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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The "disaster" occurring to West is perfectly predictable, in accord w. determinist, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Spengler....

[Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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"Disaster"?--It's Merely CYCLIC, Determinist "Decline Of West," By Spengler
(Apollonian, 18 Mar 14)

What exactly is the "disaster" that is "upon us"?--according to Magus, above at 11:22 am.

Magus is surely correct, at least for his above-noted observation--USA has gone down proverbial "toilet."  But if he would only analyze, he'd see it's perfectly in tune w. the necessary, determined reality which is CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West."

For USA led the West fm enlightenment era, instituting US Constitution w. its EXPLICIT ideal of limited gov., founded upon strict reason and individual freedom, prop. rights, sanctity-of-contract, etc.--so what happened?  In a word, success, victory, and "prosperity" happened, and this thereupon brought INEVITABLE and practical obligatory ruin, the seeds of destruction.

For observe such success and "prosperity" inevitably raised-up a cursed generation (several of them, actually) of scum, weaklings, trendies, and TV-addicts who've now seen to the destruction of Constitution--even reason and justice itself, not to mention the dear Christian honesty and proper worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (hence Aristotelian objectivity, basis of truth) above all/any other tenet, ideal, and principle--including "love," "good," "faith," or peace.

This horrific destruction of American virtue was confirmed by American "Civil" war (already pre-saged by the secession crisis of 1830) which destroyed the Constitutional republic, replacing it w. a consolidated, centralized, imperial tyranny which thereupon exterminated the Indian population and thence 30 yrs after end of that horrific ("civil") war initiated an even more explicit imperium w. the Spanish-American war--the rest is simply logical tightening of this satanic horror, nearly explicit AGENDA-21 genocide now beckoning the public conscious, the people being mass-murdered, only by slow-kill methods (GMO poisoned foods, toxic vaccines, poison fluoridated water, poison food additives, toxic prescription drugs forced upon the population, "chem-trail" contamination of ground-soil, radiation-poisoning of Fukushima, etc.).

And what, in most specific terms, was it that founded and began this horrible Western "decline"?--one thing is the corruption and hubris of the now dominant Western middle class ("bourgeois") which endorsed the moralism/Pharisaism of Immanuel Kant, esp., though there were others, like Hutcheson and Bentham, who, for practical purposes, revived the Pelagian heresy of "good-works"--which brought into fashion statist and thence socialist principles of Hegel and then Marx--the "noble lie" of "good" which ruined the Constitutional republic and culture of reason upon which it was based.

Thus we see and confirm fm the peaking of enlightenment reason the rise of "romantic" irrationalism, as in ethics, to accompany the statism and socialism in politics, confirmed and crowned w. the onset and present dominance of Jews and terror-state of Israel, the Jews instituting the DEFINITIVE fractional-reserve banking system issuing nearly INFINITE fiat-money giving Jews absolute cultural dominance over everything, without exception, as we see confirmed before our very eyes.

And note these Jews cloak, cover, mask, and justify themselves by means of the "noble lie" of "good-evil," thus Keynesian economics and Paul Krugman, for examples, Jews now owning and controlling all the corp.s, politicians, judges, public edjumacation, and even the establishment "Christian" institutions and churches--so complete and total is their control and hegemony--only mass genocide is left to complete, as we see taking place before our very eyes.  Such is the determinist reality, impossible to deny in theory, impossible to deny for registration of the sense-perception, the determinist theory demonstrated in reality.

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