Country Is STILL "Lost," Suckers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 18)
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 18)
Charlie Daniels says we "almost lost our country last fall [in the election]"?--see . Thus Daniels demonstrates the utter and evidently HOPELESS stupidity of the brainless ****s of present Jew S A. And Jew S A is mere captive to Jews and especially Israel, Jew S A now mere hired murderers of Jews and Israel. Jew S A was lost wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back in 1861 when Lincoln and the northern psychopaths decided to destroy the US Constitution and sovereignty of the states.
For the northern psychopaths of 1860s discovered they had a tremendous economic machine which was irresistible, capable of providing a nearly invincible military which thereupon destroyed the American south, making it a mere conquered pile of rubble, the people effectively mass-murdered and destroyed. Americans and immigrants merrily continued along the way moving to the west (of the Mississippi), and relatively few took notice of the horrific massacre which had taken place.
For that was the great discovery of the 1860s--the incredible economic power of a free market now super-powered for industry and manufacturing--which then was prostituted and used for mass-murder and conquest of the American south--and later the rest of the world, as we see in this day. Only now, over a hundred and fifty yrs later (!), is that incredible, massive economic power fading under the weight of socialist dictatorship, as we see.
To be sure, the USA economic machine had a precursor in the English example and empire which also was under-going the same Jew financial take-over. The new American nation was even more stream-lined economically and demonstrated an even greater power and capacity.
But indeed, something amazing happened in 2016: evidently the Jew master-minds observed and noted Jew S A would be tooo damaged by a hitlery Clinton victory, so the Israeli Jews of the pretended "right-wing" perpetrated the Trump counter-coup against the "leftist," "globalist" Jews, Trump their obedient flunky. Otherwise Jew S A is HOPELESSLY lost to those Jews, there being mere different faction of Jews ruling, that's all.
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