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Saturday, March 8, 2014

How Jews dominate?--simple, for the PRACTICAL expo--the criminal banking enterprise, though the ABSTRACT reasons are more complex, involved....

[Below essay by ap first submitted at

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Jew Criminal Dominance And Rule Over Western "Decline"
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 14)

"I guess what I am saying is that I do not believe "the Jews" are at the top of the pyramid though the top echelons appear to have the same goals as the Jews." (See above citation.)

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What's the primary, PRACTICAL instrument of dictatorship?--it's control of the money & banking system--control of this controls EVERYTHING else, necessarily.  Imagine if u could print-up all the "money" u wanted: u'd then own and control everything and practically everyone.

Of course there are ABSTRACT (psychologic and sociologic) reasons that make this practical dominance of money and banking possible.  But the pt. then is if u look at who controls the afore-mentioned practical means of dictatorship, u see Jews dominating the fraudulent "banking" system--simply a criminal enterprise.

And of course, this criminal conspiracy must necessarily include non-Jews, but Jews are surely the core mastermind element.  Consider the Jew religion--it's a religion of and for CRIMINALS, enemies of humanity, who hold humanity to be mere cattle, "goyim."

Note further, the Jew religion worships a WAR-god who justifies Jew murder of the goyim.  The Jew god is actually mere slave of the Jews, who/which exists for the purposes of the Jews, enslavement and extermination of the goyim

Of course there are other details to the abstract conditions for the Jew-led criminal take-over of gentile society, perhaps the greatest being the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, whence the healthy gentile culture, founded in Christianity and Western reason, has degenerated in the inevitable HUBRIS of pretending to hereticalist, anti-Christ "good-evil"--Pelagian heresy of "good-works."

Specifically, one easily observes the foremost political interest group among gentiles, the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who advocate and support the terror-state of Israel, these JCs heavily funded by the Jew bankers.

So one sees Jew power at top of the over-all criminal conspiracy and hegemony which rules in USA and West.  Jews rule and dominate, un-questionably, but there are circumstances, historical and cultural that must also be understood to grasp more exactly HOW the Jews dominate.

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