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Monday, March 3, 2014

John Friend (see his essay-blog, noted) publishes outstanding work of expo, info

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Christian TRUTH And Objectivity Vs. Jew Lies, Subjectivity
(Apollonian, 3 Mar 14)

By golly John: this is MAGNIFICENT essay and expo u give here--I'm positive it will be picked-up and re-published in many places--absolutely outstanding work u've done, w. just the right combination of passion and rational facts--a veritable master-piece, don't doubt.

Indeed: Judaism is a "religion," such as it is, for criminals and psychopaths, the worship of warfare, hence lies.  But it (Talmudism), one must admit, is otherwise brilliant war-program, -strategy, and -psychology, the hubristic making of a people into God's master, God then made to be slave to this monstrous race of psychopaths and murderers called Jews.

Thus Judaism (Talmudism) is well-understood as worship of lies, Christianity then a reaction to this monstrous Judaic perversion of Old Test. and Mosaic Law which our dear Lord and Savior, Christ set about to correct, Christ affirming the existence of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH as only way to Godly happiness ("Kingdom of God").

And don't doubt this anti-thematic Christian TRUTH vs. Jew Lies can well and easily be analyzed in strict philosophic terms, Christianity upholding TRUTH as foremost virtue, hence the necessary (Aristotelian) objective reality as criterion/premise for such TRUTH, Gosp. of JOHN so affirming and indicating (see in addition to JOHN 14:6, also 8:32, and 18:37-8).

For Jews truth is mere subjectivist (Platonic) convention--WHATEVER serves for "what's good for Jews."  And this subjectivism is demonstrated perfectly in the Talmudic propositions and formulations, the Torah "interpreted" then by Mishnah, the first part of the Talmud, this Mishnah interpretation then FURTHER "interpreted" by the Gemarah, the second part of Talmud, ho ho ho ho--I kid u not--see below references. 

Thus observe Judaism amounts to purest subjectivism, the "interpretation" of a previous "interpretation"--LITERALLY--whatever is "good for Jews," this all decided by the top rabbinic masterminds who won't hesitate to throwing the lower-level Jews (like the old Bolsheviks) under the proverbial "bus" whenever it suits them, ho ho ho ho ho.

For further and best expo on Talmud, see and  Keep up ur tremendous, great work, John--u just get better and better.

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