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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Noble lie of "good-evil" destruction of TRUTH, and esp. now public edjumacation in empire-of-lies

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Noble Lie Of "Good-Evil" Essence Of Fool's Paradise
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 14)

It's actually worse than that, AJ (see below-copied), Mike thus preaches a "moralism" of Pharisaism, whence one pushes or defends hubris of "good vs. evil" Pelagianism based upon hubristic, perfectly "free" human will like and equal to God's will.

Thus Mike pushes Platonist, Kantian, subjectivist "noble lie" (good-evil) against objective, monist, determinist, strict cause-effect, "good" as end in itself, vs. good as mere means to honest, straight-forward self-interest.

Mike thus preaches Cartesian-type "dualism," as he admits, imagining this is defensible in reason, a contradictory, determinist world of material substance existing at same time, in same place as subjectivist "free" will of thinking substance--a kind of Zoroastrianism and yin vs. yang.

Thus Mike actually holds to, preaches, and defends MYSTICISM against reason and true philosophy--this is the pass to which things supposedly "civilized" and corrupted edjumacation has fallen, thought-control and the dumbing-down of the students of whom only the very best and brightest can see-through the propaganda.

For note that "good-evil" Pharisaism holds guilt as a good thing, a virtue--which is why white, Christian folk nowadays are so oppressed w. anti-Christianity, the mass-media encouraging blacks to murder whites, as we see, Jews to continue mass-murdering gentiles, etc.

Thus Mike typically poses and pushes the false analogy--without even realizing he does so, evidently--of comparing homosexual "marriage" w. heterosexual marriage, failing to see the culture of homosexualism being intrinsically corrupt and doomed to degeneracy in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," ObongoCare death-panels and AGENDA-21 "population-reduction" genocide right in front of his very eyes, yet he not even blinking.

Yet Mike continues on, not caring or even knowing he lives within a bubble (subjectivist) reality, not realizing it's all going to disappear soon, gone w. the wind--much like the old Roman civilization vanished, finally, never to return.

Does Mike's sort of "philosophy"--a subjectivist mysticism--really serve?--only the satanist rulers win over the hubristic slaves.  And even the rulers will suffer when the slaves are eventually exterminated, though the rulers don't care, living as they do in their "fool's paradise" of good-evil Pharisaism--such is the culture-of-death-worship as Ayn Rand wrote about, all within the empire-of-lies, the lies merely glorified as "noble" and "good."

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

ajmacdonaldjr said, on March 1, 2014 at 1:06 pm
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For example, you, as a professor working for a state university, cannot say you believe homosex is immoral behavior. You would lose your job.

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