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Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain, now getting such great praise fm Jews at FOX News, etc., shows what a criminal/traitor he really was, and who really rules Jew S A....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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McCain: One Of Most Perfect Tools For Jews, Ever
(Apollonian, 27 Aug 18)

I kept clicking the FOX News shows yest. and today, and it's NON-STOP praise McCain at the beginning of every show--goes to show what a reliable servant for Israel-first was McCain--aside fm all his other faults.

Further, all this McCain adulation demonstrates who runs and rules Jew S A--Jews, who else? But now then, HOW and why do Jews so dominate? Because Jews are topmost satanists, satanism being basically extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making the subject to be God the creator.

Jews then are simply most COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, hence most practical, realistic, and successful of satanists, Jews most organized, most cohesive, "thick as thieves." Thus Jews naturally lead the satanists who dominate a culture in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, that culture now submerged in gross HUBRIS and corruption. See,, and for best expo on Judaism and their filthy, satanic Talmud.

McCain was thoroughly corrupt little POS even before he graduated fm Annapolis near bottom of his class. McCain was such a stupid punk he started a fire aboard the USS Forrestal Aircraft Carrier in 1967 which nearly sank the ship. Then when he was captured by N Vietnam, he sang like a canary--the perfect candidate to now go and lead the "conservatives" in USA during his ensuing political career--all for benefit of "deep-state," globalists, Jews, and Israeli terror-state.

And don't forget McCain married the daughter of one of the very top and richest Jew criminals in Arizona history, Jim Hensley.

Jews and "deep-state" used McCain for all he was worth, and they're very gratified as we can all see, McCain getting so much praise fm Jews-media now--for note Jews-media aren't finished; they have to continue such idiotic praise in order to make and complete the McCain narrative and now legend look and feel good for the fools, suckers, and scum among the goyim who are legion in present Jew S A.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Seriously: consider the gross farcical nature of the 9/11 psy-ops--a deliberate travesty in so many ways--DELIBERATE dis-info, idiocy--and look how the goyim just slurped it up....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Goldstein" Makes Us Think, Truly, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 24 Aug 18)

Ho ho hoho, what about the "revelation of method" (see below-copied) of know-it-all kike, "Goldstein"? Goldstein gives no ref.s for his declarations, like about "rev. of method." Of course, Goldstein the Jews is an oracle.

Then "Goldstein" the Jew mentions 9/11 and "morons who flew the planes," but Goldstein the all-knowing kike--HOW do u even know there were planes that "flew" into the bldgs.?--there are no vids that aren't obviously phony as we look back upon them in critical analysis today.

Newsflash: planes just couldn't melt into the bldgs. as the vids pretend to show.

For the planes, made of aluminum, would have mostly crashed against the steel sides of the bldgs. and much of the debris then falling to the ground--they couldn't have just flown into the bldgs. like the "vids" show--the "vids" were concocted--I wonder by who? And then HOW did those phony vids get on the Jew-tube, the vids transmitted by the Jewwy TV and TV studios, owned, controlled, and dominated by Jews?

HOW did the Jew, Silverstein, get insurance for condemned bldgs.?--bldgs. which were essentially heaps of junk?--WHY did he even bother to buy them in the first place?--WHO would have sold them to Silverstein?

Looking back, we now see the whole, entire 9/11 travesty was such a farce fm the very beginning. Only now do we see such amazing, stark anomalies, like the phony vids of planes just gliding into bldgs. like through butter.

The only sure, consistent thing was the great effort to blame the muzzies and Arabs, then Bin Laden in order to begin the war in Afgan., later in Iraq.

So obviously 9/11 was first of all a huge propaganda event, and WHO, but Jews, controls such prop.?--ONLY JEWS and associated satanist goyim.

Indeed, a very large and significant part of the staged farce was the concocted moral outrage and controversy regarding the parts played by Jews, whence it was so deplored that anyone would even to begin suspecting or blaming Jews--HOW DARE THEY?--ho ho hoho o ho ho.

