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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Perfect example for "Stockholm syndrome" in action, before ur very eyes--ck this out--WHY USA is in such horrific danger....

"Stockholm Syndrome" In Action--A PERFECT Example--WHY
USA Is In Such Horrific Danger, Jeopardy
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 14)

"Stockholm syndrome" (SS--see is relating and sympathizing w. one's enemies--it was observed esp. in case of hostages taken during a bank-robbery, the hostages then defending and making excuses for the bank-robbers.  Reason for this sort of sympathy is the hoping enemies won't kill u when they have u in their power, then defending them when they grant ur wish and don't kill u--a kind of psychologic quid-pro-quo.

Note then this SS is somewhat similar, I think, to the psychologic conditioning which is taken-advantage of by the "BIG-LIE" technique, whence (a) top powers tell a blatant, deliberate lie, the (b) people actually much grasping the enormity of the proposition, but (c) then concluding it's too frightening to consider powers would lie, (d) thus deciding, however reluctantly, to going along.  (e) Problem then is these lies then begin to set themselves up as accepted, established truth, people now insisting upon these lies as truth, now even reluctant to analyzing and reviewing for the truth or demonstration of these lies-now-become-precepts.

Observe then for a PERFECT example of this SS before ur very eyes--it happened to me at, specifically at

Ck the entry by "Bill Fred" at March 4, 2014 at 7:17 pm to which I answered w. my own comment (see below-copied)--which was later taken down by the blog's editor, James Tracy, a prof. at a Florida "university" institute of thought-control, which thought-control, I submit, has actually affected the prof. himself, however un-wittingly, as I'll note.

Well, there later came a reply to my own response, afore-mentioned, now taken-down, which attacked me personally--see "Kathy" at March 4, 2014 at 8:51 pm

Soooooooooooo, I duly replied (see below-copied) to dear Kathy, and this reply of mine also was taken-down, dear Kathy's kept-up--how do u like that?  Do u think Tracy is taking sides?  Ho ho ho ho hoo--how, why?--well, my immediate below essay, which I wrote to him at his site's e-mail address, rather covers and analyzes that--Tracy suffers fm SS, I submit.

And note this prof. Tracy pretends to being one who is himself a critic of the establishment media--that's his dept., prof. of "communications" (also "media-studies").

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Why And How USA Is In Such Grave, Serious Danger
(Apollonian, 5 Mar 14)

I see u seem to have gotten caught-up in the emotion of the dialectic which dialectic u've chosen to censor, or edit, as is ur privilege, of course.

So u dis-allowed my comment in reply to whining assertions, if not outright lies, of my opponent--this, while LEAVING UP the entries against me made by that opponent.

U see, Prof., u end-up doing the very same thing u complain about regarding the mass-corp. media, and u do it, we see, in a way that's un-fair to one party, myself, who's actually done u no harm in way of direct criticism against u urself.  U went out of ur way to strike a blow--for what?

And u can't complain about me hurting ur traffic--u just thought u'd step-in and gratuitously affect and stage-manage the debate so as to enhance one party and make the other party look poorly--again, no harm having been done to u by the party u needlessly censor/suppress.

And observe it happens, additionally, the party u assist is actually an admitted fan/admirer of the zionist, Israel-first, neo-con, Krauthammer.  And it's precisely these zionist-types who are the people w. the money resources who flood the blogs and web-sites w. their propaganda, and here u are helping them along, we see.  They can't do it by themselves without u finding it necessary to step-in to helping them, eh?--do u think u'll be rewarded?  Ho ho ho

Thus we see how and why USA goes down the drain, eh, Prof.?--u helping the worst enemies of USA, the very ones most destroying the republic.

And u know what?--I really think if u were to step-back a bit, u might even agree w. me for ur gross lack of judgment, if I may say, for getting caught-up as u did to help out this putrid little zionist shill--it's possible, anyway, I think.

And u know why and how it happened?--u helping out these zionist enemies?  In my opinion, I'd say u actually suffered "Stockholm syndrome" for sympathizing w. the zionist enemy which holds u (mentally/psychologically) hostage for ur stinking job in public edjumacation and thought-control, where u've been bullied and brow-beaten soooooo long and sooooooo much all these years, eh?

U've been trained sooooooo well, haven't u?--that scum dissidents like myself, so otherwise isolated and without too many allies as we are, should NEVER be allowed to shoot-back at these numerous zionist lackeys, liars, and mass-murderers, even in harmless blogs which hardly anyone of great significance even bothers to know or care about.

Amazing, isn't it?--that u'd stoop sooooooo low to aiding the zionist enemies and grave-diggers of ur own country.  I hope u're proud of urself, u're sooooo well-trained for obedience to ur zionist masters, eh?  But don't worry too much, Prof., u're certainly not the only one.

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Here is the response I made to "Bill Fred," noted above, to which "Kathy" then responded:

[I didn't copy the time, but it was pretty quick, about 20 mins, after "Bill Fred's" entry--ck "Kathy's" time for the time differential.]


Hey Billy boy: does it occur to u propaganda, pro & con, is part of the game?  What's diff. btwn honest dissent or disagreement and whatever else?--which a genius like u would call a shill or troll? ho ho ho ho

What's a "troll" anyway, Billy boy?--someone u don't like, eh?  Ho ho ho ho

Does it occur to u that's the virtue of a free-market and free-speech whence anyone can venture whatever kind of line of prop.?--in the end, it all gets sorted out, doesn't it?

And if there's some worthless prop., then there's either an argument against it--or it doesn't even merit a counter-argument, does it?

We know u want censorship and bannings in order to protect the way u want things, eh?--and this is because u're not bright enough to make counter-arguments, right?


Kathy says:

The demographics would be very enlightening on the difficulties of thwarting off lets guess, 10000 trolls to 1 real person who has something fruitful to offer.
A troll apo boy, is someone or something computer driven, who insults commenters for no real purpose other than to embarrass them and intimidate them into silence.
A troll is someone or something who fills massive lines of gibberish with the goal of making the blog no longer interesting to the thinking folks.
He has troll friends who support him and agree with him, again filling many screens with off topic gibberish.
The list goes on and on with the tactics, which no doubt has been covered here.
Sorry you missed my previous comment where you grossly neglected to provide proof of what percentage each of the evil bankers who own the federal reserve actually own, the subject of your expertise you would lead us to believe.
On that post, I indicated that if this was a democratic blog, you were voted off long ago. Perhaps you just choice to ignore that comment.
Was it Fred who found your pathetic radio interview where you indicated you were just barely making it, but still have running water?
Hope the water is still running because you have a lot of bs you need to wash off!

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I then responded fairly quickly:

apollonian says:

Kathy’s Trolling Fits Her Description Thereof, Eh? Ho ho ho
(Apollonian, 4 Mar 14)

Kathy: don’t we KNOW all about u?–u like Charles Krauthammer, the Israel-first neo-con traitor, right?–and we know ur sort and ur Zionist backers got lots of moooola to pay troops of liars like u, eh?

Did I miss ur comment?–perhaps u missed mine–u just go to search engine, type-in “Ownership of US Federal Reserve Bank” and u get an entire page of research and articles–but u couldn’t figure that out for urself, eh? Ho ho ho ho oho

Indeed, and I’m touched u took the trouble to listen to my radio expositions, eh? Ho ho ho ho–and u were saying my material wasn’t worthwhile, weren’t u?–u really make lots of sense, eh? Ho ho ho ho
U’re a “thinking” sort of folk?–ho ho ho ho–good one, Kathy, dear, ho ho ho ho

“Expertise”?–not necessarily Kathy dear–I merely substantiate my assertions, unlike u, who just asserts. Is there “bs”?–well, what is it?–u don’t bother saying, do u? Ho ho ho ho ho

So u want me “voted off,” eh? Ho ho ho ho ho–and we know why, eh?–u have no real arguments urself, do u? When I say ur crap is “gibberish,” I conclude upon premises to effect u make no sense in particular statements, whence u merely assert without substantiating–rather typical for troll-type statements like urs, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

When u talk about armies of “trolls” as u describe, u ought to ask urself who has the resources to pay the “trolls,” eh, Kathy old girl? Ho ho ho–they’re un-questionably zionist-sympathizers like urself who loves and admires a traitor like Krauthammer, wouldn’t u say? Ho ho ho ho ho

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