in gross HUBRIS, as pretending to non-existent "good-evil" virtue-signaling, as we see. Note follower generations didn't have to fight and produce as the original did, and followers now indulge in corruption, as in socialism, imperialism, and dictatorship.

So I submit we (our culture) have now gone well past the hubristic stage and have fallen into outright satanism and (extreme) subjectivism which is pretext for "good-evil" to which these fools and corrupt scum are addicted.

Thus in such satanistic/subjectivist condition, and Spenglerian "decline," it's then easy for "professional" satanists, so to speak, to come in like a disease and take-over, these "professionals" more collectivistic, organized, cohesive, and "connected," providing now a leadership cadre and "group-think" to the more isolated, individualistic satanists among the more numerous goyim.

And if u ck the basic religion of these "professional" satanists, u see it explicitly features SUBJECTIVISM, in guise of "midrash" (interpretation), for sense of reality, thus a collectivistic subjectivism and group-think which is now dominant and dominating over even the larger masses/population of gentiles. See,, and

Thus for example, Talmud consists of two large parts, "Mishnah" and "Gemara," the Mishnah being "interpretation" (midrash) of original Torah (which Christ defended as definitive by itself), and THEN, the Gemara which is literally the interpretation of the Mishnah, the interpretation of the interpretation, as it were--and this is the actual fact--ck it out for urself.

Thus it's no wonder Jew Zohar ("Cabala"--mysticism) explicitly admits Jews worship satan which, they hold, is just another emanation of God.

Thus Jews and satanists took decisive control of central-banking in old USA, now Jew S A, parasitized by Israeli-terror state, and make use of (nearly) infinite currency issues to dominate, manipulate, owning and controlling everybody and everything. Even establishment Christianity, originally meant to opposing satanism/subjectivism, is now completely taken-over by satanism, these idiots pretending what they "beleeeeeeeeeeev" is what then exists BECAUSE they "beleeeeeeeev," the hereticalist fools. Satanic "Vatican" is good example.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

bairdseymour July 14, 2018 at 9:12 AM

Nothing surprises me anymore.

The fact that the population is willing to live like sheep in this cesspool doesn't even surprise me.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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WHY, Wherefore This Persistent Disaster?--Too Many Scum, Too Stupid, In CYCLIC History
(Apollonian, 25 Aug 18)

These I-net monopolists and criminal traitors all should be simply arrested to be put on trial for treason, then promptly executed--only such prompt and PUBLIC executions will suffice for proper suppression to this treason, esp. within the minds of "the people."

Sure, there would be the usual, typical hue and cry fm the usual suspects whom everyone already knows are liars, like the Jews-media, but no one will pay attn. but for the usual traitors and satanists who are always mere small minority, Jews and satanist goyim fellow travelers.

Of course, such proper and necessary arrests, etc., aren't going to happen, why?--because it would fly in face of topmost, ruling monopoly presently holding world and Jew S A in its grip, the central-bank establishment (see for expo; use their site search-engine).

These subsidiary monopolies of big-tech, I-net, are mere CREATURES of the topmost monopoly and conspiracy of central-bank which issues nearly INFINITE currency, NOT real money, commodity-based, which real money then, like gold/silver, is necessarily LIMITED in amount, thus protecting the people's wealth, savings, and value.

Alas, but the poor, stupid "people" can't figure it all out about such criminal conspiracies and monopolies, so such stupidity always has its necessary price: DEATH.

These stupid scummy puke, called "the people"--not all of them, of course, but too many now in this utterly corrupt stage of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--actually think INFINITE funding of this corrupt "currency" is a "good" thing, and it's really this idea then of non-existent "good" which is the heart of all the corruption, the people imagining "good" exists if only they insist it does, these satanic scum imagining they're like God, w. perfectly "free" will, creating reality.

Such is satanism--extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is creation of consciousness/mentality, by which the subject effectively becomes God the creator, pretext for this always and typically being non-existent "good-evil" which bedevils the children who insist it has to be true--because they "BELEEEEEEEEEV" it's true; therefore it MUST be true.

