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Monday, April 21, 2014

Death of culture is definitive entry, then inevitable domination of criminals--JEWS--, ensconcement of Pharisaism/moralism, Spenglerian "Decline of the West" follows, inexorably

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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American Oligarchy--It's Jews And Accomplices--Get A Clue
(Apollonian, 21 Apr 14)

This was good, provocative essay by Mike.  So it's good to keep w. basics and look at history.  Thus when we ck ancient accounts--as of the Greeks and Romans--we see certain things which are much confirmed fm later history, esp. American history.

Thus, as in case of those magnificent Romans, sinners though they were, we see the society of virtue begins w. agrarians--farmers--and they institute basic, simple republicanism, founded in equality.  And this pattern is repeated as in case of original Boer settlers of S. Africa, the American settlers, including the Mayflower compact, etc.

And note these originator people are ALWAYS integrated and related for race and language--this is necessary as it requires such integration and unity in order to fight successfully.  Later empires, developed fm the original societies, composed of diff. races can be integrated, BUT one notes they follow the basic pattern established by the founders, which were always of a single, particular race.

The problems then crop up for this basic governmental system as the society progresses and "succeeds," which "success" always sows the seeds of eventual corruption and Spenglerian "Decline of the West."  Thus the Romans' finest moment came in their desperate fight against Hannibal and the Carthaginians, and when the Romans prevailed--and became tremendously rich--that's when their republican system declined and we observed the rise of the strong-man dictators, eventuating in Marius and Sulla, then Caesar and definitive fall of the Republic to the imperial Principate of Augustus.

And thus we observe the rise and fall of such empires and society--this is what needs be observed by astute observers.  We Americans are particularly blessed, in one way at least, as we have a specific system--unfortunately definitively destroyed by the "Civil War"--founded upon explicit republicanism upon explicit observations fm previous hist., esp. by T. Jefferson and such as Madison in the Federalist Papers.

Note then, basically, the original objectivity-based culture becomes corrupted especially by Pharisaism/moralism--as we see in that generation preceding the American "Civil" war, including much more than just the slavery issue, as we see in the great "Nullification" crisis of 1830 when Pres. Jackson threatened to invade the state of S. Carolina over issue of states rights.

Thus through the basic corruption of the culture esp. through the interjection of Pharisaism/moralism, we see then the rise of the criminal class, esp. led by Jews, as we see today, which makes use of literal (legalized) COUNTERFEITING of the US Federal Reserve Bank (the "Fed")--see for expo on Fed fraud--by which the entire society is (a) captured most definitively, then (b) systematically destroyed as the Jews at the top see to the "immigration"/invasion of huge waves of foreigners and aliens, including even Muslims, and esp. then the destruction of the economy, sending the industrial & manufacturing plant overseas.

In all history we see this CYCLIC process of Spenglerian "Decline..." is practically irreversible--there's no solution but perhaps for precipitating the inevitable "decline and fall," the idea being for a part to break-off and institute a new, rejuvenated version--perhaps like the Byzantine off-shoot to the original Roman, though the Byzantines were/are certainly no inspiration to real republicanism.

Perhaps the closest thing to a great and true sort of "rejuvenation" was the original Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, though it didn't last long as the native rationalism of Christianity did not thrive; rather mysticism taking-over inexorably, this mysticism prevailing till the High Middle Age and then Renaissance.

Regardless, the one sure thing we can agree upon for present American corruption is, aside fm the general criminal dominance, as of the Fed, is the hegemony of Jews and then esp. Israel, the quintessential "tail wagging the large dog," using USA to mass-murder the enemies of Israel and also the larger Jew-dominated world empire.  The great Christian revolution of St. Constantine is thus especially inspirational.  Jew lies, subjectivism, and Pharisaism must be overthrown by Christian TRUTH and objectivity.

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