Schizoids--How Jews Produce, Motivate, And Direct Them, Dominating Corrupt West In Spenglerian, CYCLIC "Decline"
(Apollonian, 27 Aug 14)
Schizoids (or schizoidals), related to schizophrenic (ck Wikipedia, esp. for "thought-disorder") are heavy (numerous), one observes, among "progressives" "trendy," fashionable, and "advanced-thinkers" of our people, esp. the younger sort, but many also, especially within the bureaucrat set or class, including esp. homosexuals.
These fashionable types, esp. those who are quite addicted to such fashion and trendiness, can be found both on political left (DailyKos and Huffington Post), like for those who voted for Obama, and among libertarians too--whatever is fashionable, and "hip," u see.
Thus, for example, homosexuals have been made fashionable as "the word" comes down through the politically-correct bureaucracy, this picked-up esp. on the left, but also among "libertarians" (see, libertarians heavily funded by the lower-level Jews (income-wise, that is, though these are still amazingly wealthy compared w. gentiles).
But what are "schizoids"?--these schizoids as I describe herein are people lost--or OFTEN lost--within the abstract world, who have difficulty distinguishing the abstract fm concrete or perceptual, equating abstractions w. concrete reality--and of course, there's wide range for degree of difficulty for these schizoids.
The pt. is that abstractions properly only have a derived reality compared w. the primary reality of sense perception and concretes. Another necessary note is that lots of folks suffer fm this schizoidism, and everyone has to go through such stage for consciously distinguishing abstraction fm concretes.
So HOW then do these schizoids come about?--first, they're trained (like dogs--as humans often are when we're young) upon MORALITY AND MORALISM, thus subjectivism. For note proper morality (or ethics) has NOTHING to do w. "good-evil," being mere logic btwn ends and means.
Naturally, they (schizoids) are heavily affected w. inferiority-complex, thus given to moralism, always trying to prove they're "good"--they seriously BELIEVE in "good-evil." Inferiority-complex also makes these weaklings desperate to be thought "smart," too--as w. "intelligence" (ho ho ho) of Jews. So "intelligence" as a mystique often goes along w. moralism-Pharisaism for these schizoids.
Thus as moralism is SUBJECTIVE, these schizoids tend to subjectivism as they're so easily lost in abstractions, hence believing so easily that abstractions are tantamount or equal or in-distinguishable w. actual concrete, objective, perceptual reality.
So now observe how the schizoids, "trendies," "progressives," and "advanced-thinkers" are produced, esp. within an aging empire as USA, over-populated, the culture corrupted, as w. US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) legalized COUNTERFEITING scam paying-off evermore suckers and cohorts.
But still, these weak-minded schizoids are cultivated and trained, and with their inferiority-complexes, so moralistic and subjectivist, they're very self-righteous in their way. And as the schizoids are slaves of fashion, whoever controls the money-supply finds it easy to marshall the forces of sanctimony and fashion by means of control of press and entertainment.
And remember, ONLY schizoids are hired (or come to be so) by the bureaucracy, favored for promotion--all this seen to, very carefully, by the Jewwy cadre who famously dominate clothes fashion, for example, not to mention TV and all establishment entertainment, which follows for the Fed money-machine.
So when u stop to consider how the Jews control society, just observe how they control, esp. by funding, naturally, first of all, the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who support terror-state of Israel, these JCs making-up a good 10-12% of society. Jews also heavily influence the entire Christian establishment, even if the JCs are most active and fanatical for their idiot, so-called "religion."
Observe one similarity of JCs w. Jews (of the lower-level sort, sociologically) is their so-called "faith" which they don't understand so much as loyalty as they do for "BELIEVING"--it's true because they say so--because they "believe"--if they "believe," well then it becomes true, true for them. This "faithful" "believing" then is diff. fm the real Christianity which holds to the true, God-given reality which exists regardless of any "faith" or "believing."
Homosexuals are another significant portion of society, they influencing perhaps as many as 10% of rest of society, though some of these would intersect and include aforementioned Christian sector. Extremely interesting pt. then is how these two factions, queers and JC-types, so often oppose one another politically, the queers so much on the "left," the JCs on the "neo-con" "right." Jews must laugh uproariously.
Sociologically/anthropologically observe Jews are the few, top-most. top-ranking criminals at one pole, politically, dominating the society; anti-semites, like real, true Christians at the other pole-end, both of these factions very small, by themselves, relatively, the vast bulk of the rest of the population in the middle often looking for leadership, and most heavily influenced by the usual "bread & circuses."
So note if the Jews can control the schizoids, or at least a good many of them, among these aimless, poor, clueless people in the middle, btwn the two (political) poles, the rest of those in the "middle" are thus intimidated, imagining the Jews (and schizoidal supporters) are "winning" or the "winning side," as they watch the schizoids being stampeded so easily by kikes.
