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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kabbalah: worship of subjectivism & hubris; war against reason, humanity, reality....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Kabbalah: Fascination, Worship Of Subjectivism, Hubris
(Apollonian, 8 Apr 14)

Interesting post Tim: I'm presently listening to part one.  I note u've also posted lots of other vids and articles on Kabbalah.

But I think there is a danger in getting too involved in the mere details--after all, Kabbalah (mysticism) and Talmud (law) are just SATANISM when u get down to it, Jews then notable as most highly organized conspirators, psychopaths, and criminals.

One good thing is to reduce things in logical sort of fashion: Christianity is worship of TRUTH (Christ) as ONLY way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).
Thus Christianity emphasizes the objective (hence God-created) reality, necessary basis of truth, vs. the Judaic subjectivism--created within one's own mind--whence one makes oneself God.

Most notable then about Judaic hubris, psycho-pathology, and subjectivism is that it's a collectivistic sort of subjectivism--and that's how Jews rule, when it's appropriate--within the particular stage of CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West."  For the stupid goyim, when they indulge subjectivism and mysticism, almost always do it on an individual basis, leaving themselves subject to Jews, far better organized.

Note then Judaism is actually a way of WARFARE--against, obviously, the goyim--esp. after the stupid goyim have now become over-populated and given and willing to fight one another, the Jews ready and waiting on the side to taking-over fm stupid goyim.  Thus, note Jews are the natural de-populators when stupid goyim become over-populated, Jews making slaves out of the goyim, this all taking place in the "Decline of the West," phase of the now superannuated gentile culture.

The most attractive, compelling aspect of this Judaism and subjectivism is the idea of "good" (and "evil")--which is always impressed upon the youth, "good" ALWAYS being mere pretext for OBEDIENCE.  For most people become addicted and obsessed w. idea of "good-evil," only the very lucky are enabled to over-come this fixation w. "good-evil," which always entails guilt and inferiority -complex, by which mentality is configured for obedience or not to the Judaic master-mind.

Thus Jews can only come into their "own," so to speak, when and as the gentile culture CYCLICALLY matures and then begins to degenerate, according to Spengler, the gentiles now hopelessly over-populated, filled w. hubris of "good-evil," and most of all, fighting one another so savagely, they don't notice the Jew vermin steadily taking-over the culture--as we see today, for example.

So we see then how Kabbalah is oriented upon this sort of devilish, utterly psychotic mental technology, subjectivism and hubris, and it WORKS, long as the Jews cultivate their abiding hatred of the gentiles, this as a mirror-image for "love," such as it is, for their own people and God, etc.

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