Modern Era Features Horrific "Tower-Of-Babel" Syndrome--It MUST Be Treated
(Apollonian, 29 Jun 10)
Chris: Margolis is miserably wrong if he thinks FDR (Roosevelt) was "naive"--Roosevelt knew exactly what he was doing, setting up world gov. consisting of communist dictatorship of United Nations (UN--see James Perloff's "Shadows of Power"). See LibertarianToday.com, "Hitler-Stalin...," 29 Jun 10.
For FDR and his Jew cohorts, collaborators, and co-conspirators knew they could manipulate people of USA by means of "Jews-media" (see http://www.natall.com/who-rules-america/index.html), this within general cultural atmosphere of great "Tower-of-Babel" syndrome, affecting corrupted culture of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
For poor, deluded people of West and USA imagine reality and truth can be trumped and tweaked by means of "good-evil" Pelagianism and Pharisaism founded upon delusion/fallacy of perfectly "free" human will, that horrific new cultural paradigm of modern era fm French Revolution, J.J. Rousseau, Kant, and Eng. Utilitarianism.
And way to COUNTER this horrific Tower-of-Babel syndrome/complex is radical, new Christianity featuring explicit anti-semitism which was real purpose of Christianity in first place. But further, it must be a rationalist Christianity opposing present MYSTIC abomination which allows Christianity to be corrupted and commandeered by Jews, for purposes of Jews and specifically then enemy terror-state of Israel which did 9-11 (see Bollyn.com).
For Christianity was originally designed to champion TRUTH founded upon necessary criterion of Western, Greek, Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY, this against Jew/Tamudic subjectivism, foundation of their putrid lies and thus moralism-Pharisaism featuring "good-evil" delusion/fallacy which so clouds judgment and vision of people of the West, victims of lies and fraud within present horrific, mass-murdering ZOG-Mammon empire-of-lies.
CONCLUSION: But unfortunately people of degenerate West are toooo smug and attached to obsessive delusions of such "good-evil" sanctimony and Pharisaism which will only falter upon occasion of horrific catastrophe up-coming when US Dollar finally collapses. Christian soldiers and patriots must simply organize and prepare. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Patriot PLAN Must Only Be Founded Upon Accurate Cultural Analytic--CYCLE And Dynamic
(Apollonian, 22 Jun 10)
Chris: problem is u and we all got a horrific CRIMINAL REGIME of COUNTERFEITERS (see RealityZone.com and TheMoneyMasters.com for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserver Bank [Fed] fraud) in power--and they're invincible--as long as people still accept US Dollar for payment, thus propping dread juggernaut of ZOG-Mammon empire-of-lies. See LibertarianToday.com, "Is The Tea...," 21 Jun 10.
Otherwise invincible ZOG-Mammon will only fall when its money currency finally gives out (US Dollar collapse), after HYPER-inflation.
Further, note essentially, these criminals and COUNTERFEITERS take advantage of great "Tower-of-Babel" complex which rules mass mentality of so many poor fools and goyim within sick culture, people mystified and submerged within a wonder-world of ABSTRACTIONS not founded in CONCRETE reality. People thus are prisoners so much of their own delusions, abstract fascinations, and esp. then that hubristic moralism-Pharisaism.
And there's simply no putting out this ultimately over-powering destructive "forest fire," so to speak--it will largely just have to burn itself out, exhausting all the ready fuel, the lucky survivors left then to try to start civilization all over.
So all we, who hope to survive, can do is try to prepare the way for being there when we get a chance to start over fm the rubble.
For people DON'T CHANGE--they can only just die out. For example, u Chris are hopelessly addicted to this mental complex consisting of "good-evil" fallacy/delusion founded upon hubristic, perfectly "free" will--U'RE NEVER GOING TO CHANGE; u can only just fail.
And if u ck history, which is CYCLIC, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, u see sick civilizations can never be saved--maybe preserved or prolonged for a little while, but never saved for that original health and vitality.
