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Monday, March 31, 2014

There's more--MUCH MORE--than meets the eye for all ZOG's prop. w. these queers and lesbians, don't doubt....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Observe What's REALLY Up--(a) Economic Collapse, (b) Hence WAR
(Apollonian, 31 Mar 14)

All of this by magus (see above-noted link) is very well taken, as usual, but I submit magus and others may seriously be missing what the actual pt. really is.

After all, isn't it really pretty obvious for what magus tells us?--so what's the REAL pt. to ZOG's agenda and program?

Comrades, u really need to face-up to the facts in-ur-face: ZOG is not only preparing, but actually waging war against us, and this magus talks about is just the tip-of-iceberg psy-ops.

Note the distinct and indisputable race-war that's already manifest and on-going, including the "knock-out" game/campaign being conducted in various cities, not only in USA too.  Note the racial prop. pushed on MSNBC and CNN, also FOX too--THIS AIN'T NO ACCIDENT, comrades.

Observe the armored vehicles being rolled-out in the cities, even towns and small-towns--observe the militarized police cracking-down on little girls' lemonade stands and home-owners' vegetable gardens--comrades, this is all deliberate and of a piece w. conspiratorial consolidation of New World Order gov., including AGENDA-21 genocide.

So u ought not be distracted or diverted by this sort of overt idiocy by these homosexuals and lesbian morons--there's MORE, much more than perhaps meets the eye, and it's very ominous and serious.

Observe there's a huge problem that cannot be ignored, though ZOG tries--and that's huge, absolute, catastrophic currency-collapse imminent and up-coming--it can't and won't be stopped, and that's the next "shoe" to be dropping on all our heads, soon.

Thus ZOG will use the economic collapse as excuse to install more centralized gov./dictatorship even in face of huge price-increases for food and fuel, and it's not likely to work, so ZOG MUST have a war lined-up--the traditional distraction/diversion for economic crime and mis-management.

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