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Sunday, January 14, 2018

"Crypto-currency" is latest "trendy" attempt for solution to inflation by means of the worthless currencies imposed by "legal-tender" dictatorship....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...of-occult.html

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Crypto-Currencies Inspire Useful Analysis For Role And Function Of Money
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 18)

"Anonymous," above (see below-copied), asks if bitcoin is "usury," and that's just the problem for Hoffman--he can't supply a solid definition or source of the term, "usury," which he wants to use as bludgeon for his self-righteousness, calling people who make contracts w. others for loans, "sinners."

For that's all Hoffman is really interested in, pretending to Pelagian virtue, Hoffman mere virtue-signaler.

It's far more likely "usury" refers in general to the large system of fraud by which governments, acting for criminals calling themselves "bankers," impose CURRENCY upon a people and society, currency in the stead of real money, currency having no "intrinsic" value, real money being commodity-based, having its own value for trade within the market, like gold and silver, the best money, finite and limited for quantity--unlike worthless currency which is infinite in potential amount.

Thus the continued issuances of the intrinsically worthless currency obviously DE-VALUE the currency units which already exist, defrauding and despoiling the people, as we see presently w. the steady devaluation of present US Fed Reserve Notes by the continued "inflation" and "quantitative easings."

It's simply amazing that Hoffman pushes his self-righteousness regarding this "usury" subject which he knows literally NOTHING about, saying essentially NOTHING for it's real meaning, definition, and origin, either in history or in the ancient texts, Hoffman understanding nothing about economics or money and banking.

Regarding bitcoin and crypto-currency, these are speculative assets which pretend and purport to substitute as a money medium-of-exchange and store-of-value, but can actually do no more than the basic things, like gold and silver. But they, the "crypto-currencies," COULD be a useful way of preventing the governments and criminals fm their present currency scams and inflation frauds. For the crypto-currency idea, by itself, makes people think about the nature and function of real money and ways of keeping it secure against the scams like currency and the "legal-tender" dictatorship which forces people to accepting these worthless currencies.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------------

Anonymous said...
Is bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies form of usury?
I was looking for any answer from catholic perspecitve, but i have found none.
Best regards,
1:22 PM

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Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-iran-and.html

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Hoffman: Pelagian Heretic, GOLEM, Patronizing Fool
(Apollonian, 3 Jan 18)

Gosh Hoffman, but now u tell us, Pelagian heretic as u are, "root of all evil is love of money." But didn't u tell us we should love those monsters and enemies of humanity, God, and everything else, called Jews? So why should anyone love Jews, but not money? Doesn't money too, have its place in the scheme of things?--doesn't it deserve its proper respect no less?

For isn't money simple article of economics, and don't economists, which economics u, Hoffman, know less than nothing about, love that science (such as it is), hence love to think about the role and function of money?--for money serves a purpose and function, and if that's done well, the proper functioning and treatment of money deserves its share of regard, respect, and due reverential attn.

And why do u keep lying Hoffman?--like about God regarding "money," distinct fm CURRENCY, and the renting of it? For u lie to the people, Hoffman, when u don't admit there's no clear definition given for meaning of "usury" in the ancient sources--it doesn't mean lending or renting of money, real money distinct fm currency, currency being fake and fraudulent money--which doesn't even begin to occurring to such a charlatan, posing as Christian (lover of truth), as u.

God/Christ = truth, Hoffman--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6--truth being something u know very little about, we see, so willing to play the self-righteous Pelagian, and lying about "usury" and lending of money.

For TRUTH (= Christ) has to do, first of all, w. the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, Hoffman, which objectivity is denied by Pharisees most of all, who insist upon primacy of their "midrash" (interpretation) SUBJECTIVISM above and against God, hence truth. Further, the Pharisaics are collectivistic subjectivists ("group-think") who then organize and thus dominate the more individualist, dis-organized gentile subjectivists and satanists, who far out-number the Pharisaics, satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea that consciousness creates reality.

The "ways of God," u say?--that's a big mystery to such as u, eh Hoffman? For the way of God is simply the way of truth (= Christ)--why is that so difficult for u? Thus for grasping of truth, God gave us logic and science, including then economics and its understanding of money, banking, and lending, but u know NOTHING whatever about those, and u care less--BECAUSE ALL U'RE INTERESTED IN IS PRETENDING TO (non-existent) "GOOD" and "virtue"--just like the cheap Pharisaic and Pelagian heretic u really are. U're actually quite subjectivistic in ur way, truth be told, Hoffman.

So u know what u really are, Hoffman?--u're a GOLEM--a monster who does the work of Jews, Jews in turn doing the work of their father, the devil, who was a liar fm the beginning (JOHN 8:44). For all u do is to hiding the real truth, pretending to the lie that "usury" is lending of money when actually, "usury" has to do MOST w. the substitution of intrinsically worthless CURRENCY in the place of real money which real money is easily loaned in the course of productive and honest business, the loaning of real money having PROVEN to be a great benefit to civilization and human-kind--but u don't care, Hoffman, as all u're interested in is pretending to being a "good" little boy, obedient, and sucking-along w. an idiotic, moronic "commandment" which u brainlessly, mindlessly insist must be followed--why?--because u insist God said so, when God commanded no such thing.

And what actually is the "Word of God," Hoffman?--it surely isn't what a lying heretic and Golem like u says it is. For Christ = truth, and truth is what all people seek as they are wise and as they heed fm respected sources like the Bible, which Bible was written by men, but also excellent sources like science, including economics.

A Golem like u says u "wonder how many truly" . . . "believe the Word of God?"--well, if they KNEW it came fm God himself, they'd be fools not to so "believe," eh?--in which case they'd simply be insane. And as there's no "evil" in a determined world in accord w. God's almighty will, there's no "root" of it. So such non-existent things WOULD be "difficult to fathom," Hoffman. U really ought to quit pretending to ur stinking Pelagianism and heresy, Hoffman--maybe then people might be more willing to support u w. their hard-earned funds, buddy.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...x-judaism.html

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Hoffman: Liar, Heretic, Traitor, Enemy Of Humanity
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 17)

Lord have mercy, but here, yet once AGAIN, we have Hoffman (see below-copied), the Jews' buddy and defender, bleating about gentile mis-treatment of the dear "chosen people" who are, as always, waging war against humanity. Hoffman, the Pelagian hereticalist and traitor to humanity, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," says he wants "...liberation of all human beings, including Judaic persons, from every tyranny," and that "[s]ome of those tyrannies include Nazism...."

But Hoffman, of course, AGAIN, lies, for Nazism wasn't tyranny at all, Hoffman just repeating Jewwy agit-prop., for German national socialism was rather the heroic effort of self-defense by the German people against Judaism, Jew criminals who ran and dominated the West, including USA, as they continue to doing today, and the Jew Bolsheviks in the pay and under direction of those Western Jew masterminds, who had mass-murdered literally millions of Armenians, white Russians, and Ukrainians, not to mention hundreds of thousands of others, up to that time--and which Jew-directed mass-murderers would go on to mass-murdering millions more, to this very day (in present guise of Israeli terror-state, "neo-cons," and "big-Pharma," etc.), as we speak here.

For Jews hate humanity no less than they hate God, truth (= Christ), reason, and well, all reality that doesn't comport to their comfort and self-glorification, hence reality considered as something existing in the objective sense. And as Jews are at war and conduct war, one way or another, and always in concert w. fellow Jews, to one degree or another, Hoffman can't stand gentiles who fight back to defending themselves.

For HOFFMAN IS A TRAITOR AND AN ENEMY, folks--it's what u need to realize about Hoffman and the many Pelagians and heretics like him, suckers and flunkies for the Jews, who so much identify w. Jew monsters and murderers against humanity.

Hoffman idiotically says: "[i]f you don’t grant them [Jews] their full and complete humanity you are doing what Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis do to the goyim." Yeah, right Hoffman, NOOO EXCREMENT, Sherlock--that's what u do when u're at war w. monsters who are at war w. u, stupid--and u do this as a collective effort, treating the enemy in collectivist manner, for the sake of defending ur very life and existence, fool. For one is at war, and one must do what one must in the effort of self-defense.

And what's this?--Hoffman says "we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us." Well, that's pretty stupid, eh?--after all, if u love ur enemy too much, then it might be bad for u, and it requires a little thinking about what the "Gospel" actually means--which thinking Hoffman hasn't done, and doesn't expect anyone else will do, either, evidently--yet we're all supposed to do and think as Hoffman says and thinks.

For Hoffman is NOT our friend or the friend of humanity, folks--he rather wants to pretend he's the "friend" of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews who are busy murdering and mass-murdering--this is what Hoffman wants to defend and justify.

Hoffman can't figure-out that New Test. is mere LITERATURE, and everything written and expressed is done for artistic and psychologic purposes. Hoffman mentions the "holy name of Jesus Christ," but after all, Christ is simply and basically a characterization for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), and Christianity is mere religious, stylistic vehicle for philosophy of TRUTH, truth the greatest, foremost, and supreme value

Thus Hoffman the hereticalist and mystic, works to hide the truth (= Christ), not demonstrate it or up-hold it for the great value, the highest value it really and truly is. Hoffman rather wants to pretend he's "good" and "virtuous," Hoffman just another stinking virtue-signaler. Who and what is Hoffman?--he's precisely what he characterizes of others: a faker, "...exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred." For in this case Hoffman hates truth (= Christ) upholding rather his own pretended virtue and (non-existent) "good"--a cheap, filthy Pelagian heretic, and traitor to humanity in favor of psychopaths and monsters, the Jews.

-----------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Hoffman-----------------------------

Michael Hoffman said...

Dear Mr Pickle

Do you think that dehumanizing Judaic people by referring to them in the lower case (“j’ews”) will help your cause?

If you don’t grant them their full and complete humanity you are doing what Talmudic and Kabbalistic rabbis do to the goyim. Serving as a mirror image of the dehumanization perpetrated by rabbis is not of Jesus Christ.

Where do you credit at your website righteous Judaic persons such as Norman Finkelstein, Henry Herskovitz, Noam Chomsky and many others? I don’t see such credit being extended as it should be.

It is tiresome to read repetitive diatribes about “masonic ‘Jews” and Judeo-Masons put forth in a stereotypical and rote recital. If there is recent news or scholarship along those lines then report it. Otherwise leave out the incessant invective — what good do you think it will do and what sort of person do you think you will attract by parroting the tropes of 1930s anti-Semitism?

I want no part of it. I work for the liberation of all human beings, including Judaic persons, from every tyranny over the mind of men and women. Some of those tyrannies include Nazism and occult Jee hate masquerading as conservative Christianity.

The Gospel explicitly states that we are to love our enemies and do good to those who curse us. Otherwise we are fakers exploiting the holy name of Jesus Christ for our own man-made politics, bias and hatred.
6:53 PM


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...eology-of.html

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What?--Hoffman The Pelagian Heretic Disapproves Virtue-Signaling?
(Apollonian, 19 Dec 17)

Wow, Hoffman, what's this?--u're against "virtue-signaling," as u note in ur second-to-last paragraph?--but don't u do the same thing regarding "loving enemies"?--ho oh o ho ho oho. For Jews must simply try to attempting to seeing through their madness--only possible for very few--to realizing their war w. humanity, God, reality, truth (= Christ), reason, etc., is only going to end in tragedy--FOR THEM--they don't care about tragedy for anyone else. Jews rightly have contempt for traitors to humanity like u, Hoffman, who pretends u "love" them. U're only supposed to love humans, not monsters.

But regarding "virtue-signaling," Hoffman, the satanic establishment doesn't like ur (Pelagianist) version. Satanists, u see, want all powerful world-dictatorship which will exterminate humanity, according to Agenda-21 and -2030, for the "greater good"--of the earth, u see. And Satanists lie--that's why they're Satanists.