Thus the schizoids are LITERALLY the "golem" (Frankenstein creature) deliberately, consciously created by the Jews who dominate the moralistics, Jews not being followers of the Pharisees for nothing.
Perfectly "Free Will" Mere Pretext For
Subjectivism, Satanism, Don't Forget
(Apollonian 4 Mar
Ken: I watched ur latest show, titled, "You Create Our Own
Reality so Create Freedom & Truth," so I thought I'd go over some of the
reasons, including the most basic ones, why reality MUST be determined, why we
don't and can't create our own reality. I also comment a bit on some of the pt.s
made in the vid, including the "Book of Revelations."
(a) Note then
cause-effect is one of the most basic laws we understand fm induction, and it
has to apply to humanity no less than anything else. So the default is
necessarily that of determinism. "Free will" is simply mere wishful-thinking and
question-begging, which cannot be proven. All u've ever done is to simply assert
there's free will and u additionally cite Buddha whom u say says so--but this
doesn't make it true. If Buddha really said that, it's no wonder Buddhism is so
much subject to being "owned" by Jews, foremost subjectivists
Note also in the entire hist. of philosophy and ethics,
there's NEVER been any satisfactory criterion for such childish "good-evil" that
works in all cases. Ethics and morality is simply LOGIC btwn ends and means, the
means chosen so as to best serve and accomplish ends, the ends which could
conceivably be anything, depending only upon the person.
The serious
question remains WHY it is u insist upon this hubristic, perfect, God-like
freedom of will?--this is the basic premise of the Jews, don't forget, by which
they found all their pretensions (and lies and lying)--it seems u fall for it
all, playing their game for them. Note a perfectly "free" will is mere back-door
means to accepting their extreme subjectivism and satanism.
(b) And
reality can only be one way--it can't be both objective and subjective at same
time, a violation of law-of-identity and non-contradiction.
(c) Note
also, in accord w. truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as understood in Christian
theology, we're creatures of will, hence self-interest, the basis of "sin," such
as it is, and we can't not be "sinners," as verified by St. Paul.
So the
problem is really reducible to the either-or btwn objective and subjective--it's
only one way.
Note Jews want to have it both ways w. idea (a) that
they're so virtuous and "intelligent" as they're so virtuous for their
"choices," etc., but it's ALWAYS this pretext for (non-existent) "good-evil" and
the prior perfectly "free" will by which they want to induce the false premise
of subjectivism and (eventually) satanism. (b) Note at same time along w. this
subjectivism and "free" will, they ALSO insist deterministically they're
"chosen" by God, etc.--they work it both ways ("double-think," in classic
Orwellian style).
Note also that even if Jews can't get folks to accept
outright satanism (EXTREME subjectivism), they at least want to plant the seed
of doubt regarding subjectivism, which may not seem so "extreme," and the
subjectivist nature which makes people subject to more subtle manipulation by
this satanism as it is practiced and imposed by others, including the Jews and
associated satanic masterminds.
Thus Jews work to manipulate and
intimidate the people, including even their own people (soooo ruthless they are)
upon INFERIORITY-complex and GUILT-complex which are induced upon people sooo
successfully, esp. at an early age, fm which only few are ever able to
dis-entangle themselves. For if one seriously believes in free will then one is
always necessarily worried one made a mistake for choices, thus guilt and
inferiority -complexes which always follow fm (perfectly) "free" will delusion
and fallacy.
U also mentioned the "Book of Revelations," but again, u
should remember New Test. is LITERATURE which carries a philosophic lesson. In
case of "Revelations," it describes "end-times" which is a part of the CYCLIC
theory and nature of history, and as there have been numerous cyclic turnings
throughout history, there are always disastrous "end-times" phases and stages of
such CYCLIC hist. which is how the determinist nature manifests in history--in
CYCLES, including the end-phase(s).
I suspect ur Buddhism may be causing
serious conflict for u philosophically and psychologically--reality is
necessarily objective, given the reduction-ad-absurdum of subjectivism in which
anything goes, anything and everything being both "truth" and lies, even at the
same time, humans being their own Gods unto themselves, Jews the collectivistic,
ultra-organized, most cohesive masters of it all for this subjectivist
psychosis. And if reality is objective, as I've always noted for u, it must be
determined according to absolute cause-effect.
Finally, note we exercise
will as we're not sure how reality will actually take place at particular given
times, 5 seconds fm now, or 5 mins fm now, or 5 hrs fm now--even though we know
in overall wisdom that if all the factors were known for sure, it might
otherwise be predicted successfully. THUS, for practical purposes, we exercise
will--as when we guide the steering of the car we might be driving, for
Anyway, it's still good to see u discuss and entertain these
basic ideas and principles and get others to discussing them in serious way as u
do. Keep up ur good work. A.
