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Friday, January 25, 2019

Observe the treatment by "deep state," Mueller their agent, of Stone, and thus Trump--are these most pathetic cucks and patsies, or what?--and what does it say about American people?....

Is Trump Most Absurd, Cuck President?--WHAT Have They Really Got On Him?
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Well folks, we see today, 25 Jan 19, FBI arrested Roger Stone, charged w. lying to Congress and some other things, I guess, so was that all reason why 29 agents pounded on his door, before dawn, to take him away in hand-cuffs to be indicted, then to bond-out on $250,000?

But the real pt. is why/how does that pathetic cuck, Trump, allow this, such arrest?--Folks, it's because "they" (the Jews, undoubtedly) HAVE SOMETHING ON HIM. For HOW otherwise does the stupid cuck allow his people to be treated like this?

I was watching Hannity on FOX News, and he, to his credit, put it in perspective observing how the Democrats did WORSE things than Stone is indicted for, Clinton, Comey, Clapper, and many others, BUT they're not similarly treated and not even arrested, like Stone.

So truly, that moronic cuck, Trump, ought to IMMEDIATELY just throw Mueller out, and arrest him for abuse of process and false prosecution--BUT HE DOESN'T--why?--because "they" have something on him, un-questionably--and he, Trump, really looks like such a scummy, brainless fool, allowing his people to be treated in this fashion.

And the bottom-line pt. to be made for people is HOW this all happens--here the "deep-state" and "globalists" making such a fool out of Trump, and the scum just sits there and takes it. And again, the real pt. is how it's really the American people are being made to be such idiot cucks and fools, no less than Trump.

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