Satanists will gladly kill all humanity, promising to killing themselves last--like the famous Jim Jones of Jonestown, Guyana (1978). And when it gets down to fewer and fewer, they tend to double-crossing one another, there being "no honor among thieves." And then again, some of the Satanists want to preserve some slaves and Shabbat-goyim, u see--that's why Satanists and Jews pulled a big double-cross and denied hitlery "her turn" at all-powerful dictatorship--and only because of hitlery losing do we now find-out all about the FBI concocting false evidence for a FISA warrant to spy for political purposes, at behest of one party against another.

So u see, Hoffman, we live within satanic circumstances--Spenglerian "Decline of the West," replete w. rival virtue-signalers and virtue-signaling--very, very few truly worship TRUTH (= Christ), there being no "good-evil," all humanity being lost in sin, including, and especially u, Hoffman.

Thus the large tragedy seems to be there really is a great over-load and over-population--of virtue-signalers--and we're doomed to a great die-off/kill-off of warfare, and u're no help, Hoffman, merely pushing ur Pelagianism and heresy, pretending to "love" Jew monsters.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...x-judaism.html

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Hoffman Gets Too Caught-Up W. Politically-Correct, Snow-Flake Babbling
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 17)

Hoffman: again, ur main problem is ur desperate, obsessionate, hereticalist insisting upon non-existent "good-evil"--PELAGIANISM--and this is why we, ur readers, are oppressed and disgusted by ur usual, typical pretending to "love" and "loving ur enemy" who is trying to cut gentile people's proverbial throat.

Only thing u're supposed to love, first and most, is truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), for hatred is natural which simply arises fm one's health, honesty, and emotion in reaction to something threatening, like Judaism, Jews, and their accomplices, including people like u, Hoffman, who profess to loving these murdering, monstrous Talmudic psychopaths.

For hatred, the honest emotion and reaction, can then only be treated by means of reason and the Holy Spirit. So what's this latest nonsense of urs?--u "oppose hatred"? But didn't God create hatred and aversion as healthy, HONEST, emotional reaction by which we take note to defending ourselves fm something noxious--like Jews, Satanists, and their putrid lying?

For note something, Hoffman, u pathetic hereticalist buffoon w. ur snow-flake talk and political-correctness, the Jews simply take advantage of the satanically degenerate culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," satanism being extreme subjectivism, the subject holding reality is creation of consciousness, thus making oneself God, the Jews most sublime, COLLECTIVISTIC and organized subjectivists, hence naturally, the leading, satanists, Jews dominating, as we see, Jews controlling the central-bank (see, that bank being the primary existential instrument of satanic society, that society over-loaded w. snow-flakes and subjectivists who have ruined society in corruption and irrational indulgences like ur sort of virtue-signaling Pharisaism, Hoffman--"opposing hatred," indeed.

And as the satanic society, now organized and led by the leading satanic masterminds, the Jews, works explicitly for the extermination and genocide of humanity, according to Agendas 21 and 2030, it's necessary to oppose Jews in most effective, even militarist manner--and that means Jews need to be treated collectivistically. For if Jews conduct war against humanity--as Judaism demands as religious principle--then humanity must react and treat Jews and their accomplices appropriately in military manner--IT'S THE WAY WAR IS PROPERLY WAGED.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ensorship.html

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Hoffman Refuses To Accept Facts, Truth (= Christ)
(Apollonian, 10 Dec 17)

Golly gee, Hoffman, but we note u didn't see fit to publish my most recent submission, a few hrs ago, this blog-article of urs, ho ho oh ho oh. Regardless, I trust u were able to catch the drift: CENTRAL-BANK which issues currency, not real money, (a) IS A MONOPOLY, of necessity, (b) it's a criminal enterprise (mere "legalized" counterfeiting, literally) as the currency is fraudulent and worthless, not having "intrinsic value," as real money like gold/silver, hence is potentially infinite in quantity.

(c) The obvious consequence of this nearly infinite quantity of currency (not real money which is FINITE in amount) is that the progressive and inevitable issuances of the currency DEVALUES (and hence defrauds) the currency which has already/previously been issued and in circulation.

And (d) central-bank is dictatorship due to "legal-tender" laws which require the people to accept this fraudulent currency--something which is obviously not needed for real (commodity-based) money. Thus the poor people, even though they KNOW the money is fraudulent and debased, are forced nonetheless to accept the devalued money for their hard work and products--THEFT.

The ancient descriptions of "usury" most pt. to and indicate this "central-banking" is what is really meant by the word, "usury"--NOT NOT NOT the mere lending of (real) money--for what could be wrong w. a contractual agreement btwn willing parties?--NOTHING, and this realization is the reason why the Renaissance Vatican wisely, understandably, and correctly determined to allow the practice to facilitate legitimate trade.

But u're such an ignorant, cowardly, lying liar, Hoffman, that u can't bear to bring urself to acknowledge these simple, basic facts of reality, history, economics, and money/banking--NOT GRASPING THE DIFF. BTWN CURRENCY AND REAL MONEY. U can only idiotically continue, brick-headedly to maintaining FALSELY that (a) "usury" refers to lending of (real) money, which is not verified fm the original writings and texts, and (b) that it's somehow prohibited by God, etc.

And all of this, above, is motivated by ur monstrous, satanic obsession for pretending to hereticalist Pelagianism and non-existent "good-evil," and that u're some sort of a judge regarding this "good-evil."

But note again: the pt. is that the entire culture/society/economy is captured and hostage to this currency MONOPOLY at the top, the central-bank. Hence logically, they're going to enforce this monopolism all throughout the rest of the economy/society/culture as they own (literally) all the judges and politicians--controlling everyone, directly or indirectly.

This utterly illegal, un-Constitutional monopolistic nature/character for the entire society is why/how such as Google and YouTube, which have taken gov. subsidies and loans--like fm the central-bank and its instruments and agents--and enjoy favorable regulation fm the various oversight bureaucratic agencies yet pretend it's all their "private property" w. the "right" to refuse svc to anyone they choose--like u and Herskovitz--this is what's going on, Hoffman; get a clue, buddy.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ensorship.html

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Roots Of Dictatorship: Central Banking, Pelagianism, Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Dec 17)

Hoffman: here again we see u sympathizing w. a Jew, Herskovitz, lamenting his "ordeal." And we see neither of u troubles to analyze the real problem u pretend to suffer fm--which problem is the CENTRAL-BANK (see for expo), which is actually a legally instituted cartel/monopoly which literally issues the currency (NOT REAL MONEY) backed and enforced by means of legal-tender laws forcing the citizens to accept their fraud, the currency.

In short the problem is legalized COUNTERFEITING--the issuing of currency (in the place of real money), this currency not commodity-based, hence potentially infinite in quantity--like paper bills w. numbers printed on them, which numbers can potentially be nearly infinite.

So for a relatively static/limited/finite amount of goods/svcs, there's a nearly infinite amount of currency available for the supposed purchase of those goods. And w. the currency backed by the "legal-tender" laws, those goods are now totally controlled by the currency.

So note: the central-bank now effectively owns and controls everyone, a dictatorship and monopoly--the privately-owned central bank.

And u, Hoffman, don't even begin to grasping this dictatorship/monopoly which is at the bottom of everything else, which literally controls everything else about the economy and society.

So who and what is the real problem, Hoffman?--it's u and people like u who ignore this problem of dictatorship, fraud, criminal enterprise, and then, specifically, the central-bank at the heart of things in the corrupt society/economy.

The Jews, foremost Satanists, liars, criminals, ABSOLUTEY LOVE U, Hoffman, because u're a distraction/diversion, pushing anti-Christ Pelagianism, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," pushing ur lies and lying about "usury," not even capable of supplying a source for the definition of this usury for what it really, actually is. And u additionally push the further lies and lying about the lending of money, lying and insisting that it's a sin, even a "mortal" sin--which is a total lie.

So it's no wonder, is it?--that u so eagerly defend and sympathize w. Jews, the foremost liars, satanists, and anti-Christs. So Herskovitz's ordeal of censorship is mere consequence of such as ur horrific ignorance of central-banking in particular, not to mention the subject of money and economics and ur psychotic insistence about what u pretend is "usury" and "lending of money"--all of this stemming fm ur satanic insistence that u're "good" for doing all this--that there's such thing as "good" in the first place, the heresy of Pelagianism.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Treason, Pratt, And Hoffman Are The Problem
(Apollonian, 4 Dec 17)

Well Gordon Pratt: isn't the question then whether Jew hatred is justified, even necessary, in the obligatory war effort? For if Jews are waging war against gentiles and humanity, it would seem humanity must strike back in self-defense.

And we see if ur be-all and end-all is merely prevention of "virulent Jew hatred," even when such hatred is justified and necessary, then all u're doing is to serving the Jew enemy, aren't u?--isn't that treason?

And so what are u and Hoffman now going to say in ur patronizing manner?--"tut tut, we can win the war without 'virulent Jew hatred'"?

And the problem is u neither provide a plan, nor do u give an analysis, merely insisting in the Jews' favor--isn't this simply treason?--what good are u? Ur sort of Jew-friendly advice is what has gotten humanity in the dire straits it finds itself.

So if "serious people," as u describe, aren't interested, FIRST OF ALL, in winning the war against Jews and satanism--how is it u say they're "serious"?--"serious" about what?--hence, serious about TREASON.

Why is it u're more "serious" about preventing "virulent Jew hatred" than u are about the desperate position of humanity, up against Agenda 2030, as we see, poisoning of the food, water, drugs, and vaccines, etc., against the anti-human Jew (which is a redundancy) and fighting effectively and winning the war? With "friends" like u and Hoffman, does humanity need enemies?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Pratt-------------------

Gordon Pratt said...
I tend not to take CumExApostolatusOffico seriously.

Up to about a dozen years ago supporters of the Jewish colony occupying Palestine debated critics of so-called Israel on good sites like

After losing the arguments for a number of years the supporters disappeared to be replaced soon after with virulent Jew haters. The comments of the latter were so extreme that serious people left and closed down.

I suspect that somebody decided that if they could not win the argument they would discredit the site.

Does that explain CumExApostolicusOfficio?
4:40 PM


Below by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Hoffman: Pelagian Heretic, Virtue-Signaler, Dupe For Jew Oppressors
(Apollonian, 1 Dec 17)

Hoffman is such a liar and coward, aside fm being heretic and traitor, he talks about "covert Nazi doctrine" when he doesn't really say or grasp what it is and what it has to do w. Jews, etc.

Hoffman says, "The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine," but this is an obvious lie as the rabbinic doctrine is founded in extreme subjectivism ("midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition") by which they pretend to literal creation and nature of reality according to what's "good" for Jews.

Hoffman lies in all his cowardly ignorance and says, "it [meaning the "Nazi doctrine," evidently] got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all...," Hoffman parroting the Jew lies, doing the work for Jew liars, pushing their typical, incessant propaganda. For actual fact is the world war against Germany was most probably decided upon by the Jew bankers and cohorts in the mid-1920s when these conspirators formed up the original Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), purpose being to complete the swallowing-up of USA in world gov., which had evaded the old League of Nations in 1919. See Perloff's "Shadows of Power."

And the German NSDAP is to be commended for identifying the Jew enemy, how they're the very most collectivistic of all, connected and cooperating btwn Bolshevik assassins and enforcers on one hand and plutocrat central-bankers and pay-masters on the other hand. The world owes a great debt to NSDAP and dear unc' Adolf who exposed those infernal, conspiring, mass-murdering Jews who are nowadays pushing genocidal Agenda-2030, as we see.

So Hoffman indicates there are some Jews somewhere, maybe, who don't push Agenda-2030?--perhaps, but regardless, they're undoubtedly pushing or cooperating w. or excusing some other Jew conspiracy, fraud, plot, or pack of lies, always pretending Jews are soooooo "persecuted," etc.--their excuse is always, "look over there, there's a Jew who's not in w. these particular criminal Jews," when as Jew, that Jew must always sympathize w. fellow Jews, criminals or not, somehow or other, Judaism itself being a never-ending campaign and war against gentiles, God, truth, and the objective view of reality, one way or another, somehow or another.

