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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Neo-con psychos--interesting for mental analysis--always moralists/Pharisaists, subjectivists--ck out "Magus," ho ho ho ho

Neo-Con Psycho Blocks Me Fm His Blog, Boo Hoo Hoo--Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 23 Apr 14)

Ho ho ho--got "blocked"/banned fm a blog run by an absolute, psychopathic neo-con Pharisaic, etc.--and he's (calling himself "magus") all charged-up over it--it was a "first" for him, to "blocking" anyone, ho ho hoh oho.  Ck the write-up he does about it at

The guy is an SSGT in US Army, evidently, utterly power-mad for his little shit-rank, and he's absolute, total neo-con suck-up for the kikes and all the neo-con lies & prop., ho ho ho--and he's very proud of himself for it too, by golly.  Being so proud of himself is what he so desperately strives to being, u see, given his amazing, over-whelming inferiority-complex, as I pt'd out for him.

Of course, the other significant thing is "magus" is total subjectivist, esp. a moralist, living in his own little Pharisaist--hence so Jew-friendly--reality, and he's often looking for approval fm his buddies, Jewwies and the prof. over at

The other characteristics I observed fm "magus" is (a) he's absolute psychopath--totally ignoring any reality that doesn't comport w. his wishful, whimsical, self-serving view of things.  I note this ignoring reality for his complete ignoring of any pt.s I made or ref.s I gave in argument--he never saw them, never thought about them (to judge fm his own statements), merely maintaining his Jewwy, Jew-friendly assertions.

The other thing is this psycho's marked schizoidal abstractionism--writing in practically strict abstractions, these almost NEVER referenced for any concrete fact or detail, which he ignores, as usual, and overlooks for his abstractions, esp. for moralism/Pharisaism.  Ck, for example, his article at which I noted, even in the comments there.  Another instance of just totally empty abstractionism is  His buddy, "Bill," is all worked-up and chimping, ho ho ho hoh ho


  1. I wanted to be sure to record the actual text to demonstrate my assertions about the schizoid characteristics of this psycho, "magus." Below is complete text fm his blog, dated 20 Apr 14. See again,

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    Manufacturing Scandal

    Here, retired military intelligence officer Ralph Peters tells it like it is: Lazy journalism requires scandal. It is much easier to generate a story from what is not known than what is known. Thus, media types can turn what-ifs into headlines. The scandal that is Snowden is really only worth a few headlines. He did it, it’s a crime, he admits he did it. If the media wants to really milk this, they must talk about unknowns, possibilities, technicalities, and avoid the fact that recent court decisions have labeled NSA activities legal. Disconnected, out of context arguments can be melded into unified theorems in which black helicopters no one ever sees are hovering outside our windows hoping to catch us surfing porn.

    Members of the Congressional Intelligence committee have known the details of NSA programs for years. The fake outrage they present in hearings broadcast on CSPAN is populism of the most despicable sort.

    A collapsing World Trade Center rings hollow to some, as does the fact that NSA employees have bosses to answer to everyday, and those bosses want dead terrorists on their list of achievements, not the URLs of gay porn sites visited by congressmen. To people, in America, both Left and Right, there is a pervading mythology that society, security, culture and good government are held together by mysterious, invisible forces, akin to luck. That’s false. Things work because of a concerted effort to make them work. Al-Qaeda has been kept in check not because jihadists are tired, had a change of heart, or because America apologized for its “rapacious” behavior abroad. They’ve been kept in check because almost every country in the Western world seized their bank accounts, jailed its operatives, killed its zealots, increased security at airports and other vulnerable nodes, and invaded its sanctuaries.

    “Because Freedom”, is not an argument. Success is rarely a mistake.

  2. Here, below, is a comment on the neo-con's blog, I make note of the comment as I truly suspect it was written by the blogger himself, "magus."

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    April 24, 2014 at 2:07 am

    I appreciate this post. As an attorney who specializes in appellate law, and who is currently writing a book on the Constitution, I thought Snowden’s actions incredibly bizarre. After all, what kind of weirdo goes to China and then to Russia to make a statement on civil liberties? Someone with a Kim Kardashian-sized need for attention, I guess. Interestingly, in Klapper v. Amnesty International, the Supreme Court tossed the case involving the PRISM program because Amnesty International couldn’t demonstrate any actual damage from having their meta data collected. Furthermore, in US v. Miller, the Court determined that the 4th amendment didn’t apply because business records held by a third party, such as is the case with phone records, isn’t with the amendment’s scope. Simply put, phone records aren’t the people, houses, papers or affects necessary to implicate an unreasonable seizure.

    Though I’ve never been able to get beyond Snowden’s general weirdness, so many people were freaking and shrieking and making such wild claims that I didn’t really want to dismiss such impassioned concerns. Maybe, I thought there was something that I was missing, so I had questions that no one could seem to answer. You, however, did a really good job of filling me in about some of the details that’s enabled me to decide unequivocally that, yes, Edward Snowden is as strange as I’d initially thought, You’re absolutely right that in having Snowden appear on a recorded video to ask an obviously loaded question, Putin played him like a cheap bass drum. And my god, that glamour shot of him you included above looks like something the police would post on line to lure pedophiles out of hiding. Thanks, man. I’ll be back in the future to see more of your work.
