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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jew anti-Christianity, devil-worship, cabalism is EVERYWHERE--in hip-hop music, and now even in "professional" wrestling too, ho ho ho ho....

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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Jew Devil-Worship Is Evermore Apparent In Spenglerian "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 17 Apr 14)

Yes indeed, Tim, I do believe u scored heavily w. this article of urs--which really surprised and interested me, not realizing how devil-worship has spread, how it beckons the suckers among the people.  After all, look at Obongo admin doing more poison-gas attacks in Syria and continuing to try to blame Assad and genuine Syrian nationalists.  Look at Harry Reid just now calling the Bundy-supporters "domestic terrorists."  We have an evermore satanic-oriented culture, society, political establishment, and economic system, un-questionably.

U know, Mark Dice (whom u don't like, I understand) has really scored big, like w. Alex Jones (, by exposing illuminati influence and dominance in the hip-hop music scene & industry, etc., and here u've done similarly for wrestling which had escaped my own notice.  These fools either don't know about or refuse to admit to the OVER-WHELMING Jew control of all forms of entertainment, including sports, hence the evermore prominent anti-Christ, Cabalist, and masonic elements--denying it is not going to make it go away.

Ur logic and facts are quite accurate, speaking well for themselves in original article, above, and u do excellent job for references, which I'm sure u could easily augment just by googling--I don't know what these people imagine is lacking for force of argument and necessary conclusion--it certainly isn't diff. fm what Mark Dice has demonstrated now in several vids, including the entertainment given at the SuperBowl half-time shows.

I wonder what Kbunyon or Phantom are trying to say?--that Jews don't dominate entertainment?--and that this Jew entertainment is HOSTILE to Christian culture?  Ho ho ho.

Good job once again for showing how this masonic devil-worship and Cabalism has now colonized within even such as "Pro-Wrestling"--as Alex Jones would say, at least about satanism, "it's everywhere."

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