According to Hoffman the liar and traitor, even though Jews act collectively and against gentiles, gentiles aren't allowed to act collectively against Jews in general. Hoffman brings up the alleged fact that Jew, Chomsky, stuck-up for Jew-friendly Hoffman--but why wouldn't the Jew do this for the anti-gentile traitor, heretic, and liar, Hoffman, who sticks-up for Jews, pushing their lies, as we see?--Hoffman doesn't consider this, can't see it is precisely what the shrewd Jew would do to manipulating the virtue-signaling collaborator and dupe, Hoffman, who is himself only concerned w. pretending he's virtuous and "good"--and especially most in the precious eyes of his Jew buddies.

Thus it's clear the problem is, aside fm Jews themselves at the core manipulating it all, the significant numbers of collaborators and dupes like Hoffman who's most interested in Pelagian heresy, phony moralism, and virtue-signaling, and who doesn't care about gentile people so obviously oppressed by Jew monsters and murderers as we plainly see in Israel wagging proverbial "dog," the USA succumbing to the large satanistic empire and mentality, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," Jews the masters thereof, this putrid satanism founded in extreme subjectivism and moralism by which, in God-like fashion, these monsters pretend to creating reality--beginning w. pretext of imagined "moral virtue"--Pelagianism.

--------------------above by ap in response to below by Hoffman--------------

Michael Hoffman said...
To CumExApostolatusOfficio

You are afflicted with the 1930s antisemitism meme wherein you engage in group libel as a supposed advancement of your cause. when in fact the libel discredits you.

Writing about “The Jews” is counter-productive and reprehensible. You say “The Jews” talk out of both sides of their mouths and “The Jews” herd humanity like animals.

This group libel is straight out of the Talmud. Why do you imitate the Talmudic mentality?

Generalizing about all Judaic persons without honorable exceptions being made, smacks of the Hitlerian notion of a biological taint in every “Jewish” person. Failure to distinguish between good and not very good Judaic persons is a grave act of self-sabotage — as well as sabotage of the movement to be free of Talmudic and Zionist tyranny.

It was a Judaic (Noam Chomsky) who invested the most time and energy in personally protesting and lobbying against my having been fired from my job as a reporter with the mainstream media.

What have you done for the Palestinians lately? It is Norman Finkelstein who has relentlessly campaigned to expose Israeli brutality, most recently with his superb new book, “Gaza—An Inquest.” Henry Herskovitz pickets a synagogue in Michigan every week. Alfred Lilienthal was another great friend to this writer and the Palestinians. There are many more I could mention.

Enough with the covert Nazi doctrine! It got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all if it ever gains cachet again. The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine. If you are truly opposed to the Talmud, stop despising an entire group of people like the Orthodox rabbis despise and generalize about the goyim.
6:37 AM


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Hoffman, The Hypocrite
(Apollonian, 1 Dec 17)

Once again, self-righteous, Pelagian heretic Hoffman tells the world he's the only one who can criticize Jews, the only one who lays the grounds for any acceptable criticism of Jews--this after he's spent much if not most of his career laying-out the grounds for problems w. Judaism, writing and editing books.

It doesn't occur to Hoffman that if u note Judaism/Talmudism is execrable, then by all logic it's perfectly correct to generalizing to those who so practice such Judaism/Talmudism--in same manner as execrating all child-molesting and those who pursue the practice of child-molesting, which is actually something which Hoffman just now got finished observing that Judaism justifies--child-molesting. Simply see his previous blog of only a couple days ago.

So if child-molesting is wrong, then same holds for the collectivist judgment upon all who make child-molesting a practice, including those who justify such child-molesting, as is held by Judaism, and hence Jews.

But as always, we see Hoffman has difficulty grasping simplest logic--why?--because he's tooooo busy and insistent upon virtue-signaling and pretending to defending Jews. And I'm sure Jews duly appreciate Hoffman's perversity for logic and self-righteousness.

But no, Hoffman, who is discredited is u, not capable of the simplest logic, pushing ur own disgusting self-righteousness, and additionally, committing TREASON, allowing Jews to continue their war against gentiles, disallowing gentiles to just retaliation. For who calls himself a Jew thus justifies and extols the Judaic practice, ipso facto.

And we see why Hoffman is held in such proper and justified contempt by gentiles and Christians for his self-righteous pretence Jews should not be judged in general and collectively--only the way Hoffman says is acceptable--which all perfectly plays into Jews' hands, as is obvious to anyone not so thoroughly corrupted and blinded w. such self-righteousness and Pelagian heresy, like Hoffman.

And Hoffman sooooooooooooo resents it when he's confronted w. his treason to gentiles and Christians--how dare they? he sputters and splutters. But Hoffman, we're doing u a favor pt-ing out the simplest logic and warning u of ur treason and hypocrisy. There's excellent reason and grounds for ur being held in such contempt which u so richly deserve--wake-up and get wise, buddy.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Hoffman---------------------------

Michael Hoffman said...
To CumExApostolatusOfficio

You are afflicted with the 1930s antisemitism meme wherein you engage in group libel as a supposed advancement of your cause. when in fact the libel discredits you.

Writing about “The Jews” is counter-productive and reprehensible. You say “The Jews” talk out of both sides of their mouths and “The Jews” herd humanity like animals.

This group libel is straight out of the Talmud. Why do you imitate the Talmudic mentality?

Generalizing about all Judaic persons without honorable exceptions being made, smacks of the Hitlerian notion of a biological taint in every “Jewish” person. Failure to distinguish between good and not very good Judaic persons is a grave act of self-sabotage — as well as sabotage of the movement to be free of Talmudic and Zionist tyranny.

It was a Judaic (Noam Chomsky) who invested the most time and energy in personally protesting and lobbying against my having been fired from my job as a reporter with the mainstream media.

What have you done for the Palestinians lately? It is Norman Finkelstein who has relentlessly campaigned to expose Israeli brutality, most recently with his superb new book, “Gaza—An Inquest.” Henry Herskovitz pickets a synagogue in Michigan every week. Alfred Lilienthal was another great friend to this writer and the Palestinians. There are many more I could mention.

Enough with the covert Nazi doctrine! It got the German people totally defeated and it will defeat us all if it ever gains cachet again. The Nazi doctrine is the mirror image of the rabbinic doctrine. If you are truly opposed to the Talmud, stop despising an entire group of people like the Orthodox rabbis despise and generalize about the goyim.
6:37 AM

--------------------Hoffman wrote above in response to below-copied---------------------------

CumExApostolatusOfficio said...
@Gordon Pratt: The Jews have their 'friends' on payroll because without them they'd have few to no friends at all. This is the result of decades, if not centuries, of talking out of both sides of their mouths and treating the rest of humanity rather like herd animals to be sent to the abbatoir as needed.
9:45 PM


Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...sive-than.html

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Isn't Hatred Natural Effect And Consequence?--Isn't It Often Just And Deserved?
(Apollonian, 30 Nov 17)

Who cares about Jews?--isn't that question properly up to Jews? And if Jews wanted humanity to not hate Jews w. a special sort of anti-semitic hatred, wouldn't it require Jews to examine or re-examine their own hatred of gentiles?

My question is, what about humanity?--that's who I care about. Isn't hatred/repulsion then just a negative kind of emotion, the reciprocal of love/attraction?--and isn't it something that naturally happens as result of prior conditions? So the question rather regards prior conditions, including treatment given to humanity by Jews, hatred mere result and effect of natural justice.

So my observation in case of Israel and Jews, for example, stealing the land of Palestine fm the rightful owners, including the incessant murders of Palestinians through the years, is just one of those natural circumstances which causes hatred of Jews.

Jews insist on keeping the stolen land, so the murder of Palestinians becomes just a ritual thing incident to that stealing of the land which Jews want to make and keep an institution--they go together, quite naturally. Ritual murder is incident to Jews' hatred of humanity.

Thus hatred of Jews is natural consequence, and indeed, all history reflects this attitude of all humankind of all races towards Jews who have been expelled fm practically every country on earth--there's natural reason for this hatred, and it has to do w. Jews' war against God, truth, and human-kind which gives natural rise to this anti-semitism.

And of course, Jews blame this natural hatred and anti-Semitism upon God, reality, and humanity--it's all their fault. So the real problem goes beyond mere "hatred"--it has to do w. cause-effect, reason, justice, and the way the world works which Jews REFUSE to accept.

For the world is objective, God-given, according to Christ and Christian truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), objectivity the basis of truth (= Christ), but the Jews refuse to accept this, Jews holding that reality and truth are rather what they say it is, all in accord w. "midrash" (subjectivism) and what's "good for Jews."

Hence the problem of hatred of Jews stems fm Jews' problem w. nature of reality itself and their satanic worship of lies, lying, and liars as noted in Gosp. JOHN 8:44. Humanity doesn't appreciate lies, lying, and liars, so naturally humanity doesn't appreciate Jews--and this is properly Jews' problem, not humanity's; Jews' fault, not humanity's.


Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-americas.html

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WHO Are Leading Terrorists And satanists?
(Apollonian, 28 Nov 17)

In order to grasp Christian philosophy one must begin w. fundamentals. Thus Christ is TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), first and foremost, and everything else must stem fm this foundation in OBJECTIVE reality, God-given, criterion for all/any truth, in opposition to lies, lying, and liars of Jews and satanists who do the work of their father, the devil (JOHN 8:44).

And the worst enemy of truth is the lie there's any "good," which Christ affirms is only an attribute of God (Gosp. MARK 10:18, LUKE 18:19), non-existent "good" being foundation of Hoffman's Pelagian hereticalism, and always pretext given to children to gain obedience, pretended "good" the basis of HUBRIS and worst of all, SUBJECTIVISM, extreme form of which is satanism, making oneself God, creator of reality.

So we see this subjectivism and hubris is ever the weakness of humanity, the extreme form of which is satanism, but among gentiles we observe this satanic subjectivism is most often an individualist indulgence, never too well-organized, gentiles too often falling into in-fighting among themselves. Hubris and subjectivism is however the mark of a decadent culture, and it is then the fetid environment in which the Jews and satanists thrive as they are so notoriously well-organized and collectivistic for their subjectivism and satanism--as we see presently in West and USA, Jews absolutely dominating, Israel the "tail" wagging the gentile "dog."

"Loving" one's enemies is a mis-translation, for one must first of all be honest and truthful in honor of Christ (= truth), and grasp it is simply dis-honest and un-just to respect Jews and satanists who must be condemned and treated in accord w. justice. A better understanding is KNOWING ONE'S ENEMIES--which is far more accurate grasping of Christ's commandment.

Thus the plain and evident fact is Jews and satanist cohorts are the core of satanic culture of death, presently pushing genocidal Agenda-2030, who most organize and define subjectivistic/satanic nature and essence, Jews organizing the central-banking (see for expo) and fiat-CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based) system, Israel behind the 9/11 terrorist strike (see and his work, "Solving 9/11").

So when it comes to satanic nature and essence, we see Jews are the core organizers and leaders, most collectivistic and organized--as they are for the central-banking and the terror-network headed in Israel, confirmed by the late terrorist and Israeli P.M, Menachem Begin, who boasted he and his Jews were the leading terrorists not only in the Mid-East, but in the entire world.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------- said...
Michael Hoffman:

Judaism Discovered is brilliant. Tempting one to ire as learning the truth about the Talmud may be, the reader appreciates your display of the Christian virtue of temperance, and being explicit in seeking the highest good for Judaics.

We are commanded to love our enemies, even when they have infiltrated, centralized power and overthrown to ruin so many institutions which so drastically impact our daily lives.

I believe that you are correct when you assail usury as the foundation of the distress from which the world presently cries out as one lost in a dark wilderness. More intriguing still is the fact (sourced to you as well) that a certain family of German Christians were the world's premier usurers for some time.

