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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ho ho hoho, Jews are soooooooooo sorry they're about to lose that "liberal" Western civilization they've done soooo much, trying their best, to destroy, ho o ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Cook And Unz Merely Need To Look Inwards--At Their Devilish Jewwy Narcissism, Subjectivism, And Psychosis
(Apollonian, 31 Jan 19)

Jonathan Cook, a Jew--like Ron Unz--laments the passing of his lovely little play-ground of Western Civilization which was built by Christians and Christianity--which these hate-ridden, psychotic, narcissistic, and hedonist Jews don't want to admit or to mentioning.

Unz refuses to "go there" (explicitly and honestly acknowledging Christian civilization) because, he says, and lies, it's mere "religion"--when the fact is the core of Christianity is PERFECTLY philosophic value--TRUTH = Christ (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

Observe Cook never mentions, not even once, Christianity or the Christian people who built everything the little, lower-level, piss-ant Jews, like Cook and Unz, want to preserve and fear soooo desperately is passing away. And they, Cook and Unz, know it (Western civilization) will be gone forever, because they, being the hate-ridden Jews they really are, refuse to grasp and acknowledge the greatness which is the Christian cultural achievement--REASON AND RATIONALITY and their products, science and law.

And it's interesting Cook blames liberalism and individualism--really the typical and thematic Jewwy NARCISSISM--for the demise of that civilization he finds soooo precious, slipping now through his proverbial "fingers," the poor, stupid kike, ho ho ho ho.

So what we really see is the Jews, Cook and Unz (see Unz's "Open Ltr to Alt. Right"), lament they've done such good anti-Christ job, now the Christian civilization seems to be passing them by, and they're really sorry about it all--even though it doesn't cause them to question their filthy, Jewwy satanism (extreme subjectivism), by which they and other Jews like them have done their best to destroy Christianity, hence civilization.

And actually, we see Jonathan Cook is really pretty thoroughly SCHIZOID, in fact, for all his quite affected criticisms of liberalism and individualism, when the real problem is the passing of reason and rationality--even if indeed, it is upon pretext of "liberalism" and "individualism"--"identity politics"? For what Cook observes is merely "liberalism" and "individualism" taken out of their proper (Christian/Western) rational contexts.

So one merely needs de-code and de-cipher the typical Jewwy schizoid, Cook, who merely describes symptoms, NOT the real cause of the problems. For obviously what has been sorely attacked is CHRISTIANITY, hence OBJECTIVITY, and these satanistic Jews have always done this attacking by means of out-of-context pushing of "liberalism" and "individualism," aside fm other satanic/irrationalist things they typically do.

For the essence of the "West" is Christian, and essence of Christianity and Christian civilization is reason and objective reality, necessary basis of TRUTH (= Christ) and what now prevails is extreme subjectivism/satanism, and thus the out-of-context "liberalism" and "individualism"--really just irrationality and psychotic narcissism as we always get fm Jews, like Cook and Unz.

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