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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cultural Catastrophe, Spenglerian "Decline of West," merely needs observed, analyzed--it's same old Christian vs. Jew, Truth vs. lies....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Spenglerian "Decline Of West" Needs Be Understood, Analyzed
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 14)

Good int.-view w. knowledgeable/informative guest, but I think I detected some flaws in ur thinking:

(a) quit patronizing the females--they gotta suffer no less than males.  So what females are treated as "sex-objects"?--big deal--it's always happened, always will.

(b) Cut the crap about "evil"--there is none in a perfectly determined universe in accord w. absolute cause-effect.  We're simply situated in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and task is to observe, analyze, and then act.  Jew lies will come-back to haunt them, u may be sure--even if and after they've exterminated a good many of inferior, weakling goyim who were bred-up during the "good-times" and "prosperity" (ho ho ho) of 18th, 19th, and yes, 20th centuries.

Don't forget Jews were deserved out-cast and despised in middle-ages, but they came-back, didn't they?--so who's fault was it?--stupid goyim started fighting one-another in Cath. vs. Prot. strife, didn't they?  Then England fought Dutch in 17th cent. and Cromwell let Jews back into Eng. for their lending, eh?

So just quit the whining about Jew "evil"--they're just psychopathic murderers following a "religion" of lies and criminality built and designed for Jew monsters and other criminals fm the over-populated goyim--who now work to exterminate humanity--this is just the way life goes in CYCLIC fashion and Western "decline," once again.

John continues to use buzz-word, "usury"--get off it, I urge--it's meaningless and without clear definition as it comes fm ancient, Biblic usage whence there's no clear, definitive meaning.  Too many folks now imagine it merely means charging-of-interest, which is totally false and impossible to verify.  So be Christian and HONEST and lay off using the word ("usury," again).

Get a clue, I suggest, as to the CRUX of Jew's primary, practical weapon, US Federal Reserve Bank and legalized COUNTERFEITING--charging interest is only secondary and NOT essential to the basic fraud which is proliferated receipt-money ("fiat-money"), leading to inevitable inflation and impending currency-collapse.

"Jews-media" then is mere creature/consequence of this legally COUNTERFEITED means of funding--remove the Fed, restore real commodity money-standard, and we're on our way to restoring of our real, rationalist, Christian culture.

Of course the DEEP, cultural problem is more complex, entailing, for thematic example, present "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists/traitors supporting terror-state of Israel--this is ZOG's WEAK-PT., which must be addressed most urgently.  For once gentiles consolidate Christian culture and society, the game is up.

Key is Christianity is RATIONALIST, featuring ideal of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any other precepts, including "love," "faith," peace, or especially "good" which is just Pharisaism, Pelagian heresy ("good-works"), and worst enemy of truth.  Christian "love" is only possible as product/consequence of success of TRUTH.

Thus Christian TRUTH requires the Aristotelian OBJECTIVE reality as criterion--and this is the special, rationalistic insight Christian leaders must grasp against Jew mysticism and subjectivism, its pretext always the false ideal of "good."

Otherwise, it should be obvious it's totally contradictory and obscenely absurd for so-called "Christians" to be supporting psychopathic terrorists and mass-murderers like the Israelis--and as we see happening before our very eyes, Jews gloating over having murdered Christ in their filthy Talmud, calling Mary, Mother of Christ, a prostitute--see how the good people at treat the problem.  This Christian issue is CRUX of the deep, cultural-psychologic contest.

Note then, Christian vs. Jew is crux for "Kultur-Kampf" in USA, translating to Reason vs. mysticism, objective vs. subjective--it's not really difficult, truth be told--TRUTH vs. Pharisaism/Pelagian heresy.

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