Only exception (of a sort) I can observe is Roman example of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent., who so much revolutionized Roman culture. Thus we need something similar to this Roman model, and it's got to be serious and substantial, genuine REVOLUTION, decisively overthrowing these infernal CRIMINALS, hence Jews--we need Jew Expulsion, people UNITING AGAINST A NEGATIVE in righteous hatred of Jews.
Observe now how a totally bribed and corrupted US Congress is presently solicited for putting yet ANOTHER (the THIRD, no less) Jew on US Supreme Ct., a particularly UGLY and repulsive homosexual Jewess, in pt. of fact, complete w. gross, disgusting hook-nose.
And patriots need to attack at weak-pt. for this large Judeo-conspiracy which is that gentile auxilliary known as "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.) hereticalists who say Christ was Jew (hence Talmudist) and traitorously support enemy terror-state of Israel.
So problem is in successfully attacking and focusing with sustained hatred the adverse enemy negative consisting of Jews and their duped suck-alongs, led in turn by JCs.
Patriots only have to preach a more potent, pointed, meaningful, substantial Christianity which successfully opposes Judaic anti-thesis--Christian TRUTH vs. Jew lies and conspiracy--SIMPLICITY is key for gentile attraction and appeal.
Hence Christian TRUTH requires Aristotelian objectivity and reason--AGAINST Jew lies, treachery, conspiracy, fraud, and criminal enterprise, like the Fed. Thus we see Christianity, properly understood, champions and defends REASON and honesty against Jew mysticism, narcissist collectivism, obsession, and subjectivist hystericism.
Key then to overthrowing ZOG-Mammon featuring "Tower-of-Babel" syndrome is opposing moralist-Pharisaist hubris and presumption--there is no perfectly "free" human will--thus we focus hatred upon Jews and accomplices and their thematic symbolic subjectivist presumption.
CONCLUSION: And note additionally this holy anti-semitic resentment will only work as ZOG-Mammon emp. continues to falter in CYCLIC fashion, US Dollar continuing to fail leading to inevitable crashing culmination in hist. CYCLE. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Christian Honesty Must Peer Into Essence Of Cultural Problem: We Urgently Need Jew-Expulsion
(Apollonian, 19 Jun 10)
Chris: I agree w. some of ur observations, of course, but I suspect u urself leave much to be desired for any solution to problems u pt. up. See LibertarianToday.com, "Obama's...," 18 Jun 10.
In first place, ur own mind is cluttered w. abstractions which have little connection to reality or truth, I submit, beginning w. presumed perfectly "free" will by which u pretend to "good-evil" Pelagian heresy.
Thus entire US society/culture is be-deviled by "Tower-of-Babel" syndrome, people not understanding one another, caught-up in these dis-connected abstractions, talking past one another, due precisely to this pretentious intellectualist compulsion by which, evidently, they think they're soooooooooooo "smart"--esp. by which they imagine they're "good."
And this moralist-Pharisaist madness has been curse of USA since Civil War when north genocided and enslaved white southerners--on very pretext of moralism-Pharisaism by which "good" trumps truth/reality--"good" and moralism determining truth/reality.
Thus ZOG-Mammonistic "prosperity," soon to come to screeching halt w. impending collapse of US Dollar, has induced a FATAL passivity upon the blank minds of poor goons, fools, and dupes who refuse to face what's in front of their very faces in absolute dictatorship of Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews--and maybe a few of their gentile suck-alongs who mainly act as front-men/spokes-flacks for Jew masterminds.
Such stupid people cannot even fathom sheer simplicity of ruling CRIMINAL conspiracy of COUNTERFEIT fraud of US Fed--so caught-up in abstractions they are, imagining they're sooo virtuous for being soooo stupid ("moral").
Such then is Greek HUBRIS as it strikes once again in history and society in massive, culture-wide form--causing people to effectively commit suicide, following moralistic "pied piper," which suicide and cultural collapse cannot be stopped, but actually must be precipitated in order for a substantial remnant to survive.
