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Friday, January 4, 2019

Unz is just another typical Jew, liar, etc.--Unz, the satanist, in guise of "non-religious"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but censored and deleted by Unz, the little kike, at comments,

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MoralMidget Needs Getting Clue: Unz Is TYPICAL Jew--"Wonderful" For Jews, Satanism, Maybe
(Apollonian, 4 Jan 19)

"And yes, many jews doing wonderful things also. Unz comes to mind, and there have been many many more."

There are no "good" Jews anymore than there are "good" psychopaths or "good" child-molesters. And no decent person calls himself "Jew"--"moralmidget" needs to getting a clue and thinking things out.

Note "Jews" are by definition Talmudists, hence satanists, and those co-racialists of such Talmudists, claiming to NOT to being "religious" or following Talmud, who yet call themselves Jews, like Unz, loyal to their fellow Jews, never hesitate to making excuses for Talmudists and hence Satanists and satanism--so they're integral part of the problem, that problem being the large cultural satanism pushed by Jews, Jews foremost satanists.

And remember satanism is its own philosophy--quite APART fm any "religion"--satanism being simply extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--satanism, by definition. Such "non-religious" satanism is Unz, plainly, clearly, without a doubt--typical Jewwy lying liar to his core.

Don't doubt Unz INTENSIVELY censors and attempts to "manage" and inflect the debate and discussion here on his pages, and he does this for his cause which he pretends is the virtuous "non-religion," which "non-religion" is his typical Jewwy excuse for his HEAVY and intensive censorship, never doubt. How could anyone fail to note the putrid Jewwy condescension and gloating Unz displays in his "Open Ltr to "Alt-Right""? Get a brain.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

MoralMidget says:Next New Comment
January 3, 2019 at 7:10 am GMT • 500 Words

Israel is bad for America? I would go further and ask whether jews are bad for America.

Jews are like gypsies or muslims: had problems and bad reputation in every single country they ended up in, because many of their respective tribe members’ behaviour. Yes #NotAll and yada yada. It has to be said ad nauseam, of course.

Both refuse to completely integrate and drop their past cultures, and basically form nations within the nations they live in. The rubbish about jews being more civilised and not being overrepresented in prisons it is a fallacy. Still their behaviour, most probably unconscious, is harming the host societies of the countries they find themselves in.

And yes, most jews are being simply played like violins. The jewish power elite knows exactly which are the strings that make the jewish activist and fund raising machine start working. In the same way Christian Zionists are being played by the same jewish elites, in the same way as the aristocracy used the Church for centuries to play the masses. They also know hostility against jews, wrongly called antisemitism, is the life blood of zionism and what has kept jews united as a distinct people for millenia

Most jews support Israel and also the Israel lobby *no matter what*

Jews invented multiculturalism as we know it and hate today.

Jews invented identity politics.

Jews created porn and the society decay it brought with it.

Jews created radical feminism.

Jews played a very important role in the open borders movement.

An army of disproportionately Jewish lawyers and organisations, funded mostly with jewish money, and also jewish judges are fighting to obstruct the modest immigration restrictionist policies Trump tried to put in place. Just check the following article and its shocking numbers

Jews are pushing for legislation to curtail freedom of speech, and an army of jewish activists is behind the taking down and flagging of youtube videos.

Jews created the Fed and a Great Depression and Recession were mostly Jewish speculation and money lending out of control. Because Wall Street jews know how to lobby and bought politicians to get rid of the necessary regulations.

The jewish lobby, euphemistically called Israel lobby, completely dominates Washington and US media, and decides US foreign policy and which country is the US going to invade or threaten or sanction next.

Jewish donors *own* US policy makers. Including the POTUS.

And yes, many jews doing wonderful things also. Unz comes to mind, and there have been many many more. But as the doctor about to decide whether to continue with the prescription of a certain medicine to one of his patients based on net benefit, are jews, after such a list of bad *secondary effects* bad for America? I would say so.

Just hear what this important Israeli rabbi has to say about the origins of antisemitism in Nazi Germany. It is certainly shocking, and confirms my claim that jewish behaviour creates anti-Semitism.

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