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Christian Heroes Must Prepare, Unifying The People
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 14)
Yes "one..." humans are sinners, un-questionably, as u indicate, and only thing to be done is to keep humans within system of cks and balances, like original US Constitution, even though this is also doomed, eventually.
What happens?--it's inevitable CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Spengler who demonstrates inevitable human corruption and perversion.
"Prosperity" always breeds HUBRIS within the population, people now pretending they can achieve "good"--ESPECIALLY, as we see now, by means of COUNTERFEITING the money-supply (as by present US Federal Reserve Bank), which COUNTERFEITING inexorably takes-over the entire culture, buying all the judges and politicians, practically without exception--ALWAYS (as hist. shows) controlled by Jews, Jews most unified, cohesive, "connected" criminals, preaching a satanistic religion of criminals (Talmudism).
Presently we can only hope for another Christian-inspired revival of the now moribund American civilization--like the original Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent.
But, as noted, this revolution requires un-flinching, un-relenting anti-Semitism--which in turn means removal of present establishment "Christian" hereticalists who preach toleration of kikes.
Even so, nothing is going to change until US Dollar definitively collapses. Christian soldiers must PREPARE, making use of Christianity, reason, and anti-Semitism for UNITY of the volk against the remnant criminal, terror-state.
apsterian said : "Presently we can only hope for another Christian-inspired revival of the now moribund American civilization--like the original Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent.
But, as noted, this revolution requires un-flinching, un-relenting anti-Semitism--which in turn means removal of present establishment "Christian" hereticalists who preach toleration of kikes...."
Forgive my ignorance [I'm not a religious person], but wasn't Christ a Jew- "King of The Jews" in fact ?
Also, Christians ,as I understand it, are supposed to be following a little something call "The Ten Commandments" .
Weren't those commandments [supposedly] given by god, to Moses- yet another jew? [ or doesn't he count?].
And besides, isn't one of those commandments: "thou shalt not kill"?
Regards, [a confused, non -religious, ]onebornfree.
The Freedom Network: http://www.freedominunfreeworld.blogspot.com/
But, as noted, this revolution requires un-flinching, un-relenting anti-Semitism--which in turn means removal of present establishment "Christian" hereticalists who preach toleration of kikes...."
Forgive my ignorance [I'm not a religious person], but wasn't Christ a Jew- "King of The Jews" in fact ?
Also, Christians ,as I understand it, are supposed to be following a little something call "The Ten Commandments" .
Weren't those commandments [supposedly] given by god, to Moses- yet another jew? [ or doesn't he count?].
And besides, isn't one of those commandments: "thou shalt not kill"?
Regards, [a confused, non -religious, ]onebornfree.
The Freedom Network: http://www.freedominunfreeworld.blogspot.com/
-----------------------below by ap in response to above by "one..."---------------------
Jews: Psychopaths Who Follow Talmud--Get A Clue!
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 14)
"One...": Note Christianity is Hegelian anti-thesis of Judaism, Christianity, by def., worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), Judaism all about making Jews supreme rulers over all humanity.
Jews are, by def., followers of Pharisees who later wrote Talmud, Jews NOT NOT NOT same as Judeans, Pharisees only leading about 5% of pop. of Judea at the time of Christ. Christ repudiated Jews (Pharisees) for having made law of God (Mosaic) of none effect, Jews/Pharisees having diverged fm Mosaic law--which law Christ claimed to have not changed even "one jot or tittle."
Ck RevisionistReview.blogspot.com and/or Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.
Note there's always problems of translation, esp. fm ancient (Roman) times for distinction btwn Judeans and Jew--Christ was accused by Jews/Pharisees of being king of Iudea--Judea or Judeans, NOT NOT NOT kikes (Pharisaists).
"Thou shalt not kill" doesn't mean u can't defend urself--don't be a Jew-serving moron, for goodness sakes.
