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Saturday, January 19, 2019

Globalism is dead, BUT what's still to rise?--states' rights, nullification, secession....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Proverbial "Cat" Is "Out Of Bag": Globalism Is Dead Man Walking
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

Here's the article's tell-tale, most palpable lie, and there are surely others too, but this is most un-forgivable:

The Deep State is often portrayed as a conspiracy. In fact, it is better thought of as a blind sociological event. There is no group of conscious conspirators, simply people being groomed to have the same opinions or at least saying they do.

For the "deep-state" is built around and behind the fundamental existential criminal enterprise, the central-bank of issue which is literally LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING--which gives the conspirators nearly INFINITE funding by which to out-spend everyone else--why/how they OWN nearly every politician and judge--owning practically EVERYTHING and everybody.

Thus, as the central-bank is a MONOPOLY, it funds and controls an entire complex of monopolies, including now "big-tech," "big-Pharma," presently now poisoning everyone, the Jews-media, and others too.

Tragedy is simple seeming thing as MONEY is actually abstract, and the over-populated goons, morons, scum, inferiors, and weaklings, that have grown-up can't, don't, and won't figure it out. So we're doomed--doomed to inevitable economic collapse, currency collapse, and those wishing to survive must PLAN carefully.

Real money is not same as CURRENCY, currency being nearly infinite, having no "intrinsic"-value, like the best real money, gold/silver. See; use their site search-engine.

So one sees present society/economy is built upon criminal-enterprise, monopoly, FRAUD--a SATANIC institution chugging along upon explicit Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE--what could be MORE satanic?

Note then, "Satanism" is not really, at root, "religious" or even mystic--it's simple, straight-forward PHILOSOPHY, extreme subjectivism, subject holding reality is product of mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--Satanism by definition. Beyond this basic philosophy and definitional nature, Satanism can indeed get quite "religious" and mystic (esp. in form of simple numerology, for example), but basically, at root, it's simple--why it gets by so many stupid puke who insist everything is soooo goddam complex.

So who then rules and dominates among Satanists?--the most COLLECTIVISTIC, colluding most closely, most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED--co-operating in most sublime and effective "group-think," thus controlling and leading all the other goyim, more isolated, "individualist" Satanists/subjectivists who vastly outnumber these collectivistic Satanists.

So observe what MUST HAPPEN: there are sooooo many over-populated goons who REFUSE to think, that some horror and catastrophe MUST happen which will kill-off and "cull," so to speak, evermore stupid scum--UNTIL a survivable REMNANT decides to organize to doing something useful and practical to save themselves, families, and civilization.

Further, the satanic masterminds at the top must also begin to falling-out, as "there's no honor among thieves," the masterminds becoming evermore un-comfortable as they see the untermensch dying-off, the masterminds suspecting they might be next to be double-crossed and placed on "chopping-block."

Observe this "falling-out" seems to be what's happened to the "globalist" leftists-"atheists" who are presently shrieking so hysterically about Trump and "nationalist" "neo-cons" who betrayed them--either that or it's a great ACT they're putting-on, eh?

Anyway, the "globalist" conspiracy is absolutely now out-of-the-bag, and EVERYONE (for practical purposes) KNOWS IT. Just goes to show the old CONFEDERATE states of America idea was absolutely correct--John C. Calhoun was magnificent prophet--they were just a little before their time, evidently. And note there are still SIMPLE things real patriots can still do quite easily--like NULLIFICATION, secession, etc.--see

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