And all throughout, the top analysts always knew that ONLY Jews could have organized, financed, and co-ordinated all the parts of this carefully staged farce. And Chris Bollyn ( most effectively lays it all out in his great work, "Solving 9/11."

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Dr. Goldstein August 24, 2018 at 5:52 AM

The Revelation of Method is essentially when you show your victim what you have done and can do to them and they are so traumatized already that they will do nothing to stop you or even consciously acknowledge it.

Is there a Revelation of Method of the 9/11/2001 attacks? Indeed there is and very few of you will even seriously consider it and then only a brief time if you do. The perpetrators behind the morons who flew the planes into the buildings have revealed what they did to the World Trade Center towers. It’s illustrated in detail in a little known book titled Where Did The Towers Go? by Judy Wood, PhD. Look at that book and ignore the noise of derision you might hear about the author and the book’s contents.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

People need guidance by means of basic principles more than mere mass of details....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Basic Principles Properly Organize Mere Details, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 22 Aug 18)

Problem w. this article here, by Stephen Francis, is it bogs down in mere details, even if much of it is true, and thus loses sight of basic principles which folks need to grasp and understand MOST.

So what are the "basic principles"?--well we're steadily falling evermore under dictatorship of MONOPOLY and then subsidiary, particular monopolies, as of Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube which are actually "common-carrier" utilities, pretending they're "privately-owned," though they were all built in first place w. tax-payer funds, getting favorable legislation and regulation.

Ajax Jewns ( is NOTHING but a diversionary shill for a faction of the Jew oligarchs at the top, Ajax working for the Israel-first, "neo-con" section, these Jews playing the game, "good-Jew vs. bad-Jew," the "bad-Jews" being the atheistic-styled "globalists" of the pretended "left."

Key, topmost MONOPOLY is the central-bank making use of CURRENCY, not real money, real money commodity-based, like gold/silver. Thus currency is potentially INFINITE in amount, and the continued issuances of this fraudulent currency steadily DEVALUATES the currency already in circulation ("inflation"), defrauding and impoverishing the people, eventually destroying them utterly--as such currency ALWAYS has done throughout history. See for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine.

Note the issues of central-bank being private or state-owned, and question of "usury"--charging of interest--are all side-issues and inessential to the basic principle of real money necessarily being commodity-based, thus LIMITED in amount, not easily capable of being counterfeited.

Thus the poor, stupid people, over-populated, confused, distracted, and demoralized by the Jews-media, just another of the subsidiary monopolies, don't grasp simple diff. btwn currency and real money.

So what's going to happen?--just more disaster, horror, and catastrophe, fools--what do u expect? For reality is objective (Aristotle) and determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, and hist. is CYCLIC in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Western culture now crumbling in corruption, HUBRIS, and over-population of fools, suckers, and goons too easily persuaded that stupidity and hubris are "progressive."

Thus people--too many of them, still--are hopelessly addicted w. TV, football games, and "bread and circuses" in general, and things just have to get worse till (a) some are killed-off (as is actually happening on significant scale, by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines, poison, GMO foods, etc., all in accord w. Agendas -21 and -2030 planned genocide, "de-population"), and (b) the remnant begin to get smart to the gross, horrific satanism (extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness creator of reality, the subject now become God) which dominates the culture, people pretending to perfectly "free," God-like will by which they imagine they can be "good."

To verify the satanism of Judaism/Talmud, Jews most organized and collectivistic of satanists, see,, and

Sunday, August 19, 2018

"What's next"?--one must consult hist., work accordingly....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Spenglerian "Decline of West" Now Approaching End-Game Phase
(Apollonian, 19 Aug 18)

What's next? (see below-copied)--what's NOT next? Are u aware of Agendas -21 and -2030 population-reduction?--it means mass exterminations and genocide, a program also of Jew "Zohar" ("Cabala") since middle ages. And this extermination has actually been going on w. poison drugs and vaccines, poison GMO foods, etc., by means of the other Jew monopolies, like Monsatan, etc.

Observe how it works, so simply: I-net was built using tax-payers' money, got favorable legislation and regulation fm gov., and the various large corporations were then sold-off to Jewwy oligarchs, who now pretend it's all "private-property," get it?

