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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Jews always lie--the ONLY thing they can do in face of truth (= Christ, JOHN 14:6) which they hate, making use of equivocation in this case....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, #196

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Jews NOT Same As Judeans; Jews Foremost Subjectivists; Judaism Anti-Thesis To Christianity
(Apollonian, 1 Jan 19)

Ho ho ho, EVERYTHING is "wrong" w. that idiot syllogism, both for truth and validity. (a) First off, major and minor premises are mixed-up, fool. "Jews are bad for America" is obvious (general) major premise.

(b) Christ was NOT "Jew," Jew defined as follower of Pharisees/Talmud. "Jews" were only about 5% (the middle-class party) of Judea/Palestine at time of Christ.

Christ was Galilean, descended fm JUDEANS (on mother's side), NOT "Jews." Christ explicitly repudiated Jews/Judaism/Pharisaism, as at Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Gosp. MARK ch. 7, and Gosp. MATT entire ch. 23, all 39 verses.

See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

I also forgot to add, in my original comment, that though Jews are OBVIOUSLY bad for America and all humanity, yet they fulfill a (socio-) biological function in that, like typhus and the black plague, they help to counter-act the CYCLIC over-population of humanity–Jews are literally a disease inflicted upon sinful humanity.

Pretending/insisting/lying to effect "Christ was Jew" is common Jew lie (founded upon fallacy of equivocation, confusing words and meanings, "Jew" and "Judean"--they're not same), this lie swallowed by too many moronic "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics who seem to imagine that Judaism and Christianity are compatible, or versions/variations of one another, when they're ABSOLUTE opposites and anti-theses. The only "subterfuges and deflections" are by the lying Jew commenter, above.

Don't forget, Christianity worships TRUTH above all/any ideals (including "love," or "faith," or "peace") hence the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary foundation of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Jews follow "Oral Law Tradition," founded upon "Midrash" (interpretation), as of Torah, and indeed everything, Jews being foremost SUBJECTIVISTS, Jews practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive subjectivists, above and contrasting w. more "individualistic," isolated gentile subjectivists (who far out-number Jews), Jews thus leading, dominating, ruling all other subjectivistics, even though out-numbered by them.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 182, Anonyomous says:
January 1, 2019 at 10:01 pm GMT • 100 Words

Major Premise: Jesus was a Jew.
Minor Premise: Jews are bad for America.
Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus is bad for America.

Is there anything incorrect with that deduction?

P.S. Anybody disagreeing with the first premise is waging a War on Christmas, or at least clumsily stepping on your own dick. It is truly funny watching JQ-aware Christians studiously avoid the fact that Jesus himself was indeed a Jewish Rabbi, with their various subterfuges and deflections proffered in unz comment sections.

---------above by "anon" in response to original, below-copied, post by ap----

# 162, apollonian says:
January 1, 2019 at 8:42 pm GMT

Indeed: and just follow the obvious, simple logic–not only Israel, but Jews are bad for America–and bad for all humanity.

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