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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Anti-Conspiracy theorist confronted w. conspiracies--who's the moron? Ho ho ho ho

Below-copied essay first submitted at comments,

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Is Chris Hernandez Deliberately Lying?--Or Is He Just Stupid?
(Apollonian, 25 Mar 14)

Chris: u try wayyyyyyyyyyy toooo hard, and "protesteth too much" for all ur prop. and whining about consp. theorists.

Have u read US Declaration of Independence by Tom Jefferson?--it's literally a carefully detailed conspiracy theory--consp. theory is INTEGRAL and essential to everything USA is all about, and esp. the Constitution, the Bill of Rights written to preclude the consp. actions which were detailed by Jefferson.

Have u hrd about New Testament of the Christian Bible?--it's all about how Pharisees and Sadducees conspired to murder TRUTH and Christ, noneother than God the Son.  Consp. theory is integral and essential not only to USA but to entire Western Culture.

Did u hear about the LIBOR conspiracy whence big banks rigged int. rates?--have u hrd about any prosecution against these big banks and bankers?

Chris: do u understand what the US Federal Reserve Bank is and does?--it literally (legally) COUNTERFEITS the money supply, by means of a printing press and also computer digitalization.
Did u hear about the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident whence US Navy and gov. LIED and said they were attacked by N. Vietnamese patrol boats?

Did u hear about the JFK assassination--and other assassinations?--do u think they were products of conspiracy?

Have u hrd about "fast & furious" scandal whence Obongo Justice dept. sent weapons to arm Mexican drug cartel(s)?

How about the present IRS conspiracy against conservative political groups, like the T-party?--do u think that was conspiratorial?

Did u hear about Iran-Contra, back in 80s whence cocaine was brought in to USA, sold, and proceeds going to arm CIA and US mercenaries in Cent. America?

Have u hrd about Fukushima, Japan, whence the state and other authorities are lying about the amount of radiation contamination which is steadily being dumped into Pacific ocean, etc.
So Chris: do u begin to see what an utter and ignorant fool u really and truly are?  Ho ho ho ho ho

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