Note first the ruling MONOPOLY at top of culture, controlling everything else, the central-bank criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting (see for expo; use site search engine), also a monopoly which pretends to being "privately owned." Do u see a pattern here?

What's next?--same as it's always been, continuing monopolization--which succeeds as the people are just stupid, brainless scum, many if not most of them, anyway, and so it's as much a matter of affecting these dumb, brainless puke, called the "people," as it is actually opposing the satanic criminals who work by means of LIES (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and psy-ops, as we see.

Thus history indicates once the central-banks get going, they cannot be stopped UNTIL their fiat-currency finally collapses after having reached HYPER-inflation stage, serious turmoil and warfare ensuing, the over-populated morons, called "the people" thus losing track of what happened, who was responsible, etc.

What's needed is another Christian, hence anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic revolution (Christ = TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) as of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. Roman empire--which opposes the present satanic dictatorship, which worships LIES (JOHN 8:44), including present satanic, Jew-controlled "Christian" establishment which supports terror-state of Israel, etc.

So it looks like things now just have to keep getting worse in order to (a) eliminate the very weakest of the over-population which has brought about present satanist-dominated, satanified society, (b) combined w. a significant section of remnant survivors of the population who, now united, at least somewhat, can successfully oppose the corrupt, satanic oligarchy, (c) the oligarchs themselves rather dis-abled as they're divided, now in-fighting against one another, much as possible, upon principle of "no honor among thieves."

Christian revolution of 4th cent. is best inspiration, original Christian philosophy embedded within New Test. literature, best model, advice, guidance.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Roger Pack August 19, 2018 at 6:23 AM

Sandy Hook deniers censored
911 censored
Holocaust censored
War's censored
Speech is censored

What's Next ??

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Brainless morons are doomed, cannot, will not grasp workings of central-banks--only real chance is to adopt the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Powers And Principalities" Rule The World, Suckers--U Idiots Need A Serious Clue
(Apollonian, 18 Aug 18)

Mike Adams (see below-copied) is just ANOTHER Jew-friendly, Jew-serving "neo-con" (Israel-first) crony of Ajax Jewns (, Adams having appeared on Jewns' show numerous times, sometimes regularly, almost every day, esp. just before Jewns got censored, a couple weeks ago.

Thus JEwns and Adams are HEAVILY dependent upon the Jew neo-cons and Israel-first supporters, never doubt. Any contrary word fm those Israel-first sources will result in INSTANT censorship by Jewns and Adams, most obedient henchmen, sycophants to Jews ("neo-cons").

What u brainless morons need to figure-out (though u never do, even after pictures are drawn for u) is the ABSOLUTE RULING POWER of the central-bank criminal enterprise(s) (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, putting-out the nearly endless fiat-currency--these central bank organizations are PRIVATELY owned--hence MONOPOLIES--get a clue, fools.

So the "deep-state" absolute dictatorship is simply, at root, these private banking powers behind the privately-owned central-banks, these all KNOWN to be especially Rothschild associated--along w. other prominent families too, all of them Jew-friendly, -oriented, and -serving, including esp. terror-state of Israel.

Most prominent political charade set-up by these Jew-oriented powers features the phony "left vs. right," the "left" consisting of and led by the atheist Jews of "globalist" style and "socialist"-type gov., and the "right" consisting of the usual "Evangelical" (or "fundamentalist") -associated "Christian" hereticalists ("Judeo-Christians"--JCs--see and for expo), who most loudly support terror-state of Israel.

So to successfully attack the top monopolistic ("banking") powers, one must address the central-banking which forces people to accept intrinsically worthless currency by means of "legal-tender" laws, which is difficult to do, the subject of MONEY being actually rather abstract, hence inaccessible to most people who simply cannot think past their noses, are easily confused and bewildered, and cannot figure-out the diff. btwn real MONEY and mere currency.

So what will happen now is continued degeneration and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the economy of nations steadily degraded, the people evermore oppressed by the absolute state upholding the MONOPOLIES, headed by the central-banks.

