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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Prof. K. MacDonald is seriously limited for his cultural expo on Jews, esp. for fullest historic background

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K. MacDonald's Information/Exposition Isn't Bad, But Seriously Limited
(Apollonian, 6 Mar 14)

As former Hist. major allow me to note the generally agreed "eras" or periods of hist.--and I admit these are mere "consensus" (agreed-upon) -type acclamations for the course of hist., quite subject to criticism and reservations.  Still, note there are useful general ideas which can be followed for distinction of the historical "progress," such as it is.

Thus after "ancient" (say, the fall of W. Roman emp.) came "medieval" whence came the "Renaissance" at about 1300 whence there was a distinct and rising middle class--which had existed previously, of course, but was still small, but after 1300, esp. in N. Italy, was growing in numbers and esp. in power and influence, reaching then to all the other European countries previously dominated by nobles, there being insignificant middle btwn top nobles and workers/peasantry at the bottom.

1517 marks Martin Luther and the Reformation era whence the other European countries become more independent, esp. culturally, fm the Italian states, rise of distinct nation-states and empires attached thereto.

1648, end of German 30 Yrs War whence doctrinaire and strict religious gives way to a more general appreciation of REASON, thus "enlightenment" culture, leading then to American achievement and revolution, the Constitutional republic founded upon individual freedom, soon followed by--

1789 French Rev. which now marks present "modern" age/era featuring reactionary "anti-enlightenment," "romantic" rejection of previous age of REASON and individual freedom, this rendering moralism/Pharisaism of Kant, statism of Hegel, outright "scientific socialism" of Marx, welfare state of Bismarck, communist rev. of Bolsheviks, and world-gov. of League of Nations which world gov. has continued to consolidate to present genocide and "population-reduction" of AGENDA-21, outright satanic irrationalism, including an anti-Christ establishment "Christianity" which supports terror-state of Israel.

One extremely important notation is the RISE OF THE JEWS and the criminal money & banking institution they've fostered and exploited throughout hist.  Even today, note the amazing confusion there is for what is proper, honest money & banking, esp. regarding just the simple definition of "usury" (it isn't just charging of interest).

Note Jews didn't just all-of-a-sudden appear as powerful cultural force--as MacDonald indicates--in enlightenment.  Jew banking and financial manipulations in the form of "court Jews" existed fm well within the Reformation era whence they first began to acquire noble titles fm the corrupt monarchs willing to sell-out for their money and financing.  True enough though, Jews really came into their own during enlightenment era w. the rise of free-masonry (corruption of the middle class), and began to totally dominate after French Rev. whence they achieved "emancipation."

And "Austrian economics" (see for fullest expo) simply features, basically, the understanding of economic "value" to being, first of all, SUBJECTIVE--until it is rendered objective by the free market.  Thus note this value subjectivism is in marked contrast to Adam Smith's labor theory of value and then Karl Marx, who took it up fm Smith and also David Ricardo who immediately followed Smith.

Austrian economics then is notable and extremely virtuous for its information upon and exposition of the fraudulent Jew banking built upon fiat-money issued fm the fractional-reserve criminal enterprise, also known nowadays as "central-banking"--like the present US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam.  Indeed, note "fiat-money" and "central-banking" are mere euphemisms for what is really just legalized COUNTERFEITING of pretended money-substitutes in form of paper money ("fiat"), nowadays also digitalized by means of computer entries on spreadsheets and book-keeping programs.

The great deficiency of K. MacDonald is, despite his noting and exposition of SOME of the details of the rise and effects of Jew power in Western culture, he totally overlooks the money & banking issue and subject-matter, being utterly at sea when it comes actual knowledge for the details and facts.

Further, MacDonald is very weak and deficient when it comes to the strict philosophic back-ground for the course of Western history and culture--utterly clueless, for example, regarding the practical revolution for the effect and influence of Immanuel Kant upon middle-class mentality.

Naturally, MacDonald has very little to say about the state of Christianity and its practical influence for the present culture and how it's developed historically--and this is all despite MacDonald's otherwise excellent details he provides for the limited commentary he does make for certain things, esp. politically.  MacDonald chiefly lacks for overall context and perspective, though his limited details are quite accurate, even telling, revealing, and poignant.  MacDonald deserves credit, but he also need fuller perspective.

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