"One...," u strike me as being someone who is committed to being--like a Jew, urself--smugly, conceitedly, disdainful of actual reality, living in ur pretend, idealized, abstracted false reality--why u're soooooo brainlessly ignorant of simple things, esp. regarding Jew murderers and psychopathic monsters.
Do u really think u impress anyone for ur amazing, truly idiotic ignorance of basic things--yet then pretending to being so clever about other things like the photo/vid evidence of 9/11? Get a brain--to save ur otherwise moronic life, buddy.
-------(below added later)--------
Note further: Jews being NOT NOT NOT same as Judeans, Jews being only SMALL part thereof, Judeans of time of Christ were NOT NOT NOT same as "Israelites" of Old Test., these "Israelites" most probably fictional, Judeans of Christ's time mere immigrants, & descendents thereof, who originally came fm Babylon, reputed and imagined descendents of "Israelites."
"Israelites" themselves (most probably fictional) were NOT NOT NOT same as "Hebrews" who preceded.
Further still, note the kikes of today are mainly (75-90%) of Khazar origin, Khazars being Asiatic-Mongolid converts to Judaism fm 8th cent., Caucasus region, btwn the Byzantine Christians and Arab Musselmen of the time, Khazars then following a middle/non-aligned policy btwn the two empires of the time.
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apsterian said : "Note Christianity is Hegelian anti-thesis of Judaism, Christianity, by def., worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), Judaism all about making Jews supreme rulers over all humanity."
And yet, apparently God sent Christ [a jew] directly to the jews , did he not?
Or am I missing something?
And didn't all Nazi army chaplains carry the 10 commandments at all times [and on the battlefield]- and were not those same 10 commandments [ given by God to the jew Moses], preached nationwide by German "christian" priests throughout the 2nd WW Nazi period of German history?
It seems to me that intellectually honest anti-semites past and present would have to completely reject Christianity, given its origins, to remain internally consistent within their stated/claimed belief system.
Regards, onebornfree
And yet, apparently God sent Christ [a jew] directly to the jews , did he not?
Or am I missing something?
And didn't all Nazi army chaplains carry the 10 commandments at all times [and on the battlefield]- and were not those same 10 commandments [ given by God to the jew Moses], preached nationwide by German "christian" priests throughout the 2nd WW Nazi period of German history?
It seems to me that intellectually honest anti-semites past and present would have to completely reject Christianity, given its origins, to remain internally consistent within their stated/claimed belief system.
Regards, onebornfree
Yes, "one...," u're missing a brain, u poor, brainless, deliberately ignorant moron. Read what I already wrote, u stupid ass scum. Ho ho ho ho ho
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"It seems to me that intellectually honest anti-semites past and present would have to completely reject Christianity, given its origins, to remain internally consistent within their stated/claimed belief system."
Ho ho ho--listen (read) to this detached, abstracted air-brain talking about "intellectually honest." Ho ho ho
"Intellectual honesty" would require u have a basic clue about what u're attempting to talk about in first place, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho
Get a clue, shit-hole: Christianity IS ANTI-SEMITISM, the most successful sort--why kikes hate it sooooo much--have u noticed, dumbass?
Ho ho ho--listen (read) to this detached, abstracted air-brain talking about "intellectually honest." Ho ho ho
"Intellectual honesty" would require u have a basic clue about what u're attempting to talk about in first place, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho
Get a clue, shit-hole: Christianity IS ANTI-SEMITISM, the most successful sort--why kikes hate it sooooo much--have u noticed, dumbass?
ReplyDeleteOnebornfreeAugust 13, 2014 at 12:43 PM
apsterian said : " Christianity IS ANTI-SEMITISM"
And yet Christians supposedly worship Christ- a Jew, and the 10 commandments, handed down by God to the Jew, Moses.
Or am I missing something? [ "ho, ho, ho"]
Regards, onebornfree.
------------------apster answered, below----------------------
"One...," and NOW WE SEE--U'RE A JEW TOO, aren't u? Ho ho ho ho ho