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Friday, March 7, 2014

Metaphysics and determinism have practical effects on real, everyday life, don't doubt....

Below-copied by ap first published at

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apollonian said, on March 7, 2014 at 3:26 pm

Remember Socrates Who Taught Unexamined Life Not Worth Living
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 14)

I will take up ur challenge (see below-copied) and submit it is NOT NOT NOT a “waste of time” to consider meaning and implications of “free” will vs. determinism (absolute cause-effect). Remember Socrates who taught the unexamined life not being worth living.

Thus we begin w. definition, necessary starting pt. for any discussion, whence I’d agree humans have will, but it couldn’t be perfectly “free,” certainly not like God’s, the only will, actually, being God’s will, absolute cause-effect, humans mere “sinners,” creatures of self-interest (will, though limited).
Note also the greatest sin of HUBRIS (according to the Greeks)–pretending to being God, possessed of a perfectly “free” will, etc.

Thus hubristic pretense to such perfectly “free” will is observed in Pharisaism, self-righteousness, sanctimony, known in Christianity as Pelagian heresy, pretending to achieving heaven by means of works, St. Paul, St. Augustine, and later Martin Luther explaining we’re hopelessly doomed to heck, only God’s grace and mercy giving us salvation.

Psychologic effects of hubristic, perfectly “free” will is observed in the typical guilt-complex and depression when one finds one’s will inadequate to changing reality, reality taking its inevitable course REGARDLESS of puny human will, manipulation, or wishful thinking–which is the imaginary, perfectly “free” will.

Thus the determinist, hence Christian, view of reality is best, most healthy and satisfying, free of guilt-complex and depression, for examples–and note these are quite PRACTICAL considerations. Thus is Socrates so brilliantly and well -vindicated for his advice about proper examination of human existence.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

WTP said, on March 7, 2014 at 11:02 am

Is there a more absurd waste of time than for someone who does not believe in free will arguing with someone who does? It’s a self-defeating position. If you truly believe that there is no such thing as free will, why bother? It’s like teaching a cat to sing. It’s a waste of time and it annoys the cat.

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