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Friday, April 24, 2020

satanism--a simple philosophy, really, but which then is mystified, cloaked within "religious" style....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but censored/deleted by kike, Unz at comments,

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Satanists Hate Truth Most Of All
(Apollonian, 24 Apr 20)

“Can…” tells us, “[t]he Unzite Nazis are relentless bullies, incurable ignoramuses and utterly useless to debate with.”

But what actual sense does this statement by “Can…” really make? For HOW could we be “bullies”?–that’s palpably ridiculous, just another moronic lie by satanic liars who lie as they breathe. Thou “protesteth too much,” sucker.

“Incurable ignoramuses”? Well, we do our best, but at least we make it a pt. to know enough about u Satanists who pretend u’re like others pursuing an otherwise harmless “religion.” And that Satanism is one thing dear unc’ Adolf rather unfortunately left-out of his exposition, Hitler being a practical politician, not too terribly analytic about serious things like ur satanistic religion founded upon such extreme subjectivism (“midrash” and “Oral Law Trad.”), nothing being “true” but what is officially approved by and in the “party-line.”

U Satanists typically retort that “oh no, u’re not ‘religious’,” but u see, u’re Satanists simply to extent u’re such careful and thorough-going subjectivists, going along and conspiring w. ur fellow Satanists. And that’s why unc’ Adolf left so much that was necessary out of his exposition when he neglected to pt. out about u people that u really are such Satanists in the first place–Satanism, the anti-thesis of Christianity, not mere version or variety as u try to lead so many to think.

For then Hitler would have had to go into an exposition upon Satanism, what it is really–a very simple philosophy–of extreme subjectivism by which reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject the creator–God–Satanism by definition.

Satanists, including especially ur sort, the most successful by far, and the most popular (many gentiles even trying hard to imitating u–even some so-called “Christians” adopting parts of it), in all history, then wrap ur satanic philosophy, which is really very simple, in an elaborated ritual and mumbo-jumbo to THEN make it seem oh so “religious” and mysterious when it’s really basically just pretty simple philosophy at the core–extreme subjectivism.

THEN unc’ Adolf would have had to go just a step further: he’d show that not only were u Satanist monsters extreme subjectivists, BUT u’re futher, most COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists and Satanists–something which is unique. U’re actually foremost “group-thinkers” which is fairly unknown to and un-observed by others–u’re most organized, committed, motivated, and best, most incisively led, most effective and successful throughout hist.–when the corrupted civilization and people allow u to get away w. it all–as we see they’ve done evermore since Reformation, but esp. since French Rev.–the Spenglerian Western “Decline.” U Satanist monsters now dominate the world fm ur head-quarters in stolen Palestine. Do u doubt “end-times” must be near?

Thus our Christian ancestors taught us and following generations to HATE u Satanist devils, simply for who and what u are and how u identify, even fm a very young age, knowing we’d learn, at least SOME of us, the whys and wherefores of ur satanism as we grew-up.

Unc’ Adolf was a heroic leader, and that’s why u hate him. And indeed our dear Christianity records that special hatred for u people, u monsters, as necessary thing, history supplying the details, u gloating at the imagined death of Christ (= truth and the objective reality it’s based upon), ur worst enemy, but for whom now u want to substitute our dear unc’ Adolf as foremost villain who merely told a PART of the truth about ur supreme, satanic anti-humanity.

Thus even as u’re so far out-numbered by the gentile subjectivists, they’re not NEARLY so integrally organized and cohesive as u; hence u naturally lead and dominate them–just like the early communists of Bolshevik Russia were led and dominated by u infernal Satanists who all denied ur satanic “religiousness.”

And thus in a demoralized, degenerate society in Spenglerian “Decline of the West,” u Satanists and subjectivists, including ur relatively larger gentile component (“liberals” and “progressives”) who are always to be found sucking-along, but led by u highly collectivistic Satanists at the core who dominate and rule the entire society of goyim, few of them realizing how it’s all happening–amazed at the relatively small number of u satanic master-minds at the top–like the present-day Central-bankers, eh?

And then u satanic liars will say, “ohhh, but gee whiz, but our people are only a tiny percentage of the whole population.” Pretty “ignorant” isn’t it?

Regardless, unc’ Adolf really didn’t seem to grasp the subtle criminality of such legalized counterfeiting which is the essence of central-banking (see, again). For Hitler was far more a practical politician, not too terribly analytic as philosopher or scholar, though he did go a good ways, and he never hesitated to name u criminals and monsters–for which all u hate him so. Pretty “ignorant,” eh?

Finally, u say we’re “…utterly useless to debate with,” but that’s only as long as we stick to the truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–then it’s truly useless, we understand. But it’s actually NECESSARY for u Satanists to “debate” and lie in order to confuse the goyim, most of whom, so far, will so allow themselves to be confused, as u put over ur constant lies, lying, and especially that sublime criminal enterprise of central-banking (legalized counterfeiting)–and as long as u control that necessary bank instrument, u’ll continue to rule, u hope.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Ironically, even for these satanic times, the ruling "religion" is hatred--as of unc' Adolf--all in name of "good"....

Below essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Commendable Dieudonne' Spits Into Face Of Present Establishment "Religion"
(Apollonian, 21 Apr 20)

Well, so this notorious and note-worthy French black-guy brings up a “forbidden” topic, dear unc’ Adolf, who very much told the truth about things, though remember, Hitler was mostly mere practical politician, not so much a scholarly-type philosopher–which truth is so absolutely hated by Satanists and virtue-signalers, called “moralists”–like Mike A. Hoffman II, for example, though he’s another topic all by himself.

