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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

John DeNugent is big joke, deserves NO credibility....

Below-copied by ap first posted at comments,

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DeNugent Deserves NO Credibility
(Apollonian, 24 Mar 20)

Brian: in case of John DeNugent, I can say I DO INDEED, know more than just a tiny little about him, though it doesn't mean I know everything, but I do know some of quite a bit. DeNugent is a charlatan and very superficial sort of thinker-theoretician and historian, very much of a babbler and would-be raconteur, always going off on tangents and pretending to putting-out little "tid-bits" of gossipy-type side-notes. U gave DeNugent carte blanche on ur vid, and he took full advantage, we can all see.

I advise u to be very careful w. DeNugent; observe how nervously demonstrative he is as he talks to u. For if DeNugent was being simply matter-of-fact, people aren't so demonstrative--he'd just be straight-forward w. more of a monotone, far less of the facial grimaces, hand and head gestures and movements as he makes on ur vid.

DeNugent mentions HENRIK HOLAPPA, who is a good and honest person, but who was very young man (about 17 or 18) when he escaped and sought asylum in USA fm Finland; DeNugent offered him a place to stay, and Holappa spent several months w. DeNugent and his live-in girl-friend. U ought to read Holappa's account of DeNugent, how he acts and what he does.

According to Holappa, DeNugent is indeed a violent and abusive wife-beater (though they weren't married yet at time Holappa was present), and tried to put Holappa to work to making money for DeNugent--this all besides DeNugent's constant efforts begging and soliciting money, funds, and contributions, pretending he was running for various political offices. Holappa's account is low-key, matter-of-fact, and not hysterical, and very persuasive. See . See also, .

I notice in ur vid, Brian, u allowed DeNugent several times to speak and ramble on and on at length--this is vintage DeNugent who LOVES to babble on and spinning yarns--u went in for it as so many do w. DeNugent. I can tell u w. assurance DeNugent's exposition upon Christ attempting to "reform" the Pharisees was total b.s. DeNugent knows and cares nothing about Christianity or Christians.

I suspect u may have been somewhat taken-in by this glib liar, DeNugent, Brian, allowing him to take up wayyyy too much of ur vid, but it was interesting to see that charlatan and listen to him telling his lies. I think in case of DeNugent and the Hunts, it was matter of like spirits rather beginning in attempted collaboration, leading then to competing against one another, ending in the inevitable falling-out--one can get interesting info fm these sort of episodes, but a lot of lying too, as in case of DeNugent who is known and noted con-artist, liar, and fraud.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Christianity is worship of TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH, suckers--it's NOT pacifism, idiot "faithful" beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin', or self-sacrifice, morons....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Barrett Compares Christian Truth Ideal With Mere Islamic Imperium
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 20)

Barrett: go and ck ur high-school text-books, sucker–European civilization began w. Greeks, even prior to 500 B.C., including especially the Homeric epics, Illiad and Oddysey. Christianity is itself largely a Greek inspiration, the earliest works preserved being written in Greek language. Christians then arose definitively under the Romans and sought to preserve that Greek foundation, Christ (= truth; Gosp. JOHN 14:6) affirming implicitly the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality as necessary foundation to such truth ideal, aimed explicitly against the Pharisaic subjectivism, “midrash” (interpretation), and “Oral Law Tradition” (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

The "racial" impetus and orientation is the very purpose of philosophy, ethics, and all civilization, including especially the Biblic 4th (in some records, the 5th) commandment, "honor thy parentage (race)." And honor for the race also implies the determinist principle of absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will. Reality, including then one's personality, is determined by ancestors and all and any precedents and circumstances.

A "vibrant, powerful civilization" is ONLY possible by means of deterministic, hence racially-oriented ethics, philosophy, and culture, as history demonstrates beginning w. Greeks, then Romans, then the Germanic race which Germanic upheld Christian objectivity, reason (Holy Spirit), and determinism. "Love of self" is necessary virtue of PRUDENCE which the Greeks always recognized, and self-interest is simply the basic human condition, humans understood as creatures of will, hence self-interest, hence "sinners," when that intrinsic self-interest isn't tempered by reason (and Holy Spirit).

Thus as Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ) above all, science, reason, and biology are simply aspects of the Holy Spirit, the means by which such truth is apprehended and appreciated, and whatever "purpose" there may be is mere means to happiness and whatever end is chosen--which might be anything. "Self-sacrifice" is what suckers and weaklings do in service to some clever military leader, like the original Muhammud, who inveigled the Arabs to obey his orders when he went about to ambushing the latest caravans making their way in the desert.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

123.Kevin Barrett says:
March 1, 2020 at 3:03 am GMT • 200 Words

European civilization rose when it was Christian, and has been declining since its elites abandoned Christianity. What makes you think a “raceless and universalist creed” cannot survive, thrive, or even dominate in a hostile world, since that is precisely what Western Christian civilization (and Islamic civilization, Confucian civilization, etc.) have done? Even pagan civilizations are based on sacrifice to the gods. What historical examples show that narcissistic racial navel-gazing builds a vibrant, powerful civilization?

Spengler among others saw that the force that raises and sustains civilizations is a spiritual vision or Platonic ideal that gives men an Other worth living and dying for. Mere love of (racial) self will never do that. It is a dead end.

If your answer is that you worship the science of biology, and/or your own biological heritage, you are making a category mistake. Science only reveals what is, not what should be. It offers a description of life, not a purpose.