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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ho ho ho, Hoffman, the virtue-signaling liar, cries that critics won't read his worthless book, ho ho ho...

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...-enemy-of.html

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Poor Hoffman, Passive-Aggressive Psycho, Liar, Can't Figure-Out Why His Book Won't Sell
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 19)

Ho ho ho ho ho, what?--u're "not surprised," Hoffman?--would that be because u've ALWAYS been a loser in ur pathetic life, playing the know-it-all moralistic, Pharisaic, virtue-signaler, always lecturing others how they should be "good," like u?--ho ho o ho hoho.

And what?--it "doesn't appear [ur] book has been read"?--and "facts" have not been "addressed"?--what "facts"?--about Bolsheviks of Russia not intending to invade Europe?--those are palpable, provable lies, when Stalin plainly invaded Finland, the Baltic states, and demanded and took parts of Rumania, thus threatening the vital oil sources of Ploesti, among the other facts, like the number of most powerful tank forces in the whole world, etc.

Then u throw in w. ur lies about Strasser, when the truth is it's unclear what exactly happened. And again, we KNOW already ur only real purpose is virtue-signaling, Hoffman, the passive-aggressive psycho obsessed upon non-existent "good-evil," Hoffman the Pelagian heretic pretending to a "free" will capable of impressing God, who already explained that all humans are sinners, un-worthy of any rewards after a life filled w. sin.

And why does anyone need ur worthless book, Hoffman, when u don't make any sense about much of anything else, always pretending as u do to moralism and moralizing in ur tiresome, moronic manner?

Don't u think we already KNOW what magnificent HERO was unc' Adolf?--speaking truth and defiance to satanic Jews and liars like urself who sympathize w. Jews and their lies and lying?

After all, we already KNOW about ur previous work on "usury" in which u pretend God forbids, as the Musselmen hold, the practice of lending at interest--which is just another lie by a lying, Jew-like liar like urself, sucker. For Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), the "only way to the Father," and God is thus ALWAYS rational, about which a hereticalist, lying virtue-signaler like urself is so utterly ignorant.

Hence lending at interest is obviously mere matter of personal contract and agreement among the citizenry and people. God only makes irrationalist commandments for the Musselmen, Hoffman. For true Christians, unlike Hoffman, God is TRUTH and always perfectly rational. Hence "usury" COULD NOT be mere lending at interest, and such honest lending at interest COULD NEVER be forbidden by rational God of truth and reason.

Hoffman, hereticalist virtue-signaler just cannot abide such truth and reason--that's ur problem, Hoffman, thou poor fool, passive-aggressive psycho. Take ur book of lies and lying about heroic unc' Adolf, and stick it, sucker. No one needs Hoffman and his idiot lying and moralizing--especially when we already have to contend w. these satanic Jews--Hoffman can't, won't figure that out.