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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Understanding Jews and large circumstances, history, puts holohoax in proper perspective....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted, by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jews And Suck-Alongs: KNOWN, Proven Liars, Murderers
(Apollonian, 24 Jan 19)

Do thou understand English? (see below-copied)--there's no evidence for holohoax--get it?--NO EVIDENCE--ck a dictionary (a). (b) All the real evidence shows is that holohoax is gross lies by Jew liars. (c) And the only genocides were done against gentiles by Jews (and their lick-spittle gentile cohorts and suck-alongs)--against Germans, Ukrainians, Armenians, and many others too.

There was actually a TRIAL in Canada of one Ernst Zundel, in 1988, Zundel one of the very greatest revisionists, w. numerous works and even vids (though Jew-tube has probably taken-down a lot of them), whence state of Canada, using tax-payers' funding, was enabled to go and get whatever EVIDENCE there might have been--THERE WAS/IS NO EVIDENCE--aside fm usual Jew liars pretending to be "witnesses," these yet exposed during the trial. Thus Zundel struggled through this trial w. the Jew-friendly trial judge grossly prejudiced against him, Zundel convicted, but the verdict later over-turned on appeal.

A book of the Zundel trial transcripts was compiled (about 600 pages), titled, "Did Six Million Really Die?" edited by Barbara Kulaszka, one of Zundel's lawyers. The only evidence actually un-covered was that the Jew liars pushing holohoax are gross, moronic liars, manufacturing false evidence, for which they're NEVER prosecuted, these Jew liars HEAVILY funded by fellow Jews so that their lies and lying are broadcast and trumpeted over all the main Jew vehicles, newspapers, magazines, books, TV stations, both local and national, etc., any dissenting material ALWAYS censored and suppressed.

The holohoax lies regarding "6 million" figure were pushed even before WWII, during and after WWI--see Don Heddesheimer, "The First Holocaust."

Don't forget Jews, by definition, are followers of Talmud, the Talmud being the definitive foundation of Jew religion, the "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah Law, by means of "Oral Law Tradition," featuring WAR AGAINST GENTILES and humanity, including by means of lying--gentiles are mere "cattle," according to Jews and Talmud. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

The general circumstances of Germany and German history do not indicate any real possibility of any mass-murders, the Germans having ALWAYS, since WWI, been on defensive, esp. after WWI when Germany was dis-armed, its military forces heavily reduced.

Note soon as Operation Barbarossa began, the Russkies began receiving HEAVY "Lend-Lease" supplies fm USA, including esp. food supplies, badly needed, which soon enough became decisive, at first through Britain (UK), then directly fm USA, UK already HEAVILY supplied by USA, as was done in WWI--GERMANS KNEW THEY WERE ALWAYS ON DEFENSE against the Jew-world-order.

Further, during the war, the hard-pressed Germans were short on labor and needed the man-power fm every possible available source, including the Jews.

So ALL EVIDENCE and all logic demonstrates there was no policy, nor any activity, of German atrocities against Jews or any gentiles--AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE, as I've noted and demonstrated--as all the real evidence demonstrates.

On the contrary, the known and proven mass-murderers were and are the allied powers, including the Jews, both Jew masterminds at the top, and including Jews working at lower-levels too. In fact, the Jews BRAG and boast about how they exacted "vengeance" by means of mass-murder, over and over, the German people deliberately starved up till the early yrs of 1950, according to James Bacque (see "Other Losses" and "Crimes and Mercies").

And just as Jews hate and murder truth itself by means of their satanic, Talmudic religion, as put into practice throughout history, Jews continue murdering gentiles, not only in Palestine, but by means of their corporations here in the West, "Big (Jew) Pharma" mass-murdering millions of gentiles already and daily, as we speak, by means of poison drugs, poison vaccines--this, as the Jew-controlled food corporations poison the food supplies, as by means of GMO (genetically-modified).

Other Jew controlled Corp.s like MonSatan (Monsanto) produce the known poison and carcinogen, glyphosate. Jew controlled "big-tech" (Google and Jew-tube) monopolize the internet, after getting massive gov. funding fm tax-payers, pretending they're "privately-owned."

Are Jews then the FIRST-CAUSE for all the present and recent mass-murders?--well, we understand that Western civilization has become evermore satanic and degenerate (see "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler) beginning shortly after the French Revolution by means of deliberately irrationalist (subjectivist) philosophy, as of J.J. Rousseau and Immanuel Kant, leading then to Karl Marx. Did Jews CAUSE this degeneracy?--surely not, but they helped much as they could, and being Satanists/Talmudists, they have just as certainly taken over the steady, programmatic corruption through the yrs and decades, Jews controlling the central-banking criminial enterprise--literally legalized counterfeiting of the "currency" (not real MONEY).

And thou, "commentator Mike"?--thou are obviously a liar who lies, deliberately and with conscious intention--WHO does this sort of deliberate, systematic kind of lying?--not gentiles, sucker, as it's against their native culture and psyche--unlike Jews.

And yes, Jews KNOW they should and deserve to be TOTALLY EXTERMINATED for their religious mass-murder and Satanism which satanism is simply extreme subjectivism, the philosophy by which reality is held to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition. Jews then simply follow a COLLECTIVISTIC -type of subjectivism, a most effective and successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED, thus making them natural leaders of far more numerous gentile subjectivists/Satanists.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 173, Commentator Mike says:
January 24, 2019 at 8:48 pm GMT • 100 Words

Yes I’m questioning the details of both the official narrative and the revisionists. Like they could have used some more potent gases than Zyclon B. This highly emotive topic is loaded with wartime propaganda on both sides, so my comments were more speculative. But what we’re being told by many who claim the truth seems to me also speculative.

And read about the Nazi Zionist Haavara Agreement to resettle Jews in Palestine. I suppose that isn’t often mentioned. You could say that was Plan A. But when war broke out they reverted to a Plan B.

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