And the central banks will continue absolute dominance until their fiat-currency systems fail--which failure is actually beginning (but still only beginning) to happen presently, though seems capable of being put-off for several years yet.

U idiots are DOOMED; u can't even observe the people of the world are to be treated evermore like Palestinians, scheduled for extermination, in accord w. Agendas -21 and -2030, being killed-off steadly by such as the poison glyphosates in weed-killer, poison GMO food, poison drugs, poison vaccines, poison "chem-trails," etc.

That's why the ONLY real chance people will have for human survival is REVIVAL and resurrection of the real Christianity--against these JC hereticalist traitors--Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), thus necessarily founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality--against the subjectivist (satanic) Jews (JOHN 8:44) who follow the Talmud (see,, and for expo on Talmud), who lead the over-populated goons, morons, scum, filth, and suckers who accept the fiat-currency and suicidally enforce rule of the central-banks, etc.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Joseph Olson August 18, 2018 at 8:58 AM

Mike Adams at Natural News is a science poser and Lukewarmist gatekeeper. Every comment I have made at Nat News describing CORRECT Radiation Physics and Thermodynamics has been deleted without ever posting. I sent him URL to my Fetzer interview

"Unmasking Climaclownology" for post, or comment

We will see how much Free Speech Adams allows.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The REAL Christianity: only effective anti-dote to satanism (subjectivism) and Jews....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Real Christianity Must Arise Over satanic Disease
(Apollonian, 16 Aug 18)

We know u're just another fool (see below-copied) when u say, "JUST QUIT. Because if no one signs up there will be no more war."

For humans are SINNERS, subject to HUBRIS; always have been; always will be, and they'll always find something to fight about and over.

Another of ur problems is to observing and then naming the aggravating factors of (a) HUBRIS, (b) satanism, and (c) Jews (see,, and for expo).

For though it's true Jews don't CAUSE the initial HUBRIS, then satanism, Jews are satanists themselves (see citations given), most sublime practitioners, and they consolidate, dominate, and manipulate that satanism in the final stage of it in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea reality is "created" by consciousness/mentality, making subject God, the creator.

Jews then are most consummate, sublime COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists (specifically, "midrash"), most effective at "group-think," making themselves as whole, quite literally, according to their filthy Talmud, to be co-equal w. God, the purpose of God's existence, God now merely their slave who mass-murders for them, this mass-murder celebrated on Passover and Purim. Just observe treatment given to Palestinians, who are made into "Amalek," but which "Amalek" is really ALL GENTILES, never doubt.

Hubris begins w. idea of MORALIST "good" (and "evil") which doesn't and can't exist, and this obsession for moralism and "good" becomes satanism, as moralism is SUBJECTIVE, as is "good," but which "good and evil" doesn't and couldn't exist in reality.

Thus the impossible quest for "good" becomes psychotic obsession w. subjectivism, and as the "successful," "prosperous," and "victorious" empire/civilization ages and matures, the hubristic corruption and decadence festers and inevitably reaches a satanic "critical mass," always succumbing to Jews, most practical, most organized, cohesive, and SUCCESSFUL satanists, who now consolidate the cultural disease, as we plainly see, Jews the masters of central banking--see for expo on central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting.

Thus the culture becomes THOROUGHLY, totally corrupt in blatant, outright satanism, all led by Jews, as we see, the Israeli terror-state lead instigators and perpetrators as we see fm EVERY disaster, terror-incident (like 9/11--see, and war.

Thus the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics among false "Christians" arise, and Christian establishment is satanified--observe present "Vatican," so fanatically now involved in wide-spread child-molestation, etc., so closely allied w. Israel and Jews, pushing "globalism," and "migrant"-invasions, etc.

Thus the only effective counter-CYCLIC antidote MUST be anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic--the REAL Christianity, featuring worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against lies (JOHN 8:44), real Christianity featuring OBJECTIVE reality against satanism and Jews, objectivity necessary basis of any real, practical TRUTH.

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Alison August 15, 2018 at 2:31 PM

The authors of this article are absolutely right that we must cease glorifying war, including honoring veterans at every turn to the exclusion of anything else.

