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Monday, January 14, 2019

Here's good analysis of Unz, psycho-kike heavily into censorship....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at, but deleted/censored by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Heros: Don't Under-Estimate Psycho-Jew Unz, His Corrupt And Perverted Lies And Actions
(Apollonian, 14 Jan 19)

"As far as the wall and hispanic crime goes, I say state once again that Ron Unz seems unable to see the forest for the trees. Just as he fails to connect the dots in all the other aspects of our lives where jews have turned our own European institutions and culture against us, so does Ron Unz once more miss the entire migration picture.

"Is it possible that Ron Unz has never heard Barbara Spectre? Does he not know of the Kalergi plan?"

Heros, thou needs to face reality--Unz ADMITS he's Jew, hence the necessary implications should arise within thy mind--Unz plainly relates w. Jews--what are Jews, by definition?--figure that out. Unz is not, and neither are Jews, "white," not in the slightest--they're anti-white, indeed, anti-human, like all Jews, of necessity and in accord w. their nature. For don't forget, again, Unz self-identifies as Jew--why and how is this?--have thou ever thought about it? Perhaps, like typical Jew, addicted to lying, Unz lies to himself, pretending he's a kike who can "pass" as white, even psychologically, but I have news for Unz, ho ho ho.

This site of Unz's is just another Jew psy-op, never doubt, and I can assure thou that Unz deliberately censors and subverts, affects, and tries to color and manipulate particular dialectics which go on among the commenters in the comments section. Contrary to his psychotic lying, Unz intensively practices censorship and deletes most of my comments, for example.

Interestingly, Unz will often allow a certain dialectic, for a couple of exchanges of notes btwn people, but then will suddenly truncate that exchange of comments, as I've observed first-hand, one of the commenters left hanging, not realizing the other interlocutor having been deleted by the psycho "editor," Unz, Ronnie-boy, the kike.

In one of the dialectic exchanges, recently, Unz deleted my comment, but the other guy yet posted again seeking clarification, not realizing Unz had struck w. his censorship--so why did Unz bother to publish the other guy's continuing when Unz had already deleted/censored my previous post? And when I went ahead and answered (or tried to), Unz deleted that too--such is the Jewwy perversion of this psychotic Jew, Unz--he seems to take a twisted pleasure in censorship, never doubt--Unz the TYPICAL Jew, corrupt, fraudulent, and psychotic, never doubt.

But it's all "good," as the saying goes, as I copy and record all this psychotic, fraudulent censorship activity of Unz at website where people can see what I really posted despite all Unz's censorship and lying he does. Ho ho ho ho.

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 31, Heros says:Next New Comment
January 14, 2019 at 11:08 am GMT • 500 Words

“Despite having been totally “deplatformed” from all normal Internet services, the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer still apparently gets more traffic than all the other Alt-Right websites in the world combined, and its editor, Andrew Anglin, is an ardent Trump supporter.”

Anglin is a pacifist and repeatedly states that he is against all forms of violence. Anglin is no “Nazi”, neo or otherwise. I am certain Hitler would have sent him to a labor camp for not being willing to fight along, along with the jews who were already famous in Germany for the Dolchstoss. So can we please just finally admit that jews get a dopamine hit every time they write or utter “Nazi”?

I sincerely doubt that Anglin is an ardent Trump supporter. He certainly loves to trigger jews and lefties, so he calls Trump “Der Führer” in a humorous and sarcastic manner that makes his site so popular. But even Dailystormer has to hold its punches when dealing with jews. Anglin is basically in exile in Nigeria because of jewish power, Mossad and satanic organizations like Cube.

As far as the wall and hispanic crime goes, I say state once again that Ron Unz seems unable to see the forest for the trees. Just as he fails to connect the dots in all the other aspects of our lives where jews have turned our own European institutions and culture against us, so does Ron Unz once more miss the entire migration picture.

Is it possible that Ron Unz has never heard Barbara Spectre? Does he not know of the Kalergi plan?

Any intelligent person, especially someone who has an IQ as high as Ron Unz supposedly has, must be able to recognize the pattern of turd world invasion being forced on every enclave of European people on the planet. If all of continental Europe and all of the old commonwealth are being simultaneously overwhelmed by waves of PoC invaders, shouldn’t an intelligent guy like Ron Unz be able to see that statistically this is impossible that all these peoples simultaneously decided to commit cultural suicide?

Next look at the fierce globalist NGO assault on Hungary, Poland and especially Russia when they refuse to submit to the will of judaism. Then look to the jews in Israel, who insist that the west must accept all refugees from their wars for Greater Israel while they expel all undesirables and turn Israel into civilization’s greatest racial supremacist citadel.

Stephan Molyneux also cannot see the forest for the trees. Here he goes into detail ridiculing the Ireland 2040 plan to bring in 1m PoC migrants. But he blames this population replacement on the boomers and their need for high real estate prices to support their unfunded retirements.

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