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Friday, May 25, 2018

satanist is informed as to New Test. literature conveying philosophy, etc....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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New Test. Is LITERATURE First, Get A Clue
(Apollonian, 25 May 18)

Dan: u need to learn about literature, of which New Test. is one of the most glorious examples. Thus literature, the most elaborate and ambitious, is VEHICLE of philosophy. In New Test., following the older Old Test., it presents an allegoric account of (a) metaphysics, the objective (Aristotelian) reality, (b) following which is an ETHICS, this ethics so much idolized, admired, respected, revered, and even worshipped. Christian ethics is what makes New Test. and Christianity in general so famous as they obviously are, objects of tremendous and universal admiration.

Unfortunately, the metaphysical part of New Test. is overlooked, mis-represented, mis-understood, and ignored. (c) Note further, the New Test. story, such as it is, is presented much in elaborated DIALECTIC, esp. btwn Christ and the (satanic) Pharisees who preach the Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation), though formal Talmud hadn't been fully written-out till 500 AD in Babylon. Observe then the dialectic btwn objective view of Christ vs. (extreme) subjectivist of Pharisees.

Note further, New Test. is presented in way of story, epic, and myth, as most people were barely literate in those days, so Christ had to be adept in (a) speaking (rhetoric), and then (b) well-versed in the Old Test. literature so as to make things understandable to the people who understood things philosophic in way of what we call "religion," religion being something committed to memory and then practiced both in ritual and in daily life--religion then being something not only held within the intellect, but fully integrated (much as possible) throughout, body and spirit, intellect and emotion--this "religion" is still the case in present day for MOST PEOPLE, people in general having great difficulty w. formal philosophy, logic, science, etc.

Finally, regarding Easter, note the story requires this episode as the claim (Gosp. JOHN) is that Christ is God the Son, and only God is capable of such thing as resurrection. Hence the resurrection is the indication and proof for the readers and the people (as attested also by St. Paul) that Christ is God. Quit pretending New Test. and Gospels are presented as police-reports, text as mere accounting of facts and events--it's a STORY for purpose of conveying PHILOSOPHY, esp. in contrast and repudiation of the Pharisaic "Traditions of the Elders" which at the time was still mainly verbally understood among the Pharisees whom Christ reviled as gross heretics ("vipers and serpents"--Gosp. MATT, ch. 23).

Thus Christ defended what he held was original Mosaic Law--against the Pharisaic heretics--Christ merely re-stating, clarifying, and simplifying for the people.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Hoffman, hypocrite, Pharisaist-moralist, golem, can't figure-out why he's ignored....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...onored-by.html

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More Bleating From Pharisaist Golem, Hoffman
(Apollonian, 19 May 18)

Hoffman cries and whines in his latest blog posting, see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...onored-by.html,

As a researcher investigating these recondite matters for the past 20 years, one would expect that my work would be welcomed, publicized and promoted by those who claim they are fighting for Jesus Christ. Instead, I am censored and suppressed at almost every turn by those claiming to be on God’s side in the fight for Truth.
But Hoffman, get over urself, buddy: u're not in any "fight for truth"--u couldn't care less about truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--u're just the typical cheap moralist-Pharisaist pretending u're "good," which "good-evil" doesn't exist, sucker.

U're "censored and suppressed"?--look who's talking, eh Hoffman, u moronic, insufferable hypocrite, ho ho ho ho ho. U're rightfully ignored, Hoffman, for the incompetent, so-called "researcher" u pretend to be. Just look at the putrid "research" u did on subject of "usury" in ur book, "Usury in Christendom...," eh?

U don't even "research" the origin and meaning of "usury," and u obviously know NOTHING about money and banking, or economics. Again, ur only purpose is moralism and the cheap moralistic pretending, preaching, and breast-beating, as we all see fm u over and again.

And urs is NOT a "truth mission," Hoffman, as has been explained to u, lying Pharisaic and moralistic golem as u really are. Fact u beleeeeeeeeeeeeev in ur moralistic lying only makes u the sort of useful monstrosity which Jews call "golem."

Friday, May 18, 2018

USA (Jew S A) and bankers started world wars--easily proven--just think of "Lend-Lease"....

How You KNOW, And Can Prove, Who Started The World Wars--Was NOT Germans
(Apollonian, 18 May 18)

Who started and instigated, guided, and sustained the world wars, one and two?--the same ones who bank-rolled the entire enterprise(s), supplied the hosts ("Lend-Lease"), the "allies" and "United Nations" (UN), and so effectively armed them, providing all the necessary and sufficient wherewithal, including food and other materials, etc., for "victory"--it was USA, who else? Rather, it was the bankers and top-most leadership (of USA) who did all the basic dirty-work, who conceived and carried-out the plans, etc. Don't forget, it was UK and France who first declared war on Germany in Sep. 1939.

And don't waste our time about Poland which threatened Germany w. war if they didn't forswear Danzig, a completely German city, which Poles horribly stole land of the Germans (after WWI), against the agreements, which lands included over a million Germans, which Germans were then horribly mis-treated, many murdered by the Poles, thus telegraphing the looming fate of Danzig--all easily verified facts of simple history.

