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Friday, March 7, 2014

"Racism"--and race issue--needs merely be fully owned, analyzed, understood, comprehended, etc.--and it isn't difficult....

Below essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Racism" Must Simply Be OWNED, Analyzed, Fully Considered--It's Not Difficult
(Apollonian, 7 Mar 14)

Note it's difficult, if not impossible, to NOT be subject to the money power--look at Rand Paul sucking-up to Israel as he wants to play the game for buying campaign ad time on the Jews-media.  When u control the money, u control EVERYTHING and practically everyone--if u can't be bought or bribed, u can still be assassinated, don't forget.

So ultimately, the cultural problem(s) must deal w. this money problem presently dominated by the US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam, controlled by--guess who?--yes, Jews, those clever criminals and psychopaths.

Otherwise, I think it's best to simply OWN the word "racist," which indeed is used much as a buzz-word.  So (a) one needs merely begin to observe the DEFINITION of the word, "racist," which is, at root, LOYALTY.  Racism is loyalty, pure and simple--ck any dictionary.

(b) Observe, further, the AXIOMATIC nature of racism and loyalty: u cannot NOT be racist or loyal to some race, ultimately mixed or non-mixed race.  So EVERYONE is necessarily "racist" (loyal) to some race, mixed or non-mixed.

(c) Next, the muddle-brains will try to tell u there's no such thing as non-mixed race, but again, all u need to do is heed to the DEFINITION: race, people descended fm common ancestors, and one can then identify, for practical purposes, a legitimate, substantial race of people w. common characteristics, esp. cultural.

(d) Thus racism is actually a great virtue, that of LOYALTY, and as long as racism is kept within and accords w. REASON, there's no possible problem as, again, race is merely one's extended family, and familial loyalty is universally understood as virtue, among all races and cultures--don't u love ur mom and dad?--etc.

(e) Next step is simply to analyze how/why racism is demonized, and we see WHO does this--JEWS (and cohorts)--why?--because Jews want to keep the races fighting one another for obvious reasons.

(f) Thus Jews most often pretend (1) to being white, and then (2) to inducing guilt among whites by insisting whites have mis-treated the non-whites, etc.  Note that inducing guilt will be successful upon people who believe in "good-evil," perfectly "free" human will, etc., which however is yet another subject-matter altogether, which can be treated, but for now, the subject of racism can be regarded as sufficiently covered and analyzed--racism issue must simply be fully OWNED, once again.

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