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Friday, August 24, 2018

Seriously: consider the gross farcical nature of the 9/11 psy-ops--a deliberate travesty in so many ways--DELIBERATE dis-info, idiocy--and look how the goyim just slurped it up....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Goldstein" Makes Us Think, Truly, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 24 Aug 18)

Ho ho hoho, what about the "revelation of method" (see below-copied) of know-it-all kike, "Goldstein"? Goldstein gives no ref.s for his declarations, like about "rev. of method." Of course, Goldstein the Jews is an oracle.

Then "Goldstein" the Jew mentions 9/11 and "morons who flew the planes," but Goldstein the all-knowing kike--HOW do u even know there were planes that "flew" into the bldgs.?--there are no vids that aren't obviously phony as we look back upon them in critical analysis today.

Newsflash: planes just couldn't melt into the bldgs. as the vids pretend to show.

For the planes, made of aluminum, would have mostly crashed against the steel sides of the bldgs. and much of the debris then falling to the ground--they couldn't have just flown into the bldgs. like the "vids" show--the "vids" were concocted--I wonder by who? And then HOW did those phony vids get on the Jew-tube, the vids transmitted by the Jewwy TV and TV studios, owned, controlled, and dominated by Jews?

HOW did the Jew, Silverstein, get insurance for condemned bldgs.?--bldgs. which were essentially heaps of junk?--WHY did he even bother to buy them in the first place?--WHO would have sold them to Silverstein?

Looking back, we now see the whole, entire 9/11 travesty was such a farce fm the very beginning. Only now do we see such amazing, stark anomalies, like the phony vids of planes just gliding into bldgs. like through butter.

The only sure, consistent thing was the great effort to blame the muzzies and Arabs, then Bin Laden in order to begin the war in Afgan., later in Iraq.

So obviously 9/11 was first of all a huge propaganda event, and WHO, but Jews, controls such prop.?--ONLY JEWS and associated satanist goyim.

Indeed, a very large and significant part of the staged farce was the concocted moral outrage and controversy regarding the parts played by Jews, whence it was so deplored that anyone would even to begin suspecting or blaming Jews--HOW DARE THEY?--ho ho hoho o ho ho.

And all throughout, the top analysts always knew that ONLY Jews could have organized, financed, and co-ordinated all the parts of this carefully staged farce. And Chris Bollyn ( most effectively lays it all out in his great work, "Solving 9/11."

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Dr. Goldstein August 24, 2018 at 5:52 AM

The Revelation of Method is essentially when you show your victim what you have done and can do to them and they are so traumatized already that they will do nothing to stop you or even consciously acknowledge it.

Is there a Revelation of Method of the 9/11/2001 attacks? Indeed there is and very few of you will even seriously consider it and then only a brief time if you do. The perpetrators behind the morons who flew the planes into the buildings have revealed what they did to the World Trade Center towers. It’s illustrated in detail in a little known book titled Where Did The Towers Go? by Judy Wood, PhD. Look at that book and ignore the noise of derision you might hear about the author and the book’s contents.

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