What I have started doing when I see people in military garb is to ask them to please QUIT THE MILITARY. JUST QUIT. Because if no one signs up there will be no more war.

Unfortunately, the way the government has set it up, you can't even get a job anymore without military service in your past.

I attended a festival on Labor Day in Cincinnati, on the Ohio River, where idiot radio announcers on loudspeakers kept urging us to salute our veterans. Didn't understand that the holiday is about honoring the working man and woman. They extended no invitations to applaud those who were supposed to be the focus of this holiday!

I, too, want to see NO MORE MEMORIALS TO WAR at any time, in any place.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Why "feel pain" for Ajax ( when he feels NOTHING for Palestinian victims of Jew monsters?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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The Twilight Of Ajax Jewns, Jewwy Shill, Flack, And Gate-Keeper
(Apollonian, 13 Aug 18)

Folks need shed no tears for Ajax Jewns (, shill and flack for the Jews and Israeli-terror state, gate-keeper for Jewwy morons and goons--"Judeo-Christian" (JC, see and for expo) hereticalists, who imagine they're "Christian," and especially, additional loads of "libertarian" styled Jew-sympathizers who imagine there are "good" Jews, like there are "good" psychopaths. But if u want to know the true nature of Jews, just ck what their filthy satanic "religion," such as it is, teaches them--see,, and

For what is it that so oppresses Ajax, presently?--it's the big Jew monopoly in form of "silicone valley" tech companies, seeded heavily w. tax-payers funds, now taken "private" w. huge capital investment head-start over the competition.

And what's the TOP layer of this monopolistic monster which, totally illegally, controls Jew S A, the West, and the world?--it's the central-banks--see for expo; use their site search-engine. For central-banking is simply a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically ENDLESS, infinite fiat currency, not real money, commodity-based, like gold-silver, which real money protects people's savings and wealth, fiat-currency destroying peoples and civilizations--as we see it doing presently, the continuing issues of this currency steadily DE-VALUING currency already circulating.

For Ajax works for the Jews, never doubt, never forget. Ajax's purpose then is to DISTRACT and DIVERT fm the central-banks and the Jews--it's why people hate Jewns for his constant lying about kikes as he does.

And note Ajax NEVER says a word, not a syllable, about the horrific tribulation of the Palestinians, abject victims of the Jews of Israeli terror-state--so much the TOTAL slave of Jews is Ajax. So note Ajax is mere WILLING sacrificial victim and decoy for Jews and their central-bank instrument.

So if Ajax can't feel pain of Palestinians, who are murdered every day by Jew monsters of Israel, why should anyone feel his pain?

Hence if patriots object to this monopolist power-play and illegal censoring and suppression of Ajax, then one MUST attack the SOURCE AND ORIGIN of the monopoly, the central-bank, exposing it for the satanic instrument of destruction, fraud, and criminality it really is--WHICH AJAX WON'T AND DOESN'T DO as he takes orders fm his Jew mentors and masters.

So what will happen to Ajax?--he seems to be doomed to the fate of Rush Limbaugh, old, washed-up has-been who did the VERY, EXACT same thing Ajax does now, distracting and diverting people's attn. fm satanism (extreme subjectivism, by which reality is made to be product of mind/consciousness, making oneself God), Jews and their foremost instrument, the central-bank(s).

Meantime, watch for the next false-flag which is designed, AS ALWAYS, to benefitting most Israeli terror-state, surely designed for making huge hit against Iran, no doubt.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Huge push for monopolization behind the phony, typical "good-Jew vs. bad-Jew" farce, featuring Jewwy flack, Ajax....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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satanic Monopolist Consolidation Behind Same Old "Good-Jew Vs. Bad-Jew," fake "Left Vs. Right"
(Apollonian, 9 Aug 18)

So Ajax Jewns ( was "de-platformed," deleted fm Jew-tube, etc., and what is the effect?--has actual info been suppressed?--NO. In truth, Ajax Jewns is just a paid gate-keeper for the "neo-con" "right," cheap FLACK for Jews, Trump, and Israel-first--these are the facts.

