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Monday, January 21, 2019

What's the greatest cultural "monster"?--SATANISM--so what is it?--HOW did it arise?--what are effects?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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The MONSTERS: What Are They?--How Do They Arise?
(Apollonian, 21 Jan 19)

Andrew Joyce asks, rhetorically, though it really is to most excellent pt.:
"How does one fight today’s monsters, and who is fighting them?"

Thus, regarding these "monsters," there are two basic aspects to consider: (a) the realm of abstract and "theory," and (b) the practical, existential, more subject to simple sense-perception--we'll take the second first, here, for analysis, as it's easier.

(b) And that practical, down-to-earth, existential "monster" is the criminal-enterprise of central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting, a monopoly constantly pumping-out more and evermore "currency"--NOT real MONEY, which real money must be commodity-based, hence FINITE in amount--see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Don't thou get it, suckers?--w. INFINITE "currency" these satanic Jew bankers now own everything and everybody w. only FEW exceptions--like Ron Paul--and they can hire assassins to kill anyone, then use their bought and paid-for judges and lawyers, not to mention Jews-media to cover it all up--and this is what's been happening, fools--if thou only would open thine eyes, dumbasses. What happened to JFK assassination investigation?--EVERYONE knows it was conspiracy, not "lone-gunman." And what happened to 9/11 investigation?--everyone knows it was Jews--see and Bollyn's "Solving 9/11."

Okay, and actually lots of people already know lots about the central-bank; most important to understand is central-bank is the very TOPMOST monopoly upon the large monopolistic system, including now, "big-Pharma," presently poisoning and mass-murdering millions, by "slow-kill" method, "big-tech," and the Jews-media complex, lying to everyone w. constant censorship and dis-info. And of course, the defense industry and monopolies, the "military-industrial complex," enough said. The entire world is steadily being monopolized, suckers, now presided over by socialist world dictatorship, explicitly pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in-thy-face.

(a) But now the BIG MONSTER in the abstract, psychologic realm, which fewer grasp, which ENABLES and determines the practical, existential monster-complex of monopolies, is the GENERAL SATANISM and satanic establishment, over-seeing, ruling, directing, guiding the more practical, day-to-day realm of afore-mentioned monopolies.

Note then the SIMPLE sublimity of this satanic MONSTER--it's not even MYSTIC, quite subject to simplest philosophic analysis--WHAT is it, exactly?--it's just extreme SUBJECTIVISM, the idea that reality is produced by mentality/consciousness, thus making the subject to be GOD, the creator--Satanism, by definition.

And it's this SATANISM then, simple and sublime, which constitutes the great over-riding, BUT ABSTRACT, MONSTER of a culture/society in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the people over-come, seduced, and utterly DELUDED in nearly complete HUBRIS (a genuine, nearly palpable kind of madness, truly), this Satanism/subjectivism--but which is now strategically manipulated by the topmost master-minds--HOW do they work?

It's very simple (again)--these satanic master-minds work by means of a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism/Satanism, they colluding and co-operating by means of most sublime, effective, successful "group-think," most committed, dedicated, and ORGANIZED. And of course it's "secret"--always denied, always ridiculed when noted and identified, any discussion of it most often successfully side-lined and side-tracked, because the mass of people and goyim shudder and cringe to actually considering this monstrous Satanism.

Thus this Satanism arises as component and parallel w. the large, over-riding HUBRIS of a once successful, victorious, and prosperous, but now IMPERIALIST culture/society--like the Roman and American instances. The original FOUNDERS were genuine heroes, HONEST and brave, successful, victorious, and prosperous--but note the DIFFERENCE and distinction--THEY WERE FAR MORE OBJECTIVISTIC in mentality, more determinist (strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), far less moralistic w. the putrid virtue-signaling as we see now in this stinking Satanist empire.

And that's how Satanism grows and arises--along w. the subjectivism of moralism, esp. in way of (non-existent) "good-evil," and pretended "free" will, encouraging the fools to pretending they "CREATE" reality ("moral virtue")--like God. Thus HUBRIS and subjectivism provides the grounds and basis for ever-growing Satanism, the great MONSTER we're now contending with, comrades--this is the problem in "post-modern" (read SUBJECTIVIST) society--the pretext is moralism, the indulgence of fools, suckers, inferiors, and goons who now over-populate the corrupt imperialist society.

-------------Got following, below-copied note fm the kike censor---------------

# 37, apollonian says: • Website
January 21, 2019 at 7:25 pm GMT • 700 Words

You have been repeatedly warned to write in good, standard English if you want your endless rantings to have any chance of publication.]

---------------------------------below-copied by ap was what I first thought for response, but decided to leave it for Unz's note to speaking for itself, ho ho ho ho----------------

What?--Unz the presumptuous Jew pretends to admonish the native Christian patriot about "publication"?--ho ho ho hoo. The presumptuous Jew babbles about "good standard English"?--ho ho ho oho. "Endless rantings"?--says the Jewwy little snake?--ho o ho oh ho ho

Jew: these, above, mumblings by thou are mere excuses and more Jew lies, eh?--obviously, sucker. And guess what, moron?--my work get "published" anyway, fool--ho ho ho oho. And don't doubt evermore people KNOW and SEE what a Jewwy liar thou art for all thy censorship, thou scummy, little snake, ho ho ho ho ho.

-------------------So this, below-copied, is what I finally sent him---------------

Unz: I always KNOW I wrote and exposited well when CENSORED--thou are NOT interested in "freedom of speech and expression"--why don't thou admit it?--is it because thou lies even to oneself?--such is the self-deception of Pharisaism, as even Christ warned thy Pharisaic forbears, hoh o ho ho. Do thou think thou are the only place of publication?--ho ho ho ho ho ho

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