The Talmud and the sinful seductions of the Synagogue of Satan would have no power at all today were it not for Christians falling for the lie that they can somehow fool Christ with lukewarmness while worshiping Mammon. Judaics primarily responsible for all the evil in the world? Not a chance. That title goes first to unfaithful Christians.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-americas.html

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Hoffman's Greatest Sin: Ignoring God's Reality
(Apollonian, 27 Nov 17)

Hoffman: the reason u're such a noxious, corrosive, and subversive influence in USA and West is demonstrated by ur statement, this article of urs, "[w]e state these facts out of love for all people, and in particular Judaic persons...."

For u fail for justice and simple truth that Jews are at war w. Christ (= Truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and all humanity. War against humanity, hence lies and lying, hence "midrash," are the religion of Jews, aside fm war against God and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). And it's only justice and even necessity for the lives of gentiles and Christian humanity to respond to this Judaic war against humanity in justice and appropriate fashion.

A certain kind of "love" and respect for humanity in general are justified following Christ and St. Paul, but not any special sort of positive regard for Jews--for that would be against justice and honesty, hence Christ and truth.

So Jews must be resisted and exposed, MOST ACTIVELY--they are leaders of the present satanic counter-culture which continues to prevail and to presage most horrific prospects, as for gross massive genocide in accord w. their Agenda-2030.

Key to this satanic/Judaic culture is "midrash" SUBJECTIVISM by which reality and Torah are "interpreted" to whatever Jews want and say it is, thus MAKING THEMSELVES GOD, creator of reality--this in opposition to Christian TRUTH founded in the OBJECTIVE, God-given world.

And pretext to this satanism and subjectivism, first impressed upon the youth, is Pelagian heresy of "good-evil" against Christian teaching that humans are sinners in accord w. objective reality and truth which cannot be changed by a not perfectly human "free" will--for there is no "freedom" to change the basic sinful nature of humanity. Such is the basic, foundational difference btwn Christian and Talmudic/Judaic/satanist--the objective view vs. Jew/satanic subjectivism and "midrash."


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...ica-first.html

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Hoffman's Research, Scholarship Is Flawed, Questionable
(Apollonian, 22 Oct 17)

Hoffman: we notice u cut-off and excluded commentary for ur previous blog article, putting-up this latest article on George W, for distraction. After all, we KNOW what the game is, right?--it's "good-Jew" vs. "bad-Jew," right? On the left there's the atheistical "globalists" pushing Agenda-21 and -30 genocide, versus the "right" Jews of Christian-Zionists, neo-cons, and Trump pushing Israel-First.

In fact, there's strong evidence Trump is himself Jew: see

So who and what's top power?--it's the central-bank (legalized counterfeiting) which substitutes CURRENCY for real (commodity-based) money, enabling the nearly endless proliferation/replication of this fraudulent currency, devaluating the currency previously existing ("inflation")--see for expo.

And it's this "central-banking" criminal imposition of funny-money CURRENCY which is the real "usury" referenced in Bible--NOT the mere loaning, whether of money or currency--which u fail to note in all ur incompetent exposition and "research," including ur book, "Usury...."

And the question is, Hoffman: what is ur ref. in Bible for "usury" being mere loaning of money?--u don't have one--and u lie when u tell people "usury" is loaning of money. So give us the citations fm the Bible which founds and underlies ur work and book--what's so difficult about this?


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...c-law-not.html

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Hoffman's Pathetic Lying Has Destroyed His Reputation--Deservedly
(Apollonian, 20 Oct 17)

Hoffman: aside fm Pelagian heresy and playing "mighty-white," pretending no one can criticize Jews but u and only w. ur approval, u like to lie, don't u?

Above, u assert a "Biblical ban on renting money (usury)..."; this is a lie, and u give no reference. Further, there's no definition in any Biblic reference for "usury," which most probably actually refers to central-banking and issuance of currency, not to real money or the loaning of such. The only Biblic statements are against "usury," which then u falsely insist refers to loaning of real (commodity-based) money.

And we know there couldn't be a ban on mere loaning of real money as there's no reason for any such ban on loaning of real money. Bible only denounces "usury," which again, most probably refers to central-banking and issuance of currency--which genuinely does deserve Godly denunciation as it's literally legalized counterfeiting and criminal enterprise; see for expo.

This lying of urs regarding "Biblic ban" on loaning of real money is direct result and consequence of ur desperate, satanic obsession for pretending to "moral" virtue, Pelagian heresy, and virtue-signaling. And the result of ur Pelagian heresy is the ruin and dis-crediting of ur status as reputable researcher and scholar. U have destroyed urself, and only u are to blame.

--------------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------

Michael Hoffman said...
To David
When we reinstate the Biblical ban on renting money (Usury) the Money Power will no longer be supreme.
5:53 AM


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...c-law-not.html

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Process Of Cultural "Decline" Into Satanism, Death, Horror
(Apollonian, 19 Oct 17)

"Charles Martel" notes, above, "...ignoramuses display their cluelessness as they crusade with intense fervor against a non-existent menace, while oblivious to the cancer eating at the bowels of our nation." And the only question now is regarding nature of the "cancer eating at the bowels...." For it isn't as if it hasn't been noticed and analyzed--as by Oswald Spengler in "Decline of the West."

Thus we observe the general hubris of the corrupt inheritors of the successful culture first instituted by genuine heroes, founders, and pioneers, who were productive and victorious, but now the false "prosperity" built upon such as the present, prevailing criminal central bank which enforces fraudulent fiat currency in place of real money (like gold/silver), the virtue of real money being that it cannot be counterfeited, the criminal and fraudulent currency being literally now endlessly proliferated--which devaluates the previous issues of currency, this phenomenon called "inflation"--see for expo.

Thus the culture originally founded upon strict (objective) principle is corrupted by means of subjectivism and "interpretation" ("midrash") which destroys the objectivistic principle which upheld the real money system, now allowing the criminals and frauds to dominate the people by means of the fiat currency fraud, despoiling and enslaving the people.

Spengler is thus verified for the CYCLIC process of cultural and Western "decline" and corruption in HUBRIS, the idea humans can be God, able to create reality, nullifying the original work of God, hence the principle of real, commodity-based money which cannot be counterfeited, the excuse and justification for the new fiat-currency system being the false and pretended "good" of legalized counterfeiting of the central-bank forcing legal-tender laws upon the citizens now forced to accept the fraudulent currency.

So observe the process of corruption which begins w. HUBRIS and subjectivism, laying the groundwork for rising, intensifying satanism, feeding upon Pelagian heresy arising within the original Christian culture, leading to outright Pharisaism which justifies central-bank criminality and imperialist genocide (as of Agenda-21 and -30). Talmud is literal institution and deification of this satanism, hubris, and corruption.

But note further, the Talmudists are collectivistic and collude most sublimely upon their subjectivism in a truly satanic "group-think" which comes inexorably to dominate the general satanic cultural circumstances, the gentiles more dis-organized, nihilistic, individualistic, even though they at first far out-number the Talmudists. The Talmudists thus leverage, lead, and organize this more general satanic condition--giving rise, for example, to the present overwhelming power of the central-bank.

Thus we see the basic nature of the "cancer eating at the bowels" of the nation--it's the hubris, subjectivism, thus corruption and satanism, finally organized and led by the Talmudists, most sublime, collectivistic subjectivists, "group-thinkers," and satanists. The pretext for such satanic degeneration is false moralism and Pelagian heresy so easily induced upon the un-suspecting people, otherwise incapable of abstract analysis of basic principles, truth (= Christ) based upon objective (God-given) reality versus extreme subjectivism and satanism giving rise to lies, lying, liars, and genocidal criminals as we see plainly before our very eyes. For what is a lie, but for subjectivism pretending to reality?--Pelagian heresy.


Below-copied essay first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...c-law-not.html

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Talmudism/Subjectivism Prevails And Dominates In Hubris And "Western Decline"
(Apollonian, 19 Oct 17)

Well Hoffman: the obvious pt. to my original essay, above, is Talmudism = subjectivism, and this subjectivism is given pretext by the hubris of Pharisaism, fallacious moralism of non-existent and hereticalist "good-evil," Pelagianism, according to St. Augustine. There's no "free" will for the human to ever not be a sinner. Humans are doomed to sin and must depend upon God's grace and mercy.

So the pt., once again, is Talmudism (subjectivism) prevails and rules to extent the gentiles and Christians ACCEPT the Talmudic PREMISES of subjectivism, which is to say, specifically, Pelagian heresy, the fallacious moralism of "good-evil" in the obsession for virtue-signaling as we see in this day--ESPECIALLY in the matter of "racism" which the Talmudists and partisans of George Soros use to CENSOR and suppress free speech and expression, making use of MONOPOLIES which get tax-payer -provided subsidies and favorable regulation, like the various present platforms, including YouTube and Google.

Charles Martel merely begs question as to WHAT is Christianity, which is worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). Christ clearly rejected and repudiated Jew/Pharisaic subjectivism and "midrash" (interpretation) in Gosp.s MARK ch. 7, and MATT ch 15.

Thus the Christian society, at first so firm in respect for principle, Christian truth (hence objectivity) above all, gradually gives way in CYCLIC manner of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the corrupt, "prosperous," degenerate people evermore given to hubris of "good-evil" and virtue-signaling as we see promoted so heavily in the idiot-factories of public "education." Thus the Jews, for example, were given their foot-hold in Palestine as direct object and result of first world war--HOW did that happen that Jews became so immensely powerful and influential?

For meantime, the people of the West were persuaded that "currency" should be substituted for real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver--which allows the criminal enterprise of legalized counterfeiting (the central-bank), the continuing issuance of currency devaluating the currency units already in circulation, the people defrauded and despoiled. Thus the Talmudic monopolists and criminals are empowered and enabled to eventual extermination of the gentile people, as we see by means of Agenda-21 and -30 "population-reduction" policies--and Palestine and its people are ignored and "disappeared."

So I consider my arguments in first essay, above, abstract as they seem, to be actually quite well demonstrated in reality and history, and indeed, also in the scripture too.

-------------------------------above essay by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

Charles Martel said...
apsterian said "... the necessary pretext to subjectivism (hence Talmudism/Judaism) is MORALISM, the fallacious and hereticalist idea of "good-evil," which doesn't exist in a God-given world of strict determinism and absolute cause-effect, the only will being God's will, there being no possible human "free"-will, humans being sinners, incapable of "good" which doesn't exist, there being no possible or conceivable premise/criterion, known to Christianity and St. Augustine as Pelagian heresy, equating to Pharisaism."

That is the view of a Calvinist, i.e. not a Christian.
5:01 AM

Michael Hoffman said...
It would be great if we would confine our comments to the topic of the column: the ramifications of the revelation of the Talmudic laws cited, their impact on the Sharia debate and on the conservative family values, and Constitutional patriot, movements, as well as the Catholic neocons and Protestant fundamentalists who have been misdirected away from the influence of rabbinic halacha by the Sharia hysteria.

Why do online comments so often veer off-topic and become an opportunity to debate issues that are not germane to the subject at hand?

Whether Calvinism is Christian or not has very little (if any) relevance to the question of the dominance of Talmudic law over America. Those who wish to reignite the fratricidal Protestant-Catholic wars of religion should do so in some forum other than the comments section of this Talmud/Sharia exposé.
6:45 AM


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...c-law-not.html

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Hoffman's Failure For Philosophic Analysis
(Apollonian, 18 Oct 17)

Hoffman admits essence of his entire philosophy in his first sentence, last paragraph, this article, "[o]ne wants to be charitable." Indeed, this is Hoffman's entire and primary impetus--he wants to play the virtuous, the "moral," the "mighty-white," no less than the Pharisees he pretends to criticize.

Indeed, Hoffman would rather be "charitable" (and "mighty-white") than to be TRUTHFUL, in accord w. Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

And the ESSENCE of Talmudism is (a) SUBJECTIVISM--law and reality means whatever rabbis say it does, all in accord w. "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." (b) Further, the Jews practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, a sublime, well-organized, and well-led sort of "group-think," by which Jews co-operate and thus lead the rest of the subjectivists, esp. among the gentiles, which gentiles are far less organized than the Jews, the Jews thus allowed and enabled thereby to dominate and manipulate these subjectivistic gentiles.