Jewns was a novelty a few yrs ago, but he's gone quite stale, and he'll peak here momentarily, as noted by Parry, and then fade away as flacks and liars like himself always do.

Who and what are Jewns's fans and supporters?--basically, the same neo-con suckers and "evangelicals" who follow the old Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) "right" who support terror-state of Israel. Jewns' has a slight, added angle consisting of "libertarian" flavor.

So we see an interesting thing: a serious and significant falling-out among the Jew-supporters, featuring the "leftists" of the "Tech" monopolists, Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube (owned by Jewgle), and some others, against the "rightist" (neo-con) supporters of Jews and esp. Israeli terror-state.

Most of all, we observe a HUGE power-play by the monopolists of big "Tech" pretending they're "privately-owned" when easily verified fact is they began w. tax-payer funds giving them a HUGE head-start against everyone else, they then going "private," and now using that excuse to censor and suppress what had been grown-up along w. the tech giants themselves by means of the gov. funding.

So we see the over-all power-play by the top MONOPOLIST, and gross criminal enterprise, the central-bank (see for expo; use their site search-engine), continuing to consolidating their over-all control of the entire culture, society, and economy, along w. "Big Pharma" monopoly, Jews-media, public edjumacation, etc., the end-goal being GENOCIDE and mass-murder of Agenda-21 and -2030.

So note the game is same old "good-cop vs. bad-cop," Jews of "left" vs. Jews and suckalongs of "right," like Ajax Jewns. Most significant is naked power-play of the top monopolists, beginning w. the genocidal criminal central-bank.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Another babbling fool, droning on without ref.s, citations, about money-banking....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Mullen Starts-Out OK, But Reduces To Babbling About "Money" And "Currency"
(Apollonian, 7 Aug 18)

This column by Mullen is a bunch of long-winded babbling and nonsense, esp. when he begins the drivel about currency and money. And, as always, the tell-tale sign it's crap is Mullen's total lack of ref.s and citations for his lies and lying. Mullen, who knows very little, wants everyone to just take his word for the blathering about money and currency.

The first part, about "Q-anon," may all be true, but it's irrelevant, and I doubt too many people follow along w. "Q." But the second part about money and currency is total balderdash. Mullen doesn't even understand currency isn't money--they're two diff. things, currency mere fraudulent substitute which requires dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws to enforce. Real money needs no "legal-tender" status or laws. People willingly accept real money, or not. In fact, real money doesn't need gov., except for it to do its job for keeping the peace and providing legal recourse, that's all.

Mullen then mixes-in more babble and nonsense like regarding "usury" which "usury" has no clear ref., and comes fm ancient texts w. no clear definition, usually used as synonym for payment of interest. But interest-payment is mere side-issue to basic diff. btwn intrinsically worthless currency and real money, like gold/silver. Another distraction is the "yellow-brick road," by Frank Oz.

But Mullen descends to outright LYING, easily referenced, when he talks about mass-murderer Abe Lincoln's "greenbacks." Fact is, and u can look it up anywhere as it's well-known, the greenback lost nearly half its value at one pt. when it wasn't clear if northern murderers would win the war. Regarding Hitler, he merely kept a tight, dictatorial rein on the issuance of the German currency, refusing to inflate too much which preserved the currency's use as medium-of-exchange. Currency is always poor store-of-value as it can easily be "inflated" (proliferated and replicated).

The best discussion for money and what it is and must be, how and why, is found at; use their search-engine for specific topics.

Again, basic thing to remember is currency is (intrinsically) worthless--it's ALWAYS "backed" at first by something else, but the continued issuances of more and evermore currency naturally and steadily DEVALUES the currency already existing in circulation. "Debt," "interest," and "usury" are mere side-issues. Currency ALWAYS fails, while real money, commodity-based, like gold/silver ALWAYS creates prosperity and wealth. Real money IS gold/silver--it doesn't "back" it.