Thus the UK made the notorious offensive alliance w. Poland in March 1939, inviting the Poles to go ahead and start something, the stupid Poles (the leadership) not expecting the Brits to do nothing when the Germans eventually closed-in--not to mention the Ruskies coming fm the east--which no one seems to have expected, eh? Did it serve the Poles right that even though they were pretext "victims" at the start, the allies yet nonetheless sold them out at Yalta (1945), giving the Russians much of the lands of erstwhile Poland of 1939?

After all, the Ruskies were original partners of Germany in 1939, weren't they?--but never mind mere trivialities. For the instigators and master-minds got what they wanted, didn't they?--world gov. and dictatorship of UN.

Thus we see the underlying mentality of FDR's idiotic thick propaganda, always pretending the Germans were the "aggressors," FDR "protesting too much," as if people can't figure-out the big bank-rollers and (lend-lease) suppliers are OBVIOUSLY and plainly the instigators and masters of the blackguards, henchmen, and thugs who actually commenced the warfare, like UK and France, not to mention the precious Poles who were suckered into providing the pretext.

And when Germany suddenly rounded upon Ruskies in Jun, 1941, well, that was fine too, eh? FDR was soooo happy to thereupon sign on w. "Uncle Joe" for some nice lend-lease, feeding and supplying Ruskies to fight and kill Germans. Thus the arms dealers and manufacturers made such excellent money producing and selling arms and other materials to be given away at tax-payers' expense, the poor fools. And on top of it all, the bankers and master-minds got their world dictatorship like they always wanted--and it's been satanic gravy-train for them ever since, even now, to this very day.

And all these facts I've herein given and recited, above, are absolutely irrefutable, admitted even by the perpetrators themselves, even if in somewhat back-handed fashion. Don't forget Germany's eager willingness to make peace w. UK after the fall of France in 1940--it wasn't the Germans who wanted war while Ruskies fought war of choice w. Finland to gain territory and then threatened Rumania to giving up Moldavia, etc.

Hence the pt. is that the glaring, in-ur-face PROOF the world wars were instigated, guided, and sustained by American, esp. the Jew, bankers, of course in collusion/conspiracy w. other bankers, too, is LEND-LEASE, which all turned-out so conveniently and lucratively for FDR and cronies (don't forget FDR was Asst Sec. of Navy during WWI, later in 1920 running, and losing, as VP nominee for Dems), getting the war(s) going and stoked-up so nicely simply by supplying and financing the goons and suckers who actually initiated and fought and died for the wars, UK, France, and Poland.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Once again: WHY and HOW Jews dominate the "Decline of the West," by means of satanism, subjectivism, moralism....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Note Way General satanism, Founded In Hubris, Is Manipulated, Applied
(Apollonian, 8 May 18)

Yes Chris (see below-copied): but note the Jews literally preach WAR against rest of humanity--it's in their Talmud (Law--see and Zohar (Cabala--Jew mysticism). So of course they'll lie about it--just part of the general war effort.

Thus note, Jews actually worship a war-god, and when u think about it, u can see the logic to it all.

But most important to note is their (Jew) brilliant effectiveness given the circumstances of cultural "Decline of the West," and the cultural hubris among so many gentiles who adopt subjectivism, the necessary premise to "good-evil" moralism/Pharisaism, based upon hubristic perfectly "free" human will.

For (a) most of the subjectivists among gentiles don't take such subjectivism all the way, as Jews do, to pt. of SATANISM--the idea that all reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness.

(b) The other pt. is that Jews adopt a co-operative subjectivism in which they agree upon certain goals--making a kind of COLLECTIVIST subjectivism in which they all agree and collude for particular ends--most effective "group-think."

(c) Jews then, as they're so sublimely organized and collectivized among themselves for this EXTREME subjectivism and "group-think," organize and co-opt the various gentiles, Jews always the LEADERS for obvious reason, the gentiles less committed and FAR less organized among themselves, in so many cases, but susceptible to this overwhelming Jew influence and leadership--why and how it always seems Jews are SOOOOOO powerful.

So u see, in the end, the Jews are simply in place and configured, sociologically, to take best advantage of gentile corruption and hubris within the general cultural corruption.

And that basic instrument they all (both Jews and gentiles, but always led by Jews, of course, as I note and describe, above) make use of is CENTRAL-BANKING, literally legalized counterfeiting, as I note, which gives them practical, existential power, even though it always seems there's so few Jews. See for expo on central-banking; use their site search engine.

Jews are actually then, simply the leaders of SATANISM, extreme subjectivism, by which they, along w. gentiles, create that most effective weapon, central-banking, Jews merely taking advantage of over-populated, stupid gentiles indulging in hubris and subjectivism, Jews much like a disease which works against over-population, keeping stupid, hubristic gentiles in-fighting, etc.

So u see, Jews and satanists, satanism all actually fulfill a distinct socio-biologic purpose and function--removing and de-populating hubristic inferiors and weaklings among over-populated gentiles.

--------------above by ap in response to "Chris Calo," below-copied--------------

Chris CaloMay 7, 2018 at 11:23 AM

Zionist Jews are liers,and thiefs,just look again at the number they have used sines the begining of time 6 million

Chris CaloMay 7, 2018 at 11:24 AM

Why you can't say anything about the Jews