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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Jew, Greenwald, bleats about gov. lies, manipulation, says it's bad for I-net, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Greenwald: Jewwy Chicken-Little
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 18)

Don't forget Greenwald is self-admitted Jew and homosexual, so his info is most likely fairly worthless. Still, one can easily deal w. his info given here on its own terms since it isn't too voluminous.

For as long as u have an I-net without censorship then u have what u need and can't ask anything more.

For people have a right to lie and speak opinions which often aren't founded in the OBJECTIVE reality; problem then for them is less people, over time, tend to listen to them--like in Greenwald's case, no doubt.

Greenwald says, "I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself."

So foregoing assertion by Greenwald is just another lie by the Jewwy homo. Only thing which destroys usefulness of I-net is the coercive censorship as of monopolies by Jew-controlled entities like fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle--then it's all lies all the time, and the only "truths" are put in place to set-up the lies.

Otherwise, Greenwald's screeching is pretty meaningless--"people are lying and "ATTEMPTING" to lie and control, manipulate...," etc.--well, Greenwald, u Jews always and always have been trying to do that (why people hate u so), but it only reflects on u, no one and nothing else.

Thus fake-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle lose their customers in face of honest competition--which competition only the typical Jew-sponsored dictatorship can try to over-come by coercive measures which is evidently what Greenwald is aiming for as he bleats like the typical Jew liar that because there's lying, it discredits the I-net. No Jew, it only discredits liars and Jews like u.

For it's simply our human responsibility to have to deal w. lies and information as we go through life. Thus one learns to dealing w. lies and liars--that's why our Western civilization, and indeed, all civilizations, have hated and discriminated against Jews, for example. See,, and for expo on satanic Jew religion of warfare against mankind.

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