Bringing up unc’ Adolf can only be done nowadays without controversy by duly, officially consecrated virtue-signalers–MORALISTS, as I note–which entails the ruling religion of non-existent “good-evil” which has crushed and replaced the previous Christian religion (which holds everyone a sinner, no matter human will which is NOT perfectly “free”) and founds the present establishment Satanism which absolutely and totally rules–short of complete annihilation of all human, hence rational life which is yet the goal of Satanism (extreme-subjectivism, making oneself to be God, the creator–but also destroyer too).

And as dear unc’ Adolf is held, by the present ruling satanist religion and regime, to be absolute epitome of non-existent “evil,” all stops must be pulled by the satanic state in any and every serious dispute or debate about the heroic Hitler who told so much of the truth, and who is yet consistently demonized by the satanic state. So this questioning of satanic establishment is significant all by itself–Dieudonné is much to be commended just for that alone–hail Dieudonne’.

In fact, one might well say that the official religion now is hatred of Hitler–HATRED–despite all the idiot lies and “hate-crime” prop. of present Satanist establishment, ruling in all the countries of the West, to some degree or other.

Thus EVERY official debate and discussion about dear unc’ Adolf MUST necessarily and obligatorily end upon the consensus that unc’ Adolf was “evil,” “evil,” “evil”–repeated three times and with heavy liturgical emphasis–this is the ruling, even if un-official, establishment religion of Satanism and hatred, all founded upon non-existent “good-evil” and extreme subjectivism.

And note then, any serious dissent to this Satanism and religion of HATRED (as of unc’ Adolf, supreme martyr–after Christ himself) is prosecuted to full extent of law–as done to Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Robt. Faurisson, Jean-Marie Le Pen, and any other rationalist defenders or even advocates of significant truth no matter how slight. Satanism does not tolerate truth–the defining characteristic of Satanism, don’t forget. Subjectivism casts out facts, and “good” is the worst enemy of TRUTH.

So it’s just this simple observation upon a mere part of the basic philosophic and cultural foundations that I wanted to bring up about why Dieudonne’ is so commendable and hence persecuted by the real rulers, the Satanists. Lord knows I and others could bring-up lots other facts and notes, but I wouldn’t want to distract fm the tremendous, amazing victory of our good and heroic Dieudonne’, who has already struck such a crushing blow for truth, history, and humanity. Hail Dieudonne’.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Jew conspiracy is (a) somewhat complex, (b) dependent upon circumstances....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Anatomy Of Jew Conspiracy--Requires "Chutzpah" (Audacity/Effrontery)
(Apollonian, 16 Apr 2020)

Yes, remember at the top of the Jew conspiracy, u have Satanism, Jews being top, deliberate Satanists, worshippers of death, extreme subjectivists (holding reality is creation of mind/consciousness, making subject to be creator, hence God--Satanism, by definition). See,,, and for best expo on Talmudism/Judaism (SUBJECTIVISM)--the most successful, "popular" form of Satanism throughout hist.

Satanism thus grows fm the increasing hubris as degenerate society corrupts in the inevitable CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And Jews are the very disease of opportunity, like typhus, leprosy, or plague, that takes advantage of this growing corruption and hubris among now over-populated goyim, now become "liberals," "progressives," and TV-addicted goons, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings, who were spawned and bred-up throughout former "prosperous" stages of the society--as we now so plainly see before our very eyes.

But note there's a further twist for Judaism which separates them fm goyim Satanists/subjectivists. For Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, foremost "group-think" artists, most successful, effective, most organized, cohesive, motivated, and committed to subjectivism/Satanism, like "liberalism," for example, making them DOMINANT over the goyim subjectivists, even though goyim far-outnumber Jews (so far, anyway).

(a) Thus the poor, brainless, ignorant fools among goyim so often fail to estimate and grasp the problem of Judaism. Observe how many goyim morons, ignorant scum, who even call themselves "Christian," imagine Judaism is mere variant of Christianity--like Baptists are variants of Lutherans or Episcopalians among Christians. No, Jews are outright anti-Christs who explicitly hate and oppose Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and the OBJECTIVE reality which such truth ideal is necessarily based-upon.

(b) The goyim then, additionally, FAIL to perceive the COLLECTIVISTIC factor for Jews, thus further distinguishing Jews fm the goyim morons, hubris-filled and addicted to the TV, Jews thus "leveraging" the corrupt, hubristic society in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, against itself, Jews leading the subjectivists/Satanists, these subjectivist thereupon intimidating the rest of society excepting only the hard-core Christians (a small minority) who stick to truth, determinism (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), and objective reality.

Such then is manner and circumstances in which Jews/Satanists magnify and exert their power, psychologic and every other way. Note further, Jews dominate and control that foremost central-banking instrument/weapon, a criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency").

So in conclusion: observe Jews make use of Satanism/subjectivism psychologically, and then existentially (for practical purposes) central-banking to so totally dominating the degenerate society in hubris, corruption, and "Decline...," eventually mass-murdering their opponents (in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030) among gentiles and the stupid, pretended "Christians"--Christianity, ironically, originally designed to oppose Judaism/Satanism, but in the "decline" phase being co-opted, subverted, and used in the horrific destruction and "end-times" phase of the historical CYCLE.