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Saturday, March 22, 2014

U gotta face-up to the facts, comrades: sometimes disaster is un-avoidable, esp. when u got toooooooooo many scum and puke insisting upon stupidity--what do u expect?....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at

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There's Just Tooooooooooooooooooooo Many Stupid People
(Apollonian, 22 Mar 14)

Golly gee, TJB: same way u got private ownership of the atmosphere, ho ho ho ho--same way u got private ownership of outer-space, or the sun, or the moon.  How do u have private ownership of anything?  Ho ho ho ho

Observe the contrived problemo: Mike complains these criminals, corp.s, who have their power through corrupt politicians, getting their gov. subsidies, etc., are now "over-fishing," and spoiling everything.  So what's his solution?--DICTATORSHIP, naturally, as usual--in fact, dictatorship by these VERY SAME people, the criminals of the corp.s and their suck-along politicians taking the dirty money.

As God is our judge, if humanity wants to survive, they gotta think their way out of things--but they refuse, preferring rather bread & circuses.  So people are going to continue to die-out--until a certain pt. is reached when the remnant survivors begin to start thinking--things are determined and CYCLIC in this sociologic/historical fashion, always remember.

And when u look and see, u see there's still lots of "bread & circuses" for all the goons and morons who dominate our culture--not to mention the criminals at top who take advantage, beginning w. the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEIT scam.

And beyond above simple observations of practical nature, THEN u got the under-lying abstract problem(s) for the culture: the "Judeo-Christian" hereticalists/traitors who continue to support Israeli terror-state--this HAS to be mind-boggling for anyone, these so-called "Christians" backing Pharisaists of Israeli terror-state, who brag about having killed Christ.

U see?--USA (and West in general, evidently) just bred-up toooooooo many stupid, scummy puke--that's all there is to it, really.  So now, some means has to arise to kill-off these utterly stupid, brainless, scum--Jews are God's answer, which hist. and sociology prove brilliantly.

--------------above by ap in response to below--------------------------

T. J. Babson said, on March 22, 2014 at 12:38 pm
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But how can we have private ownership of the oceans?

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