And note satanism is (extreme) subjectivism, the "philosophy" by which one makes oneself God, holding that consciousness/mentality is the genesis of all reality, the Jews merely colluding upon a collectivistic version of this subjectivism, Jews thus dominating the more nihilistic, dis-organized, individualistic subjectivist gentiles.

Such then is the philosophy, sociology, and psychology of Talmudism, extreme subjectivism and satanism, and the effect upon the corrupt gentile culture, originally founded upon Christianity and TRUTH (= Christ), truth understood as only meaningful as it is based upon the OBJECTIVE reality, objectivity a necessary philosophic assumption, that objective reality understood as God-given and -created.

Thus the necessary pretext to subjectivism (hence Talmudism/Judaism) is MORALISM, the fallacious and hereticalist idea of "good-evil," which doesn't exist in a God-given world of strict determinism and absolute cause-effect, the only will being God's will, there being no possible human "free"-will, humans being sinners, incapable of "good" which doesn't exist, there being no possible or conceivable premise/criterion, known to Christianity and St. Augustine as Pelagian heresy, equating to Pharisaism.


Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...for-books.html

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Cause, Foundation Of Satanist Dictatorship: Difference Btwn Money, Currency
(Apollonian, 11 Oct 17)

Hoffman: the obvious problem is a monopolistic criminal enterprise controls and dominates the society--of USA and entire West--by means of central bank system which takes away real, honest money, and enforces, by such as "legal tender" laws, their phony currency, not real money. Thus the currency is enabled to be nearly endlessly replicated/proliferated (which couldn't be done w. real money) which devaluates the currency already, previously issued--is this really so difficult to perceive and grasp?

Such then is the fraud against the people and the source of the incredible power of these top criminal masterminds--because people don't understand money--including u, Hoffman.

So these criminals now run a literal dictatorship and coerce everyone, including "private entities," including Amazon, to doing their will, just as u describe, censoring the reading material.

So now, just as Lenin spoke about controlling the opposition, this dictatorship controls and directs LaRue and ALA--isn't it simple, clear, and easy to understand?

So these topmost criminals are most sublime satanists (liars and frauds, as Gosp. JOHN 8:44), and the satanists in general are controlled and manipulated by a core of most sublime satanists, most organized, most cohesive, and best led--and we KNOW who these people are and how they operate--Christ himself warned us about them, exposing them, explaining how they worked, Christ calling them "vipers" and "serpents" (MATT ch. 23).

So as the entire culture, state, society, judicial system, etc., is controlled and run by these satanists, we see how and why the censorship works the way it does, don't we? And it will continue long as people cannot and will not grasp the nature of otherwise simple thing as money, and the difference btwn real money and mere "currency."


Below-copied essay first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-massacre.html

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Does Hoffman Understand Simplest Inductive Logic And Method?
(Apollonian, 4 Oct 17)

Hoffman: what's ur problem?--I'll tell u what it is. Ur problem is u don't care about logic, and this is why u admonish ur good correspondents, and even call them names. Because ur good commenters here, above, are supplying u w. good conclusions and observations founded in the best INDUCTION and scientific method, which works by means of particulars moving then to general conclusion. So let me now go over the specifics:

(a) USA and West are entirely under a SATANIC regime, this regime founded solidly upon CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo) which is literally legalized counterfeiting, having replaced real money, commodity-based, gold/silver being best, which can't be counterfeited, this real money now replaced w. "fiat"-CURRENCY which can be nearly infinitely replicated/proliferated ("inflation"), the currency previously existing now devalued by the evermore new currency being issued, the people now methodically despoiled, defrauded, and enslaved.

(b) Who then runs this overall SATANIC regime?--wouldn't it be the foremost Satanists?--those Satanists who make themselves co-equal w. God, whom u urself admit are "self-worshippers"? And while far more gentiles are Satanists (extreme subjectivists, holding consciousness the creator of reality), wouldn't the most organized, most cohesive Satanists naturally dominate against those gentile Satanists who are far more isolated fm one another, far less organized and cohesive, gentiles in fact dominated by foremost Satanists--like the masons are dominated by aforementioned far more organized, cohesive Satanists, masons taking orders therefrom?

(c) Who dominates the central-banking network?--isn't it these same foremost Satanists?--like Rothschilds and Sons of London, England for one, Moses Seif Israel Bank of Milan, Italy, for another?--not to mention the Rothschilds of Paris France? And who are the "Chairmen" of the US Federal Reserve?--aren't they of same foremost Satanists, like present-day Yellen, who followed Ben Bernanke?--who followed Alan Greenspan? etc.

(d) Who contributes 70% of national Democratic Party campaign funding?--isn't it these foremost Satanists?

(e) Doesn't Israeli terror-state get all raw NSA data without data being first screened fm American (USA) source?--doesn't this simple fact demonstrate absolute control, dominance, and mastery?--much like the mastery of the plantation owners of Haiti over their slaves?

So Hoffman why aren't these specific facts and observations significant for the INDUCTIVE CONCLUSION as to WHO it is at the top controlling, dominating, manipulating?--including for the relatively small-potatoes event recently in Las Vegas?

Given the proper inductive and scientific method, Hoffman, I'd say it's now ur obligation to DISPROVE that Jews aren't at the bottom of it all regarding latest Las Vegas incident--and ur good correspondents, above, are simply following logic and common sense and providing most excellent info for u--which u now reject as u merely want to flash cheap virtue-signaling to ur clients, the Jews, whom u imagine can ONLY be criticized by u as u imagine u occupy some kind of exalted position of the Pharisaic version of moralism.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...jerusalem.html

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Hoffman Continues To Fooling Himself, Despite Knowledge Of Trivia And Details
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 18)

Hoffman: it's very interesting, indeed, ur giving us all this info about the "Hasidism" and the "Shekhinah." But surely u understand this additional info doesn't essentially change ur previous expo regarding Talmudic "midrash," foundation of their lies, lying, and reverence for liars.

And don't forget Gosp. JOHN 8:44 which sums it all up best and most for the Talmudic lies which puts the basic issue in simplest clearest terms: satanic lies vs. Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). For note existence of TRUTH (= Christ) necessitates an OBJECTIVE, hence God-given, reality, basis for such truth, which Jews deny saying only thing that exists is what Jews say ("midrash")--purest subjectivism, by which Jews insist reality is created by their mentality/consciousness, denial of objectivity, making themselves God, the creator.

Jew distinction then is they're most collectivist, practical, organized, and cohesive of subjectivists, thus naturally dominating the less organized, more isolated gentile subjectivists and satanists, who vastly out-number the Jews, these satanists as a whole thus and thereupon leveraging and intimidating the rest of the demoralized, corrupted empire and population which has become aged, corrupted, and degenerate fm original founders who valued genuine honesty and objective reality.

Such then is the basic PHILOSOPHIC dichotomy btwn Christ (TRUTH) and satanic lies, objective vs. subjective, found within the Biblic LITERATURE, the literature serving as vehicle for basic philosophic conflict btwn satanism and lies vs. Christian TRUTH. Get a clue, Hoffman.

Ur problem for grasping Christianity and Christ (= truth), Hoffman, is ur psychotic, satanic, hereticalist insistence, addiction, and pretending to being "good" (Pelagianism) and obsession w., for example, "love of money" being "root" of all evil. For there is no "good or evil," buddy--there's just truth vs. insanity.

And this Pelagian, hereticalist (and insane) pretending to being "good," original pretext for satanism (extreme subjectivism), arises in CYCLIC, deterministic fashion, as of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," as the corrupt and priviledged following generations of original founders descend into inferiority-complex and following, consequent indulgence in "good-evil," as in ur case, Hoffman--u're a perfect case-in-pt. regardless all ur babbling and knowledge of details about "Shekhinah."


 Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...r-doubter.html

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Holohoax: Monument To Lies, Lying, Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 18)

Well Hoffman: this Faurisson affair (see above ref.) which u note for us is just another battle of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). And the implicit premise is the objective (or "God-given") reality as necessary basis of truth vs. extreme subjectivism which holds the subject's mind/consciousness is creator of reality--satanism, by definition.

Thus we see Jews' "midrash" (interpretation) is basis of their subjectivism, and Jews are notable for their COLLECTIVE and organized subjectivism which they firmly "believe," and thus insist upon imposing upon everyone else.

For note subjectivism is also held by many gentiles--far more than there are Jews--as in case of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism). But gentiles' subjectivism is more random, muddled, and disorganized, and gentiles, including the extreme subjectivists among them (satanists), are far less organized than Jews, the Jews being far more self-confident for their methodic application and cohesion.

Thus a far less numerous cadre of Jews, who are subjectivists by religion, is capable of leveraging and even dominating a far greater number of gentile subjectivists--who all then, together--are often capable of dominating the entire aggregate population of the entire society and culture, as we see nowadays in the world, the West, and USA.

And we see this domination of subjectivism especially in the way of fiat-currency and central-banking (see for expo, use their search-engine), by which real MONEY, commodity-based, hence not subject to counterfeiting, is now denied to the people by means of dictatorship, as by means of "legal-tender" laws which force the people to accepting fiat-currency as payment for goods and svcs.

And it's far more likely the word, "usury," refers to this fiat-currency system RATHER than merely to charging-of-interest. For it is the fiat-currency all by itself, regardless of charging-of-interest, which defrauds, despoils, and impoverishes the people. For as the fiat-currency is constantly issued forth ("inflation") the previous currency units necessarily LOSE VALUE--regardless of any charging-of-interest.

Thus we see these "central-bankers" are simply criminals engaged in LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING by means of this fiat-currency. And note the central-bank is necessarily an exclusive MONOPOLY, for if everyone could legally counterfeit the currency the reduction-ad-absurdum is obvious.

Thus one sees the society/culture/economy dominated by these central-bank criminals is necessarily SATANIC, and the leading satanists are those who practice such extreme subjectivism as essence of their VERY RELIGION--"midrash."

Thus naturally, such satanic culture will insist upon lies and lying, like holohoax, as foremost religious precept to be imposed upon the over-populated fools, suckers, goons, morons, and various assorted scum who now make up much the bulk of the population within a degenerate society, that society having been previously built by more capable, competent, and honest citizenry who had insisted upon an objectively-oriented economy and real monetary system--which built the original civilization now being destroyed by the satanists as in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So the poor deluded, befuddled, and defrauded victims and people of the civilization need to realize and face facts regarding this fiat-currency, central-banking scam, and criminal enterprise which is destroying them. Unfortunately, it really seems such popular awakening won't happen until more victims of satanism continue to pile-up, and things economic start to getting evermore un-comfortable. Holohoax lies and lying is mere symptom of larger cultural sickness and rot--SATANISM, built on extreme subjectivism and "midrash."


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...mir-putin.html

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"JMoore" Needs To Getting Clue, Face Reality
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 18)

"JMoore" imagines, like Hoffman himself, things are soooo mystical and "miraculous," but it isn't at all a "US empire" or even "Anglo-Zio."

Rather, one should simply observe the empire is SATANIC, pure and simple, all in CYCLIC accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," by which things cultural arise in simplicity and honesty as in the Roman and American instances, but then inevitably, degenerate in HUBRIS and specifically in subjectivism, evermore extreme as the "decline" gets worse.

For note extreme subjectivism--SATANISM--is idea the world is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, against the Christian ideal of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which is necessarily founded on objective ("God-given") reality.

So what happens historically and sociologically?--inexorably HUBRIS sets in, esp. for the following generations of an evermore corrupt empire (e.g. Roman, American) by which these over-populated goons, fools, and suckers, living off the original conquests, prosperity, and wealth of the founding generations, pretend to "moral virtue" and hereticalist, non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy)--as we see in Hoffman's case.

