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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Christian rationalist msg, in context w. original Torah, compared w. Hindus, etc....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, then CENSORED by the Jew, Unz, at comments,

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Christ Merely Re-Stated, Simplified For Understanding, Against Hereticalist Pharisees
(Apollonian, 2 Jan 19)

"Spirituality"?--sucker, Christ preaches serious, basic philosophy, he defending the original Mosaic law against hereticalist Pharisees and others, but mainly Pharisees who worked to "make the law of God of non-effect" (Gosp. MARK, 7:1-13).

For the Pharisees preached rather the "Oral Law Tradition," featuring "midrash" (interpretation) by which Torah could be made to mean whatever anyone wanted it to mean--Pharisees were and are SUBJECTIVISTS, holding themselves as co-equal w. God, God merely their servant/slave/assassin (who killed the Egyptian Children at Passover) who did menial work of creating them (Pharisees) in first place. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Thus Christ is literally TRUTH itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which necessarily requires OBJECTIVE reality as basis/premise/criterion, which Pharisees (extreme subjectivists who hold reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness, making them God, the creator (or co-equal therewith)--satanism) reject.

So we can see there's absolute anti-theses and essential opposition btwn the two sides. Pharisees, as subjectivists determined thereupon to prove their case by means of murdering TRUTH, thus dis-proving the objective reality--is that "spiritual" enough? But truth cannot be killed, as reality cannot be killed, is OBJECTIVE (Aristotle), and necessarily RESURRECTS--is that "spiritual" enough?

It doesn't get any heavier or more "spiritual," does it?--sticking-up for TRUTH vs. satanism, the opposed ideals (objective vs. subjective)--as we see such satanism, anti-reason, and mysticism prevailing throughout the world, presently--Agendas -21 and -2030 openly preaching GENOCIDE (pop.-reduction), AND practicing it by means of poison drugs, vaccines, poison food, toxic radiation, including the new "5G" micro-wave frying, not to mention the "chem-trails" seeding of poisonous aluminum and barium particles and old-standby nukes.

Regarding the Trinity, it seems difficult to understand, perhaps, but it does well enough for human understanding that (a) truth (= Christ) is necessary for humans, of greatest importance to know about the (b) objective reality, created by the Father (which is the idiom by which people structured their thought in those days, don't forget), understood then by the people by means of (c) Holy Spirit of REASON, but reason tempered w. HONESTY and Integrity, spiritual values to complement the conscious intellect--and which honesty, Jews never hrd of as they're so desperate to pretend they're co-equal w. God, don't forget.

Thus Christ spoke to the people of Judea in the idiom/mentality they were familiar w., the Old Testament and Torah, hence the famous Trinity, merely a new wrinkle. Thus Christ re-stated Torah law and simplified it for grasp of the people who were otherwise not necessarily too literate regarding Greek philosophy and scientific -style logic.

Of course, Hindu-ism was of a much earlier understanding for a diff., foreign people and sociology of castes, it emphasizing an ethic, but not nearly as intellectual and rationalist as the new Christianity which vigorously defended the original Mosaic Torah, against the mystic, subjectivist, satanist "Oral Law Tradition" of murderous, criminal Pharisees who indulged in lies, lying, and liars, as Christ noted. Get a clue.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

anonymous[278] • Disclaimer says:Next New Comment
January 2, 2019 at 4:58 am GMT • 100 Words

Christians tend to be more rational than most

That is simply hilarious when one considers your entire spiritual edifice rests on the following bat**** pagan polytheist nonsense;

The Trinity is the teaching that the one God of all existence, consists of three divine persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In matters of spirituality, Christians are about as “rational” as the Hindooos.

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