Jew S A is presently in grip of literal SATANIC (extreme subjectivism by which reality is mere product of consciousness/mentality, making subject to be God), hence Jew-dominated, dictatorship, Jews foremost COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, dominating the more isolated goyim (see,, and for Judaic expo). We need a serious Christian revival and rule-of-law, adoption of real money, and esp. return of states-rights and -sovereignty, including nullification.

Un-fortunately, it seems the stupid, over-populated goons, scum, and puke ("the people") are still too enamored of "bread-and-circuses" which is due to running-out, very soon--the goons and morons need the motivation of horror, death, and starvation, some of them outrightly dying-out and -off, for a return to Christian sanity and honesty, Christianity featuring worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the objective reality against satanic lies founded in subjectivism and lies like Mullen's.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Jew, Greenwald, bleats about gov. lies, manipulation, says it's bad for I-net, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Greenwald: Jewwy Chicken-Little
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 18)

Don't forget Greenwald is self-admitted Jew and homosexual, so his info is most likely fairly worthless. Still, one can easily deal w. his info given here on its own terms since it isn't too voluminous.

For as long as u have an I-net without censorship then u have what u need and can't ask anything more.

For people have a right to lie and speak opinions which often aren't founded in the OBJECTIVE reality; problem then for them is less people, over time, tend to listen to them--like in Greenwald's case, no doubt.

Greenwald says, "I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself."

So foregoing assertion by Greenwald is just another lie by the Jewwy homo. Only thing which destroys usefulness of I-net is the coercive censorship as of monopolies by Jew-controlled entities like fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle--then it's all lies all the time, and the only "truths" are put in place to set-up the lies.

Otherwise, Greenwald's screeching is pretty meaningless--"people are lying and "ATTEMPTING" to lie and control, manipulate...," etc.--well, Greenwald, u Jews always and always have been trying to do that (why people hate u so), but it only reflects on u, no one and nothing else.

Thus fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle lose their customers in face of honest competition--which competition only the typical Jew-sponsored dictatorship can try to over-come by coercive measures which is evidently what Greenwald is aiming for as he bleats like the typical Jew liar that because there's lying, it discredits the I-net. No Jew, it only discredits liars and Jews like u.

For it's simply our human responsibility to have to deal w. lies and information as we go through life. Thus one learns to dealing w. lies and liars--that's why our Western civilization, and indeed, all civilizations, have hated and discriminated against Jews, for example. See,, and for expo on satanic Jew religion of warfare against mankind.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Face the facts, suckers: REAL Christianity?--means real anti-semitism--get a clue, scum....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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We Just Need Some REAL Christianity, Hence Real Anti-Semitism
(Apollonian, 1 Aug 18)

The author, above, quotes R. Waters, who says these cowardly, scummy puke among the goyim are "scared sh*tless," ho ho ho ho ho--gee whiz, but I wonder why and how? But everyone knows this about scummy puke being sooooo "scared"--it's obvious truth.

Well, observe we see Jews, leaders of satanism (extreme subjectivism) so much in positions of power, CEOs and CFOs of the big corp.s and banks, etc., 4 kikes sitting on Sup. Ct. bench (Sotomayor's mother's name is Baez, Jew name). See,, and for expo on Jews and Talmudism.

So HOW did these satanic monsters, kikes, achieve such power?--well, consider, for one thing, about half of "evangelical" Christians are such strong supporters of terror-state of Israel, and they say such stupid things as "Christ was Jew." See also and for expo on Judeo-Christians and "Christian Zionists."

But Jews aren't same as Judeans, Jews defined as followers of Pharisees/Talmud, Pharisaic party (composed of middle-class) only leading about 5% of pop. of Judea at time of Christ.

And all establishment Christian churches are followers, supporters, and servants of kikes. So we see right there (establishment Christianity) there's great potential for recruits and converts for real TRUTH--which is Christianity is anti-Pharisaic--see Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) upholding original Torah against Judaic heretics--see Gosp. MATT entire ch. 23.

And if u're NOT anti-semitic, then u aren't and couldn't be Christian, suckers--this is the demonstrable fact--get a clue. So u see it's really so simple: we only need a REAL Christian REVIVAL just among Christians--should be easy, eh?