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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Unz, psycho Jew, Jewwy liar, flim-flam man, imagines he fools gentiles, chuckle chuckle....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz: Typical Jew Liar, Dis-Info Artist Whose Efforts Are Exposed Nonetheless
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 19)

Ho hoh oho, observe how Unz the Jew has allowed and encouraged "anon 396" to essentially troll and HIJACK the commentary here by "anon's" repeating over and over his EQUIVOCATION fallacy regarding meaning of "Jew," insisting Christ was Jew, hence mere variation/version of the Pharisees, later Talmudists.

Note "anon 396" says NOTHING about why/how Christ is so absolutely hated by Jews/Talmud--nothing about why Pharisees saw to killing of Christ (hence TRUTH) in New Test story-line--what do thou think it is/was all about, Unzie? Thou Jews so absolutely HATE and detest truth, eh?

"Anon 396" says absolutely nothing about the opposing philosophy of Christ and New Test. (objective reality, determinist universe) versus the Judaic/Pharisaic/Talmudic subjectivism/Satanism, as I detail at # 182, above. Instead, Unz CENSORED/deleted my entry exposing Unz's trolling and deliberate dis-info featuring and favoring "anon 396's" dis-info and deliberate diversion of the discussion by means of that simple, little equivocation fallacy, repeated now over and again.

Unz imagines his subversive editorship is effective, but he merely exposes his typical Judaic attempt to lying and dis-info, Unz TYPICAL Jew, demonstrating typical Jew tactics, pretending he's for "free-speech," ho ho ho ho. Thou fool no one, Unz, and my entries just get posted somewhere else so the world learns about thy infernal lying and censorship regardless thy puny Jewwy efforts against truth and honesty.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Unz's methods and motivations perfectly consistent w. kikes, Talmud, never doubt....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments,

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Unz's Methods, Motivations Perfectly Consistent
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 19)

Olivier: don't forget, Unz is Jew--by his own admission. So what kind of person do thou think identifies as Jew? Did thou know Jews, by definition follow the Talmud and/or relate and sympathize w. those who do? What's Talmud all about?--thou should find out, eh?--see,, and

And if there's any doubt within thou of Unz's fundamental and typical Jew contempt of humanity, just read his own article, written by himself, "An Open Letter to the "Alt-Right" and Others"; it's right here, posted and archived on this site.

It's interesting the selection of articles published at Unz Review, no?--but do thou see then and note the "readers" responses and comments? Observe Unz's EXTREME AND INTENSIVE censorship and selection of those responses and commentary--what's purpose and pt.?--is it really that hard to figure-out?

That highly censored and selected commentary is purely and strictly for purposes of Jews, never doubt--and HOW could it NOT be? Have thou ever hrd or seen any Jews seriously complaining about Unz? Do thou doubt Unz himself considers he's successful?--again, read his article cited above, "An Open Letter...." Unz Review is all about Jews--for Jews, of Jews, and by Jews, without any question.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------------

#800, Olivier1973 says:
August 4, 2019 at 3:19 pm GMT • 200 Words
@Lev Ke

“The only explanation for Ron’s belief in the Apollo missions is the strength of childhood exposure to extreme propaganda.”

As mark Twain put it:

It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

Cognitive dissonance. Ron’s problem is that he relies on an inverted ad populum fallacy: no one spoke. But Armstrong did. It is only necessary to listen. It was said it is cryptic. Criptic only for the believers.


One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.


One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.

As you know there is an atmosphere on the moon, the same as on the Earth, because it is the only way to explain that someone without a space suit could walk on it and leave this footprint: