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Monday, March 17, 2014

It's EITHER-OR regarding determinism and objectivity, only alternative is hubris....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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It's Either-Or, Determinism or Hubris
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 14)

Well magus: note again, to pretend to perfectly "free" God-like human will is hubris (madness), by definition.  And it's NOT just Calvin; St.s Paul and Augustine affirm we're sinners (self-interested), nothing to be done about it--doomed to heck without God's grace and mercy.

And there's no in-btwn: as u admit some determinism, u admit everything is ultimately determined.

And "good-evil," hence perfectly "free" will is what we're programmed w. fm the beginning by ZOG in order to manipulate the weak ("good" = obedience) who accept this inferiority-complex indoctrination.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but all u're doing is asserting and insisting, right?--but isn't there a greater truth involved?--either-or regarding determinism, the only alternative being the hubris of subjectivism.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below by "magus"-----------------------

magus71 says:

As I stated, this article is more about biological determinism than cosmological.
Yes, I understand that luck is not the same thing as determinism. My point is that many people buy in to the distant ripple that has its impact on the boat.
But the boat (us) has an engine (will), and even if it’s nudged a bit, the boat can use its engine to get back on course.
I do not believe the mind to be entirely subsumed by determinism; i am not a Calvinist.

------------------------"magus," above responded to my original, below-------------------------

Hubris: Most Grievous Sin
(Apollonian, 17 Mar 14)

Magus: determinism is NOT NOT NOT "luck" or randomness; on the contrary, they're opposites.  Determinism is absolute cause-effect, every effect necessary result of prior cause, that cause itself being an effect fm cause before it, etc.  Thus objectivity (Aristotle) implies and necessitates determinism.

"Luck" or randomness, on the other hand, denies cause-effect, being merely a half-baked form of such cause-effect--sometimes effect fm sometimes cause.  Thus "luck" is mere form of subjectivism (Plato, Kant, et al).

Note then perfectly "free" will is the hubris of Godliness, for only God has a perfectly "free" will.  Humans are sinners, always and necessarily self-interested, creatures of will, but certainly not perfectly "free," God-like will.

We act, surely because though we understand reality is determined, still we don't know exactly HOW and what will happen, say, in the next 5 minutes--so, we act as if it makes any diff.

And remember, acting as if there is free will is a HABIT fm early in our lives--it's really hard to get over, no matter how much thinking about it all one does.

Ultimately, note pretending to "good-evil" and perfectly free will is surely impelled fm a basic inferiority-complex--for why otherwise would one imagine he must prove himself "good"?

Further, note the globalist dictatorship controls and manipulates humanity much by means of this false "good-evil" and "free"-will inculcated upon the not-so-bright members of society, along w. heavy propaganda and media-programming.

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