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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Culture, economics best understood in context, hence CYCLIC historical process--it must get worse before it has chance of improving....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Culture, Economics Best Understood In Context And CYCLIC Historical Process
(Apollonian, 26 Mar 14)

This was good essay by Mike (see above citation)--"good" for bringing-up pertinent issues and challenging discussion.

So I'll just make these notes about what gives: presently we're well into the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, Jews and associated criminals in firm grip of things at the top, still, as US Dollar continues to hold up for reserve-currency status, though not for much longer, surely, and then all heck will break loose--as it already seems to be doing, as we see in Syria, Venezuela, and even Ukraine--there's been serious rioting in Italy, Spain, and Greece too, and it's going to continue, intensify, and spread.

"Morality" is mere logic btwn ends and means--there is no "good-evil" which is for dogs and little kids to intimidate them into obedience.  "Justice" is keeping to contractual agreement(s).

Sociologically, note a culture typically and traditionally starts out in obligatory agrarian fashion, the people honest as there's not too many of them, life not easy, so they understand they have to be honest w. one another.  But as culture becomes successful and prosperous, the people steadily, at first, begin to producing more children than would have survived previously under the more onerous conditions, these weaklings now spouting typical philosophies of "tolerance" and "diversity," as we see today, for example, the little scum-balls pretending to "good-evil" and "moral virtue" of the sort pushed by present institutes of thought-control.  "Good-evil" delusion is proven way of controlling/manipulating the goons of society, u see.

It's idiotic to pretend present "Democrats" are diff. fm "Republicans"--they're all controlled by same oligarchs, Jews providing up to 70% of all Democrat funding, 35% for Republicans.  Jews are prominent for funding Ron Paul too--look at Rand Paul, sucking-up to Israel for campaign bucks.

Nothing will essentially change politically until things get really bad economically, the Federal Reserve COUNTERFEIT scam collapses, and people begin to more poignantly suffering; then people will begin to facing-up to the Jew problem, heeding to that good old, most successful anti-semitism, known as Christianity, featuring worship of TRUTH above all/any, hence objective (Aristotelian) reality, necessary criterion thereto.

So there u have it folks, the income and wealth -gap understood and explained in sociologic and historical context.  Want things to improve?--first things have to get REALLY bad, as we expect Christian heroes to arise, like dear St. Constantine the Great who revived, at least briefly, the then moribund Roman emp. of the time.

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