For such is the horrific hubris and inevitable corruption of the at first successful culture which inexorably becomes corrupt after success, victory, and "prosperity": the people begin to imagine, in all their HUBRIS, they have perfectly "free" will, capable of changing and creating reality--Satanism, which steadily grows within the culture and society evermore like horrific cancer.

Thus we observe the IRONY this satanism flourishes within that institution designed to protect people fm satanism, like the present, corrupt (false) "Christian" establishment which pushes this satanic "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" above everything else, including above TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) itself.

Thus it's no wonder the "Vatican," just for an example case in pt., is such satanic institution as we see its incessant addiction to child-molesting, over and over and over, ad infinitum. But the morons, called "people," refuse to heed, failing to getting the clue(s).

Thus we can only hope the consequent DEATH necessarily following hubris and satanism will be as little and few in number as possible before the stupid scum, called "people," can begin to figuring things out, getting the sufficient leadership, as fm REAL Christianity, true worship of TRUTH, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Regardless, DEATH is what's going to happen until the scum, filth, puke, suckers, and goons, called "people," those who survive, anyway, finally begin to getting the clue, the stupid, hubristic fools.


 Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Over-Population Of "Idiots" Leads To Disaster, Wars, Etc., Need For Removal Of Such Idiots, Idiocy--CYCLIC Historical Process
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 18)

Yes, we humans are sinners, for sure--"idiots" too, too much of the time, just as Palacek indicates--and it seems to be a CYCLIC process, given inductive evidence.

And the great problem, of course, is when a culture (or "civilization," such as it may be) becomes SOOOOOOOO "successful," "victorious," and "prosperous" that it now produces an OVER-population of such "idiots."

Thus w. too many, over-populated idiots--also fools, scum, filth, and puke, never forget--the culture goes into and suffers "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Note the culture was earlier strong, genuinely victorious, productive, and prosperous due to the original generations who were brave and courageous, but also HONEST (more oriented to an OBJECTIVE reality)--unlike the scum and following generations who arose and now bring the former culture into the present Spenglerian "decline."

So what happened?--well, the corrupt following and later generations obviously suffer HUBRIS, the idea they've become like God, w. genuinely "free" will capable of changing reality, these corrupt generations now capable of becoming "good"--as opposed to "evil."

So in terms of philosophy, the original generations of that basic HONESTY, as of the Romans, for example, becomes the corrupt following generations of SUBJECTIVISM (notion that consciousness/mentality creates reality), fooling themselves, totally losing that precious quality of honesty--all in the vain quest for (non-existent) "good-evil" and especially moralism--as we see today w. idiot emphasis upon "tolerance" and "diversity"--because it's "good," u see.

And now outright criminals and murderers take-over the so-called "culture"--as we see today, the murderers being the enforcers, well-paid by the top criminals and frauds, esp. of central-banking (see for expo; use the site search-engine for specific terms).

Thus fm the original founders and heroes who began the civilization/culture, the CYCLIC historical process brings things through hubris and "decline" to the present satanistic (extreme subjectivism) pass--as during the Roman Empire which was briefly revived in early 4th century by Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, Christianity providing the antidote to the prevailing satanism/subjectivism of the time.

Of course, that rationalist Christian impulse didn't last long, and Christianity itself became submerged within gross horrendous mysticism, as we see in this very day, the "Vatican" being now overwhelmed and submerged by pedophilia and masonry, heavily controlled by Jews and satanism.

So what will happen now?--well, there's too many morons, scum, filth, and puke--too much satanism, etc., so we'll have to go through "tribulations" as of Book of Revelations "end-times"--but only "end-time" for present corrupt phase and CYCLE of hist.

We need to reduce population of Jews and satanists, Jews being foremost satanists, Jews most collectivist, organized, cohesive, and connected among satanists, w. most effective "group-think," etc.--see,, and

Thus we need states-rights, nullification, and secession, and REAL MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver. And never forget Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, means it is necessarily anti-semitic, anti-satanic (JOHN 8:44). Face-up to facts, u stupid scum; get a brain, and be honest for once in ur worthless lives.