Eventually the corrupt, satanic empire falls as the top powers fall-out as we see lately w. "leftist-globalist" faction having been double-crossed in election of Trump by the Israel-first, "neo-cons" of pretended "right" who, as u will remember, were so completely dominated as back in 1956 when Eisenhower rebuffed the Israeli-Brit.-French capture of Suez Canal. "Never again," vowed the Israel-first Jews who became the "neo-cons" pretending to the "right" w. their hordes of "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalist supporters.

And ultimate power of all these Jews, satanists, and "deep-state" is, aside fm general hubris of over-populated scum, the fiat-currency system of the central-bank ("fed"--see for expo) which features nearly, practically INFINITE funds, having superseded real (commodity-based) money by means of dictatorship, "legal-tender" laws, and resultant MONOPOLY of criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting) dominating the entire economy, society, and culture now fatally in horrific "decline."

So it's this fiat-currency system which is the real "usury" which was first vaguely and indefinitely mentioned and referenced fm the ancient sources--NOT NOT NOT mere charging-of-interest according to lies and diversions of such as Hoffman, Pelagian heretic, who knows NOTHING about economics, "capitalism," or money and banking.

Thus "deep state" of fiat-currency and central-bank is still FIRMLY in power, though their system seems to teeter and totter--there are still HORDES of stupid goons, morons, scum, and fools who believe in child's "good-evil" (like JC supporters of terror-state of Israel) who are easily manipulated, who are still over-populated and liable to an indicated kill-off/die-off by various means, overt and covert.

So "JMoore," u ought to consider things are not so "miraculous" or "mysterious" as u imagine, but rather perfectly in accord w. determinist cause-effect of CYCLIC history and Spenglerian "Decline of the West." There are still some horrendous things which will have to ensue fm present situation, unfortunately as it is.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-ashes-on.html

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Hoffman Is Clueless One, Regarding Dear Unc' Adolf, satanism, Central-Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 18)

Hoffman tells us in his article, here, "Hitler was almost always outfoxed...." But the real question is WHAT does our Pelagian heretic, Hoffman, pretending to being Christian, Christianity being worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), know about "foxiness"?--or anything?

For Hoffman certainly knows nothing about economics, or capitalism, or money and banking--which subjects he babbles about, as in his travesty of a book, "Usury in Christendom...," which "usury" Hoffman gives no definition or exposition for exact original meaning, failing to note "usury" actually has no definitive or specific understanding fm the ancient sources.

For Germany was essentially attacked by the Jew-led central-banking power (see for expo), Britain having made an offensive alliance w. Poland, Poland having threatened war w. Germany over German re-uniting w. German city of Danzig. It was Britain and France who first declared war upon Germany, never forget, beginning the second world war.

For Germany had lost WWI, never forget, only 21 yrs earlier, Germany then dis-armed for heavy weapons, the armed forces reduced to 100,000, the nation looted by the Allied criminals, the people literally starved by the Brit. blockade into signing the Versailles Treaty and enslavement. For the Western plutocratic satanists led by Jews and "bankers" had to continue to protect, cultivate, and subsidize their latest Bolshevik monster they'd created in Russia, having mass-murdered millions of Christians, Soviet Russia the proto-type and enforcer for world gov. dictatorship they were busily constructing.

And yes, Hoffman, life is very much war, humans being sinners, and regardless of "Neanderthals," it's well-known method of war to threaten retaliation in kind for whatever one may complain of one's enemies, like bombing of civilians.

So what's Hoffman's real object for this latest article of his?--just more of his usual moralistic virtue-signaling and one-upsmanship, pretending, like the Pelagian hereticalist he is, to knowing all about moralistic "virtue," lecturing others--like he evidently does for his own, poor, victimized children.

For it's Hoffman and hubris-filled Pelagianists like him who are the real problem of our present society consumed in satanism and satanic, extreme subjectivism, pretending to what doesn't exist, like child's "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" God-like will. Hitler was actually a great hero bravely fighting this horrific and ever-expanding satanism, and he was magnificent for naming and confronting the Jew.

But Hitler only failed for the larger cultural issue of satanism in general, founded in subjectivism, hubris, and moralism, for which Jews are the natural leaders, but themselves don't originate, only taking advantage and manipulating it, due to their natural and thematic superior collectivist cohesion and organization, for their own purposes--as we see in this day, having become masters by specific means of that amazing criminal enterprise of fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting) and central-banking--which subject-matters Hoffman hasn't the slightest grasp or understanding.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-parkland.html

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Hoffman: The Mad Moralist, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 18)

Hoffman writes, "In the long term it will require a moral revolution...." What?--"moral revolution"?--so what's "moral," Hoffman?--can u tell us?--is it just "good" = to "moral"? So then, what's "good"?--what's the definition?--what's the criterion that makes "good" what it is, distinct fm not-"good" or anything else?

And of course, Hoffman can't say what's "good" aside, no doubt, fm absurd circularities like "opposite of evil" (for what then is "evil"?)--he can't isolate any essence (for there is none). It's a lot like Hoffman is un-able to give a definitive source fm ancient texts for meaning of "usury," and he's too dis-honest to admit it.

For Hoffman won't admit simple truth: he cannot say what is "good"--for there is no such thing. And it's not coincidence that no one through entire hist. of philosophy has ever been able to definitively say what's "good" that applies in all instances.

For humans are necessarily creatures of will, though not perfectly "free," only God, by definition, having a perfectly free will. Thus humans can only do as they will, always following their will, and hence humans are necessarily self-interested, always have been, and always will be--necessarily--for such is their nature, creatures of will.

So what's "moral" if reality is determined, humans required by nature to follow their will--necessarily? How can humans be "moral," Hoffman, if anything they do is what they necessarily MUST do--as in the necessary following of will.

So "moral" only has real meaning as it is logical and rational, means always consistent w. ends, necessarily--though ends might be anything chosen by the subject.

For humans don't have to live if they don't want to, and if they want to live, they must heed to facts and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). So the greatest ethical virtue is consistency, logic, and reason, as those are only thing(s) compatible w. truth (= Christ) and capable of achieving end(s), the object of will.

And we see Hoffman makes "morality" into a kind of mysticism, not knowing or capable otherwise of saying what "morality" is--it's his IDOL (false God) which he pathetically pursues so pitiably, compulsively, mindlessly, always talking about it but never able to say what it is.

And it's this mystic, mindless obsession of Hoffman's regarding "morality" that makes him soooo satanically inclined w. hatred for humanity and sympathy for his Jew masters for whom he has such sympathetic connection, whom he serves so pathetically, always wordlessly begging them to acknowledge Hoffman's "moral" dedication--as if those Jew monsters of narcissist and obsessionate satanism and psychopathology would care about or acknowledge.

But that's ok, Hoffman, as u're PERFECT example of how NOT to be and precisely what to avoid, eh? Keep up ur great work, buddy, ho ho ho ho.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-of-their.html

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Hoffman: Really Only JEALOUS Of Jew Rivals For Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 18)

Hoffman writes, "dopey and disgusting neo-Nazis...," but how is that any worse than Hoffman himself, compulsively passive-aggressive, pathetic, and self-pitying?

And Hoffman actually, nearly, almost himself puts his finger on the real issue, the fallacious idea of "good" in the form of what he calls "holocaustianity." But in that case ("holocaustianity"), it's just a form of the very same hereticalism that Hoffman himself suffers--Pelagian heresy--whence Hoffman makes himself equal and similar to God w. a perfectly "free" will, capable of "good," Hoffman worshipping such non-existent "good" above TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

For that's the pretext of satanist (extreme subjectivist) HUBRIS by which Hoffman, no less than Jews, equates himself w. God, creator of reality, capable of otherwise non-existent "good" by means of perfectly "free," hence Godly, will.

For thus Jews worship satanic lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and lying by means of the pretext of non-existent "good" (as in form of "holocaustianity"), a perfectly "free" God-like will--extreme subjectivism. And Jews thus dominate the satanic culture built upon such subjectivism, "good," and pretended "free" will, the Jews most organized, most collectivist, most cohesive subjectivists, most capable of most effective "group-think," thus manipulating and exploiting that most powerful weapon and instrument of fraud and criminality, the CENTRAL-BANK--see for expo.

And when one can thus create such fiat CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based, which is static and finite for amount) out of nothing, one quickly comes to own and control everybody and everything, literally--legalized counterfeiting. But unfortunately Hoffman isn't capable of figuring it out about this fiat currency--he's too busy pretending he's "good" as he accuses people of "mortal sin" for imagined and fictitious "usury" which Hoffman, pretended "researcher," doesn't understand for original meaning, reference, and source, Hoffman lying like the very worst Jew, insisting "usury" is mere LENDING of money (or currency).

For Hoffman thus is really only JEALOUS of the Jews as his lies, lying, and Pelagianist heresy, as about "usury," doesn't slide past as easily as holohoax lying and fraud which is enforced and carried by the central-banking criminal financing scam and its Jew manipulators and operatives.


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-on-purim.html

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Jews: Merely Ultimate Liquidators Of Corrupt Culture
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 18)

Mike S., at 5:47pm, above, says, "[w]hat a disgusting "religion"." BUT when u think about it, it actually serves PERFECTLY a distinct socio-biologic purpose for liquidation of excess, over-populated goyim who no longer think they have to pay attn. to anything (of reality, anyway), who want only "bread and circuses"--which, if u observe, they've been steadily served quite brilliantly, Jews masters of the entertainment industry, among all the other strategic necessities, like flack commentary for political-cultural analysis in the mass corp. media, Jews masters of the top criminal enterprise at the economic apex, the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam (see for expo)--the real "usury" first mentioned many centuries ago--having NOTHING to do w. charging of "interest," which Hoffman can't figure-out as he knows NOTHING about economics.

What makes Jews SOOOO POWERFUL?--they're most organized, most cohesive, tight-knit and cooperative criminals for their criminal religion, all within the criminal culture, dominated by this crooked central-banking--which such criminal "banking" scam was first begun for serious operations by the corrupt gentiles, like Bank of England in 1694, Bank Of US (BUS) by Alex Hamilton in 1791, opposed by Jefferson, re-instituted then, the second BUS of 1816, finally killed by A. Jackson in 1832, re-instituted again by Lincoln and Republicans during 1860s war, which war of mass-murder needed financing, don't forget.

So one merely sees Jews provide that organization and cohesion for the ALREADY corrupt culture of over-populated gentiles, all this for the running operation of this top fraud of central banking--USURY, properly understood--the means of "financing" for control/manipulation of all politicians, judges and everything and everybody else--they just print-up and digitalize whatever "funding" they need.

So one see Jews are simply that pen-ultimate disease, like typhus, leprosy, and bubonic plague, which strikes the corrupt culture at the end of its life-span--in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people, formerly Christian and virtuous, worshipping truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence based upon the objective reality (Aristotle), which first built the culture, but now utterly corrupt and worshipping satanic lies, lying, and liars, lies built upon Jew and satanic SUBJECTIVISM ("midrash") by which there's no truth (= Christ) as there's no objective basis/criterion for any such truth, subjectivism the necessary basis for non-existent "good-evil" Pelagianism, which Hoffman worships, for example.

Thus the corrupt and stupid, over-populated goyim are tragically caught-up in the HUBRIS and subjectivism, pretending to all the various lies, lying, and liars which naturally and typically accompany and complement the obsessive, pretended "moralist virtue" of basic Pelagianist delusion and hereticalism within the utterly corrupt culture, the Jews and satanists (extreme subjectivists, making themselves God the creator of their phony "reality" within their demented mind(s))--Jews being the natural leaders of satanism, due to their superior "group-think," collectivism, cohesion, dedication, and organization for lies, lying, fraud, and liars.

So it might indeed be "disgusting religion," for all this Talmudism, etc., but yet it's simply natural and even logical, given the basic premises and conditions of sinful humanity. Jews are the leading satanists (extreme subjectivists) who liquidate things cultural, and including for the over-population of fools--like Hoffman, foremost Pelagian and hereticalist, pretending to "moral virtue."


