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Monday, March 10, 2014

Observe the consistent FABRIC of Lies Lies Lies Lies by ZOG--are they going to the "well" too often?--ho ho ho ho ho

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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Observe: EVERYTHING From ZOG Is Lies
(Apollonian, 10 Mar 14)

Well dino, as time passes we see practically EVERYTHING about 9/11 for the ZOG account is revealed a lie.

(a) The plane that supposedly hit the Pentagon COULDN'T have been travelling that low to the ground due to simple aero-dynamic principles, couldn't have travelled at the speed reported, etc.

(b) Same Pentagon plane couldn't have hit the light posts without having wings substantially damaged and even ripped-off.

(c) Now we have the vids of the planes hitting the WTC towers--couldn't have been right as the tail-section would have crumpled and buckled.

(d) Plane that crashed near Shanksville couldn't have been completely swallowed up by the earth.
And these fore-going are just some of the latest pt.s--observe how practically EVERYTHING now, literally, is being shown-up as a lie.

So we see the people are simply being treated to a psy-ops campaign continuing, built upon the BIG-LIE technique, insisting ZOG wouldn't/couldn't be capable of such demonic, satanic sort of tactics, getting the people to fool themselves, the alternative too frightening for them to face-up to.

The COUNTER-movement to this ZOG satanism is the real Christianity, worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), I submit, which rejects the Israeli terror-state, no true Christians conceivably willing to so tolerate such psychopathic murderers.  Less emotionally, of course, the KEY to ZOG, its primary practical weapon, is the US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam.

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