Thus weakness of ZOG-Mammon is actually the gentile under-pinning to Jew hegemony, this in form of "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo/ref.) hereticalists who say Christ was Jew (hence Talmudist) and traitorously support enemy terror-state of Israel.
CONCLUSION: Only hope then of saving USA is in providing for strict and TRUE Christianity featuring forthright explicit and pointed anti-semitism (anti-Talmud, as Gosp.s MARK 7:1-13 and MATT 15:3-9). And this anti-semitism is absolutely necessary, essential, and critical, with an imperative urgency which deserves to be especially emphasized. Situation then is similar to salvation of Roman Empire of early 4th cent. under inspiration of St. Constantine the Great. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form
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The Devilish, Clever satanic System, And "Deep
State" Operating Like Clock-Work In Culture Of Death
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)
(Apollonian, 3 Jun 18)
So u see how the scam of central-banking works--legalized counterfeiting (literally)--it's not only a criminal enterprise, but it's a MONOPOLY--only this one entity, a privately-owned corp., the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve (also the Bank of Int. Settlements, the IMF, etc.), can legally do this, effectively issuing the "currency" (NOT real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver, which is necessarily limited in quantity and finite).
(a) For every new wave of currency now that is issued by this criminal enterprise devalues that currency already existing, hence effectively TAXES the wealth of the entire economy.
(b) Thus it's the "gift" that keeps on giving as "currency" is theoretically INFINITE in amount, and one can issue more and evermore, taxing more and evermore--till the people behind it all own EVERYTHING and everybody--including esp. all the assassins and enforcers who necessarily grow evermore oppressive.
(c) Thus these criminal monopolists at the top own and control the mass corp. "media" (the "Jews-media") who keep the lies about central-banking going, telling the people they're so lucky to have such central-bank and an "elastic currency," etc. (d) They own and control the "edjumacation" system, the "teachers" all belonging to a union which eliminates and agitates against any rival system, like home-schooling.
(e) They own and monopolize the medical and "big-Pharma" corp.s who kill and sicken the people, the people encouraged then to buying more and other poison drugs.
(f) They own and control the agricultural corp.s which use the glyphosates and other poisons to keeping the people sick, including the GMO (genetically-modified) food substitutes which they force upon the people as it's all one gigantic monopolistic system, u see.
(g) And by means of such infinite funding and "currency" they're able to buy, own, and control all the politicians, lawyers, and judges who all work for the powers around the central-bank--anyone who dissents is eliminated one way or another.
Thus the central-bank is the KEY to the utterly corrupt society, run by criminals at the top who own all the monopolies, controlling the entire society.
And they maintain control by further means of constant warfare for the sake of warfare btwn and among contrived enemies, as we see now btwn "Muslims" and "Christians," whose "leaders" are controlled, bought, and paid-for by these powers at the top.
So now we see who's the "deep-state"--the powers behind and around this basic institution of central-banking, everything else dependent, feeding, and serving this basic, central, monopolist criminal enterprise issuing that secret weapon and instrument, the "currency."
To cap it all, the gov. follows an explicit program of GENOCIDE as in form of "Agenda-21" and -2030 addendum.
Thus the people are impoverished, sickened, mis-informed, and busy fighting one another so that there's no possible solution as long as the masterminds play their cards right.
And it's all absolutely fool-proof, this utterly corrupt society, as "money" is an abstract subject, don't forget, and far too many cannot figure out what such money properly is and must be--the small minority that can understand what money really is and must be is easily dealt-with, truth-tellers like Ron Paul neatly marginalized.
The entire scam and criminal enterprise then will continue until practically all the people are DEAD, dying fm sickness and disease, having killed one another, the only ones to possibly survive being those master-minds at the top who are left unto themselves, ultimately, and now must suspect one another--for "THERE'S NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES," and that's only thing that eventually brings the system down, people being the stupid scum ("sinners") they naturally are.