Poor Fools (The "People") Better Get Clue:
They're Contending With Palpable Psychos, Like Comey--And Others Too, Like
Drugged, Willing Subjects Of Satanism
(Apollonian, 28 Apr
I. Comrades: u gotta start getting a clue as to how far
things are gone now--just look at the moronic dis-connectedness of Jimmy-boy
Comey, ex-FBI Director, who considers his memos about his business conference(s)
w. the President to be his personal property (a), (b) who didn't know the FISA
document on Trump's supposed tryst in Moscow was funded by political enemies,
(c) who didn't know that document was the main pretended substance of the FISA
court request to wire-tapping political opponent, and then other things too--ck
his "interview" w. Brett Baier of FOX News on the 26th Apr.
The guy,
Comey is PSYCHOTIC--totally dis-connected--imagining he's soldier of
MORALITY--he REFUSES to believe or admit he's done anything wrong or against the
law. Comey isn't lying, so much as he's psycho, don't doubt--he
"beleeeeeeeeeeeevs" his idiot balderdash, seriously--u gotta get a grasp what's
going on.
And this psychotic moralistic righteousness is and was
reflected by others of the conspiracy, including the FBI agent, Stzrok, and
lawyer, Page, not to mention the CIA director, Brennan, who declaimed that Trump
needed to "watch his mouth"--these are all psychos, not only criminals--all
their actions proceeded fm their firm commitment to MORALITY OF WORLD GOV.,
never forget this--these are all heavy "beleeeeeeeeeeevers" in
And observe these psychos continue to pushing to making this
moralistic righteousness the major part of their excuses, rationalizations, and
explanations. Further, this psychotic dis-connectedness and righteousness has
not been missed by such as FOX News, as on 27 Apr (Friday) shows, on the Hannity
(Judge Jeanine) and Carlson shows, to name just a couple.
observe the "mainstream" Jews-media, including even FOX News, backs up this
moralistic righteousness in obvious collusion to excuse this massive conspiracy
against Constitution, law, rights, and the lives of the people. The
establishment is DETERMINED to push to attaining absolute dictatorship,
overthrow of Constitution, etc., so as to enact and enforce Agenda-21 and -2030
GENOCIDE, including race-replacement, as we see plainly, still, in the
continuing blatant invasion of Western, European, Christian countries by enemy
And these criminal conspirators, gov. bureaucrats, officials,
including elected officials, are not only heavily backed now by the Jews-media,
but also by the judiciary
Just as Comey believes his memos are his
PROPERTY--so does the media, who took massive gov. and tax-payer funds and who
enjoy favorable "regulation," imagine it's their "property" right to banning
free-speech, as on Jew-tube, Google, etc.--like the judges believe it's their
PEROGATIVE to prevent Trump fm reversing Obola's "executive decisions" on
illegal immigration.
So u begin to seeing the active, blatant
SUBJECTIVISM at work in our culture and establishment politics. This
subjectivism follows fm the totally illegal central bank which imagines they
have the right to counterfeit the currency, issuing evermore quantities of this
currency, steadily impoverishing the stupid suckers (the "people") who can't
figure-out there shouldn't be currency, and that real MONEY must be limited in
quantity, commodity-based (see, use their search-engine).
* * *
* * * * *
II. But this subjectivism, as I've noted above, is only HALF of
it--because Trump himself is controlled, manipulated, instructed, and led by the
VERY SAME POWERS--who control the central-bank, the satanists (led and dominated
by Jews, naturally), who are planning the genocide and extermination of the
people, specifically for the coming war to be un-leashed upon the enemies of
Don't forget the satanic "deep-state" has instructed Trump
Justice Dept. to "slow-walk" the info and documents testifying against Clinton,
Clinton Foundation, the FBI, et al., as noted by Judicial Watch--ck their vids.
Jeff Sessions, the Trump AG, took lots and lots of funds throughout his career
fm Jews who support Israel--they know perfectly what's going on and what they're
doing--suckering the fools, dupes, morons, and scum of the over-populated Jew S
So don't doubt this large, overwhelming idiot campaign of moralistic
righteousness pushed by the pretended "never-Trumpers," including by the
Jews-media, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, et al., will be effective, certainly long as
US Dollar remains much the "reserve currency," even if it's now opposed by the
petro-Yuan now.
Only anti-dote which will work against all this putrid
subjectivism/satanism is the real Christianity, worship of TRUTH, truth truth
above all (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--not non-existent "good" which is just another
lie (JOHN 8:44), the worst enemy of truth (= Christ). And never, ever forget,
Christianity is anti-semitic (see,,
and for expo)--like it's anti-satanic (they're
same thing)--and if u're not anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker. Start
getting a clue to save ur idiot lives, morons.