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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Christianity has serious, substantial philosophy, for which it is literary/allegoric vehicle, indubitably....

Below-copied essay first submitted at comments,, this in response to bottom, below-copied

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Christianity Is Aesthetic, Upholding Of Truth & Philosophic Ideal
(Apollonian, 2 Apr 14)

Note there's MUCH more rationalist and even straight-forward understanding of Bible and esp. New Test.--which is that it's literature not essentially diff. fm Homer's Illiad and Oddyssey, and hence that Christ is TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which Jews hate most of all, Jews making themselves God, worshipping lies and the devil (JOHN 8:44).

Thus Bible, esp. New Test., is genuine literary-aesthetic vehicle of most serious philosophy, Christ assuring mankind there's TRUTH, this demonstrated fm the objective reality, necessary criterion/premise thereto.

Thus note lots and lots and lots of gentiles other than whites absolutely LOVE, worship, and revere this Christian ideal of TRUTH above all, and they also, these non-white gentiles, are HORRIBLY oppressed by Jew monsters, all gentiles heeding to Christian hope and salvation.

So it's big mistake to exclude non-white gentiles fm promise and hope of Christian truth and salvation fm Jew monsters--who would do this?--who's interests are served?

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

KurtApril 2, 2014 at 7:24 AM

Been listening to the interview of E. Michael Jones. He is a supposed to be an expert on the revolutionary spirit of the Jews. I haven’t read the book but I have done some research on the topic. So Mr. Jones says that to get to the root of the problem one must go to where this revolutionary spirit was birthed. Good, I think we’re onto something here- but no, Jones states that it began when Jesus walked the earth and came as the Jewish messiah but the Jews rejected him. Agh!! No! Wrong! Let me be clear for all those that think that labeling certain Bible students as “Christian Identity Types” makes for quick dismissal of an important truth- Yahsua, aka as Jesus, did NOT come to save his people the Jews because the Jews are NOT his people. The book of John in the New Testament, particularly chapter 8 clearly, unequivocally shows that the Jews are not Jesus’ kin- Jesus calls these Jews offspring of the Devil and says the Devil was a liar from the beginning. What beginning? The beginning of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, Mr. Jones, came much, much earlier- in the garden when Satan defiled Eve, later when Satan’s offspring Cain killed Abel, and later when Esau forfeited his birthright. It’s all in the book- the book that so many historians dismiss as a fairy tale. Jesus came to atone for his people ISRAEL. The Jews are NOT Israel! The Jews are NOT Israel! OK, so then who is Israel? People will argue and say the proof is not there but if you do honest study you will see, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Israel is the Caucasian people of Europe. Dismiss this if you want, I will not defend it here, the evidence of this fact is freely available all over the internet if you are willing to find and recognize it.

Also, I’m tired of hearing that Christian Identity Types are “wanna be Jews” The fact is the Bible, both Old Testament and New is the history and law of our people, the European Israelites. Jews have stolen our history for the purpose of deceiving the world and their strategy has worked but will not work forever.

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