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...neo-nazis.html

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Hoffman: Moralistic Pretender, Protestor, Above All; Thinks He's Sooooo Impressive
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 18)

Hoffman, the passive-aggressive psycho obsessed w. non-existent "good-evil" moralism and Pelagian heresy by which he imagines he can extort God for a place in Heaven is most pathetic sucker for any opportunity to expressing his "moral" outrage, sentiment, and protesting too much.

For geeee whiz, but don't u like babies?--and Hoffman wants to break a lance for them--to show off what a moralist he is, u see--as if God is supposed to be impressed w. this psychotic obsession.

But Hoffman, if u don't want to abort a baby, then just don't do it, sucker. But if someone else wants to abort their baby, not yet born, then that's his/her right--isn't it? For after all, the social-contract couldn't possibly provide any protection for babies not yet born--un-born babies couldn't possibly be parties to any such contract--can't u figure that out?

But Hoffman doesn't care about rights, justice, or peace among rational men founded upon social-contract rationally understood--he just wants people to be aware of and impressed with his breast-beating and moralism, awwwwww geeeeeeeeeee.

So have fun beating ur worthless breast, Hoffman, and yes, we know allllllllllllll about u moralistic fakes and charlatans, so ignorant, so shallow and empty, so desperate to pretending to ur strong "feelings" for moralism and pretending u're sooooooooo "good"--because, gee whiz, u care about babies, right?--and u imagine it's soooooooooooooo impressive to others w. weak minds and inferiority-complexes like ur own, eh?


Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...neo-nazis.html

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Reality Is Objective, Determined, And CYCLIC--What Did U Think?
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 17)

What?--"Hank," above (see below-copied), says he's "astounded" at "parallels" btwn eras and times? But hasn't "Hank" ever hrd of CYCLIC history?

Thus a civilization/culture rises, as in case of Romans and Americans, the people at first HONEST (unlike Mike Hoffman, ho ho ho ho, who pretends to "good," ho ho ho ho) and genuinely productive, but then, w. success, "prosperity," and "victory," the culture inevitably corrupts, as humans are basically sinners, creatures of will, though not a perfectly "free" God-like will, as Hoffman pretends.

What happens?--well, the evermore corrupt people of an evermore corrupt society, now filled to over-flowing w. over-populated scum and corrupted offspring of the original, founder generation(s), imagine they have a perfectly "free" God-like will--that they've become "good"--like Hoffman. And the originally HONEST people thus become corrupt and HUBRISTIC--just like Mike Hoffman who's always soooooo desperate to pretending to "good," Hoffman w. the typical inferiority-complex which doesn't quit.

And that's where we are now, today, in Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," the over-populated, corrupt people of USA, now the Jew S A, fatally stricken, like Hoffman, in this HUBRIS, heresy (Pelagianism), and madness, pretending they're "good."

Thus USA was originally founded at near the peak of its ideologic greatness, upon principle of freedom and reason, but which is now fascist dictatorship working for population-reduction (genocide) of Agenda-21, for the "good" of the earth, etc., Jew S A now consumed in anti-Christ satanism, this satanism founded upon subjectivist premise of "good"--which doesn't exist in an objective, hence determinist reality, people being fundamentally SINNERS, not capable of "good," which "good" doesn't and can't exist.

Thus Pres. Andrew Jackson threatened war against heroic state of S. Carolina in 1832 for it's upholding state sovereignty and right to secede and nullify anti-Constitutional laws, and then there was the historic, horrific 1860s war which definitively destroyed USA and led to rise of Jew-oriented and -serving imperialism, US war against Spain in 1898 for their colonies, WWI and II for world empire and dictatorship as we have today w. communist United Nations (UN).

So get a clue, "Hank": there's no perfectly "free" human will; reality is OBJECTIVE, basis of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), humans being sinners, always working to serve self-interest, and hist. is CYCLIC, never doubt. Of course there will always be parallels in history for eras and times, and the reasons and circumstances thereto are always similar if not identical.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Hank"--------------------------

Hank said...

I am astounded by the increasing parallels between the pre-WWII era and our times. With the rise of social trends that indicate national decline in the West, including joblessness, divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, mass immigration, low birth rates, increased abortion rates, gun control, mass shootings, secular education, rise of fascism, low church attendance records, euthanasia, etc. I'm sure as Mark Twain noted, "History doesn't repeat, but it sure rhymes" and so we'll be seeing a new European beast power arise on the scene soon to take the charge and as God's Word prophesies chasten the Anglo-American nations that are failing dismally in their divine commission to be as John Winthrop put it: "A city upon a hill," to which other nations could look to for guidance, leadership and a model to follow. However, leading the world in so much lawlessness and immorality today foreign nations are no longer looking at the US or UK except by way of a bad example to avoid and inevitably as a horrible warning.
7:31 PM


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html

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Hoffman: Mere Moralist, NOT A Historian
(Apollonian, 15 Mar 18)

Mike Hoffman is now flying high, having been featured by Nation of Islam, being of use to them for his knowledge about the Talmud and Jews. See https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html .

We note Mike Hoffman II says, "Keep . . . Hoffman working in defense of the truth...." But the actual fact and the real truth is Hoffman doesn't care about truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as much as he cares about pretending to "good." Worst enemy of truth (= Christ) is "good," as "good" doesn't exist (see Gosp. MARK 10:18).

And we see Hoffman states at very top of his blog, "Michael Hoffman, Historian." But actually, Hoffman is far more a "moralist" (he's really a Pelagian heretic) than he is historian, and we see this in his travesty of a work, "Usury in Christendom...," wherein Hoffman totally mis-characterizes usury for what it is.

For Hoffman displays most gross ignorance of economics, money, and banking, not even understanding his putative subject-matter, "usury," falsely calling it the charging-of-interest.

And Hoffman bleats in all his self-pity that he's "censored" when he does the very same thing for suppression of simplest and most justified criticism directed his way, as we see.

For Hoffman, like the Pharisees, lives in his own little, private moralistic world wherein "truth" is only what he says it is--just like the Pharisees who saw fit to (trying to) kill the real truth (= Christ), found in the objective, God-given reality.

But that's okay, Hoffman: we who REALLY support truth and Christ love to see u moralists and Pharisaics fighting and destroying one another as u do so well in ur envy-ridden disputes w. the Talmudists and Jews, buddy. And u can try to suppress the facts about ur moralism, subjectivism, and Pharisaism, but the real truth always gets out--ever noticed that? Enough people know who and what u really are, ho ho ho ho.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...s-against.html

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Pharisaism Like "Al Ellis's" Is Root Problem--HUBRIS
(Apollonian, 22 Apr 18)

Hey "Al Ellis" (see below-copied): didja' know there's no such thing as "evil"?--or "good"?--it's only ignorant little children who are taught this moronic crap and lower intelligence fools, like urself, we see, filled w. Pharisaic self-righteousness, continue to believe, ho ho ho ho. For EVERYTHING of nature necessarily follows the will of God in accord w. absolute cause-effect. But the world becomes and is filled w. unctuous, sanctimonious people like urself (and Mike Hoffman)--AND THAT'S THE WHOLE PROBLEM--HUBRIS, first grasped by the Greeks and carried on in Christian philosophy contained in New Test. literature.

Thus CYCLIC history, in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is the story of civilizations arising w. honest farmers who disdain moronic "good-evil" and Pharisaic self-righteousness, and who become, mostly by luck and grace of God, like the Romans, for classic example, successful and victorious in war, and eventually "prosperous" in economics, dealing in real money, like gold-silver.

But in CYCLIC fashion following generations become evermore corrupt and self-righteous like urself and Mike Hoffman--and OVER-POPULATED--there are just too many fools, suckers, goons, dupes, and scum, and now these need to be . . . removed, somehow--but always, in the end, by means of warfare.

How ignorant are u, "Al Ellis"?--well, simply observe that in entire history of the world, philosophy, and ethics, there's NEVER been any solid, substantial criterion for "good-evil" that has ever worked or been proven--it's TOTALLY subjective product of childish, inferior mentalities, just like urs and Hoffman's.

Thus the satanists, who preach a perfectly "free" God-like will ("do what thou wilt"), who teach that consciousness/mentality CREATES reality--extreme SUBJECTIVISM--grow evermore numerous and organized, the Jews, preaching "midrash" (interpretation--see,, and, being the all-time, classic, and notorious leaders of such satanism combined w. collectivism, inexorably take control by means of warfare and in-fighting among the people as we see fm history in general and especially recent history.

And the satanists accomplish all this, ultimately, by the practical means of CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo, use their search-engine) which is actually just legalized counterfeiting, LITERALLY--like we have now w. intrinsically worthless Fed. Reserve Notes.

Such then is the sad and TRAGIC human condition of sin, hubris, and self-righteousness, as urs and Mike Hoffman's sort, and even if we in this cursed generation can effect another Christian revolution as St. Constantine the Great, the CYCLIC hist. and nature will continue, the satanists and subjectivists always the problem which lurks and waits, then arises to dominance, beginning and ending in "end-times" as described for us in "Book of Revelations."

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Al Ellis said...

MY FEAR last weekend was not that World War III would break out, but that the LEGAL Syrian government and Russian servicemembers who are aiding Syria LEGALLY, would be annihilated. Thankfully, for now at least, the Russian presence has provided enough deterrent to give pause to the CRIMINAL Amurderclown assault, which "only" was a "limited" state-terror bombing, which if it happened to Amurderca or Isra-hell, would be cause for a no holds barred counter-attack and/or life imprisonment for the perp. MY HOPE is that the dollar and stock market crash*, and that the political warfare between pro and anti-Trump factions in the ruling class and the state breaks out into armed civil war. This would be a good thing for much of the rest of the world, for if Amurderca self-annihilates, it will not be destroying nations and killing innocent people overseas.

* A dollar collapse could be initiated by China. The Chinese government is perhaps the most evil government on earth. As Mike has pointed out,
the Old Testament in several passages documents where nations more evil than ancient Israel had brought Israel to grief.
6:49 AM


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...e-said-to.html

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Again, As Usual, Hoffman Tries To Defend Tyranny By Means Of Moralism/Pharisaism
(Apollonian, 1 Jun 18)

NEWSFLASH, Hoffman: fetuses cannot possibly have "unalienable rights" (or any rights) (a) because they're not parties to any possible contract, (b) not capable of reason, etc. Too bad a supposedly edjumacated Pharisaic and pretended "scholar," as u pretend to be, can't figure that out.

(c) Rather, fetuses are mere RECIPIENTS OF CHARITY, that's all, and the only "rights" are held by the parents who are properly considered the parties of any rights, in accord w. any possible, conceivable contract, possession of reason, capable of self-defense, that ability of self-defense basis of rights, basis of humanity to according rights to those capable of self-defense and ENFORCEMENT, which enforcement fetuses are incapable, as they're incapable of human reason until much later in their lives, given to them by their parents and will of God.

As usual w. a Pharisaic, moralistic, sanctimonious, irrationalist, anti-human golem like u, Hoffman, u utterly miss the pt. regarding "rights" and the real problem w. regard to "abortion" issue--which such abortion could ONLY, in all reason, be properly possessed by the parents, esp. the mother who bears significant life-affecting risks, aside fm the heretofore mindless fetus, not capable of any rational decisions, or any decisions at all until far later in life, that life provided by the parents (and God).

As usual for a Pharisaic heretic and golem like urself, Hoffman, u're only interested to SHOW and DISPLAY ur pretended "moralism," "sensitivity," etc., like the actual "snow-flake" u really are. Who knows?--what it is u imagine u're proving by ur moronic displays, Hoffman--pretending u're "sensitive," eh?--but WHAT do u expect to gain, thereby? All u demonstrate and manifest, Hoffman, is the usual INFERIORITY-COMPLEX, desperately trying to "prove" u're human, eh?

But u're just the same moralistic MONSTER, a golem, Hoffman, pretentious, hubristic, and disgusting, justifying dictatorship by means of ur utterly putrid emotionalism and condescension on the pretext and excuse of fetuses and babies whom u find it convenient to using as pretext.


Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...published.html

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Hoffman, The Moralistic Monstrosity, Golem
(Apollonian, 6 Jul 18)

In this case, Hoffman, here, the passive-aggressive golem for Jews, subjectivists, and Pharisaics-moralists, puffing his buddy, Daniel Krynicki, we merely have one incompetent charlatan, pretending he's "researcher" or "scholar," trumpeting for another, neither of whom, evidently, can even begin to saying what is USURY (a), and (b) where they get their info.

For Hoffman and his buddy, evidently, lies when he says usury is charging of interest on loans--WHERE does he get this?--the pathetic, passive-aggressive psychotic, Hoffman, cannot and will not say.

And of course, Hoffman KNOWS NOTHING about the subject of economics, much less money and banking. Hoffman merely speaks as one who falsely asserts the Bible says charging of interest on loans is a "sin" which God forbids--which all is a lie, and which Hoffman cannot substantiate.

So WHAT on earth, one rightly wonders, is the "leg" Hoffman is attempting to stand upon?--very simply, Hoffman wants to demonstrate his moralism, "morality," and "moral" virtue--that's all, Hoffman the Pharisaic, liar, and passive-aggressive psycho. Thus Hoffman pretends to building his case for his lies and lying about "usury"--which he cannot even demonstrate for definition. Such then is Hoffman the gross pathetic, horrific monstrosity, pretending he's Christian and virtuous.


  1. Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...rowing-in.html

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    Hoffman: Mere Advocate Of satanism, Subjectivism, and Non-Existent "Good," Worst Enemy Of Truth (= Christ)
    (Apollonian, 27 Apr 18)

    What?--"Chris Strenta," above, says Hoffman is "conscience of internet"?--ho ho ho ho. Hoffman is NOTHING but ignorant, un-informed, self-righteous moralistic, just ANOTHER pretentious Pharisaic who lies, pretending "usury" is (a) charging of interest on loans, (b) this charging of interest then being MORTAL sin.

    So u see right off Hoffman isn't even a decent, adequate researcher who can properly define his terms, like "usury"--a basic, simple fault demonstrating Hoffman's utter incompetence, but serving his purpose to pretending to righteousness and "morality," hoh o ho ho.

    Note Hoffman is so grossly ignorant of simple economics, and money and banking, not understanding what's diff. btwn money and currency, for just one example.

    And observe further, Hoffman isn't even capable of saying why and how lending at interest would or should be "sin." Hoffman merely says, "the Bible says so!" ho ho ho ho. Thus one sees the moronic mindlessness of Pharisaic Hoffman, pretending to being "conscience of internet."

    Hoffman features an ad regarding "truth mission," but this is gross miserable lie, as Hoffman is NOTHING but Pharisaic on a moralism "mission," that's all, pushing his endless inferiority-complex, obsessed w. being, pretending, and appearing "good," which "good" doesn't and couldn't exist in an objective reality, such objectivity being basis of the real TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) in accord w. absolute will of God, hence absolute cause-effect, etc.

    So in this sinful world of war of truth vs. lies and satanism, note Hoffman is advocate of lying, Pharisaism, and "good," such non-existent "good" the worst enemy of truth (= Christ), pretext for subjectivism, extreme subjectivism then the method of satanism, the God-like manufacturing of a false reality (supposedly created by consciousness/mentality) in which monsters and Pharisaists like Hoffman pretend they're "good," certainly not interested in the least about TRUTH (= Christ).

  2. Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...onored-by.html

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    More Bleating From Pharisaist Golem, Hoffman
    (Apollonian, 19 May 18)

    Hoffman cries and whines in his latest blog posting, see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...onored-by.html,

    "As a researcher investigating these recondite matters for the past 20 years, one would expect that my work would be welcomed, publicized and promoted by those who claim they are fighting for Jesus Christ. Instead, I am censored and suppressed at almost every turn by those claiming to be on God’s side in the fight for Truth."

    But Hoffman, get over urself, buddy: u're not in any "fight for truth"--u couldn't care less about truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--u're just the typical cheap moralist-Pharisaist pretending u're "good," which "good-evil" doesn't exist, sucker.

    U're "censored and suppressed"?--look who's talking, eh Hoffman, u moronic, insufferable hypocrite, ho ho ho ho ho. U're rightfully ignored, Hoffman, for the incompetent, so-called "researcher" u pretend to be. Just look at the putrid "research" u did on subject of "usury" in ur book, "Usury in Christendom...," eh?

    U don't even "research" the origin and meaning of "usury," and u obviously know NOTHING about money and banking, or economics. Again, ur only purpose is moralism and the cheap moralistic pretending, preaching, and breast-beating, as we all see fm u over and again.

    And urs is NOT a "truth mission," Hoffman, as has been explained to u, lying Pharisaic and moralistic golem as u really are. Fact u beleeeeeeeeeeeeev in ur moralistic lying only makes u the sort of useful monstrosity which Jews call "golem."

  3. Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...e-said-to.html

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    Again, As Usual, Hoffman Tries To Defend Tyranny By Means Of Moralism/Pharisaism
    (Apollonian, 1 Jun 18)

    NEWSFLASH, Hoffman: fetuses cannot possibly have "unalienable rights" (or any rights) (a) because they're not parties to any possible contract, (b) not capable of reason, etc. Too bad a supposedly edjumacated Pharisaic and pretended "scholar," as u pretend to be, can't figure that out.

    (c) Rather, fetuses are mere RECIPIENTS OF CHARITY, that's all, and the only "rights" are held by the parents who are properly considered the parties of any rights, in accord w. any possible, conceivable contract, possession of reason, capable of self-defense, that ability of self-defense basis of rights, basis of humanity to according rights to those capable of self-defense and ENFORCEMENT, which enforcement fetuses are incapable, as they're incapable of human reason until much later in their lives, given to them by their parents and will of God.

    As usual w. a Pharisaic, moralistic, sanctimonious, irrationalist, anti-human golem like u, Hoffman, u utterly miss the pt. regarding "rights" and the real problem w. regard to "abortion" issue--which such abortion could ONLY, in all reason, be properly possessed by the parents, esp. the mother who bears significant life-affecting risks, aside fm the heretofore mindless fetus, not capable of any rational decisions, or any decisions at all until far later in life, that life provided by the parents (and God).

    As usual for a Pharisaic heretic and golem like urself, Hoffman, u're only interested to SHOW and DISPLAY ur pretended "moralism," "sensitivity," etc., like the actual "snow-flake" u really are. Who knows?--what it is u imagine u're proving by ur moronic displays, Hoffman--pretending u're "sensitive," eh?--but WHAT do u expect to gain, thereby? All u demonstrate and manifest, Hoffman, is the usual INFERIORITY-COMPLEX, desperately trying to "prove" u're human, eh?

    But u're just the same moralistic MONSTER, a golem, Hoffman, pretentious, hubristic, and disgusting, justifying dictatorship by means of ur utterly putrid emotionalism and condescension on the pretext and excuse of fetuses and babies whom u find it convenient to using as pretext.

  4. Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...i-semitic.html

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    So What's Hoffman's Pt.?
    (Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)

    Well Hoffman, the world only wonders exactly what ur pt. might be for this blog article of urs, eh? After all, u agree w. Jews (a) that there's such thing as "good-evil" moralism (Pelagianism), and (b) that "anti-Semitism" is one of those grave sins against such Pharisaism/moralism.

    But why is or would "anti-Semitism" be such a sin? After all, Jews are at war w. humanity, aren't they?--isn't that anti-human war simple, basic tenet of their filthy Talmudic religion? And aren't Jews loyal to their fellow Jews, INCLUDING the religious ones who consciously follow the Talmud? Why would any decent person say they were Jews, but for a general, religious contempt for humanity?

    So then why isn't anti-Semitism justified?--soon it will be absolutely necessary as gentiles continue to be exterminated, the poor, stupid puke (who actually only then get what they deserve). But traitors like u, Hoffman, hold anti-Semitism to be "immoral," don't u? So u then are just an integral part of the general sociologic problem, aren't u? Jews wouldn't have their power without suicidal, traitorous, hubris-filled fools like u, would they?

    So u see Hoffman, the Jews have numerous allies working for them, as u do in all ur traitorous stupidity and obsession to pretending to moralism-Pharisaism and being "good"--like the moronic childish golem u really are.

  5. Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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    Hoffman, Heretic, Psycho, Charlatan, Lately Demonizes Hitler
    (Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

    Mike A. Hoffman II has come out w. his latest blog-article, yesterday, 25 July 2018, Hoffman seeking to demonize dear Unc' Adolf. Hoffman again assures us he's done significant research and has un-covered the fact that Hitler was really a miserable person and leader and was responsible for the Russian invasion disaster--how earth-shattering.

    In his article, w. only one plausible exception, Hoffman offers no actual facts to backing-up his assertions, but simply says his proof for these assertions are in his newsletter, and we have to buy it to see them. Sorry Mikey-mike, but it's a poor and sorry argument u give, (a), and (b) we already know what a passive-aggressive, self-righteous, Pelagian heretic and psycho u really are, and we have evidence in ur amazingly incompetent work, "Usury In Christendom...," wherein u demonstrate how little u actually know about money and banking or economics in general. See .

    For Hoffman's effort is always merely to demonstrate what a pious and moralistically virtuous person he is. Hoffman desperately wants to impress Jews w. what a great guy he really is--and look, he hates Hitler--how about that? So we see Hoffman is no historian, certainly no economist, but rather a moralistic, pushing the fallacious, child's "good-evil," all in honor of his buddies, Jews--and other moralistics too, no doubt.

    Hoffman prints the texts of several e-mails which rather defend Hitler, and one of the e-mails actually notes the incredible supplying of the Soviets by USA "lend-lease" materials which were truly prodigious by every estimation, by numerous observers fm all nationalities. Hoffman moronically rejects the plain facts about US supply of the Soviets for the simple food necessities, both for army and general population, and then for the strategic quantities of TRUCKS which rendered the Soviet forces nearly instantaneously motorized, lending tremendous mobility and speed and which all was demonstrated in the Stalingrad campaign, after over a yr of steady shipments and deliveries fm America.

    -------------[END OF PART ONE; SEE BELOW FOR PART 2]----------------

    1. ----------------[HERE'S PART 2 TO ABOVE]----------------------

      Lots more can be said for details regarding German military considerations at the time. Most of all, we should never forget the Germans were under attack by Western forces, including especially the USA, Roosevelt (FDR) encouraging Britain and France to attack and declare war when these powers were KNOWN not to be capable of over-powering Germany, no more than they were during the first world war. FDR continued to encourage Britain even after France had fallen. So the instigation for war was un-questionably on part of West, and esp. the Jew-dominated (even then) USA.

      Thus the real truth is that Germany was, once again, like before the first world war, under attack by Judeo-bolshevist forces, though the bolsheviks didn't get completely established until after the first world war. But bolshevism was and is the spirit behind that basic world-dictatorship impulse and theme, as of League of Nations and the later United Nations (UN) which now works to exterminate and genocide people and nations, as we see them doing so brilliantly and subtly by means of poison drugs, vaccines, GMO food and food-additives, poisoned water and even poisoned atmosphere by means of the "chem-trail" particles, etc.

      And Hitler?--unc' Adolf was the best man for leadership of anti-bolshevism available, everything considered, and it's also the fact that the West subsidized Hitler and the German military, no less than they subsidized and nursed the bolsheviks--the Western plutocrats wanted war far more than the Germans who were cursed w. the task of actually fighting it for humanity against Judeo-bolshevism.

      But the amazing, smug, passive-aggressive psycho, Hoffman, cares not for facts, u see; he merely wants people and Jews to know and to think he beleeeeeeeevs in moralism, including esp. "good-evil." For Hoffman, purpose of history is to serve moralism; TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is mere side-issue for him, regardless his pompous protestations and patronizing lectures and sand-bagging.
