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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Notes on the CYCLIC nature of hist., process of generation and corruption....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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CYCLIC History, Generation And Corruption
(Apollonian, 27 Jun 20)

Don't forget "it takes two to tango" (see below-copied comments)--look at all the stupid subjectivistic scum and moralists ("liberals" and "progressives") who believe in subjectivistic (there's no other kind) "good-evil" among humans and goyim--Jews then are just a disease that sets in and completes the process of degeneration and destruction, TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE STUPID GOYIM, suckers--why and how Jews control central-banking, which then controls everything else.

Gentiles are simply toooooooooooo stupid to grasp that ONLY gold/silver (commodity-based), real money (not mere "currency"), hence LIMITED in quantity, suffices for rational law and order. Such is the historical record beginning decisively in 19th cent. when fiat-currency (un-limited in quantity), legalized counterfeiting, swept Western culture (and all cultures), and thus socialism (hence dictatorship) inexorably took over governments. Thus Jews dominated evermore until today they totally rule. "Anarchists" believe any gov. whatsoever is dictatorship and illegitimate.

Corruption and degeneration ALWAYS eventually prevails as the previously successful civilization inexorably breeds-up too many stupid goons, scum, and morons, inferiors, and weaklings who insist upon subjectivism, "good-evil" delusion, and thus socialism and/or other corrupt, degenerate governments, dominated by these ever-greater masses of scum and virtue-signalers ("liberals" and "progressives").

For it's too easy, for thematic example, to confuse stupid gentiles over the subject-matter of fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting), some insisting the trick is to eliminate what they call "usury," the lending at interest, the currency to be issued by gov., NOT private banks--but it (the fiat-currency) all remains un-limited in quantity regardless charging of interest or not, regardless issued by gov. or privately--and the stupid gentiles can't figure it out, never have, dumbasses most un-likely ever to figure it out--such is simply human nature--stupid puke susceptible to HUBRIS (see dictionary).

Thus hist. is CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler ("Decline of the West"). Civilization and cultures arise, the people at first being brave and HONEST--as in Roman and American instances. But after a few generations, the descendent generations, benefitting fm "prosperity" borne of that hard work of original generations, become like u morons, pretending to "good-evil," and--SURPRISE--u imagine u can be "good," ho ho ho ho ho ho.

So then u get the inevitable generation of "liberals" and "progressives," not to mention queers, which original generations would NEVER have tolerated, etc. It's all CYCLIC, dumbasses, and that's why u're supposed to learn fm hist. But stinking puke imagine and insist they're "good" and thus unique--they don't have to know history, ho ho ho ho ho.

Thus civilizations/cultures ALWAYS corrupt and pass away--there's NEVER EVER been a civilization/culture, regardless of race, that hasn't--and it's why Jews can NEVER be by themselves, for same process of generation-corruption would happen to them--they (Jews) can ONLY exist among other races of stupid goons who can't and don't organize like kikes can and do--Christianity was an ancient solution of significant sort, but ultimately failed, and corrupted itself, during and after the middle ages. Corruption, like war and strife among humans, is INEVITABLE--mere inevitable part of a large, CYCLIC process.

--------------------above essay by ap in response to below-copied--------------

Oliver_Revilo > TheWestIsBeingDestroyed • a day ago

Democracy is de facto Jewish-rule from behind the scenes.

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TheWestIsBeingDestroyed > Oliver_Revilo • a day ago

It is today. They corrupt everything.

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apollonian > TheWestIsBeingDestroyed • 28 minutes ago • edited

Correction: Jews merely take advantage of the inevitable corruption of cultures, civilizations, societies. See below expo [printed above, top].